To deal with the bandits, you must be ruthless!

More ruthless than them!

If you don't have the courage and faith to fight to the end, it's best to surrender at the beginning and hand over half of your property.

Once the killing starts, there is no turning back.


Qin Yu had a murderous look on her face, her black clothes were stained with blood, and the long sword in her hand had already turned blood-red.

A bandit in front was cut in half by her, blood gushed out, and he fell to the ground and howled miserably. The pain of being cut in half was piercing!

The rest of the Qin family members fought bravely, and their swords and shields were covered with blood.


In the dark night, the jungle was filled with shouts and killings, corpses were everywhere, the blood was rich, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was nauseating.

This tragic atmosphere shocked the bandits in other directions around.

They felt a chill in their backs and numbness in their scalps. They felt that those Qin family members were more like bandits than themselves, more brutal and more crazy!

If they continued to kill, they would most likely lose their lives here.

Even if they could kill all the Qin family disciples, what would it matter?

In the end, only a few people who survived can enjoy their wealth, and the rest will become the dead souls of this fight, dying in this cold night with pain and unwillingness.

All the bandits have already had the intention to retreat.

But Hu Mule was surging with anger and murderous intent, and roared: "Kill! Kill them all! Kill all these Qin family members! Cut off the head of that young lady of the Qin family, I want to use her head as a lantern!"

"Boss, calm down!" The deputy leader of Heishui Village reminded in a low voice, "If we kill her, the Qin family's leather refining realm will probably fight us to the death."

"Too many brothers died tonight, beyond our expectations!" Another deputy leader also spoke, his voice tense, and he was about to lead his men to retreat.

But Hu Mule didn't care, the scar on his face was hideous, like a centipede crawling around, extremely ferocious.

He was furious, his whole body burst out, holding two huge axes, and rushed straight to Qin Yu, like a black whirlwind, with madness in his blood-red eyes.

Judging from his appearance, he was going to kill Qin Yu by force, even if he had to offend the Leather Refining Realm.

But Qin Zhong would naturally not let him do what he wanted.

"Hu Mule!"

Qin Zhong shouted, his body was like a tiger, his momentum soared, like a hungry tiger pouncing on a sheep, he rushed towards Hu Mule with a bloody cold knife.

The knife light flashed, the fishy wind blew, and the blood splashed on the knife.

Hu Mule had to suppress his anger, his face was full of ferocity, holding a huge axe and turning around to meet the long knife with murderous intent.


The knife and axe collided, the sound was like a bell!

A terrifying impact force broke out, sweeping across the mountains and forests, and countless dead branches and fallen leaves were stirred up and flew everywhere.

The two retreated at the same time with the recoil force, and then rushed again, their blood surging, their breath was terrifying, and they were extremely violent, and their clothes were swollen.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The collisions were deafening, like rolling thunder!

Both sides were strong men with five kinds of blood and energy. They were fierce and domineering, ferocious and terrifying, like two human-shaped giant beasts, fighting so hard that leaves flew and smoke and dust surged!

Qin Zhong was so imposing that he laughed with a knife in his hand: "Haha, Hu Mule, you are just like this!"

"You deserve to die!"

Hu Mule screamed loudly, his face was extremely ferocious.

During this short fight, more than 20 bandits from Heishui Village died, while the iron barrel formation of the Qin family's children was intact!

Although the bandits were fierce, they lost the initiative at the beginning and were broken.

And the Qin family's children were equally fierce!

There was blood everywhere, and the bodies of the bandits lay in the mountains and forests. The atmosphere was extremely tragic, and even the shaking fire had a bit more blood color.

If they continued to kill like this, Heishui Village would definitely be defeated!

Hu Mule and others had never expected this result.

The two deputy village chiefs came with knives, looking at the blood all over the ground, they couldn't help but tremble with fear, while defending Hu Mule, they suppressed their voices and made suggestions.

"Boss, retreat!"

"If we don't retreat, all our brothers will die!"

The words of these two people were exactly what many bandits who were still alive thought.

