A slap!

The sound was like thunder, and the sky was broken!

At this moment, whether it was Li Feng behind or Jin Yu in front, there was an incredible shock on their faces.

That was a man from the noble Bo Mansion!

But Chu Liang didn't hesitate and hit him directly!

"Brother Chu!"

Li Feng screamed. Although he hated, he was not blinded by hatred.

That was the Bo Mansion!

There is an iron rule in the entire Wenhai Prefecture City - never provoke the four great lord families!

At the beginning, the powerful black list master "Blood Wolf" was seriously injured and nearly died by the masters of the Hou Mansion because he killed a servant of the Hou Mansion. He fled in panic and has not shown up since then.

No matter how domineering these four great lord families are, the rest of the people can only endure it.

But today, Chu Liang made a tyrannical move!

"Madman, we provoked a madman." The five Qi and blood masters of the Jinshi Escort Agency sighed, his expression was bitter, and he no longer had any hope.

Jin Yu's pretty face was pale, her long hair was scattered, and she stared blankly at Wang Qu who was spitting blood and falling to the ground. Her whole worldview seemed to be shattered by that slap!

The so-called respect and order were all shattered under that slap.

In the back, Li Feng was a little flustered, and hurried over and said to Chu Liang: "Brother Chu, you should leave quickly, leave here immediately, leave the area under the jurisdiction of Wenhai Mansion, go somewhere else, become a first-class master and come back!"

He was very flustered, and now he had only one idea, to let Chu Liang leave quickly.

With Chu Liang's talent, it should not be a problem to become a first-class master in the bone refining realm. If he can't become one, then don't come back for the rest of his life.

Chu Liang was very calm and replied: "What are you afraid of? Kings, princes, generals and ministers are not of the same species, and these so-called lords are not nobler than you."


Li Feng was shocked again. In the nine states of Daliang, except for those thousand-year-old families, who dared to say that generals and ministers are not of the same species?

For ordinary people, saying this is tantamount to rebellion!

At this time, Wang Qu's furious voice suddenly sounded.

"Chu Liang! Are you looking for death?"

Wang Qu's eyes were full of anger, half of his face was swollen, several teeth in his mouth were broken, his hair was disheveled, and he was in a very embarrassed state. He was completely different from the divine and powerful appearance before!

He had never been so angry before, and the anger almost ignited every inch of his soul!

Since becoming the guard of the Bo Mansion, he has been high and mighty wherever he goes. When has he ever suffered such humiliation?

"Chu Liang, you don't distinguish between the superior and the inferior, you are arrogant and wanton, and you attack the guard of the Bo Mansion. You are guilty of capital crime! You will die!"

Wang Qu vomited blood and roared furiously, like a madman!

He just wanted to kill Chu Liang now!

Chu Liang glanced at him lightly and asked, "Do you want to die so much?"


These words seemed to be a basin of cold water, poured on Wang Qu's head, which made him tremble all over and clear his mind a little.

The murderous intent in the words was not concealed, and it was cold and piercing, making Wang Qu's back cold.

"Not good!"

He suddenly realized that Chu Liang was a lunatic!

He must not be provoked at this time!

Faced with the life-and-death crisis, Wang Qu's anger was forcibly suppressed and he was completely awake.

He hurriedly looked at the Bofu token, rolled over, and grabbed it in his hand regardless of the blood and mud on the ground, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Chu Liang, let's talk!" Wang Qu tightly grasped the Bofu token, "I stopped you just now to discuss with you. You are so talented, it's really a waste in the county. I wanted to recruit you into the Bofu, but you didn't give me a chance to speak!"

He has only one idea now.


As long as it's delayed until the rest of the Bofu arrives, this matter will be simple.

Chu Liang laughed, and his laughter was a little harsh: "Why are you so respectful at first and then respectful?"


Wang Qu's face flushed, feeling aggrieved and humiliated, and the anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable. He wanted to burst out and kill Chu Liang immediately.

But he knew in his heart that he could only endure it now!

If he couldn't endure it, he would definitely die today!

His change was so great that Li Feng and Jin Yu were stunned.

"Is this still someone from the Bo Mansion?"

He was so arrogant just now, but now he suddenly spoke kindly, like a wild dog shaking its tail to beg for mercy, which was unbelievable.

Chu Liang's slap and Wang Qu's change at this moment were like two thunderbolts, splitting the concept of superiority and inferiority in their hearts.

Wang Qu saw the incredible faces of several people, and felt even more humiliated.

"I will endure it!"

He held the Bo Mansion token in his hand tightly, his teeth were almost broken, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only live in poverty for a while and endure until the rest of the Bo Mansion arrived.

Fortunately, the rest of the Bo Mansion were nearby, not far away.

After just a few breaths, more than a dozen figures appeared in the jungle in the distance.

Wang Qu's eyes lit up, and he shouted hurriedly: "Master! Third Master, I'm here!"

"It's Wang Qu's voice."

"Why does his voice sound a little strange? It feels like there's something wrong..."

In the distance, in the jungle, the voices of the dozen people sounded in doubt.

The voices came from far away.

Not long after, a group of more than ten people appeared in Chu Liang's sight.

The man in the group was very young, with fair skin, a pair of peach blossom eyes, holding a broken jade fan, wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, and a somewhat evil temperament.

The third master of the Qingshui Marquis's Mansion, Wang Teng.

It was the winter season, not hot, but freezing cold. He was holding a folding fan in his hand... He looked like he was going to the mountains to kill monsters, but rather like he was going for a picnic.

"Third Young Master!"

Wang Qu's voice was a little higher, and he finally felt relieved and ran over in a hurry.

Seeing his muddy and miserable appearance, Wang Teng was a little disgusted. He waved the folding fan in his hand and asked, "Wang Qu, why are you so miserable? Who dared to hit you?"

"Third Young Master, it was all Chu Liang who did it! He is simply lawless!"

Wang Qu knelt on the ground, and the frustration in his heart completely burst out, and he told everything that had happened before.

After listening to his story, a trace of anger appeared in the eyes of the other people in the Bo's Mansion.

Is Chu Liang so bold that he dares to do this to the people of the Bo's Mansion?

"What a courage!"

Wang Teng's eyes suddenly turned cold. Even if he was just a dog of the Bo's Mansion, he was not something that a lowly commoner like Chu Liang could bully!

"Tell me about Chu Liang. I want to know everything."


Someone immediately spoke up and told Wang Teng the story.

The content they told was similar to the information collected by others, which was nothing more than "not fond of killing", "good nature", "very good reputation", "a good person" and so on.


After listening, Wang Teng sneered twice.

"It doesn't matter whether he is a good person or a bad person." Wang Teng's cold eyes swept over Chu Liang, "Chu Liang, do you know that for a lowly person like you, bullying the Bo Mansion is a capital crime. Not only will you die, but your entire family will die!"

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