"What dog? He's obviously a leopard, a leopard!" Huahua thought.

And Routuan also glared at Yao Ye bitterly: her Huahua is so mighty and majestic, how could she be a dog? Fortunately, Yaoye is still the king of all beasts, so blind! snort! Bad review!

The reaction of these two beasts made the corners of Yao Ye's lips twitch: Sure enough! ! They really deserve to be a couple, they really look alike!

However, right now, he didn't have time to tease Huahua and Routuan, so he turned his eyes to look at Feng Chuge and Di Juechen. "Going back to Yuntian?"

"En." Feng Chuge nodded.

Suddenly, Yao Ye's gaze fell on a scroll behind Feng Chuge. "Hey, what is this? Why didn't you put it in the space and hold it with your own hands?"

Saying that, Yaoye stretched out his hand to take it.

The picture scroll was originally left by Di Juechen in the house, but Feng Chuge went back to get it after much deliberation.

Because she wanted to tell Di Juechen, she hadn't had time to put the scroll into the space, and at this moment, she was exposed to Yao Ye.

But Di Juechen followed Yaoye's line of sight and saw the picture scroll.

His pupils narrowed slightly.

Seeing that Yaoye was about to touch the scroll, Di Juechen reached out to stop him. "stop."

"What good things are not allowed to be seen by me? If this is the case, then I must take a look!"

After finishing speaking, Yao Ye stretched out his hand again and grabbed the scroll.

Di Juechen wouldn't let Yaoye take the scroll, and after a while, the two exchanged hands.

"Okay, stop beating!" Seeing them making moves, Feng Chuge rubbed his head helplessly.

But if these two people meet, nothing good will happen.

The two of them only moved their hands, punched and palmed, without using any spiritual power, they were just competing for speed.

Suddenly, Di Juechen's hand grabbed the scroll. Seeing this, Yaoye stepped forward to grab it, intending to pull the scroll away from Di Juechen's hand.

At this time, the metal edge of the scroll slipped across Di Juechen's palm, and in an instant, blood gushed out...

"Okay, that's enough, it's already bleeding." Seeing the blood, Feng Chuge's expression turned serious.

So far, Yao Ye has just given up a little bit.

"That's all, cheapskate, if you don't watch it, don't watch it! For Xiao Ge'er's sake, I will show you some face today." Yao Ye was trying to be brave, but he knew in his heart that even if he did it two days ago He has just been promoted, and he is still inferior to God Juechen.

Di Juechen... This fellow is simply the epitome of a pervert.

His promotion speed is really too fast!

Even if I am the beast king, I will feel afraid when I am in front of him...

Therefore, Yaoye is absolutely determined not to really have any conflict with Di Juechen.

Di Juechen raised his eyes, his cold eyes swept over Yao Ye, and there was a hint of disdain in those eyes.

"Chen, your hand is injured." Feng Chuge stepped forward and grabbed Di Juechen's hand, then took out a jar of medicine and applied it on him.

"Small injury, it's okay."

"Oh, it's too bad, the blood on Junshang's hand dripped onto that painting!" Routuan, who had been standing aside watching the excitement, suddenly realized something, and exclaimed.

Hearing the sound, several people looked at it, and as expected, when Caidi Juechen's hand was injured, blood flowed out.

And the fresh blood just fell on the picture scroll impartially...

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