Nangong Ruofeng's defeat brought unspeakable shock to everyone present.

Most people in the prefecture look down upon the people in the county.

Around Wenhai Fucheng, there are many small counties like Anping County.

If such a so-called "genius" from a small county town were thrown into a provincial city, he would not even make a splash and would almost disappear into oblivion.

Facing the county warriors, the Fucheng warriors had a natural sense of superiority.

With the same energy and blood, Fucheng warriors are stronger.

This is already a law.

But now, Chu Liang has forcibly broken this law!

"Is this Chu Liang really from the county? Could he be a genius secretly cultivated by some power in the city?" Some people couldn't help but speak, they really didn't want to believe it.

"It's true, his household registration is not even in the county seat, but in a small village called Qingshi Village next to the county seat. The villagers in that small village can prove this."

"He used to be a hunter and made a living by hunting."

Many warriors present had looked through Chu Liang's information.

They were just looking at him casually and didn't pay much attention to him.

But now, when they recall the contents of the information, everyone is shocked.

"He was born in a mountain village, and his resources are far inferior to Nangong Ruofeng's, but his strength is above Nangong Ruofeng's. Doesn't this mean that his talent is far better than Nangong Ruofeng's!"

"Moreover, in the early days of martial arts, he could not concentrate on practicing martial arts. He had to distract himself from hunting to make a living and make money to support himself."

"If he was born into a big family in Fucheng and didn't have to worry about resources, what would happen now?"

"Yeah, this..."

When they thought of this possibility, everyone took a deep breath.

As long as Chu Liang and Nangong Ruofeng are given the same resources, he will definitely be able to go further. Will he have successfully shed his skin now?

They looked at Chu Liang, and everyone looked at him again with unconcealable shock.

Unparalleled genius!

"Monster, really a monster!"

"Nangong Ruofeng is also unlucky to meet such a person. If there is no accident, he will probably live in Chu Liang's shadow for the rest of his life."

All the warriors present sighed repeatedly.

Ye Nan and other martial arts disciples were overjoyed and their whole bodies were shaking with excitement.

In their eyes, Chu Liang's back was as tall as a mountain and radiant, like a giant standing tall on the sky and the earth!

Ye Long by the lake was also very happy, but while he was happy, he couldn't help but feel deeply worried.

As those warriors said...

"In case Nangong Ruofeng can't get over this failure, he may really live in Chu Liang's shadow all his life." Ye Long was worried, "Bishui Villa will definitely not allow this to happen, for fear that they won't In order to save face, he used the big one to bully the small ones and secretly got rid of Chu Liang."

The code of conduct of warriors has always been simple.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the people who created the problem!

As long as Chu Liang is eliminated, Nangong Ruofeng may be able to get rid of the shadow.

"There are four masters of the Skin Refining Realm in Bishui Villa. If one of them is sent out at will, Chu Liang will not be able to resist him. This will cause trouble."

Thinking of this, Ye Long couldn't help but look at Nangong Ruofeng, and he even felt like he hated iron.


Why is your mood so bad that you can't even bear the blow of a defeat?

"The competition in Fucheng is also very fierce. Has Nangong Ruofeng really never been defeated before?" Ye Long frowned, "Or is it simply that he simply can't accept losing to Chu Liang?"

Thinking of this, Ye Long looked at the other three geniuses.

"If these three people also lose, will Nangong Ruofeng feel better?"

In fact, he was not the only one who thought so.

It was really hard to accept that he alone lost to Chu Liang, but what if every genius in Fucheng lost?

Thinking of this, many warriors present turned their eyes to the other three.

According to the agreement, these three people have to fight Chu Liang.

The faces of the warriors from the three forces, Juyi Gang, Lei Dao Escort Bureau and Purple Snake Martial Arts School, were not very good.

"This battle is meaningless, why waste time?" A five-blood qi and blood master from the Juyi Gang said: "There are countless opportunities in the mountains. We can't waste time here, we should leave immediately!"

"That's right, young gang leader, let's go, it's important to fight for opportunities!" Another master also said.


