Longevity and cultivation, I evolved martial arts into immortality

Chapter 134 All parties gathered at Wenhaihou Mansion!

The Qingyi Gang is the top gang in the county. With the county government as its backer, they have always acted recklessly.

This gang has committed many crimes and has grievances with Chu Liang.

Chu Liang killed their 19th wife. The Qingyi Gang suspected him and asked him twice. The second time, the momentum was quite strong and they directly blocked the door of the martial arts hall, but they were finally forced back by the owner Li Ren.

Later, as Chu Liang's reputation increased, especially after the leader of the martial arts alliance and the black market owner valued him, the Qingyi Gang dared not think about him anymore.

But now, Chu Liang has his eyes on the Qingyi Gang.

"I don't know where Xu Long will hide the token."

Chu Liang thought silently.

This matter cannot be rushed, and must be cautious.

Both mice have been sent out by him.

They fully exerted their talent for treasure hunting and tried hard to find it. They searched the headquarters of the Qingyi Gang and even found various secret rooms and secret passages.

But until noon the next day, the two of them did not find the token.

"Master, we searched the residence of Xu Long and the residences of his dozens of concubines, but we still couldn't find it."

"We also searched his manor outside the city, but we couldn't find it either."

The two little mice returned empty-handed.

Except for the token, they found almost everything they could find.

For example, the secret room where the Qingyi Gang hid all kinds of gold and silver treasures was in a manor outside the city.

But Chu Liang was not interested in those mundane things, and now he just wanted to know where the token was.

He told the two little mice: "Keep a close eye on Xu Long these days, pay attention to his words and deeds, and his daily routine."

"Master, are you going to take action?" Rat Da asked.


Chu Liang nodded. Since he couldn't find it, he could only force the question.

He needed to wait for an opportunity.

When the time came, he immediately captured Xu Long and asked him where the token was.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in a flash.

In the past few days, the county town has become more and more lively, and the atmosphere of the New Year has become stronger. Every household has decorated with lights and red lanterns are hung all over the eaves of the county town.

Ordinary people are preparing for the New Year, while many warriors are discussing going into the mountains to kill monsters.

Tonight, the Lantern Festival will be held as scheduled on the back mountain of the Wumeng.

At that time, everyone will discuss this matter with the masters from the prefecture city.

Masters from the prefecture city have arrived one after another.

Early this morning, seven masters from the Wumeng of the prefecture city rode into the city on horseback, wearing black clothes and looking amazing. The sound of horse hooves was urgent, like a gust of wind blowing through the north gate. After entering the city, the speed did not decrease, and they galloped through the county road, shocking the chickens and dogs on both sides of the road.

"Who is so brave that he dares to ride a horse in the downtown area in broad daylight?" Someone said indignantly.

"Keep your voice down, you are going to die, look at their clothes, they are from the Wumeng of the prefecture city!" Someone reminded immediately.

"Ah? From Wenhaifu?"

"How come their horses are so fast? They look different from ordinary horses."

"Those are monsters! They are seven tamed horse monsters!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

What a big deal!

Traveling on monsters!

How many ordinary warriors can tame monsters as mounts?

Even warriors with five blood and qi find it difficult to do so. Monsters are always irritable and cruel, and will never listen to humans.

"Are those seven people all masters of the Leather Refining Realm?"

Everyone was terrified when they thought of this.

There are only four masters of the Leather Refining Realm in the entire county.

Wenhaifu is indeed full of masters, and there are seven of them at once!

Looking at the seven people going away, their hearts were surging and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

However, the shock of this day has just begun.

At noon, a luxurious carriage rolled over the official road and drove quickly. The carriage was pulled by two majestic blue-black tiger monsters in front of it!


The tiger monster roared, with a fierce look and a foul mouth, which frightened the soldiers guarding the city and made them tremble. They did not dare to ask questions and let it enter the county.

The warriors in the city were also frightened. Seeing the fierce appearance of the tiger monster, their scalps tingled.

Many ordinary people screamed in panic and fled in all directions.

"The monster has entered the city, the monster has entered the city!"


For a while, the entire north of the city was in chaos, with screams, cries, and howls.

Even if the warriors in the county town shouted to appease, the situation did not stabilize, but became more chaotic, and some people were even trampled to death.

Wailing everywhere, extremely tragic!

Inside the carriage, an indifferent voice sounded: "People from small places are just ignorant. Two tiger monsters scared them. No wonder they have to ask for help from the city for such a small matter."

Then, a gentle voice appeared: "Sir, it's just a few lowly people who were scared to death. Don't bother about such a small matter."

"Well, let's go and take a look at the martial alliance here."

The carriage did not slow down, rolling over the chaos and rolling away.

The warriors in the county were shocked and angry, but no one dared to stop them, so they could only let them leave.

After a long time, the chaos in the north of the city slowly subsided.

After that, half an hour later, a loud eagle cry sounded outside the north city gate.


A golden falcon flew across the sky, shining with golden light, dazzling, as if it was made of gold, and finally folded its wings and landed steadily on a dark golden carriage.

Another force from the prefecture has arrived!

The carriage was tall, and the horses pulling the carriage were not ordinary horses, but four extraordinary seven-colored deer!

Behind the carriage, there were fifty black-armored cavalrymen, all of whom were powerful, riding monsters, with cold eyes and a murderous aura, as if they were born warriors!

In the county, someone exclaimed: "The black-armored cavalry of the Wenhai Marquis's Mansion, every cavalryman is a warrior, and their mounts are all monsters. The black armor is even an entry-level treasure. It is the most terrifying force in the entire Wenhai Mansion!"

"What? The Wenhai Marquis's Mansion has sent people?"

"Is it the Marquis sitting in the carriage?"

"How is it possible? The Marquis is busy with all kinds of affairs every day, how can he care about the affairs of a small place like ours."


Looking at the extraordinary black-armored cavalry, everyone was shocked.

A warrior is a hegemon in a small village, and even in the county, he deserves the title of "master".

But the black-armored cavalry of the Wenhai Marquis's mansion, a whole cavalry, was actually composed of warriors, and there were far more than the fifty people in front of them!

What a terrifying force!

"Greetings, Lord Marquis!"

At the gate of the city, the guards put down their weapons and knelt down one after another.

They looked extremely humble, not daring to look up, and their bodies were almost crawling on the ground.

Even if the Lord Marquis was not present, just his carriage was here, which was enough to shock people.

The huge wheels rolled over the bluestone road, and the carriage was majestic, like an ancient giant beast, slowly driving into the county town. Although no sound came out of it, the invisible sense of oppression was so strong that it was suffocating.

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