
The majestic voice from the divine sense reveals a hint of surprise:

"It's really a great thing to have new comrades join our GCC!"

As he spoke, his tone became much more gentle:

"Li Chen, you bring this Qingxu fellow Taoist to the main hall, and I will inform the rest of the fellow Taoists."


Fairy Lichen responded, and Master Haihe withdrew his tyrannical divine thoughts.

"This Haihe real person is very powerful..."

Zhang Yao's heart was awe-inspiring.

Judging from the strength of his spiritual thoughts, this real Haihe is at least a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment.

And Zhang Yao's current strength can surpass that of monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but there is still a distance from the late stage of foundation establishment.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu, let's go."

Fairy Lichen greeted him and led Zhang Yao to the depths of Cangjiang Water Mansion.

After a while, the two passed through many beautiful palace buildings and came to the majestic and luxurious main hall.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu is here!"

"This is fellow Taoist Qingxu?"

The Foundation Establishment cultivators, led by a short old man, were welcoming them in front of the main hall, all smiling and saying hello.

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, let me introduce you."

Fairy Lichen beside her smiled brightly, pointing at the old man and everyone who established the foundation, she said softly:

"This is our leader, Reverend Haihe; this is Reverend Baihe, a direct disciple of Reverend Haihe, this is Fellow Daoist Duanxuzi, and this is Fellow Daoist Cang'er..."

After he finished introducing all the Foundation Establishment cultivators:

"The poor Taoist is pure and empty, I have met all the fellow Taoists."

Zhang Yao took two steps forward and saluted all the Foundation Establishment cultivators.


The petite real Haihe laughed and grabbed Zhang Yao's wrist:

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu is too polite, let's go for a walk, let's drink a few rounds before entering the hall."

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful."

Zhang Yao nodded happily, followed Master Haihe and others to build the foundation, and entered the main hall.

The main hall is tens of feet square, the floor tiles are paved with emerald green jade, black jade tables are lined up on both sides, and more than a dozen beautiful maidservants serve in it.

"Friend Qingxu, please!"

"Really please."

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down behind Mo Yutiao's case, and a temporary welcome ceremony officially began.

Although it was temporary, the specifications of the reception were still very grand. The Daoist Haihe was generous and bold, and persuaded him to drink again and again, and brought all kinds of spiritual wine and jade dew in turn like a lantern.

"I can't drink anymore..."

Zhang Yao's kindness is hard to get rid of, and he can't use his strength to dissolve the alcohol, so he becomes dizzy after drinking.

It can be seen that the rest of the Foundation Establishment members have long been accustomed to the way of Daoist Haihe, drinking and joking for fun, even the two female cultivators drank a lot.

"Today is really a rare pleasure!"

Master Haihe drank to his heart's content, his face was flushed, and the banquet was only halfway through, so he drank loudly, ordered people to take out a lot of second-level elixir, and wanted to hold another pill ceremony temporarily.

"Okay! The real man is so generous!"

"The host is so proud!"

"Second-level panacea, I usually don't want to eat it, but I still want to be rich!"

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators applauded repeatedly, and some even started dancing, acting like a madman.

After the bustle and bustle lasted for several hours, the banquet and pill ceremony ended. Under the leadership of Master Baihe, Zhang Yao chose a side hall in the water mansion as the cave mansion.

So far, he has officially joined the GCC, becoming the tenth Foundation Establishment member in the group.

the next day.

It was rare for Zhang Yao not to practice Qi meditation, but to sleep beautifully, and wander around in the water mansion when he woke up.

"Meet the real person!"

"I've seen a true Qingxu."

The servants, maidservants, and disciples of the Shuifu along the way all avoided, saluted and respected one after another.

"It's not bad here..."

Zhang Yao is still very satisfied with the GCC so far.

In essence, this is a loose organization centered on Haihe real people, and many foundations are built together to keep warm, and the internal atmosphere is very relaxed.

The aura in the Cangjiang Water Mansion is also very abundant. As a foundation-builder, he occupies one of the best places in the Water Mansion, which is very beneficial to his practice.

"The real Qingxu!"

Halfway through Zhang Yao's stroll, he saw the real Baihe in a blue robe with a shy smile.

This personal disciple of Daoist Haihe is only in his 60s, and he broke through the Foundation Establishment for less than ten years. He is the youngest among the many Foundation Establishment, and looks like an ordinary youth.

"It turned out to be Master Baihe."

Zhang Yao greeted with a smile.

After the ceremony between the two, Master Baihe said:

"Master Qingxu, that's how it is."

"Following the decree of my family teacher, I lead the real person to familiarize himself with the Cangjiang Water Mansion, and at the same time explain the various rules in our GCC to the real person."

"Then I would like to thank Master Baihe."

Zhang Yao politely thanked him.

