Someone is coming to the Marquis' Mansion!

This news was like a thunder, instantly igniting the atmosphere of the entire county.

That was the founding Marquis, the Wenhai Marquis' Mansion, which had been passed down for more than 200 years and was full of masters!

In the entire area under the jurisdiction of the Wenhai Mansion, the Wenhai Marquis was the only emperor!

In this area, Anping County was just an insignificant little place. When had such a big man come?

"How could this matter alarm the Marquis' Mansion?"

Everyone was shocked and incomprehensible.

Outside the North City Wumeng, a team of fifty black-armored cavalrymen waited quietly.

They stood there with cold eyes and a murderous look.

Ordinary passers-by on the street could only take a detour and stay away from this place. No one dared to approach.

Not long after the arrival of the Marquis' Mansion, several more teams arrived, which were also powerful forces with extraordinary momentum and amazing strength.

When the time came to the evening, the entire street outside the Wumeng was filled with various exotic beasts and chariots.

"These prefectural forces are too scary. Why do they all use monsters to pull carts?"

The warriors in the county couldn't help but marvel. They all felt like frogs in a well, and they felt like they had opened their eyes.

Among the many county forces, only the Qin family could be a little calmer.

They often travel between the county and the prefectural city, and have seen many big scenes, so they are very adaptable to this.

"Everyone, don't stand outside. Go in early. The dinner is about to start."

Qin Zhong said, and then walked into the Martial Alliance and walked towards the Mingyue Lake in the back mountain of the Martial Alliance.

The Lantern Dinner was held by the Mingyue Lake.

He was followed by several core children of the Qin family, including Qin Yu and Qin An.

Shen Nong, the owner of the Shanquan Martial Arts Hall, came over and asked him, "Brother Qin, isn't your family master coming today?"

"The family master has already gone in a step earlier. The seats of the masters of the Leather Refining Realm are different from those of ordinary warriors like us." Qin Zhong replied.

"I see."

Shen Nong suddenly realized and went to the Mingyue Lake in the back mountain with Qin Zhong.

Not long after, Qi Hong, the owner of the Black Sword Martial Arts School, also came. He brought Qi Yue and his two direct disciples with him.

As for the rest of the disciples of the martial arts school, they could only participate in the banquet in their own name, just like ordinary martial artists.

As time passed, major forces in the county arrived one after another, such as the Dragon Snake Martial Arts School, the Giant Stone Martial Arts School, the Xu's Cloth Shop, the Wu's Escort Agency, and even many people from the Green Clothes Gang came.

The sky was about to get dark.

The evening breeze was gentle, and the big red lanterns on the street swayed in the wind.

Chu Liang also came. He came with the owner Li Ren and participated in the banquet in the name of the core disciple of the Autumn Sword Martial Arts School.

In fact, he could also use other identities.

For example, the owner of the black market amnesty order.

But if he used this identity, he would most likely be arranged to sit with those masters of the Leather Refining Realm, and he would inevitably feel uncomfortable.

"Brother Chu, do you really not want to sit with the masters of the Leather Refining Realm? This is a rare opportunity." Li Feng followed Chu Liang and asked curiously.

"So what if we sit together?" Chu Liang shook his head. "If you are not strong enough, even if you sit together, people will not take you seriously. I will not make myself unhappy."

"That's true." Li Feng nodded. He just felt a little regretful. After all, he had never come into contact with a master of the Leather Refining Realm.

But in Chu Liang's eyes, the Leather Refining Realm was not a high threshold.

He has not been idle in recent days.

The two little mice were busy observing Xu Long all day, while Chu Liang himself was busy practicing the secret methods "Pseudo-Leather Technique" and "Blood Explosion Technique", and he had already mastered the Blood Explosion Technique.

As for the Pseudo-Leather Technique, in order to activate this secret method, the sixth Qi and blood must be condensed. This Qi and blood is independent of the limbs and torso, and uses the skin as a carrier.

Chu Liang has already condensed a very small trace. With the help of the Blood Gathering Pill and various auxiliary drugs, it should be completely condensed in two or three months.

Now Chu Liang, if he bursts out with all his strength and uses the Blood Explosion Technique that he has already mastered, even if he cannot defeat the Leather Refining Realm, he can easily escape from the Leather Refining Realm.

Once he is familiar with the Blood Explosion Technique, he will be able to compete with the Leather Refining Realm in a short period of time.

"Brother Chu!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

Chu Liang turned around and saw Song Zhong and others. They were also on their way to Mingyue Lake in the back mountain.

Song Zhong asked the same question with a smile: "Brother Chu, don't you plan to use that black market amnesty order?"

"No, I know myself." Chu Liang said with a smile.

"Haha, with your talent, it's only a matter of time to achieve the Leather Refining Realm. Why be so modest."

Song Zhong and others came over with a smile and walked forward with Chu Liang.

The further forward, the more familiar people Chu Liang saw. He even saw Mr. Hu among the many warriors.

Mr. Hu also saw Chu Liang, was slightly startled, and then smiled awkwardly: "Chu Liang, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

Chu Liang was relaxed and responded with a smile.

He could tell that Mr. Hu came here to make some friends and take advantage of the banquet to get to know some more warrior friends.

In front of him, there were more and more people, the lights were bright, the voices were noisy, and the atmosphere gradually became lively. Before he knew it, he had reached the shore of Mingyue Lake in the back mountain.

It was already night, and the shore of Mingyue Lake was full of flowers and lanterns as bright as day.

The lake was rippling and the moonlight was sparkling.

The pavilions by the lake were tall, with glazed golden tiles, and the fragrance of wine and water. The brilliant lights were reflected in the lake, and the lake seemed like another world.

"Master Li, Chu Liang."

Wang Luo, the manager of the Black Sword Martial Arts School, stood at the door of the banquet and greeted the two with a smile on his face.

The two also responded with a smile.

Not far away, Ye Long's rough voice also appeared: "Master Li, and Chu Liang, you are a little late. The banquet is about to start. I am already hungry."

"Master Ye, I am here to discuss matters today, not to eat." Li Ren replied.

"We discuss while eating. How can we discuss matters on an empty stomach?"

Ye Long patted his belly, making a clacking sound, without caring about his image.

Another voice sounded, from the master of the Giant Stone Martial Arts School: "Haha, Master Ye is right. I am also a little hungry."

"Why are you all hungry? Are you all reincarnated gluttons?"

Luo Hong walked over with a smile on his face, talking as he walked.

He raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation, saying to everyone outside: "It's cold outside, please come in, the wine and food are ready."

"Okay, we won't be polite."

"Come on, come on, let's see what delicious food is prepared for this year's Lantern Festival."

Everyone was talking and laughing, the atmosphere was lively, and they entered the high-rise building by the Mingyue Lake one after another.

When they entered the main hall of the banquet, everyone's eyes lit up.

The main hall was brightly lit, magnificent, prosperous and wealthy.

The banquet was filled with silver candles, jade plates, delicacies, and fine wine, the sound of pianos, the light and color, the extreme luxury, like a fairy palace in the sky, beautiful beyond words.

"Everyone, please sit down."

Qi Cang, the leader of the local martial arts alliance, spoke on the side, and his vicissitudes of life echoed in the banquet.

Although he was the host, he could not sit on the main seat. The main seat must be reserved for the people from the Marquis' Mansion from the city, then the three Bo's Mansions, and then he, the host of the banquet.

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