"This trip to Dali is for..."

Chen Qingju was bewildered and foolish, with saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth, she was talking subconsciously.

Under Zhang Yao's "Dafa of Concentrating Souls and Obtaining Thoughts", she could only keep digging deep into her memory, and she never even had the slightest thought of hiding it.

"I see……"

Half a quarter of an hour later, after listening to her narration, Zhang Yao showed a hint of bewilderment.

The Pingdu Gate has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has secretly spread many branches and arranged many secret treasures, just to prepare for a rainy day.

If one day in the future, the sect is destroyed by foreign enemies and the lineage of Taoism is cut off, it will be able to rely on the remaining disciples and these branches and secret treasures to make a comeback.

Among the many secrets:

A "Tiandu Secret Treasure" known to both the East Pavilion Sect and the West Pavilion Sect requires a Tiandu Token to open it.

When the Pingdu Gate was destroyed and the sect was in chaos, the ancestors of the Dongge Sect and the Xige Sect brought out some tokens of Tiandu, which have been passed down to this day.

The Tiandu Secret Store is opened every twenty years, and only those who have cultivated Qi can enter it. There are many good things in it.

Twenty years ago, the Heavenly Capital Secret Treasure was opened once, but like the previous two times, it was the East Pavilion faction that won, and the West Pavilion faction was defeated.

Twenty years later, Chen Qingju also broke through to the tenth level of Qi Refining, and her knowledge of Qinglian Song was very deep and her strength was strong, so she was sent to Dali to participate in the battle for the Heavenly Capital Secret Treasure .

"From the looks of it now, I'm afraid the leader of the Sunset Alliance has miscalculated."

"These disciples of the Dongge sect have developed some method to lock the whereabouts of the Heavenly Capital Token Talisman..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

After Chen Qingju came to the border of Lu State, she expected that the Dongge faction would definitely hire robbery repair gangs, or simply send people pretending to be robbery repairers to come to the border to intercept and kill her.

Therefore, she intentionally waited for the departure of the last wave of northbound teams, jumped out in this wave to seize the opportunity, became the organizer, and persuaded several monks who had perfected their Qi refining to ensure their own safety to the greatest extent.

But she didn't think about it:

The three Jiexiu leaders of the Dongge faction, in the midst of chaos, were able to directly ignore the rest of the people, and instantly locked on to her real body.

Given that she has changed her face and the news is kept absolutely confidential, this can only mean that the other party is not targeting her, but the Heavenly Capital Token Talisman on her body.

"The Xige faction is self-styled and follows the rules; the Dongge faction is determined to make progress and innovate."

"It's no wonder that in recent years, the West Pavilion faction has gradually been unable to beat the East Pavilion faction, and has fallen into a disadvantage in the competition..."

Zhang Yao pondered for a while, and continued to ask some interesting details.

Two quarters of an hour later, after repeated cross-examination and getting a satisfactory answer, Zhang Yao flicked his fingers again and cast the 'Flying Rock Divine Crystal Technique'.


Chen Qingju's head was pierced by pale yellow crystals, and a bloody hole appeared on his forehead, and his body fell to the ground weakly.

Zhang Yao put away all the instruments and storage bags, gathered several corpses at the scene, and ignited them with a fireball technique, until the burnt ashes flew into smoke.


He drove the flying sword to escape the light, and hurried away from this place, heading north all the way.

A moment later, at the end of the desolate and dead barren zone, a lush forest appeared.

"Da Li, we're here!"

Zhang Yao, who was flying high in the sky, showed a smile.

The emerald green between the sky and the earth continued to expand, and soon occupied the entire field of vision, leaving the bare yellowish brown behind.


The moment he flew into the border of Dali, Zhang Yao couldn't help but take a deep breath and was intoxicated by the incomparably rich spiritual energy.

"Such aura concentration is simply amazing..."

Zhang Yao was amazed in his heart.

Compared with Wei country, Lu country is tens of thousands of miles away. Lu country is closer to the Central Plains, but the concentration of spiritual energy in the territory has only doubled.

However, there is only a barren belt between Da Li and Lu Country, but the concentration of spiritual energy in Da Li is three to four times that of Lu Country, and compared with Wei Country, it is a sky and an underground.

"Only such an aura environment can give birth to a prosperous world of cultivating immortals."

Zhang Yao thought so, and thoughts surged in his heart:

"However, this deliberate feeling is becoming more and more obvious."

The closer to the core area of ​​the Central Plains, the more abundant the aura.

Even every country isolated by the barren belt has a considerable difference in the density of spiritual energy, such as Lu State and Wei State, Lu State and Dali State, the difference is even greater.

The density of the spiritual energy obviously has a feeling of being manipulated and regulated, as if it has been artificially divided into regional levels.

Reminiscent of the earth vein nodes and ancient maps discovered in Lu State, Zhang Yao became more and more sure of his deduction:

"In the territory of the Hundred Kingdoms of the Central Plains, the density of aura has probably been artificially divided long ago."

When he thought of this, he could only sigh:

"Compared to the immortal cultivators of Da Li, the immortal cultivators of Lu Kingdom are really miserable."

I think it took him more than eighty years in the country of Lu before he was promoted to the pitiful fourth level of Qi Refining.

If it was replaced by Da Li, even with the same skills and aptitude, it would probably take more than ten years at most.

They are obviously the same person with the same level of effort, but just the difference in background makes the life trajectory of the two very different.

How unfair this is!


Zhang Yao let out a long breath, looked at the blue sky in the distance, his eyes were deep:

"I don't know who wrote all of this."

"If there is a chance in the future, I really want to greet him..."

He shook his head secretly, threw this absurd idea out of his mind, drove the escape light and landed in the mountain forest, and began to meditate to refine Qi and recover mana.

Several hours later, Zhang Yao, who had fully recovered his mana, took out a large pile of storage bags and began to count the harvest.

"Well, the quality of this top-level magic weapon is good, even better than the Thunder Cone..."

"Hehe, this guy is hiding something. He actually has a deposit of more than five thousand spirit stones. He probably was the boss before."

"I didn't expect that Chen Qingju is the poorest woman. It seems that she is really a tool person, and the treatment is not good..."

It's always a good time to count the loot.

A total of seven storage bags.

Obviously, after the three unlucky bastards who were used by Chen Qingju were killed by the three leaders of robbery repairs, their storage bags were also taken over without any hassle, and in the end it was all at the expense of Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao counted for more than half an hour before he finally counted all the gains.

First of all, there are almost 20,000 spirit stones.

The second is the top-level magic weapon, there are eleven pieces, and the value is almost 20,000 spirit stones.

Finally, there are spiritual pills, talismans, kung fu and spell books, spiritual grass and spiritual gold... and other things that are difficult to estimate the value of. It is estimated that there are also 20,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones.

"Good guy."

"Based on this calculation, this wave of harvest alone is worth the last Foundation Establishment Pill."

Zhang Yao's face showed joy, and he was a little emotional:

"It has to be black and white, and the money is the fastest."

Killing people and seizing treasures to make a fortune, he has worked so hard to open the shop for 20 years, and he is far from being able to withstand this wave of stalking and sneak attacks.

Of course, this is really his luck.

After all, even the foundation-building monks in the Dali Immortal Realm rarely have such a chance to win the lifetime net worth of seven monks who have perfected Qi Refining at one time.

"And the most important harvest..."

Zhang Yao took out a light golden metal token, and groaned:

"Today's token, do you want to take it away?"

Readers, go to sleep, good night.

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