"Is that... the pattern of the stone gate token?"

Chu Liang's heart moved slightly, and he stared at a prisoner deep in the prison.

The prisoner was weak, skinny, wearing tattered prison uniforms, and was dirty all over, just like a beggar on the street.

Through his rotten prison uniform, you can vaguely see that there is a dark red brand on his chest.

The brand pattern is almost the same as the token-shaped depression of the stone gate in the valley!

"Could this person know about the stone gate?"

Chu Liang stared at the man and thought silently.

There must be some kind of amazing treasure behind the stone gate.

Just the [Blood Burning Technique] pulled out from the gap of the stone gate can allow a warrior to fight across levels.

At the beginning, Hu Mule killed everyone in the herbal medicine shop for the secret of the stone gate.

"Maybe it's a coincidence, but I have to ask."

Chu Liang walked forward and saw a black wooden sign on the side of the prison.

The information of the prisoner was engraved on the wooden sign.

【Wang Yu: A warrior with four blood and qi, a native of the county, the former deputy leader of the Qingyi Gang...】

Qingyi Gang.

A gang that Chu Liang was quite familiar with.

He moved his eyes and looked at Wang Yu in the prison. He patted the prison railing and said to him: "Wang Yu, get up. I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" In the prison, Wang Yu's voice was hoarse and his breath was weak, as if he was dying.

He slowly raised his head, his eyes were cloudy, and he glanced at Chu Liang.

When he saw that Chu Liang was not wearing a guard uniform, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

"Aren't you a guard of the black prison?" Wang Yu asked, with a little more strength in his voice.

"Well, I just came here to stroll around." Chu Liang said bluntly.

"Just strolling around?"

Wang Yu's heart moved. How could you just stroll around in this black prison?

Although he didn't know Chu Liang, just based on Chu Liang's words, he could conclude that Chu Liang's status in the martial arts alliance must be high, and he was probably a genius who had made great contributions!

"Wang Yu, why were you put in the black jail?" Chu Liang asked him.

"Murder." Wang Yu sat up and answered.

"Who did you kill?"

"A member of the Wumeng."

"You can be the deputy leader of the Qingyi Gang, so you are not stupid. Does that person have to be killed?"


Wang Yu shook his head. He was indeed not stupid. He saw that Chu Liang had other purposes and said directly: "What do you want to ask? Just ask directly. There is no need to beat around the bush with me."

"Okay." Chu Liang didn't waste any words. "Where did you get the token mark on your chest?"

"This matter is a bit complicated."

"Tell me slowly, I have plenty of time."


Wang Yu did not hide anything, nor did he put forward any conditions. He told Chu Liang about the mark.

The story started three years ago.

At that time, he entered the deep mountains to train and killed a monster. In the monster's lair, he found a lot of good things, including a blue-gray stone token.

The token was quite extraordinary. It looked ordinary, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break it.

He believed that the token was a treasure, so he placed it close to his heart. Even if he couldn't find the door corresponding to the token, the token itself could be used as a treasure for self-defense.

However, money can attract people's attention, and this treasure soon brought him a fatal disaster.

"A few months later, I returned to the county and met with the gang leader and another deputy gang leader to discuss the development of the gang."

Wang Yu recalled the situation at that time.

"When I was discussing, I was just halfway through, and the stone token in my arms suddenly began to heat up, became boiling hot, burned through my clothes, and left this mark on my chest, and... the gang leader and the other deputy gang leader saw it."

The two were not stupid, and they saw at a glance that the token was a treasure.

They both stared at Wang Yu at the same time.

In order to save his life, Wang Yu had to tell them the ins and outs of the token and handed it directly to the gang leader Xu Long.

"Xu Long is an extremely greedy person. He refused to give up after getting the token. He thought I was hiding something from him and asked me where the treasure corresponding to the token was."

Wang Yu sighed. If he knew where the treasure was, why would he return to the county? He had already taken the treasure to another place, changed his name, and lived a new life.

But Xu Long did not believe it, and repeatedly questioned him, and even had the intention to kill Wang Yu.

Wang Yu knew that Xu Long would eventually kill him.

So he could only escape, to a place where the Qingyi Gang and the county government could not reach out.

"It's here, the black prison of the Wumeng." Wang Yu pointed to the place under him.

"You came here voluntarily?" Chu Liang was a little surprised, which was different from what he thought.


"Why not escape to Wenhai Prefecture?"

"Xu Long has many friends in Wenhai Prefecture, unless I escape to other prefectures, such as Jinhua Prefecture, but people are cheap when they leave their hometowns, I really don't want to escape so far, so I just come here."

Wang Yu was free and easy, and said what he thought.

He also said bluntly: "I can see that you have great ideas about the token. If you want to get it, you must fight with Xu Long. If you can kill him, I will be free."

"Well, you are straightforward." Chu Liang nodded.

"Don't worry, everything I say is true, I won't lie to you. You are the pride of the Wu League. If I lie to you, I will not end well."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Chu Liang asked him.

"If I don't tell you, you'll probably torture me to death, so you might as well tell me." Wang Yu shrugged.

"That's true."

Chu Liang smiled. This Wang Yu was quite direct.

He chatted with Wang Yu for a few more words, talking about the Qingyi Gang and its leader Xu Long.

Xu Long was also a swordsman. He once went to the Autumn Sword Martial Arts School under a pseudonym to learn swordsmanship, but his talent was average. He failed to learn the Autumn Sword and instead learned the second-rate one.

He was greedy and hedonistic. He was busy making money, climbing up the social ladder, marrying concubines, etc. in recent years. He hadn't done anything himself for a long time. He looked mighty and domineering, but in fact he had been hollowed out by alcohol and sex, and became an empty shell, relying entirely on his reputation for brutality to scare people.

"If he fights with Master Li of Qiu Dao Martial Arts School, he will most likely be killed by Master Li within ten moves."

Wang Yu made a judgment: "His strength can only be regarded as the bottom among the martial artists with five blood and qi. If not, I would not have been able to escape from him that year."

He tried his best to inform Chu Liang of Xu Long's situation, so that Chu Liang could take action against Xu Long.

Chu Liang got a lot of information from him.

When Chu Liang left the black prison, it was already dark.

He went to Tie Niu's house to eat a bowl of noodles first, and then returned to the martial arts school courtyard and began to plan to deal with the Qingyi Gang.

"Rat Big, Rat Second, you two should look carefully these days. If you can find it, it would be the best." He ordered the two little mice.


Both mice rubbed their little paws, full of energy.

Rat Big's eyes lit up and said to Chu Liang: "Master, there must be a huge treasure behind that stone door. This is my innate premonition, it can't be wrong!"

"Yes, I also felt it that day, so I tried my best, but I couldn't push open that stone door." Rat Second also said.

The two little mice's talent is [Treasure Hunting], and they are particularly sensitive to the smell of treasure.

Hearing them say this, Chu Liang became more and more excited.

What is behind the stone door?

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