"I want to kill Chu Liang!"

Qi Hai had a calm face and did not hide his intention.

He knew that in the whole county, only the law enforcement hall master Liang Han was his natural ally.

So he came.

Seeing him so direct, Liang Han did not waste words.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked on the spot.

"The solution is in you." Qi Hai replied.

"In me?"

"Yes! Or rather, in the entire Wumeng!"


Liang Han was not a fool and soon understood what Qi Hai meant.

The monsters in the deep mountains were moving frequently, and the Wumeng would naturally not sit and wait for death. Recently, it has been sending people to investigate.

Once the investigation is clear, the Wumeng will issue a call to summon all warriors and invite experts from the prefecture city to take the initiative to enter the deep mountains to encircle and suppress the monsters, and nip all crises in the bud.

"Chu Liang is a genius in the county. Even if a call is issued, he has the right not to go." Liang Han said, he understood that Qi Hai wanted to deal with Chu Liang in the deep mountains.

As long as he left the county, the opportunity would be great.

If either he or Qi Hai met Chu Liang alone in the mountains, they could kill him.

Chu Liang's leaving the county alone was a great opportunity, but unfortunately none of them noticed and wasted this opportunity.

"He is indeed qualified not to go." Qi Hai knew that the Wumeng would focus on training a genius like Chu Liang and would not let him fight in a too cruel place to prevent him from dying prematurely.

"But what if he takes the initiative to apply to go?" Qi Hai said to Liang Han.

"Hmm?" Liang Han's heart moved slightly.

"You arrange a few trustworthy people to stimulate Chu Liang with words and force him to go to the mountains!" Qi Hai said.

"Chu Liang has a very good mentality, and this is difficult to do." Qi Hai shook his head. So many rumors at the beginning could not shake Chu Liang's mentality, which shows how good Chu Liang's mentality is.

In fact, a stable mentality is also one of the reasons why the Wumeng leader and the black market owner value Chu Liang.

The Daliang Dynasty is vast and has countless geniuses, and there are many who are more talented than Chu Liang.

But most geniuses can't compare to Chu Liang in mentality. After all, the four words "young and energetic" are not just talk.

"Chu Liang's mentality is good, but he also has weaknesses." Qi Hai spoke again.

"Weaknesses? His friends?"


Qi Hai analyzed calmly: "Once the call is issued, Song Zhong, Qi Xiuliang and others will definitely go. Chu Liang's many friends in the Qiudao Martial Arts School will also go. There are countless crises in the deep mountains... With Chu Liang's character, how could he watch his friends go to the deep mountains to fight, while he enjoys peace alone in the rear?"

He paused, and then said: "If he stays in the county town, we can arrange some accidents, such as letting Qi Xiuliang get hurt, or passing on some true and false information. In short, we must make him anxious and force him to move!"

"Well, this makes sense!"

Liang Han nodded slightly, and looked at Qi Hai with a little more solemnity.

Qi Hai is a talented person with good strength and meticulous mind. No wonder he is valued by Qi Hong, the owner of the Black Sword Martial Arts Hall.

Chu Liang is unlucky to have such an opponent.

On the other hand, Chu Liang didn't know that the crisis was coming.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

With his current strength, even if Qi Hai and Liang Han attacked together, he could deal with them in an orderly manner, and even kill them.

In the Autumn Sword Martial Arts Hall, Chu Liang wasted more than half an hour to deal with those enthusiastic disciples of the martial arts hall.

Then he met with Song Zhong, Qi Xiuliang and others.

After that, Luo Hong and Li Ren found him and asked him to go to the back yard of the martial arts hall to talk about what he saw and heard in the deep mountains alone.

The deep mountains have been quite restless recently, and what Chu Liang saw and heard may provide useful information to the Martial Alliance.

Chu Liang briefly talked about it, ignoring many details.

When talking about the two great monsters who entered the level, Luo Hong and Li Ren's faces changed.

"Two great monsters that have entered the rank?" Luo Hong looked solemn. "The Porcupine King and the Green Eagle King, these two great monsters are all recorded in the Wumeng. Their spheres of influence are very far apart, so they should not encounter each other."

"I know, so I was also surprised at that time."

Chu Liang spread out the map and pointed out his approximate location on the map.

According to the map markings, at that location, the strongest monster beast is only five strands of blood.

You must go deeper and farther to encounter a great monster that has entered the rank.

"Fortunately, the two monster beasts did not come to the county town, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Luo Hong's tone was full of worry.

One great monster that has entered the rank requires the whole county to deal with it with all its strength, let alone two?

After a while, Luo Hong and Li Ren hurriedly left and went to the Wumeng to gather everyone to discuss the matter.

Chu Liang finally got a moment of peace.

He returned to his yard, washed up, and changed into clean clothes.


Sitting in the yard, Chu Liang let out a long sigh.

Three shiny fur dog demons jumped around him, each of them was so excited that their tails were shaking.

The donkey was still the same, with drooping ears, squatting in the corner of the yard, looking up at Chu Liang, his eyes scanning Chu Liang and the carriage.

"I brought you good things, don't worry, take your time."

Chu Liang first made himself a cup of blood ginseng tea, added some bee demon honey, and took a sip.

Then, he stood up and opened the cloth on the carriage, took out a small knife, cut off several pieces of low-level monster meat, and threw them to the three dog monsters.

He went to another carriage, opened the big package, took out all the herbs he had collected in the past two months, and fed them to the donkey.

After doing all this, he began to use the entry-level monster meat to evolve what he needed.

The evolved "Three Autumn Knives" became "One Autumn Knives", which is a genuine second-rate martial art.

And "Blood Leaping Technique" was evolved into "Blood Leaping Ten Thousand Miles", which is also a second-rate martial art.

Chu Liang's treasure bow, sword, armor, etc. were all evolved once and became priceless mid-level treasures.

"The worst mid-level treasures cost tens of thousands of taels of silver, and the better ones cost tens of thousands of taels. Ordinary warriors can't afford it at all." Chu Liang calculated the value of his treasures and got an astronomical figure that shocked him.

Then, he evolved the blood-nourishing pill into a pill called "Blood Gathering Pill".

This medicine is sold in the city, one thousand two silver coins per small bottle, each bottle has only ten pills, the price is amazing.

Chu Liang took a pill and tried the effect.

"Not bad, the tempering efficiency is higher, worthy of its price."

In the days that followed, Chu Liang kept practicing with the Blood Gathering Pill, his blood and qi increased day by day, and he had signs of a breakthrough without knowing it.

It has been more than three months since the last breakthrough.

The fifth blood and qi is too important, and the time required to condense is much longer than the first four blood and qi.

Finally, on the tenth day after returning.

The last blood and qi condensed completely.

Chu Liang stood quietly in the yard, his whole body was hot, his blood and qi were surging, and he exhaled a hot white mist.


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