Seeing Leng Yangyan's killing intent, Xuanyuan Yuche's pupils shrank violently.

"Leng Yangyan, you can't kill me. The Burning Heaven Clan is still in my hands. I haven't completely handed over the various forces of the Burning Heaven Clan to you."

"Bastard!" As soon as Xuanyuan Yuche finished speaking, Leng Yangyan suddenly raised a powerful air blade all over his body, and slashed towards Xuanyuan Yuche viciously. "You still dare to bring up this matter yourself?! You hollowed out the Burning Heaven Clan and left me an empty shell, Xuanyuan Yuche, how dare you play tricks on me!"

This qi blade hit Xuanyuan Yuche straightly, impartially, and Xuanyuan Yuche let out a low cry of pain. "What did you say? Empty?"

"You still dare to play tricks on me!"

"Father-in-law, I don't! How dare I?"

"How dare? I think you dare! Linghai has been abolished for a long time, but he concealed it for a long time, just to become my son-in-law of Leng Yangyan? Xuanyuan Yuche, I, Leng Yangyan, will never be abused by a waste Use it! You, die!"

"Father-in-law, listen to me...I..." At this moment, Xuanyuan Yuche felt trembling and fear in his bones, and he was eager to explain, but it was already too late.

At this moment, Leng Yangyan was furious, he glared angrily, and looked at Xuanyuan Yuche with hatred.

He is the master of Fushengmen, and he is as proud and arrogant as him, so how can he be willing to be used by others?

In addition, Xuanyuan Yuche had always given him the hope of annexing the Burning Heaven Clan before, but now he was told that the Burning Heaven Clan had already been hollowed out.

How can this make him not angry?

With both hands raised, when he raised his hands and raised his feet, killing intent shot out.

Leng Yangyan didn't give Xuanyuan Yuche another chance to speak, the current in the air changed instantly.

With the emergence of the air current, various factors rushed towards Xuanyuan Yuche one after another.

Xuanyuan Yuche was completely out of breath under the pressure of the powerful airflow. At this moment, his eyes widened in shock, and fear grew from his bones.

"No...can't kill me...can't..."

He shook his head vigorously, but in the end, all the voices turned into a heart-piercing low growl.


With a short growl, the air blasted completely on Xuanyuan Yuche's body.


With a violent sound, a thick smoke rose from the place where Xuanyuan Yuche was.

When the thick smoke dissipated, Xuanyuan Yuche had already been blown to pieces at the same place.

Looking at the cruelty on the ground, Leng Yangyan sneered. "This is the price for deceiving me!"

After the words fell, he turned and left mercilessly, with no expression on his face.

Walking out of the room, the senior alchemist was already waiting outside.

Leng Yangyan swept over the senior pharmacist, "Let's go out, Xuanyuan Yuche suffered from a serious disease and died without treatment."

The senior alchemist was shocked when he heard the sound.

Why didn't he notice what happened in the house just now?

"Yes, this subordinate knows."

"That's right." Leng Yangyan glanced at the others again. "Go and find out, where did Xuanyuan Yuche hide those forces from the Burning Heaven Clan? Those forces are too powerful, if they can't be used by me, then I can only let them die!"

"Yes!" The guards hurriedly nodded when they heard the sound.

At this moment, from not far away, a Leng You figure slowly approached. "Father……"

"You'er." Seeing that it was Leng You, Leng Yangyan's expression softened slightly.

"Father, there is something that I have never told you..."

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