In just a few days, the situation in the entire Wuji territory has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, Burning Heaven Clan and Fusheng Clan got married, but Xuanyuan Yuche had an accident on the wedding night.

And in the next two days, all the forces of Burning Heaven Clan were annexed by an inexplicable force, and when the people from Fushengmen went there, they were completely in vain!

"Father! All the properties under Burning Heaven Clan have been hollowed out, leaving only empty shells. We can't get any benefit at all." Inside Fushengmen, Leng Long couldn't help feeling angrily when he thought of his situation when he went to Burning Heaven Clan. .

Leng Yangyan stood on top of him, his beard curled up in anger.

"Father, tell me, could it be that Xuanyuan Yuche did this on purpose?" Leng Long thought of something and said.

Leng Yangyan swept his hands away. "Dare to play such tricks with me, Xuanyuan Yuche, are you not afraid of death?"

After all, he went directly to one place.

And that was the room where Xuanyuan Yuche recuperated.

In the room, Xuanyuan Yuche was lying on the bed, feeling extremely weak.

Feng Chuge had decriminalized Ling Hai before, and his body was not comparable to that of a normal person, and after that, Leng You had his arm severed. After this, his physical condition became worse and worse.

"Sect Master, you are here." Leng Yangyan had just walked outside when he met a senior pharmacist in Fushengmen.

"What's wrong with him?" Leng Yangyan lowered his eyes slightly, concealing the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Sect master, uncle Linghai has been crippled, and his arm has been broken again. The situation is not very good." The senior alchemist sighed, shook his head slightly, and said with some regret.

Linghai was abolished? !

Hearing these four words, Leng Yangyan paused.

"How could Linghai be abolished? Could it be what You'er did that night?"

"No." The senior alchemist frowned. "His spiritual sea was destroyed about ten days ago."

Ten days ago...

Leng Yangyan stood in the distance, thinking about something, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

"What a Xuanyuan Yuche, actually concealed his real situation and set a trap for me to sneak in! Do you think that no one will dare to touch you after you become my Leng Yangyan's son-in-law?" Think carefully It is not difficult for Leng Yangyan to imagine Xuanyuan Yuche's thoughts.

"Master, you..." The senior alchemist was startled by Leng Yangyan's sudden change of attitude.

He raised his eyes to ask something, but Leng Yangyan waved his hand. "You go back first."

After speaking, he pushed the door open and entered.

"Xuanyuan Yuche!!" An angry shout resounded throughout the room.

Just as Xuanyuan Yuche was falling asleep, he was awakened by this sound. When he looked up, he saw Leng Yangyan standing beside him angrily.


However, just as the words were out of his mouth, Leng Yangyan stepped forward and kicked him hard. "Father-in-law? Are you qualified to call me that?"

This kick was firm and firm, directly kicking Xuanyuan Yuche off the bed.

Xuanyuan Yuche fell to the ground, his complexion turned pale from the pain. Before he could speak, Leng Yangyan asked again. "Let me ask you, are you marrying Youer because Linghai was abolished?"

Being poked into something, Xuanyuan Yuche was startled, and his expression changed.

Seeing this, Leng Yangyan sneered, "Xuanyuan Yuche, you are really calculating! But, let me tell you, my Floating Life Sect absolutely does not allow a waste to exist! No matter... who he is!"

As he spoke, the corners of Leng Yangyan's lips became more curved.

Maybe because Xuanyuan Yuche was his son-in-law before, he would give him favor and protect him.

But now Xuanyuan Yuche hollowed out the Burning Heaven Clan and gave it to him, which is tantamount to cheating.

What he can't stand the most is cheating!

Taking two steps back, at this moment, Leng Yangyan was full of killing intent.

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