"Boom!" "Boom!"...

One after another escaped light and fled in all directions, scattered like birds and beasts.

The northbound team that had lasted for more than a day collapsed the moment the Jiexiu gang appeared.

"Let's go too!"

Chen Qingju, who was at the front of the crowd, greeted him, then turned around with the three companions beside him, and galloped towards the east.

Anyway, it is only a few hundred miles away from the Dali border. As long as you get rid of these pursuers, you can easily enter the country by turning your head north.


Zhang Yao hesitated for a moment, but chose to quietly follow Chen Qingju and the others.

The current situation is chaotic, and the disaster is imminent. There are many monks fleeing to the east, and he is inconspicuous among them.

"Chase! Don't let them get away!"

"These are all fat sheep, catch one, at least a few hundred spirit stones!"

"That bitch is mine, I've been holding back for half a year!"

The three gangs of robbery cultivators surged like black clouds from the sky, and many robbery cultivators howled and roared excitedly.

Whenever this time is when they make a fortune, killing a monk of the same level can get a lot of spirit stones and wealth, and pave the road to immortality with bones.

"Boom!" "Clang!" "Poof..." "Ah!"...

In an instant, magic spells bombarded and exploded, magic weapons collided with each other, and even screams and wailing resounded throughout.

Many monks who were slightly inferior in cultivation and ran a step slower were immediately besieged by robbery cultivators several times their own. They didn't survive in just a few breaths, and they were directly bombarded by spells and magic weapons.


Some storage bags were smashed by the aftermath of the fierce battle, and the sound of the spirit stones, spirit pills and other things contained in them exploding, made the robbers even more excited.

"Go! Go!"

"It's safe to escape!"

While many monks died tragically at the hands of Jiexiu, more Qi refining monks fled in all directions.

This time is the most dangerous, and it is also the most test of the speed and luck of escaping light.

Many monks fled separately, and the farther they are scattered, the greater the chance of survival. It depends on which ones run slowly and have bad luck.

As for the rest, as long as they successfully reach the territory of Dali, the sea will be as wide as the fish will leap, and the sky will be as high as the birds will fly!

"is her!"

"The target appears, grab her!"

In the chaos, the three leaders of the largest robbery cultivator gang looked at each other with murderous intent.


The three tribulation cultivator leaders controlled the Dunguang without hesitation, biting Chen Qingju and the others.

Such a situation was instantly discovered by the three people beside Chen Qingju, and they reacted after a moment of stupefaction, furious in their hearts:

"Damn it!"

"You fucking bitch, use us as a shield!"

"Bad maid, you really deserve to be killed!"

Amidst the angry curses, the three of them scattered and fled without hesitation, leaving Chen Qingju behind.

They used each other to take advantage of each other, and they didn't have any friendship at all. If the timing wasn't right, they might join hands to kill Chen Qingju.

"Can you run?"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Chen Qingju's eyes, and he suddenly raised his hand and threw out a black disc.


The black disc vibrated crazily, streaks of black light surged, and an astonishing force of adsorption erupted.

The three fleeing cultivators and the three tribulation cultivator leaders who came after them were all absorbed by the black light in an instant, and they involuntarily slammed into the center.

If they really bumped into each other and fought close to each other, the situation would be extremely dangerous, one mistake would kill them, and no one dared to bet on such an outcome.

"Not good! It's a one-time secret treasure!"

"It's about to hit!"

"Do it! Kill them!"

The leaders of the three tribulation cultivators made a decision in an instant, and while resisting the influence of the black light, they sacrificed magic weapons and cast spells, and their attacks were extremely fierce.

However, the three monks who had perfected Qi Refining were not vegetarians either. They activated their magic weapons one after another and fought back desperately.


The two sides fought fiercely involuntarily, not daring to hold back at all.

And that Chen Qingju took advantage of this opportunity to escape hundreds of meters away with a few flashes of her figure, and she was about to flee far away.

"This woman is really vicious."

Zhang Yao, who secretly observed this scene, was baffled in his heart.

This Chen Qingju was not originally an insider of the Jiexiu gang, but knew clearly that he was being targeted by Jiexiu, so he deliberately used people as a shield.

The three monks who had perfected their Qi refining mistook her rhetoric and believed that it would be safer for them to act together, but they ended up being cheated so miserably.

"Follow and have a look."

Zhang Yao walked through the ground and quietly followed Chen Qingju's escape.

Taking advantage of the chaos just now, he sneaked under the ground, and then used the high-level breath-suppressing spell with all his strength to cover his own breath, so as not to alarm others.

Traveling underground in the barren zone consumes ten times more mana than the outside world. Even Qi-refining cultivators who have mastered earth attribute techniques dare not escape from the ground, because this is a dead end.

Only Zhang Yao, whose mana is more than three times stronger than ordinary Qi refining perfection, has this kind of confidence.

Soon, Zhang Yao could no longer see Chen Qingju's escaping light, and could only follow the faint aura fluctuations to continue searching.

Performing the 'Mountain Escape Technique' underground, although the speed is not slow, it is still faster than the magic weapon Flying Sword's Escaping Light.

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

A moment later, three Jiexiu leaders dressed in black flew past with gloomy faces and hurriedly chased them away.

"It seems that the three monks who have successfully refined Qi are finished."

Zhang Yao mourned for them in silence.

Now that they are all fighting with all their strength, even if the one-time secret treasure collapses, no one dares to stop rashly and can only continue to fight.

But these three are the leaders of the Tribulation Cultivator, and they have a large number of subordinates. If the three monks were besieged and killed, none of them would be able to escape.

"I'm afraid Chen Qingju won't be able to escape..."

Zhang Yao found that the escape light of the three robber cultivators was obviously faster than that of Chen Qingju, and they disappeared into the sky in two or three strokes.

"It's a little troublesome now."

Zhang Yao tried his best to distinguish the fluctuation of spiritual energy, trying to continue tracking.

But within hundreds of miles right now, all kinds of aura fluctuations are jumbled together in such a mess that it is difficult to sort them out completely.

"Due east... no, turn to the northeast..."

Zhang Yao sensed the subtle fluctuations of the aura, and tried to continue tracking along the trace.

It is also thanks to his powerful mind and soul, which is far better than a normal monk who has perfected Qi refining, otherwise he would have been chased and lost by others.

After continuing to walk for another quarter of an hour, Zhang Yao suddenly heard a strange, clear and sweet singing voice, with a faint power to shake the soul:

"...Pluck the green lotus leaves, wash them in the dew on a jade plate, pick up the leaves from the sky in the horizontal pond, and get a magical life..."

"...Second picking white lotus root, plump jade brocade and autumn city, endless meaning of life, exquisite frost and snow..."

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his heart was shocked, his complexion changed slightly:

"Qinglian song?!"

"That woman is actually a remnant of Qinglian Sect?!"

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