Nettle Poison Powder, this drug is quite vicious.

Once poisoned, it is difficult to cure, such as tarsus, and it will probably last a lifetime.

During the attack, the whole body is painful and itchy, and the poisoned person is in such pain that he would like to tear the skin all over his body.

Therefore, many warriors talk about discoloration and are afraid of being contaminated by this poison.

Chu Liang is very calm. Many of the poisons he carries are more toxic and torturous than this poison. Moreover, he has the evolved nettle poison antidote.

"Miss Qin, do you want to take this poisonous arrow back?" Chu Liang asked.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, my father may want to watch this poisonous arrow." Qin Yu nodded lightly.

Hearing this, Chu Liang handed over the poisonous arrow.

Qin Yusu's white hands took the poisonous arrow and thanked her again with a very soft voice.

Qin Zhong hurried over and asked anxiously: "Miss, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Qin Yu chuckled, "Uncle Zhong, you forgot, I have advanced treasure armor, ordinary weapons can't do anything to me."

"I'm afraid that arrow is a specially crafted advanced treasure arrow."

"No, it's just an ordinary arrow."

With that said, Qin Yu handed the poisonous arrow to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong was a veteran of the martial arts world, and he was very experienced. After a brief sniff, he immediately smelled the poison on the arrow.

His face changed slightly and he said, "It's stinging nettle poison. That mustard mule is really disgusting. No one in the county can cure this poison. Even if you go to the capital, it will take a lot of effort."

Fortunately, Hu Mulezi did not succeed.

Qin Zhong looked at Chu Liang with a solemn expression, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you very much, Young Master Chu!"

From this moment on, his address to Chu Liang changed, from calling him by his first name to "Young Master Chu", his tone was full of sincerity.

Regardless of his strength, mentality or behavior, Chu Liang deserves his respect.

All the Qin family disciples also arrived at this moment.

Chu Liang's speed just now was so amazing that they were shocked.

After being shocked, their jealousy towards Chu Liang dissipated a lot unconsciously. After all, the gap was so big that there was no need to compare.

"Young Master Chu, thank you for your help!"

Everyone spoke together, with respectful words and sincere tone.

They all know that even in terms of strength and mentality, they are not as good as Chu Liang.

If they had Chu Liang's strength, they would probably be extremely arrogant and unable to treat others as easily as Chu Liang.

Chu Liang smiled and said, "Be careful, those bandits may come back."


Many Qin family disciples responded one after another.

A sudden attack made the original victory a little more flawed, and also shattered the pride in the hearts of these Qin family disciples.

From then on, until dawn, everyone was on guard and silently on guard.

An hour later, the sky became bright.

The Qin family caravan packed up their things and set off on their return journey again.

The horses neighed and the wheels rolled.

On the road, Qin Zhong and Chu Liang walked side by side. He had a lot of questions in his heart. He really wanted to know, but he didn't know how to speak and opened his mouth several times.

Chu Liang looked at the complicated look on his face and asked with a smile: "But you want to know about Shenfa?"


Qin Zhong smiled awkwardly and asked: "Young Master Chu, why are your body skills so powerful? This is a private matter. I was just curious and took the liberty."

"It's nothing. My master taught me this movement technique." Chu Liang said with a smile.

"Young Master Chu, do you have a master?"

Qin Zhong was stunned. He was considered well-informed in the county, but he had heard that Chu Liang had a master. Could it be the one from the Martial League who was in the Skin Refining Realm?

On the side, Qin Yu looked slightly sideways, his beautiful eyes moving, and he seemed to be a little curious.

Many Qin family disciples around him pricked up their ears.

Chu Liang looked relaxed and spoke slowly.

"When I was in a mountain village, I once worshiped an old hunter as my teacher..."

During Chu Liang's narration, the old hunter couldn't help but teach him the art of archery, and also taught him body skills for surviving in the mountains and forests.

"I didn't take that martial art seriously before... Later, I saw several martial arts skills in the martial arts alliance. I recalled what my master taught me, and I realized something, so I went into the mountains to practice..."

Everyone was so entranced that the entire caravan slowed down a lot.

After hearing the end, Qin Zhong couldn't help but sigh: "Young Master Chu, your master hunter was probably an expert in the Skin Refining Realm before! But for some reason, he didn't tell you his name before he died. Maybe he was worried. His enemies and past events will catch up with you."

Qin Yu on the side also said: "Uncle Zhong is right."

As she spoke, she began to think, recalling the famous masters of the Skin Refining Realm in the city over the years.

But among the masters of the Skin Refining Realm she only knew, none were famous for their body skills. The body skills were too difficult to practice, and many warriors couldn't get the essence of them, and in the end they would just waste time.

The other Qin family members are also guessing, who is the old hunter?

Looking at everyone's expressions, Chu Liang smiled and didn't explain too much.

Just let them guess.

In the next few days, the journey was peaceful and we did not encounter bandits again.

On the evening of the fifth day, the county seat was finally in sight.

This wide official road leads directly to the northern gate of the county seat.

Compared with the majestic and majestic Fucheng, the county town is really small and inconspicuous. The city walls are so low that they are just like furnishings. There are only a few guards with lazy looks at the city gate.

Today is not a market day. There are only a few people coming and going at the city gate, and there is no lively atmosphere.

Not long after, several guards at the city gate noticed the Qin family caravan.

"He's from the Qin family."

"The Qin family is back, cheer up!"

Facing the famous first family in the county, the faces of several guards became serious, holding their weapons tightly and standing on both sides of the city gate.

Qin Zhong walked in front, nodded slightly, and said: "Everyone has worked hard, some silver, take it to buy wine."

After that, he threw out a few bags of silver and rode into the county.

The rest followed behind, holding the Qin family's flag high, entering the city in an orderly manner, with extraordinary momentum.

In the city, pedestrians on the road leaned to both sides and looked at the Qin family caravan, with envy and awe in their eyes.

"It's the Qin family, they are back from the capital."

"I guess they made a lot of money again, it's amazing."

In the county, many people want to be born in the Qin family, or have a relationship with the Qin family.

As long as they have a little connection, they will have no worries about food and clothing in this life.

Hearing those words around, the Qin family children couldn't help but feel proud, and they couldn't help but raise their heads a little, but when they saw Chu Liang in front of them, the pride that had just arisen disappeared again.

In front of the team, Qin Yu invited: "Mr. Chu, you have worked hard all the way, please come to the Qin family for some tea."

Chu Liang declined politely, saying that he had something else to do.

Many people thought he was missing, and he had to go back to the martial arts hall to show up, so that Qi Xiuliang, Song Zhong and others could rest assured.

At this time, many people around had noticed Chu Liang.

His clothes were really too eye-catching, wearing a fur coat and a string of monster teeth hanging on his body, just like a wild man running out of the mountains.

"Who is that person? He looks so familiar."

After all, this is the north of the city, and the martial arts alliance and the three major martial arts halls are here.

There are many warriors sitting in the teahouses on both sides of the road. Many people stared at Chu Liang intently, and the more they looked, the more familiar he looked.

After a while, someone suddenly shouted.

"It's Chu Liang!"

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