The bamboo tube was emerald green, as if it had just been cut down.

There was a circle of bright yellow beeswax near the bamboo joints.

Liu Changping was full of joy. He carefully held the bamboo tube and opened the lid made of bamboo joints. He confirmed again that it was the bee demon honey!

Excellent quality!

"Brother Chu, can I try it?" Liu Changping asked.

"Of course." Chu Liang nodded.

After getting the consent, Liu Changping smiled, took out a golden spoon, and slowly dug out a small spoon from the bamboo tube.

In the sun, the bee demon honey in the spoon was crystal clear, like flowing crystal, fragrant and dazzling, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

When the wind blew, various floral and fruit aromas floated out, spreading and refreshing.

Even the workers of the Qinghua Chamber of Commerce who were unloading stopped and their eyes fell on this small spoon of bee demon honey.

"Is that honey?"

"It smells so good, just a little bit of it makes me feel warm all over."

"What kind of honey is so powerful? Just smelling it makes me feel comfortable all over. It would be great if I could taste it."

The fragrance of honey filled the air, and everyone's eyes lit up. They stared at the spoonful of golden bee demon honey, and their mouths were filled with saliva unconsciously.

Many Qin family members also stared at it intently. They lived a rich life and had seen many good things even if they had never eaten them. They were also knowledgeable, but they had never seen such a strange honey.

What exactly is that?

They were curious and surprised, and they were all guessing.

Only Qin Zhong looked solemn and said uncertainly: "Is it bee demon honey?"

Qin Yu nodded gently: "It's bee demon honey. When I was eighteen years old, my father bought a small jar for me from the capital city."

"This Chu Liang actually got so much bee demon honey. How can he be so lucky?" Qin Zhong thought it was luck. He didn't think Chu Liang had the strength and courage to attack the bee demon nest.

All bee monster nests are in the deep mountains, and there are a large number of terrifying bee monsters in each nest.

Once surrounded, even the masters of the skin refining realm will have their scalps tingling.

For those below the skin refining realm, being surrounded is a life-or-death situation!

Moreover, it is not possible to find the bee monster nest in the deep mountains. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find it even after searching for half a year. Instead, you may get lost in the mountains and eventually die under the attack of a monster.

"This Chu Liang is probably in a special situation." Qin Zhong guessed that if the environment around the beehive is dangerous, the queen bee will abandon the beehive, lead the bees away, and find a new place to build a nest.

If you are lucky enough, there is a small chance of encountering this situation.


Qin Yu's eyebrows moved slightly, her beautiful eyes stared, and she whispered: "Uncle Zhong, don't attribute everything to luck, it's enough strength."

"Miss, you think too highly of Chu Liang."

Qin Zhong replied that he had the strength of five qi and blood, but he still didn't dare to stay alone in the deep mountains for too long, let alone Chu Liang?

Combined with the rumors in the county, he judged that Chu Liang had the strength of three Qi and blood at most.

With this strength, if he was not lucky, how could he get so much bee demon honey?

At this time, in the alley.

Liu Changping had put the golden spoon into his mouth and tasted it carefully.

Not long after, the surprise on his face became more intense, and he said: "Brother Chu, the quality of your bee demon honey is really not low! The queen bee in that beehive is about to enter the rank!"

"Well, it's about the same."

Chu Liang thought about it, and the queen bee was indeed a monster with five Qi and blood peaks.

Liu Changping said excitedly: "Brother Chu, you must sell this bee demon honey to me, the price is negotiable!"

"Manager Liu, I just want the meat of the monster entering the rank." Chu Liang expressed his wish.


"Can't get it?"

Chu Liang asked. If he couldn't get it, he planned to go to the black market in the capital city to have a look.

Things that can't be bought openly can mostly be bought on the black market.

Liu Changping gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Chu, you should know that the price of ordinary monster meat is one tael of silver per catty."

"Yes, I know."

"And the price of entry-level monster meat is much more expensive, ten times more, at least ten taels of silver per catty, and many suppliers only accept barter, equal exchange."

Liu Changping talked about the value of entry-level monster meat.

Even low-level monster meat is ten times the price of ordinary monster meat.

The value of mid-level and high-level monster meat is even more difficult to estimate, and it is basically difficult to buy it with silver, and can only be exchanged for treasures.

Chu Liang nodded slightly and said, "I only need low-level monster meat now, and the amount required is very large. Manager Liu, do you have a way to get it?"

"Yes! Brother Chu, wait for me for an hour!" Liu Changping made a promise with a firm tone.

He was really jealous of the bee demon honey, which was extremely precious and could replenish blood and nourish the skin. The bee demon honey in just a bamboo tube was worth five thousand silver.

If you give it to someone, especially a woman, the effect will be even better than those gifts worth tens of thousands of taels of silver!

Liu Changping asked again: "Brother Chu, how much low-level monster meat do you want?"

"One thousand jin, is it possible to get it?"


One thousand jin, if converted into silver, that is ten thousand taels of silver!

It sounds like a lot.

But Liu Changping still felt that it was not enough, after all, the value of two bamboo tube bee demon honey exceeded ten thousand taels.

And there were a full twenty bamboo tubes in Chu Liang's big package!

"Brother Chu, do you need anything else?" Liu Changping couldn't help asking, "Entry-level weapons and armor, as well as various elixirs, exotic flowers and plants, mounts, beauties from the Western Regions, barbarian women from the Southwest, and even monster cubs, as long as you want them, I can find a way to get them!"

"I don't need those for now."

Chu Liang shook his head calmly. He was not interested in beauties from the Western Regions.

As for weapons, armor and elixirs, as long as there is enough monster flesh and blood, they can all be evolved.

Liu Changping couldn't help but feel regretful. It looked like he could only get two bamboo tubes of bee honey.

Chu Liang added, "I only need this much for now. I will need more in the future. I will have to trouble Manager Liu when the time comes."

Hearing this, Liu Changping was refreshed and said with a smile on his face, "No problem! No problem! Brother Chu, if you need anything in the future, just come to me directly. I will definitely arrange it for you!"


So far, the two sides have reached an agreement.

Liu Changping gave a few instructions to one of his men, asking them to hurry up and unload the goods.

He hurried out of the alley to find a vendor who supplied monster meat.

Chu Liang sat in the carriage and waited quietly.

Many Qin family members looked at the bamboo tubes, each of them was a little dazed.

Whether it was the value of the bee monster honey or the amount Chu Liang had, they were shocked and speechless.

A rough calculation showed that the total value of Chu Liang's big package was at least 100,000 taels of silver!

All the goods transported by the Qin family this time did not add up to this number!

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