"Forget it..."

Zhang Yao shook his head, completely dismissing the idea of ​​joining Tianbaolou.

Although Tianbaolou has better treatment and more resources, but a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, he would rather be overly cautious than make a mistake.

Although the divine fetus of the earth can bring him back to life, it can't make up for the rest of his losses, and can only be used as a last resort.

"The GCC is actually not bad."

After rejecting Tianbaolou, Zhang Yao began to seriously consider the feasibility of joining the GCC.

More than half of the sub-level forces in Dali's Immortal Realm are inextricably linked with the four major Golden Core forces, and the GCC is no exception.

Just from the name, it is almost an open secret that this organization has a close relationship with Fu Haizong.

"The strength of the GCC is not bad. Among more than a dozen second-rate sects, aristocratic families, and organizations, it can be ranked in the top five."

"It itself is just a loose alliance, and it is not very binding on the members of the organization."

"The backing behind the GCC is also very strong. Having the relationship with Fu Haizong means that you have the opportunity to get the follow-up exercises of the "Wanhuadu Tianzhenjing"..."

Zhang Yao's thoughts flickered, and he kept thinking.

The "Wanhua Dutian Zhenjing" he obtained back then only had the basic part, and lacked the content after the foundation was established, which made him nowhere to go—this was an urgent task that must be resolved.

There must be a follow-up part in Tianbao Building, but this road has been blocked in advance, so we can only find a way from the GCC.

"This matter can't be too hasty."

Zhang Yao was silent and thought to himself:

"After so many years, it stands to reason that the plan of Tianbao Tower should be on the right track long ago, and it is unlikely that he has been staring at the monks of Wulinggen."

"But for the sake of safety, after joining the GCC, you still have to find an opportunity to try it out first, or come up with an excuse that won't attract suspicion..."


the next day.

At Elder Gao's invitation, the six Foundation Establishment cultivators got together again and held another small puja.

After drinking for three rounds, Elder Gao smiled and asked:

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu."

"How are you thinking?"

Zhang Yao groaned for a while, then showed a hint of apology, and then said:

"Elder Gao, Fellow Daoist Ge, I'm really sorry."

"I am going to accept Fairy Lichen's invitation to join the GCC."

Hearing his words, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators were stunned for a moment, apparently not expecting him to make this choice.

"...Okay, it's a match made in heaven for Fellow Daoist Qingxu to join our GCC!"

After Fairy Lichen came to her senses, she immediately beamed with joy.

Elder Gao and the other three on the main seat were still smiling after being surprised, and congratulated Zhang Yao and Fairy Lichen.


The old man surnamed Ge was a little puzzled, and couldn't help asking:

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, let the old man take the liberty to ask, why did you choose the GCC?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes focused on Zhang Yao again, with a little curiosity.

"the reason is simple."

Zhang Yao looked as usual, calmly said:

"Pin Dao is loose by nature, and he is used to being alone, so he really can't bear restraint."

"The conditions in Tianbaolou are indeed very good, but the rules are a little stricter, so Pindao can only regretfully decline."

"I see……"

Hearing his words, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators suddenly looked stunned and nodded slightly, accepting his explanation.

The monks who were born as casual cultivators and have struggled to rise have all kinds of eccentricities, such as excessive caution, suspicious, withdrawn and out of gregarious... and so on, which is really normal.

As for whether there is any secret or unspeakable hidden behind this excuse, no one wants to delve into it.


The old man surnamed Ge still felt a little regretful.

In the early years, the atmosphere of Tianbaolou was similar to that of the GCC.

But in the past one or two hundred years, with the further rise and growth of Tianbaolou, more and more people under its command, coupled with the influence of high-level changes, the organizational form has gradually moved closer to the four major Jindan forces.

In this case, it is inevitable that the rules will become stricter, but it is still better than Jindan forces such as Lingyangzong and Lonely Family.

After half an hour.

"Elder Gao stay behind."

"Everyone, Ge Mou is leaving."

"Fellow Daoist Ge, have a smooth journey."

All the foundation-building monks bid farewell outside the Lingyang Pavilion.

The old man surnamed Ge in Tianbaolou bid farewell and left, and Zhang Yao and Fairy Lichen also bid farewell to the three elders stationed on the island.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu, let's go too."

After Elder Gao and the others left, Fairy Lichen looked at Zhang Yao with a smile on her face:

"This concubine came to Xianmen Island on this trip to buy a spare spiritual weapon. I should leave after finishing my work yesterday."

"However, I happened to meet Fellow Daoist Qingxu who achieved Foundation Establishment, but it was my concubine's luck..."

"The fairy is serious."

Zhang Yao was quite polite and said:

"The road to immortality will be long in the future, and we will have to take care of each other."

"Ha ha……"

Fairy Li Chen smiled:

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu said so."

"Let's go, I'll take fellow daoists to the main altar of our GCC."


Zhang Yao nodded happily.

The two rose into the sky, turned into two streaks of light, one blue and one purple, and flew away from Xianmen Island, galloping towards the southwest.

