Five strands of Qi and blood!

The peak of the blood coagulation realm!

After more than half a year of hard work, Chu Liang finally reached this step.

"The next step is the skin refining realm."

Chu Liang took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and calmed his heart.

The road of martial arts must not only be fast, but also steady.

Before entering the skin refining realm, he needs to make sufficient preparations.

The first is the technique.

"My "Dragon and Tiger Body Refining Technique" should also evolve."

Chu Liang thought for a moment and took out the technique.

This unique technique helped him become a warrior from a mortal.

If everything goes well, it will help Chu Liang go further on this road.

It was only evolved once by Chu Liang with ordinary flesh and blood, and it changed from a broken one to a blood coagulation chapter, so it can now evolve twice, using the flesh and blood of a non-ranked monster and the flesh and blood of a low-ranked monster.

Chu Liang took out enough of the two kinds of meat, placed them in front of him, and silently used the Evolution Treasure Book.

[The Dragon-Tiger Body Refining Technique (Blood Coagulation Chapter) has evolved successfully, and you have obtained the Dragon-Tiger Body Refining Technique (Leather Refining Chapter)]

[The Dragon-Tiger Body Refining Technique (Leather Refining Chapter) has evolved successfully, and you have obtained the Dragon-Tiger Body Refining Technique (Muscle Refining Chapter)]

Two prompts appeared in succession.

In front of Chu Liang, the entire technique changed twice in succession, becoming thicker each time, and finally thicker than a green brick.

He moved slightly in his heart, stretched out his hand to open the technique, and a scent of ink came to his face.

This time, on the cover page of the technique, a pattern of a dragon and a tiger fighting suddenly appeared.

Then flip down.

The Blood Coagulation Chapter did not change much, and it was still the same as before.

However, after the Blood Coagulation Chapter, it was not the Leather Refining Chapter, but a special secret technique.

"Hey, this is..."

Chu Liang's eyes moved, he exclaimed softly, and looked carefully.

[Pseudo-skin Technique: Blood Coagulation Secret Technique]

[Condensing the sixth blood and qi, turning it into pseudo-skin, condensing it in the epidermis]

[After learning this technique, the strength will far exceed that of a warrior in the Blood Coagulation Realm with five blood and qi. When the warrior bursts out with all his strength, he will be comparable to the warrior who has just entered the Skin Refining Realm, and the risk of breaking through the Skin Refining Realm is greatly reduced]

Seeing this description, Chu Liang couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

The sixth blood and qi?

In his cognition, warriors in the entire Daliang Dynasty can only condense five blood and qi in the Blood Coagulation Realm, and there is no such thing as a sixth blood and qi.

The five blood and qi fix the limbs and torso respectively, ensuring that the flesh and blood will not collapse when breaking through the Skin Refining Realm.

"Looking at this description, the sixth blood and qi is used to fix the epidermis, and can be transformed into a layer of tough blood skin, which is almost as good as the epidermis in the early stage of the Skin Refining Realm. After practicing it, it is invulnerable to swords and guns, but it consumes a lot of energy and cannot burst out continuously like a normal Skin Refining Realm."

The more Chu Liang read, the more surprised he was. This secret technique was beyond imagination.

Once mastered, a warrior in the Blood Coagulation Realm can temporarily possess the strength comparable to that of the Skin Refining Realm.

Moreover, after mastering it, the difficulty of breaking through the Skin Refining Realm will be greatly reduced, and even if it fails, there is no risk of skin and flesh being torn apart.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

Chu Liang understood the essence of it, and his eyes lit up.

With this secret technique, he no longer has to worry about the difficulties between the Blood Coagulation Realm and the Skin Refining Realm!

It doesn't matter if he fails, just try a few more times.

"Are there similar secret techniques in those first-rate forces or thousand-year-old families?"

Chu Liang guessed secretly.

The origin of his technique is extraordinary, and it was obtained from the belly of an ape.

The reason why those thousand-year-old families can prosper for a long time may be because they have special secret techniques hidden in their clan that outsiders don't know about.

"After this 'pseudo-skin technique', it's the normal 'skin refining chapter'."

Chu Liang put away all his thoughts and continued to read on.

Skin refining, as the name suggests, focuses on the tempering of the epidermis.

In the later stages of training, the skin is like steel, and ordinary weapons can hardly hurt it.

When ordinary warriors meet a master of the Skin Refining Realm, even if the opponent stands still and allows attacks, it is difficult to break the defense.

"At this stage, you still need to temper your blood and qi. It seems that there is no room for growth, but you can still become more condensed." Chu Liang nodded silently.

For the Skin Refining Realm, food and medicine are also very important.

These are internal supplements.

In addition, there are various external supplements, such as medicinal baths and beatings.

"Medicinal baths can not only use various exotic flowers and herbs, but also special materials such as monster blood, bones, etc., to refine the tonic..."

Chu Liang browsed carefully, looking very carefully, without missing any details.

The realm of the Skin Refining Realm is very simple, there are only three types: early, middle and late.

The basis for division is [skin loss], which sounds a bit strange.

"When the epidermis is tempered to a certain degree, it will 'shed its skin', shedding the old skin and giving birth to a new skin."

"The first transformation is from the blood coagulation realm to the skin refining realm. As long as the transformation is successful, it will be the early stage of the skin refining realm."

"The second transformation is a leap from the early stage to the middle stage..."

The description of the technique is very detailed. The so-called shedding is literal, similar to the shedding of snakes.

Chu Liang read it carefully, page by page.

Time passed, and it was late at night before he knew it. He finished reading the description of the entire skin refining realm.

He continued to flip down and read the "tendon refining chapter".

Just after a few glances, his face became strange.

"This tendon refining chapter actually requires the use of dragon tendons to assist in cultivation?"

Chu Liang's eyes widened. Dragons are legendary creatures. Where can he find dragon tendons?

His knowledge was not shallow now. He had never heard of other skills requiring dragon tendons. Only his skills were so strange, and the requirements were too high.

"It says at the back... If there are no real dragon tendons, Jiaolong tendons can also be used... If there are no Jiaolong tendons, you can look for ordinary fish dragons..."

A long list of substitutes was listed at the back, all related to dragons.

Chu Liang gradually got a clue.

He really couldn't find a real dragon, and even if he found one, he probably couldn't beat it.

According to the descriptions in various myths and legends, a real dragon could blow him into ashes with just one breath.

"I can find a snake Jiao, extract its tendons, and then use the Evolution Treasure Book to try to evolve, maybe I can get dragon tendons of better quality." Chu Liang thought.

This was just his guess.

There were many kinds of substitutes written at the back, and he planned to try to get a copy of them all to see what they would be after evolution.

If it really didn't work, he could only use the tendons of sturgeon.

The dragon tendons of sturgeons are the easiest to get. They can be bought directly in the market in the city. Although the price is expensive, Chu Liang has plenty of money and doesn't worry about the money problem at all.

"This technique is called Dragon Tiger Body Refining Technique. The tendon refining stage requires dragon tendons. Will the final bone refining stage use tiger bones?" Chu Liang couldn't help but think that tiger bones are easier to get than dragon tendons. You can get them once you enter the mountain.

He shook his head and closed the whole technique book.

"Forget it, it's too far to think about these now. Let's prepare for breaking through the skin refining stage first."

Next, he needs to practice the secret method of "pseudo skin technique" and spend money to buy some treasures to assist in breakthrough.

Martial arts cannot be left behind.

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