The eyes of many Qin family disciples changed.

When they looked at Chu Liang again, there was a lot of envy in their eyes, as well as jealousy.

"At such a young age, his net worth exceeds one hundred thousand taels of silver." Qin An murmured in a low voice. Thinking of this number, he felt a little dizzy.

This kind of achievement is difficult for even the children of the big families in the city to achieve, let alone these children of the Qin family?

Although the Qin family is rich, there are many children in the family, and not much money can be distributed to each person.

For ordinary family members, one hundred taels of silver was considered a huge sum of money.

Even the most talented core disciples don't have a net worth of over ten thousand.

The only exception is Miss Qin Yu.

Among the many children of the Qin family, she was the only one who was relatively calm.

The mentality of the other disciples began to become unbalanced, especially Qin An, who also had the reputation of being a genius. He clenched his fists and couldn't help but whisper: "If I had this kind of luck and so many resources, I would definitely be able to do it long ago. The second burst of blood has gathered."

"Chu Liang's luck is really good. He has gained so much just once he entered the mountain." Another young man from the Qin family said.

"God is unfair, why can't you give me some luck?"


Or affected by their mentality, they all attributed it to luck and complained about the injustice of God.

Chu Liang just smiled and said nothing.

He also had this mentality when he was young, so he can understand these Qin family children very well.

Not long after, the sound of wheels came from the entrance of the alley, wooden wheels rolled, and a carriage appeared in front of everyone. The back of the carriage was covered with several layers of cloth, and it was impossible to tell what the cargo was.

Liu Changping drove a carriage and entered the alley with a smile on his face.

He came to Chu Liang's side, lifted a corner of the cloth at the back, revealing the dark red monster flesh and blood inside, and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, I got something for you, a lot of a pound, and the seller also gave it to me He bought two ice heart stones, which can dissipate cold air and ensure that flesh and blood will not rot. "

"Good work."

Chu Liang responded and looked carefully at the dark red flesh.

The tip of his nose moved slightly, and he smelled a trace of the strange smell of blood, as well as a lot of herbs and incense.

Around the thousand kilograms of demon beast flesh and blood, there were also layers and layers of strong-smelling herbs to cover up the smell of flesh and blood.

Evolution Baojian also sent a reminder at this time.

[Barbarian elephant flesh and blood: low-level monster meat]

【Available for worship】

Another wild elephant.

The ordinary monster meat that Chu Liang bought from Wu Dafu on the black market in the county town was also the flesh of a wild elephant.

This kind of monster is unique to the southwestern barbarians and should not be circulated to the outside world, but these traders managed to get it.

"Brother Chu, what do you think?" Liu Changping asked, observing Chu Liang's face.

"Yes, it is indeed monster meat!"

Chu Liang was very satisfied, nodded, and handed two bamboo tubes filled with bee honey to Liu Changping.

Liu Changping smiled broadly, rubbed his hands, and took the two bamboo tubes.

The transaction is complete.

There was no contract drawn up, just words spoken.

After all, the Blue and White Chamber of Commerce is a powerful force, and Liu Changping is the old manager here. He is considered rich among the five qi and blood warriors, so he will not defraud Chu Liang of this little money.

Liu Changping held the two bamboo tubes tightly, as if he were holding the most perfect treasures in the world. He smiled and said to Chu Liang: "Brother Chu, if you run out of these monster meats, you must remember to find me. Flying pigeons pass the letter or Just let the inn send the message."

"Yes, I remember it."

Chu Liang was also in a good mood, finally getting the flesh and blood of an advanced monster beast.

After returning, the elixirs he used to temper his qi and blood can evolve again, and his treasured bows, swords, soft armor, hidden weapons, and various poisons can also continue to evolve.

This trip to Fucheng was at the right time. Fortunately, I didn't refuse Miss Qin's invitation.

After that, everyone in the Qin family began to make arrangements with the Blue and White Chamber of Commerce.

The two parties signed a contract, and both money and goods were paid.

After doing all this, the Qin family's caravan embarked on the return journey with the empty carriage.

In the entire caravan, only Chu Liang's two carriages had goods. One contained his large package, and the other contained the flesh and blood of monsters.

The two carriages were arranged in the center of the team.

Qin Zhong clapped his sword and weapons, with a solemn expression on his face, and told the others: "Please pay attention, bandits have been rampant recently, don't think that the way back will be easy!"


All the children of the Qin family responded one after another and became more vigilant.

The bandits are ferocious, cunning, and extremely cruel, like a pack of wolves, killing people and running around in the mountains.

Qin Zhong looked at Chu Liang and said seriously: "Chu Liang, as you are in our Qin family's caravan, we will naturally keep you safe. However, if the situation is too critical and an accident occurs, and we cannot protect you for the moment, you Don’t blame me, the Qin family.”

"I understand." Chu Liang said with his hands in hand.

"If we encounter an extreme situation, we, the Qin family, and you will have to donate part of our property to save our lives." Qin Zhong added, "Such a situation usually does not happen. If it does, you can only blame us for our bad luck. ”

After saying that, Qin Zhong rode away to give instructions to the others.

The entire caravan moved slowly. After leaving Fucheng, the field of vision became wider. There were cultivated fields near Fucheng, which was relatively safe.

After a while, the fields on both sides of the road turned into mountains and forests, surrounded by trees.

The mountain forest in the cold winter is desolate, and the branches are bare, like a group of dry corpses, swaying feebly in the cold wind.

Before I knew it, it was already evening.

The caravan stopped to rest as usual.

A pile of bonfires were lit, the firelight was warm, and it dispelled some of the chill.

Chu Liang asked the two little mice to go out to guard, and he lay on the mat, covered with a quilt, slowly fell asleep, and slept until five in the morning without knowing it.

The two little mice woke him up.

"Master, wake up quickly, there are many bandits in the surrounding mountains and forests!"


Chu Liang opened his eyes, his eyes were alert, and he was no longer sleepy.

The fire had gone out, and it was pitch black around. There was still an hour before dawn. The Qin family children who were in charge of the guard were tired and yawning.

This time point is when a person is most tired and most likely to relax his vigilance.

In the dark mountains and forests around, bandits were quietly approaching.

They had fierce eyes and murderous intent, like wild beasts staring at their prey, groping forward silently in the dark, making almost no sound.

It can be seen that they are familiar with the terrain and environment of this mountain forest.

Of course, the forest was full of dead branches and leaves, so it was impossible to make no sound at all.


A dead branch was suddenly crushed.

The sound was very small, almost inaudible.

But this faint sound, in the ears of the experienced Qin Zhong, was like a thunderclap.

His heart was shocked and his face changed suddenly.


Qin Zhong drew his weapon on the spot and shouted: "Everyone wake up, the bandits are attacking!"

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