Hong Wu looked solemn, slowly took off the long golden stick behind him, took a deep breath, and the aura in his body was rising steadily.

He stretched out his hand to stop the others and said in a loud voice: "We have an appointment beforehand. I can't retreat from this battle!"

"You're right, how can we retreat from the path of martial arts?" Xue Jiaojiao also shouted coldly, holding a nine-section whip, and stopped the warriors from the Purple Snake Martial Arts Hall who wanted to take her away.

Lei Zhuo's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Nangong Ruofeng, who looked crazy, and then at Chu Liang.

He didn't speak, he just shook his head at the warriors from Thunder Blade Escort, and then drew out the broadsword behind him.

Neither Hong Wu nor Xue Jiaojiao retreated, so he can't retreat either!

Chu Liang smiled lightly and said to the three of them: "Everyone, what I said before still stands. You can come together or alone. The choice is in your hands."

"I'll go first!"

Hong Wu shouted loudly, holding a heavy long stick, and killed Chu Liang!

Talented people like them have their own arrogance in their hearts. Unless there is a life and death crisis, they will never join forces to fight against the enemy.


The long stick breaks through the wind!

Hong Wu's muscles were all tangled, like a glaring King Kong, with a terrifying aura and infinite strength. He raised his long stick and slashed down at Chu Liang!

One force can defeat ten!

Hong Wu watched the battle between Chu Liang and Nangong Ruofeng just now.

He knew in his heart that in terms of skills, he could never be Chu Liang's opponent. He could only crush all the skills with great force, crush them, and quickly end this battle!

"Good strength."

Chu Liang made a casual comment, raised his sword to meet it, and used the back of the sword to face the shocking blow from the stick!


The terrifying power burst out and turned into a violent storm, destroying everything and stirring up all directions!

Chu Liang's whole body sank a lot, and the soles of his feet sank into the jungle soil, but his breath remained stable without any fluctuation.

"how come?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Hong Wu's face.

He gritted his teeth, used the force to fly backwards, and then came to kill again.

After going back and forth like this several times, huge roars continued to sound, like iron being struck, which made everyone present feel uncomfortable in their eardrums. Even Hong Wu's own arms were numb from the shock.

But Chu Liang remained motionless, like a towering mountain.

In the end, Hong Wu stopped stepping forward and sighed.

"I lost."

He put away his long stick, his breath began to fall, and he turned around and walked back.

After he left, a purple figure killed Chu Liang.

"It's my turn!"

Xue Jiaojiao was holding a nine-section whip, her purple hair was flying, and her movements were as flexible as a ghost. She attacked Chu Liang from various tricky angles. Her movements were so fast that no one could see clearly.

But she was defeated in the end, and the nine-section whip in her hand was swept away by Chu Liang's long knife.

A complete failure!

Lei Zhuo was the last one to get on.

"Chu Liang, you are also a swordsman, please try the Crazy Thunder Sword Technique of my Thunder Sword Martial Arts School!"

He shouted loudly, holding a broadsword in his hand, and used the broadsword to strike Chu Liang's cross-cutting blows with great force, wide open and wide, extremely violent!

But not long after, the big knife in his hand was knocked away by Chu Liang, and with a plop, it fell into the turbid lake water.

"Awesome, when it comes to sword skills, I'm not as good as you."

Lei Zhuo sighed secretly, turned around and left, voluntarily admitting defeat.

Soon a warrior from the Thunder Blade Escort entered the lake and fished out his sword.

At this point, all the talented people from the four forces have been defeated.

Many warriors present were in agitated moods, and the shock in their hearts could no longer be described in words.

"They were all defeated, and they were all crushed!"

Every time Chu Liang wins, everyone will be even more shocked.

The warriors from the other three forces originally had a glimmer of hope that the geniuses from their forces could defeat Chu Liang, but this hope eventually turned into disappointment.

At this time, a question was posed in front of Hong Wu and the others.

They had an agreement.

If he loses to Chu Liang, he must become Chu Liang's slave.

Now that the outcome has been decided, do they want to fulfill this agreement?

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