After a collision, the remaining two Jiexiu leaders suddenly realized that something was wrong.

If it is difficult to gain the upper hand in a frontal fight, then the two of them will easily die if they are a little careless.

But it was too late to wake up at this time.


At the same time as the top-level magic weapon collided, Zhang Yao's flying sword was as fast as lightning, and it was within three feet of the two of them.

He had been lurking within tens of feet before suddenly launching a surprise attack. With the flickering of his escape light, he arrived in front of the two of them in an instant, and he punched out heavily with both fists.


Zhang Yao exhaled and opened his voice, his whole body glowed with dazzling golden light, and the golden mantras emerged on his fists, layer upon layer like armor.

Transform into the body of King Ming, hold the power of Vajra, and sweep away the pure lands in all directions!

"not good!"

The faces of the two robbery repair leaders changed drastically, with fear in their eyes.

They never expected that this person who appeared out of the blue, while having powerful mana and astonishing magic weapon power, was also a body-training cultivator who was good at melee combat.

One accidentally missed the opportunity. At this time, it is too late to recall the top-level magic weapon body protection.

And such a step at night is the distance between life and death.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

After two dull bangs:

The bodies of the two tribulation cultivators fell down like cannonballs. They fell heavily on the ground and made a huge pit, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

Their body protection spell was broken by Zhang Yao's blow, their muscles and bones were broken, and their seven orifices spurted blood. It was obvious that they were dead and couldn't die anymore.


Zhang Yao let out a long breath, and slowly lowered the light.

" turned out to be you, Zhang Qing?!"

At this time, Chen Qingju, who was paralyzed on the ground, finally saw Zhang Yao's face clearly, and his face changed in shock.

Originally, after she failed to win over 'Zhang Qing', she didn't take it to heart. After all, she was just an ordinary Qi Refining Loose Cultivator who happened to meet at the border.

But never expected——

This 'Zhang Qing' was hiding his secrets, and he possessed such terrifying strength that he killed the three great masters of Qi refining in a short time.

This kind of strength, even the true disciples of the Jindan Dazong, is probably no more than this.

"Chen Daoyou, we meet again."

Zhang Yao nodded and showed a faint smile:

"Chen Daoyou's current situation doesn't seem to be very good..."

Chen Qingju bit her lower lip and whispered:

"How will Zhang Daoyou plan to deal with me?"

"That depends on how valuable you are."

Zhang Yao's expression remained unchanged, and he said:

"Tell me, why did the leaders of these robbery repair gangs deliberately stare at you at the border of Dali?"


Chen Qingju hesitated for a moment, then responded in a low voice:

"I once went to Dali, offended some people, but also got a treasure, and fled back to Tao Country."

"However, there is no Foundation Establishment Pill in Tao Country. If I want to break through Foundation Establishment, I have to take the risk of returning to Dali and selling that treasure."

"Those people I offended probably hired the robbing gang here to keep an eye on my whereabouts on the border..."

Hearing his words, Zhang Yao shook his head and said:

"Chen Daoyou, you are really dishonest. You lied at the first question."

"You and these people are obviously from the same organization, and even the secret treasures used have the same manufacturing methods and effects. Do you think Zhang is blind?"

"Also, you are not from the country of Tao, but from the country of Wei. You have been lying since the time you met me."


Chen Qingju finally changed his face, and immediately put on a pleading tone:

"Zhang Daoyou, this concubine is only doing this for self-protection, please..."


Zhang Yao interrupted her and said coldly:

"Since you don't shed tears when you see the coffin, don't blame Zhang for being ruthless and ruthless!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Yao flicked his fingers, controlled the force with delicate techniques, and hit her hard on the acupoints on the forehead.

Chen Qingju's eyes suddenly went dark, and she almost passed out. She herself was seriously injured, and her head began to become muddled, and she felt a splitting headache even when she thought about it.

"look into my eyes……"

Zhang Yao grabbed her chin and forced her to look into his eyes.

His eyes glowed with warmth and luster, as if there was an invisible vortex flowing, exuding soul-stirring power.


Chen Qingju groaned unconsciously, the corners of her mouth gradually drooled, and she almost lost her sanity.

After being severely injured, her mana was banned again, and her spirit strength was far inferior to Zhang Yao's, so she couldn't resist Zhang Yao's methods at all.

"Without the birth of consciousness, it is impossible to practice high-level spells of the spirit and soul."

"However, this 'Spiritual Concentration Dafa' is barely enough with my current spirit strength..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao thought for a while and asked the first question:

"What's your real name? Where do you come from?"

Chen Qingju looked stupid, and instinctively answered:

"My real name is Chen Qingju. I come from the Qinglian Sect of Weiguo. I am the ninth generation true disciple of the sect. I am now an elder of the Sunset League."

"Sunset Alliance?"

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, and quickly recalled.

When he was in the country of Li, he heard that there was a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment in the country of Wei who had formed a loose alliance to counter the Ouyang family who monopolized Qingyunfang city.

That loose alliance is the 'Sunset Alliance'.


Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, then continued to ask:

"Are the leaders of these three robbery repair gangs related to the leader of the Sunset League, and why are you being targeted by them?"

"No, they are members of the Dongge sect, and I am a member of the Xige sect, and I have always been in the same situation."

The stupid Chen Qingju gave Zhang Yao an answer beyond his expectations:

"The reason why I was targeted by them was because they wanted to take away the 'Heavenly Capital Token' from me."

"East Pavilion Sect, West Pavilion Sect... Heavenly Capital Order Talisman?"

Zhang Yao's expression lifted, he quickly grasped the key words, and said in a deep voice:

"Tell me carefully, what is going on with the Dongge faction and the West Pavilion faction?"

"Is such that……"

Following Chen Qingju's narration, Zhang Yao knew the inside story behind it.

More than a hundred years ago, the Battle of the Five Sects broke out in Dali Xiuxian Realm. After decades of fighting, it finally ended with the destruction of Pingdumen.

The Jindan Patriarch of Pingdu Gate died, and many Foundation Establishment cultivators also died, but after all, there are still some remnants who escaped outside and linger on until now.

Time flies:

After several turmoil, these remnants who vowed to revive Pingdu Gate also divided into two factions, the so-called East Pavilion Sect and the West Pavilion Sect, each of which enshrines different ideas and is headed by several Foundation Establishment monks.

The Sunset League of Weiguo belonged to the Xige Sect, and the former Qinglian Sect was actually a pawn that the Pingdu Sect secretly spread.

When Chen Qingju was young, it coincided with the turmoil caused by the Tianbao Building's recruitment order, which led to chaos in the Weiguo Xiuxian Realm, and the Qinglian Sect collapsed as a result, and she lived a miserable life of homelessness.

It was not until many years later that she was cultivated by the leader of the Sunset League, and learned the true origin of the Qinglian Sect. After "recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan", she has been working wholeheartedly for the Sunset League and the Xige Sect.

"It turns out that Qinglianzong is one of the hidden branches of Pingdumen."

"It's no wonder that a middle-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator who was previously unknown suddenly appeared in Xiaoxiaowei Kingdom. It turned out to be the remnant of the Pingdu Gate..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao's thoughts surged, and he asked again:

"Then what mission are you going to perform this time when you go to Dali? What's the use of the Heavenly Capital Token Talisman you are fighting for?"


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