Qinglian Song is the most iconic high-level spell of Qinglian Sect in the former Wei Kingdom.

Qinglian Sect mainly cultivates wood-attribute skills, but its style of magic is extremely rare, specializing in the way of rhythm, which left a deep impression on Zhang Yao.

But it has been sixty or seventy years since the Qinglian Sect died.

Zhang Yao really didn't expect that after many years, he would encounter the remnants of the Qinglian Sect in the barren belt leading to Dali.

"what on earth is it?"

Thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind.

Judging by his age, this Chen Qingju was at most in his teens when Qinglian Sect died, and maybe even a few years old.

If she is really a remnant of the Qinglian Sect, living a life of hiding and wandering everywhere, and still able to cultivate all the way to the perfection of Qi refining, it is a bit unimaginable.

Not only that--

How could the leaders of these robbery repair gangs far away on the border of Dali focus on the remnants of a foundation-establishing sect tens of thousands of miles away?

"...There must be some secret behind this."

"Moreover, Chen Qingju's information seems to be correct. There are indeed people behind these robbery repairs, and they do some black work for them."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao slightly accelerated the speed of walking underground, and rushed towards the sound of Qinglian's singing.

No matter what secrets there are, anyway, it is impossible for a foundation-builder monk to appear here, so he is still very sure of fishing in troubled waters.

Hundreds of miles away:

The three leaders of robbery cultivators in black surrounded Chen Qingju, using weapons and spells to continuously attack, and the flames rolled down from the sky.

Looking carefully, the magic tools and spells of the three of them are obviously from the same line. The golden red flames swept across tens of feet, evolved into hundreds of thousands of fire crows, and gathered into a flame tornado.

And in the very center of the flame tornado:

A layer of cyan fine air net protected Chen Qingju, and survived the siege of the three leaders of the Tribulation Cultivation.

"...four purple lotus hearts are picked, the emperor sits in the golden palace, all dharmas are clear and vigorous, and the infinite returns to the void..."

Chen Qingju sang loudly, melodiously, with a white jade flute and a burnt-tailed guqin beside her, playing a clear and clear sound in line with her tune.

Under the flow of mana, the power of Qingliange was fully activated, and the invisible sound waves were so breathtaking that the air was faintly distorted.

Under the influence of Qinglian Song:

The leader of the three major tribulation cultivators also staggered, with an occasional look of confusion on his face. It often took two or three breaths to react, and the power of the siege was greatly reduced because of this.

If he was alone, he would have died in Chen Qingju's hands long ago. It was the three of them teaming up and cooperating exquisitely, which made it difficult for Chen Qingju to escape.

On the surface, the two sides are on equal footing and temporarily stalemate;

But in fact, Chen Qingju was one against three, but she was firmly suppressed and had no power to fight back. If she defended for a long time, she would lose.

Coupled with the passage of time, Jiexiu under the command of the three may also come to meet up, and by then the big thing will be over.

"damn it!"

Chen Qingju obviously also understood the truth, and when she gritted her teeth, a ruthless look appeared in her eyes:

"You all asked for this!"

She shook her sleeves and shot out a stream of light, which instantly swelled and exploded in mid-air, turning into an overwhelming forest-white brilliance.

Under the influence of Qinglian song, the leaders of the three tribulation cultivators reacted a little slower, and failed to avoid it in time. They were irradiated by the white brilliance on their upper body, and they suddenly froze.


The bones and joints of their bodies seemed to be rusted and locked, and it was extremely difficult to rotate their mana, so that there was an unnecessary gap in the encirclement of the flame tornado.

Obviously, this white streamer is another rare one-time secret treasure.


Chen Qingju was overjoyed, and immediately seized the opportunity to flee crazily with the escape light, breaking through the flame tornado in an instant.

Here is less than 200 miles away from Dali territory, as long as there is a slight delay to let her rush into Dali territory, these robbers will not dare to pursue her with great fanfare.

But just when she thought she had escaped:


A familiar black light surged forward, dragging her figure abruptly backward.

The familiar and terrifying force of adsorption made her complexion change drastically, and she turned her head to look back in despair.

A similar black disc is shining brilliantly in mid-air.

"You think you're the only one with the secret treasure?"

After breaking free from the suppression of Sen Bai Guanghua, the three tribulation repair leaders launched a new round of siege towards Chen Qingju in an instant.

This time, Chen Qingju had run out of cards. Even with frequent tricks, it was still difficult to resist the siege of the three of them. The cyan fine air net quickly dissipated under the continuous bombardment of the flame tornado.

Just half an hour later:


Chen Qingju lay on the ground exhausted, her clothes were torn, she kept coughing up blood, and her complexion was as pale as paper.

"Huh... it's finally resolved."

The three tribulation repair leaders all breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions relaxed a lot.

They surrounded her, and after cautiously probing her for a while, they sealed her magic power and removed her limbs and joints.

"Let's go, take it back first and then interrogate it."

The three of them were about to leave immediately with Chen Qingju, and after reuniting with the large army, they would return to their secret lair on the border of Dali.

And at the moment when the three of them set up the escape light:


There is a blue-purple brilliance rushing towards here, mixed with thunderstorm-like roars.

Driven by Zhang Yaoxiong's powerful mana, almost as soon as the sound reached the ears of the three, the Thunder Cone was about to kill one of them.

"not good!"

The leader of the robbery cultivator who was attacked and killed, his hair stood on end for a moment, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

But in the blink of an eye, he didn't have time to avoid it, so he could only forcibly transfer mana and try to intercept it with top-level magic weapons.

"As long as you stop for an instant, you can launch a counterattack!"

It was the last thought on his mind.

Next moment:


The flying sword, a top-level magic weapon, was blasted away, whimpering, and rolled seven or eight times in mid-air, but the thunder cone remained undiminished, and blasted straight through the chest of the leader of the tribulation cultivator.

A hole the size of a bowl was opened in his chest, the edge was scorched black, his breath was cut off instantly, and the corpse fell downward.

"Brother Chu!"


The eyes of the other two were tearing apart. They never expected that in such a situation, there would still be someone lurking and secretly attacking.

What made them even more unexpected in their dreams was that the 'Senior Brother Chu' who had perfected his qi refining couldn't hold on for even a moment, and died in a single encounter.


Zhang Yao is not forgiving when he is in power, with a move of his mind, his magic power circulates, and amidst the roar of the thunder cone, he turns around and kills again.

Not only that, but his magic power machine and flying sword merged into one, and he turned into a blue streamer, also killing the remaining two people.

The speed of the thunder cone was the fastest, the blue-purple lightning roared, and the roar followed like a shadow, putting tremendous pressure on the two of them.


The slightly younger Jiexiu leader let out a roar, and together with his companions urged the magic weapon to resist.

They could see clearly just now that the power of this thunder light awl is extremely powerful, far exceeding the ordinary top-level magic weapon.


The Tianlei Cone collided head-on with a jade ruyi and a golden writing brush, causing a thunderous explosion.

But after the air wave that spread to several tens of feet dissipated, the three top-level instruments flew back backwards, and they were evenly matched.


Such a result surprised the remaining two Jiexiu leaders.

This is not a hasty resistance under the surprise attack just now, and the frontal power confrontation can be one against two. How powerful is this mana?

They don't know—

Zhang Yao's mana was more than three times that of theirs. If it wasn't for the slight lack of pure level, this blow would be enough to kill them!

I went to visit a friend who had an operation today, so the update was later than Qingyun imagined, but there is still!

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