In the mountains and forests, many Qin family disciples were completely unaware.

A big victory made them lower their guard a lot.

The bandits were so badly defeated that they almost fled in a rout, making it impossible for them to fight back.

The next step is just to get some rest and wait for dawn to arrive.

"Please clean up and change your clothes. It will be very uncomfortable if the blood sticks to your body."

"Check the swords individually to see if there are any defects."

"Check yourselves too. If anyone is injured, tell them as soon as possible..."

After careful inspection, more than a dozen of the Qin family's children discovered that they were injured. They didn't even know when they were injured. Previously, Xueyong had gone to the head and didn't even feel pain.

They began to clean the wound, apply ointment, and bandage it with clean cloth.

Qin Yu stood alone in the distance with a cold expression, silently wiping the blood on the sword blade.

Qin Zhong walked towards Chu Liang and asked him: "Chu Liang, are you injured?"

"I'm not injured, thank you very much." Chu Liang thanked him with his hands.

"That's good. You are a genius in the county. If you are injured in our Qin family's caravan, people will inevitably gossip about my Qin family." Qin Zhong said calmly.

Chu Liang smiled, and heard the connotation of Qin Zhong's words, and said no more.

When the rest of the Qin family heard this, they couldn't help but feel proud in their hearts.

So what if there are geniuses in the county? We don’t have to rely on them to protect us!

Regardless of their talents, the faith and bravery they displayed in this battle far surpassed that of Chu Liang, who had been surrounded in the center.

Before this, all the Qin family's children could not compare to Chu Liang, an outsider, in terms of talent and wealth, and they had always been suppressed.

And Qin Zhong just said that deliberately, just to take advantage of this great victory to inspire the arrogance and competitiveness of the Qin family's disciples, so that they would feel happy and breathe a sigh of relief, so that they would not be suppressed by Chu Liang all the time.

"Adjust well. This battle has demonstrated the prestige of our Qin family. After we return, you will definitely be famous in the county!"

Qin Zhong spoke again, his voice loud and clear, echoing in the mountains and forests.

Hearing what he said, the Qin family's children became even more excited, and they were all full of energy and energy.

Afterwards, Qin Zhong called several of his disciples and began to search for the bodies of many bandits.

No one noticed the coming danger.

Except Chu Liang’s little mouse.

Shu Er suddenly called to Chu Liang: "Master, that mule has not left yet. He is on the ridge, holding a treasure bow and has already drawn it. Judging from his direction, he should be planning to attack Miss Qin Yu! "


Chu Liang's eyes narrowed and he looked at Qin Yu.

In the distance, Qin Yu was alone, leaning under a big tree, calmly cleaning the blood stains on his body.

At this moment, a soft sound came from the jungle under the dark night.

call out!

A cold poisonous arrow tore through the darkness and came through the sky!

"Miss beware!"

Qin Zhong's expression changed suddenly. He was searching for the corpses of the mountain bandits. He was too far away from Qin Yu and had no time to rescue them.

The other Qin family children were a little closer, but they were not fast enough and they were also too late.

Qin Yu could only rely on himself to block the arrow.

At this moment, Chu Liang moved!

His eyes were cold, and he could reach hundreds of meters in an instant, extremely fast, like a black lightning. With a flash, he came to Qin Yu in the blink of an eye and reached out to grab him.

Everything happened so fast, in the blink of an eye, that the Qin family disciples had no time to react. By the time they saw clearly, Chu Liang had already stopped firmly, holding a deadly poison-quenched long arrow tightly in his hand. !

"So fast!"

Everyone was shocked.

What kind of speed is that?

It was too fast to see clearly, and even exceeded their ability to react.

Let alone them, even Qin Zhong was stunned for a moment, and his body stopped in place. The scene just now set off huge waves in his heart, making him think of the head of the Qin family.

Chu Liang's speed is not what a warrior at this level of blood coagulation realm should have at all. He has already reached another level!

Could it be that he has broken through to the Skin Refining Realm?

This horrifying thought stayed in Qin Zhong's mind for a long time and was difficult to dissipate.

"What are you doing standing still?"

Chu Liang suddenly shouted, his voice clear, waking everyone up.

He dropped the arrow in his hand and grabbed a blood-stained spear from the ground. His energy and blood surged, his breath exploded, and he threw it in the direction from which the poisonous arrow flew.


The spear flew out and turned into a black stream of light, breaking through all obstacles and hitting the ridge in an instant.


The rocks exploded and debris flew everywhere.

Hu Mulezi and others had already escaped and did not stay where they were.

Chu Liang's expression was cold and he was about to raise his knife to pursue him.

But Qin Yu next to him stopped him: "Mr. Chu, that Hu Mulezi knows a secret explosive technique. If he uses it with all his strength, his speed is probably not weaker than yours. Don't chase him too far. Hu Mulezi is better than you." I’m more familiar with this mountain forest.”

"Is that so?"

Chu Liang frowned slightly, thought for a while, and finally put away the long knife and did not pursue him.

Previously, Hu Mulezi had threatened to use a secret technique called [Blood Burning Technique] during the fight with Qin Zhong.

You can probably tell its function just by listening to the name. It can probably burst out Qi and blood for a short period of time, allowing Hu Luozi to temporarily have strength beyond the five strands of Qi and blood.

How explosive can he be? Can you reach the Skin Refining Realm?

None of this is known yet.

Besides, he has been wandering in the mountains all year round and is indeed more familiar with this forest than Chu Liang.

If Chu Liang pursues him rashly, he will easily fall into the trap set by him.

"Let him go first."

Chu Liang glanced at the distant mountain ridge and retracted his gaze.

He said this, but he secretly patted the little mouse, indicating that the little mouse would follow him later and search for Hu Mule and others in the mountains.

He was very interested in the blood burning technique.

"This technique is destined for me."

Chu Liang thought so, if he couldn't get it, it would be a pity.

Beside him, Qin Yu smiled and thanked Chu Liang: "Thank you, Mr. Chu, for saving me."

"You're welcome, it's my duty."

Chu Liang's tone was indifferent. He would save anyone if it was him.

He put away the long sword, put it back on his back, bent down to pick up the poison arrow he had just thrown away, and planned to take a closer look.

At the moment he bent down, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a dim metallic light at the corner of Qin Yu's clothes, and immediately understood in his heart. After standing up, he said: "Miss Qin has soft armor to protect her body. Even if I don't take action, this poison arrow can't do anything to you."

"That being said, it's inevitable that it's embarrassing." Qin Yu raised her lips slightly and explained softly.

Chu Liang shook his head slightly, not making any comment.

Qin Yu has at least three Qi and blood strengths, plus soft armor to protect him, so he can't be in such a bad state no matter how bad it is.

He looked at the poison arrow and found that its material was ordinary, but the poison on the arrow was a little special.

Chu Liang always carries a lot of poisons on him, and he knows the effects and symptoms of various poisons very well.

"Nettle poison powder, if you are poisoned by this, your whole body will be red and swollen, itchy and painful, and it will be difficult to concentrate on practicing martial arts." Chu Liang sniffed, "This poison is extremely stubborn and difficult to cure. It seems that the Hu mule doesn't want to kill you, but just wants to destroy you."

"Mr. Chu also knows about poisons?" Qin Yu's beautiful eyes were bright, and she was a little surprised.

"I know a little bit."

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