The whole family must die, this is the price!

The majesty of the Bo Mansion cannot be challenged!

Wang Teng sneered: "Chu Liang, if I issue the Bo Mansion order and mobilize the Bo Mansion guards to kill your whole family, there will be no force in the entire Wenhai Mansion to oppose it, and even the government office will not dare to stop it. Do you believe it?"

He gently shook the folding fan in his hand, and his breath was extremely cold, like a venomous snake that had set its sights on its prey.

Behind him, more than a dozen masters of the Bo Mansion stared at Chu Liang to prevent Chu Liang from escaping.

"But, I don't like killing either. I am a kind-hearted person and have a good reputation." Wang Teng changed the subject, as if he wanted to let Chu Liang go.

As he said that, he glanced at Jin Yu and the others.

"Jin Yu, you two come over first. This matter has nothing to do with your Jinshi Escort Agency."

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Third Young Master!"

Jin Yu and the others knelt down and kowtowed as if they had been pardoned, and thanked them repeatedly.

After a sudden turn of events, there was light at the end of the tunnel!

The third young master of the Bo Mansion actually personally said to protect the two of them. This is a great honor!

Seeing that Chu Liang had not spoken, the two thought that Chu Liang was intimidated by Wang Teng, and they were secretly happy.

"I thought Chu Liang was really not afraid of the Bo Mansion. Now it seems that he was pretending to be calm before!"

"He probably thought that Wang Qu was the only one around here, right? Maybe he wanted to kill him to silence him, but he didn't expect that the third young master was also here!"

They all thought so, and their joy was beyond words, and they were glad that they made the right choice.

Although the Jinshi Escort Agency suffered heavy losses this time, most of the dead were ordinary escorts, and only Jin Xiong and others had a higher status, which was not unacceptable.

After returning, as long as the monthly salary in the contract is slightly increased and recruited from outside, they will naturally be able to recruit enough warrior escorts to make up for the losses this time.

"Don't kowtow, you two, kowtow slowly after you go back, come here first." Wang Teng said again, his words were cold and impolite, and he seemed to be humiliating the two.

But the two were not angry, but more pleasantly surprised.

After returning, we will knock slowly?

Doesn't this mean that after returning to the city, Jinshi Escort Agency and Bo Mansion can have a deeper connection?

"Third Young Master, we will come right away!"

The two immediately answered, hurriedly stood up, took steps, and were about to walk towards Wang Teng.

But at this moment, a cold knife light suddenly flashed.


The blade was cold and as fast as lightning, cutting across their warm necks, leaving a thin line of blood.

The two of them were shocked at the same time, as if their whole bodies were stiff, and they were stunned in place.

The next moment, the terrifying blood spurted out!

"No... No..."

Jin Yu's face was pale, panicked, and she covered her neck tightly, trying to stop the surging blood, but everything was in vain.

The blood was still gushing, flowing along the gaps between her slender fingers, dyeing her armor red, and taking her life away bit by bit.


Jin Yu fell to the ground, as if falling into an ice cellar, and her whole body began to turn cold in the fear of death.

"Chu Liang,"

Jin Yu trembled all over, her eyes full of fear. She couldn't understand how Chu Liang dared to do it?

He actually killed the person that the Third Young Master of the Bo Mansion said he would protect in front of him!

This was tantamount to a solid slap on the face of the Third Young Master, which was the most direct humiliation!

"I...I can't die..."

Jin Yu's breath was getting weaker and weaker.


A drop of warm blood dripped along the blade of Chu Liang's long knife in front of Jin Yu's eyes.

Jin Yu raised her head with difficulty and saw Chu Liang holding the long knife.

His face was cold, like a Yama walking in the world, and there was no fear in his eyes at all.

Jin Yu was desperate and regretful. At this moment, she finally figured it out. Chu Liang had never cared about the so-called Bo Mansion and the Third Young Master from beginning to end. No one could stop him from killing the person he wanted to kill.

Death was doomed from the beginning.

In the endless cold and fear, Jin Yu slowly fell to the ground, his pupils dilated, and he was completely motionless.


A breath later, the master with five blood and qi also died.

So far, the demon-killing team of Jinshi Escort Agency that entered the mountain has basically been destroyed.

Only a very small number of scattered people, because they chased the disciples of Qiu Dao Martial Arts School too far and did not follow Jin Yu back, were able to save their lives.


Chu Liang tore off a piece of rag and wiped the blood on the knife.

At this moment, no one spoke, and the forest fell into a dead silence.

Not far away, the face of Wang Teng, the third young master of the Bo Mansion, was completely gloomy, and endless anger burned in his chest, like a furnace about to explode.

After a short silence, a shocking roar sounded.

"Chu Liang!"

Wang Teng was furious and shouted, "How dare you kill the person I want to protect?"

Chu Liang glanced at him, threw away the bloody rag in his hand, and asked, "Is it not possible?"

"Okay! Okay! I originally only planned to destroy your martial arts and let you kneel in front of my uncle's house for three years before letting you go!"

Wang Teng was ruthless, and his murderous intent became stronger and stronger. He shouted, "Since you are so ungrateful, then I will satisfy you!"

As he said, he pointed the folding fan in his hand, directly at Chu Liang.

"Mr. Fan, go and cut off his head. When you go back, hang it on the gate of the county. No... just hang it at the door of the Qiu Dao Martial Arts Hall, so that everyone in the county can come and see it. No one is allowed to take it down! If anyone violates this, he will be killed without mercy!"


An old man beside him responded.

This old man is called Fan Chun, a guest of the Bo Mansion, and a real master of the Leather Refining Realm!

Not all Leather Refining Realm masters go into the mountains to grab opportunities. The Leather Refining Realm masters of the four great lord families do not care about the opportunities in the mountains. They only need to protect the young masters and young ladies of their own families, and they will naturally get a lot of rewards when they return.

"Chu Liang!"

Fan Chun took a step forward, and his breath suddenly burst out.

The pressure of the Leather Refining Realm master spread out, like a mountain, terrifying.

He mobilized his Qi and blood, turned his palm, and a sharp blade with a cold glow appeared in his hand.

Fan Chun's eyes were vicissitudes, and he did not take it lightly. After all, Chu Liang could slap Wang Qu away with a slap, which meant that he was not an ordinary five-strand Qi and blood, and most likely he was about to break through.

He might even have broken through!

Everyone present had guesses, but they did not say it out loud, because the third young master Wang Tengdu had just condensed five strands of Qi and blood.

If he said it out loud, it would undoubtedly be humiliating Wang Teng, indicating that his talent was not as good as Chu Liang, a lowly commoner.

"Chu Liang, you have a good talent. You are so young that you can gather five strands of blood in this small county."

Fan Chun stepped forward and said as he walked, his voice old: "It's a pity that you shouldn't offend the third young master. You should know that there are differences between the superior and the inferior. There are some people you can't afford to offend from birth. You are just an ant in the mortal world, and the third young master is a dragon in the sky."

"Just because you can't afford to offend from birth doesn't mean you can't afford to offend in the future." Chu Liang responded calmly.

"Yes, but you don't have a future!"

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