"This..." Her hand trembled slightly, and the surprise in her eyes became more intense. "Where did this come from?"

"Sect Master, I found this from the Burning Heaven Clan." The guards below responded. "We saw that the girl's pupils and the totem on the forehead in this portrait are very similar to the Emperor's son, so I showed it to the sect master for you to have a look."

Feng Chuge's eyes flickered, and the hand holding the scroll slightly tightened.

The woman in the portrait is wearing a golden golden gown, with a light gauze wrapping around her wrists and running through her entire body.

This painting is very realistic, the eyes of the stunning woman are like the clear waves of spring water, and the jasper dragon and phoenix hairpin is inserted obliquely on the head.

Fragrant and delicate, delicate and delicate, with beautiful dimples and delicate flowers, her finger is like cutting the root of a green onion, and her mouth is like containing red dandelion, her gentle smile is absolutely beautiful.

However, what shocked Feng Chuge was not her beauty, but her eyes and totems as the guard said!

Yes, very similar!

That woman had purple eyes with a little bit of gold in them.

On her forehead, there is also a golden totem inlaid.

The guards below had been observing Feng Chuge's expression, and now seeing the strangeness on her face, they asked cautiously, "Master, is this woman very similar to the Emperor?"

Feng Chuge regained her composure, she rolled up the portrait, and then wrapped her clothes tightly, "Okay, you go out first."

After the guard left, Feng Chuge went to the inner room.

In the inner room, Di Juechen was packing the last luggage.


"Lady, it's packed, we'll leave tomorrow morning."

"Chen, look at this." Feng Chuge took the scroll and handed it to Di Juechen.

"What's the matter? His face looks so bad." Di Juechen took the scroll while talking, and after opening it, what he wanted to say was all stuck in his throat at this moment, and he couldn't say it anymore.

"This was found from the Burning Gate." Feng Chuge glanced at Di Juechen twice, then glanced at the scroll, and said. "I think……"

Di Juechen looked away from the portrait, and before Feng Chuge finished speaking, he just slightly raised his lips, "It's just a portrait, don't worry about it."

After speaking, he threw the portrait aside.

But even so, the waves in his eyes still couldn't hide it...

He took two steps forward, lowered his eyelids slightly to calm down the emotions in his eyes, and then reached out and hugged Feng Chuge gently. "It's getting late, lady, let's rest."

Feng Chuge moved her lips, wanting to say something, but in the end, she still didn't say anything, just nodded. "good."

When they turned around, the eyes of the two people swept across the portrait one after another.


Early the next morning, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen started to leave.

Today, Routuan and Huahua were extremely excited.

"Master, haha, I'm finally going back. It's great. It's been a long time since I left the Sky Continent."

Seeing Huahua and Routuan's overjoyed looks, Feng Chuge was also in a good mood.

Looking around, she frowned. "Has Yaoye not finished her retreat yet?"

If it is correct, Yaoye seems to have been in retreat for half a month this time.

Just as he was talking, a red figure approached in the distance. "Xiao Ge'er, so you still think of me, I'm so touched."

"You are my contract beast, how could I not think of you?" Feng Chuge frowned and smiled lightly.

Hearing the sound, Yaoye screamed out. "So, I have the same status as this cat and this dog in your heart?"

"You're the dog!!" After Yaoye finished speaking, Routuan and Huahua spouted loudly in unison!

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