There is an agreement in advance.

If they do not fulfill it, they will become the defaulters and will inevitably be looked down upon.

But the four of them are all geniuses in the prefecture city and the most promising younger generations of various forces. If they become slaves to Chu Liang, a native of the county town, they will be looked down upon even more.

Just the two words "slave" are humiliating and unacceptable.

The four of them are all proud.

How easy is it to make them bow their heads and become slaves of others?

Even if they accept it themselves, the warriors of the four forces present cannot accept it.

For a time, the entire lakeside fell into a strange silence.

How to choose?

The warriors of the other forces all stayed where they were with a mentality of watching the show, waiting for the final result of this matter.

Hong Wu and others were all silent, clenching their fists tightly. Although there was not much expression on their faces, they were struggling in their hearts.

Chu Liang ignored them and walked straight to Ye Long and others on the lakeside.

"Master Ye, take this pill to regulate your blood and qi." He took out a bottle of pills for healing internal injuries. As for Ye Long's arm, it was obviously broken and could not be healed for the time being.

It takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone.

When this matter is over, Ye Long has to go back and recuperate for several months.

Ye Hao's injuries are more serious. He is dying. He lies by the lake. His whole body is almost broken. He is almost hanging on with half a breath. He may be taken away by the King of Hell at any time.

Fortunately, Chu Liang has evolved a magic pill. He directly gave him half a bottle of pills and snatched him back from the King of Hell.

"After you go back, lie down for at least three months. You can't use force within these three months. You can't even mobilize your blood and qi, otherwise you will leave a hidden disease." Chu Liang gave some instructions.

"Young Master Chu, do you know medical skills?" Ye Nan was full of joy and found that Ye Hao's face was a little more rosy and his breath was gradually stable.

"I know a little bit."

In order to study the evolution of various elixirs, Chu Liang read many elixir recipes and medical skills in his spare time, and he was basically half an old doctor.

He examined the injuries of the other people and gave them the corresponding elixirs.

At this time, a five-strand Qi and Blood master from Bishui Villa suddenly spoke up: "Chu Liang, opportunities are for those who are capable. We attacked the Dragon Snake Martial Arts School before to get rid of competitors in advance, so that we can compete for opportunities later."

On the other side, a five-strand Qi and Blood master from the Thunder Blade Escort Agency also said: "Yes, in the competition for opportunities, life and death are determined by fate. We, the people of the prefecture city, are not deliberately targeting people from your county city."

"We are also competing and fighting with each other, and many people have died."

"Before you enter the mountain, you should have been prepared to lose your life. The road of martial arts is so cruel. You can only move forward by stepping on the blood and corpses of others."

The attitudes of these forces are obviously not as arrogant as before. They put away their condescending mentality and even took the initiative to speak up and try to ease the relationship with Chu Liang.

They can all see that as long as nothing unexpected happens, Chu Liang will definitely be a master of the Leather Refining Realm in the future.

It is not a wise thing to make enemies with him, unless they can completely kill Chu Liang before he grows up.

However, Chu Liang had been too relaxed in the competition before, and he had not used his full strength at all, so that many warriors present were completely unsure of Chu Liang's true strength and did not dare to act rashly.

They took the initiative to ease the situation, also for the sake of the geniuses of several parties, hoping that Chu Liang would take the initiative to cancel the previous agreement.

"Since this matter is over, let's leave." The five Qi and blood masters of Bishui Villa proposed.

"Well, there are still many opportunities in the mountains, and we can't waste time here." A master of the Purple Snake Martial Arts Hall responded.

"Let's go, it's time to leave."

The warriors of the four forces spoke one after another, without mentioning the slaves agreed upon before.

They looked at each other for a few times, and they had a tacit understanding. They all planned to get away from this matter and take their own geniuses away from Chu Liang.

However, at this moment, Hong Wu shouted: "Wait, this matter is not over yet, how can you leave like this?"

Hearing this, the warriors of the four forces were all shocked.

The warriors of the Juyi Gang changed their faces even more. They knew the character of this young gang leader very well.

"Young Master, it's all over!" Hong Zhu, a five-blooded warrior of the Juyi Gang, showed anxiety on his face and strode towards Hong Wu, trying to take him away.

But Hong Wu stomped his foot on the ground and stepped back, instantly pulling away from Hong Zhu.

He looked resolute and shouted loudly: "I have an agreement with Chu Liang in advance. Whoever loses will be a slave. Since I lost this battle, I must abide by the agreement!"


Many strong men of the Juyi Gang spoke at the same time, staring at each other, completely anxious.

How can the young master of the Juyi Gang be a slave to others?

"Young Master, the previous competition was just a verbal agreement. You did not sign an agreement, so it doesn't count!" Hong Zhu said loudly.

"Yes, I was there!" The warrior from Bishui Villa also said, "Master Hong, you and Chu Liang did not sign an agreement, nor did you make a vow, and you didn't even ask anyone to witness it. How can such an agreement count?"

He said this to help Nangong Ruofeng.

The warriors from Leidao Escort Agency and Zishe Martial Arts Hall also spoke up to persuade Hong Wu to leave with the Juyi Gang.

When things developed to this point, everyone was a little anxious.

"Hong Wu doesn't look stupid, why is he so stubborn? He has to make this matter clear!"

"Chu Liang didn't say anything!"

Many warriors cursed in their hearts, but on the surface they still pretended to be concerned and kept persuading.

But no matter what they said, Hong Wu was sure of it.

Hong Wu looked at Chu Liang and asked loudly: "Chu Liang, does the agreement between you and me still count?"

Chu Liang was a little surprised. He originally thought that the four people would leave quietly, but Hong Wu actually took the initiative to tell the matter.

He thought about it and replied: "This matter is up to you, I don't care."

Hearing this, the warriors of the four forces showed joy.

This Chu Liang still knows how to behave. He took a step back and didn't embarrass them!

After all, Hong Wu is a genius with four bloods. If he can be taken as a slave and trained well, he may have a slave in the leather refining realm in the future.

But Chu Liang said that he didn't care. This was undoubtedly a gesture of goodwill to the four forces and a step for each other.

But they didn't know that Chu Liang really didn't care.

However, Hong Wu got serious.

"You and I have an agreement. How can we treat an agreement like this?" Hong Wu said loudly, holding a long stick.


Hearing his words, many warriors of the Juyi Gang were almost dumbfounded, and the warriors of the other three forces almost cursed out loud.

"Chu Liang has taken the initiative to give him a way out, why don't you take the step down!"

They were so angry that they wanted to strangle Hong Wu to death on the spot.

Hong Wu looked serious. He also thought that Chu Liang was going to give him a way out, so he said loudly: "Chu Liang, you don't need to do this. I, Hong Wu, am a responsible person and I will do what I say!"

Chu Liang looked at him with interest and asked: "Hong Wu, do you really want to fulfill the agreement?"

"That's right!" Hong Wu said in a powerful voice, "You are from a mountain village, and your background and resources are not as good as mine, but you can defeat me and be your slave. I, Hong Wu, am convinced!"

"Well, in this case..."

Chu Liang paused.

His pause made the scene quieter, and everyone's heart was in their throat.

Hong Zhu was extremely anxious. Seeing Chu Liang like this, it was clear that he was going to agree.

"Before I set out this time, I asked someone to do a divination. The divination was very auspicious. The young leader should have a great opportunity! How could he become someone else's slave?"

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