After just a few hours, under the leadership of Fairy Lichen, Zhang Yao crossed a long distance of thousands of miles and came to Fangzhou in the southwest of Dali.


The majestic river flows continuously and moves forward indomitably, and the river surface, which is hundreds of feet wide, rolls up waves of turmoil.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu, we're here!"

Fairy Lichen slowed down, hovered over the river, and said with a smile.


Zhang Yao was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, and looked at Da Jiang in front of him:

"Could it be...the main altar of the GCC is not on the land, but in this river?"


Fairy Lichen clapped her hands and laughed:

"This is the famous 'Cangjiang River' in Dali. It stretches for thousands of miles and goes east to the inner sea. It nourishes the five continents on both sides of the river, and has raised countless ordinary people."

"And this section is the most dangerous part of the Cangjiang River. It contains a spiritual vein in the water. The main altar of our GCC is built on this spiritual vein."

"I see."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao suddenly became dazed.

There are many forms of spiritual veins, but mountains, rivers and land veins are the most common, and it is also the first time he has seen spiritual veins in water.

"Friend Qingxu, please."

Fairy Li Chen stretched out her hand with a smile, beckoning:

"Fairy please."

Zhang Yaoqian gave in.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The escape lights of the two fell one after the other, broke through the river in an instant, and dived into the river.

The moment of diving into the river: the invisible mana surged and turned into a circular air shield, protecting Zhang Yao's figure.

Abundant spiritual energy from all directions rushed towards his face, which was even thicker than that on Xianmen Island, which made Zhang Yao's face in shock.

"A real person doesn't show his face."

On the surface of the river, it looks ordinary, but when you dive into the river, you realize that the spiritual veins in the water are really extraordinary.

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, isn't the environment here good?"

Fairy Lichen introduced while flying away:

"This Cangjiang spiritual vein is enough to rank in the top ten in the entire Dali Xiuxian world."

"It's really good."

Zhang Yao nodded in agreement and followed her lead.

Both small spiritual veins, this Cangjiang spiritual vein is the largest and most abundant spiritual energy he has ever seen.

After the two shuttled at the bottom of the river for a while:

In the dark center of the river ahead, a bright light suddenly rose, illuminating a radius of more than ten miles.

Zhang Yao raised his eyes and saw that the lights were brilliant and the night was like day. A magnificent crystal palace stood in the vast river, sparkling like a dream.

A layer of semicircular shield shining with hazy luster reversed the majestic crystal palace to isolate the water flow, making it look more and more ethereal and illusory, as if separated by clouds, making it difficult to distinguish the reflection from reality.

"What a water mansion in the heart of the river!"

Zhang Yao blurted out, feeling a little amazed in his heart.

Fairy Lichen on the side covered her mouth with a light smile and said:

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, you and I reacted exactly the same when we first came here."

As she spoke, she took two steps closer and whispered:

"Tell you a little secret."

"When the guild master built this crystal palace, he got the help of a Jindan Patriarch..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao immediately understood.

How can human power resist the mighty and mighty river water that washes away even a small mountain after many years?

Perhaps only a great monk in the Jindan period can lay down a protective formation and build a huge palace in the depths of the hundreds of feet of the river.

"Let's go."

Fairy Lichen greeted Zhang Yao, and drove towards the Crystal Palace to lead Zhang Yao.

After a few breaths, the two of them came to the invisible barrier, Fairy Lichen used a formula, and the semicircular shield automatically 'dissolved' a gap of Zhang Xu.

Miraculously, even with such a large gap in the shield, no water could seep in.

"The formation here is indeed extraordinary..."

Zhang Yao took a closer look and made a judgment in his heart.

The light of the two passed through the gap and landed in front of the Crystal Palace.

Seen from here, the Crystal Palace looks more and more magnificent, covering an area of ​​more than ten miles. On the plaque are the four characters of 'Cangjiang Water Mansion'.

"Meet Fairy Lichen!"

The two GCC qi refining monks guarding the gate stepped forward to salute one after another, with an extremely respectful attitude.


Fairy Lichen nodded slightly, then led Zhang Yao up the stairs and entered the Cangjiang Water Mansion.

"We, the GCC, were founded by the leader of the GCC. It has a history of more than 100 years. There are nine foundation-building monks in total."

While leading the way, she introduced:

"Besides me, there are still five Foundation Establishment cultivators who are submerged in the Water Mansion, and the remaining three are out to perform tasks and deal with private affairs."

"In this water palace..."

Not long after she said a few words, a tyrannical divine sense swept over her with a majestic voice:

"Li Chen, which friend did you bring?"


Fairy Lichen bowed slightly towards the place where there was no one there, and said with a smile:

"This is Fellow Daoist Qingxu, a newly promoted Foundation Establishment cultivator."

"It's a coincidence that when I was doing business on Xianmen Island, I happened to meet Fellow Daoist Qingxu who was promoted to Foundation Establishment, and Fellow Daoist Qingxu intends to join our GCC."

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