This time, they thought they had picked up a piece of fat meat, but they didn't expect to encounter a piece of iron. They knocked their teeth and couldn't eat it. Retreating in time can still preserve some strength. Fighting hard is not the style of these bandits at all.

Hu Mule's face was full of anger, staring at Qin Yu in the distance, and wanted to fight again, but he couldn't get past Qin Zhong at all.

"You two help me block twenty breaths, I want to use the blood burning technique!" Hu Mule was ruthless. From what he said, he was going to use a secret technique.

The two deputy village chiefs were dumbfounded. One of them had four blood and one had three blood. They were going to block Qin Zhong for twenty breaths?

I'm afraid that they will be killed by Qin Zhong before they can hold on for twenty breaths!

"Boss, we can't hold out that long!"

"Not only can we not hold out, but if we keep killing, the brothers under us will definitely ignore orders and run away directly!"

The two looked anxious and hurriedly analyzed the current situation for Hu Mule.

If they don't leave, the bandits under their command will run away by themselves!

At that time, it will not be a retreat, but a panic escape, and the scene will definitely be very ugly.

"You guys..."

Although Hu Mule was unwilling, he knew that what the two men said was very right.

If he continued to insist, the accumulation of many years would be destroyed tonight, and even his life would be explained here!

He gritted his teeth, looked at Qin Yu fiercely, and shouted coldly: "Retreat! Retreat!"


Many bandits were overjoyed and hurriedly moved away from the iron barrel formation of the Qin family members. They retreated into the darkness in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a pile of broken and bloody corpses.

A quick look showed that at least fifty bandits had fallen in the forest.

"Let's go!"

Hu Mule and the two deputy village chiefs also fled.

Qin Zhong did not stop them, but just watched them go away with a knife.

The other Qin family members did not chase them. They were not stupid people. They all knew that it was not advisable to chase the desperate enemy and would not force the bandits into a desperate situation.

If they pushed too hard, the opponent's dying counterattack would definitely cause harm to their side.

Not long after, the forest was completely quiet.

"The bandits retreated!"

Qin Zhong raised his bloody long knife and shouted loudly, with a powerful momentum.

The Qin family members immediately burst into cheers, each of them excited and extremely excited.

Killing brings fear and excitement, while victory brings excitement and joy. The intersection of the two makes them extremely excited, and their bodies are shaking.

"Haha, what a shitty Black Water Village, it sounds awesome, but I didn't even touch a hair of my grandfather!"

"I just killed two bandits with my own hands!"

"Me too, this is my first time killing someone!"

Among the Qin family members present, at least one-third of them are killing for the first time.

Although the world is in chaos now, not everyone has the opportunity to kill.

Chu Liang smiled and enjoyed the victory with many Qin family members.

"The Qin family is indeed good, no wonder it can become the first family in the county."

He hardly did anything just now.

As soon as the two sides started fighting, he was surrounded by Qin family members in the center of the iron barrel formation.

Although many Qin family members were jealous of him and had no good feelings for him, they still protected him.

As Qin Zhong said-Chu Liang is a guest, no matter what, they will do their best to protect him.

The Qin family won a great victory in this battle!

Chu Liang was also well protected, not even getting blood on him.


The cheering Qin family members did not notice that in the darkness in the distance, a deadly cold light was slowly gathering momentum.

On the ridge, Hu Mule was unwilling to give up, gnashing his teeth, his face almost twisted.

"If it weren't for the sudden attack by the young lady of the Qin family, I would not have lost this battle!"

The cheers of the Qin family members were like countless steel needles, piercing Hu Mule's ears, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

A deputy village chief hurriedly said: "Boss, let's go, Qin Yu is the daughter of the Qin family's Leather Refining Realm. Even if we kill everyone else, we can't kill her!"


Hu Mule's eyes were full of murderous intent, and his voice was hoarse: "Even if I can't kill her, I will cripple her!"

After that, he held the treasure bow in his hand, and bent the bow like a full moon.

A poisoned long arrow was already on the bowstring!

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