Afterwards, Master Baihe led Zhang Yao, and while browsing around the Shuifu, explained the GCC regulations to Zhang Yao.

As a loose alliance, the GCC has very few constraints on the foundation members, and there is only one core thing - mutual help.

If any member dies, the remaining members have the obligation to rescue; many foundation monks will also hold regular pujas to exchange experience in cultivation and exchange items internally.

In addition, each Foundation Establishment member can receive a salary of one thousand spirit stones a year, which is paid out of the GCC's public account.

As an obligation, every member of Foundation Establishment must complete at least one task assigned by the GCC within ten years. The task can be chosen by yourself, and you can also refuse the task that you think is unreasonable.

There are contribution points for completing tasks. By accumulating contribution points, you can exchange things from the public treasure house of the GCC.

"Master Baihe."

Zhang Yao asked:

"Then may I ask, what are the specific tasks assigned during the meeting?"

Master Baihe smiled and said:

"In fact, these tasks are all related to our industries in the GCC."

"We have our own Haihe Chamber of Commerce, which is spread all over Dali. Occasionally, we need Foundation Establishment monks to sit and inspect."

"The most important output of the meeting is the treasures such as the fetal eggs of spirit beasts, clam pearls and shellfish from the Cangjiang River. They also need to be inspected by the foundation-builder monks to protect the disciples of refining Qi below."

"In addition, we still have the ownership of several black gold veins in Fangzhou, and we need to have foundation monks to sit in the town all year round; there are also some irregular reward tasks..."

Zhang Yao patiently listened to his narration, nodded slightly, and asked again:

"The list of items exchanged for contribution points, can you let the poor have a look?"

"Of course that's fine."

Master Baihe readily agreed, took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhang Yao, and said with a smile:

"To tell you the truth, thanks to my teacher's attention, I am currently in charge of the treasury and the redemption of contribution points."

"If Daoist Qingxu wants to exchange for treasures in the future, just come to me. I'm usually in the water palace."

"Okay, thank you, Master Baihe."

After Zhang Yao thanked him politely, he scanned the jade slip with his spiritual sense to check the contents inside.

There are only more than a hundred items on the exchange list of the GCC treasury, but without exception, they are treasures that are very useful to the monks who established the foundation.

In addition to the common second-level elixir, spirit objects, and first-level spiritual weapons, there are also some fairy secrets, kung fu classics, and powerful one-time secret treasures, which can be called a dazzling array.

"Good guy! The 'Barrier Breaking Pill' that can help break through the bottleneck, and a whole set of high-level spiritual weapons!"

"This real Haihe is really rich, no wonder the ordinary second-order panacea is not taken seriously..."

Zhang Yao was amazed in his heart.

Although the entire GCC is a loose alliance, it is actually the private property of the real GCC. The so-called public treasury is no different from the personal treasury of the real GCC.

Sitting on the resources of the entire GCC, there are nearly ten foundation-building monks under his command, and the net worth of this real GCC is probably the richest among the foundation-building monks.

"Sure enough, there is the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing" here!"

"It seems that the rumors are true. The relationship between the GCC and Fu Haizong is very close, and they even wear a pair of pants."

"If you want to get the exercise, you have to think of an excuse that won't attract suspicion..."

Zhang Yao's heart moved slightly.

There are many kung fu classics and immortal secrets on this list, and there are even five top-level kung fu.

Fuhaizong's "Nine Seas and Ten Thousand Rivers Scripture", Pingdumen's "Zezhong Common Life Dafa", Wuxing Sanren's "Wuxingdu Tianzheng", and two other top-level exercises of unknown origin.

Of course, these five top-level exercises only include Qi refining and foundation building, lacking follow-up content.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a complete top-level exercise can be practiced all the way to the Nascent Soul stage. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is invaluable, and it is impossible for Fu Haizong to reveal it easily.

"Master Baihe stays behind."

"Well, Daoist Qingxu, please do yourself a favor, I have to go back to practice."

Half an hour later, Zhang Yao and Master Baihe bid farewell and returned to their own cave.

After pondering for a while, he gradually came up with a plan in his mind, that is, he left his own cave, went all the way through the depths of the water palace, and came to the outside of Haihe's cave.

"A true Qingxu?"

Master Haihe was a little surprised when he saw Zhang Yao's visit.

He invited Zhang Yao into the cave, and served spiritual tea. After the two exchanged a few words, he asked with a smile:

"Reverend Qingxu came here today, there must be other important matters?"


Zhang Yao nodded slightly, showing a hint of embarrassment, and said in a low voice:

"I'm ashamed to say that Pindao has something to do, so I have to ask the guild master for help."


Master Haihe raised his eyebrows, his expression remained unchanged, and he gestured:

"Just say it."

"Is such that……"

Zhang Yao considered his tone, and said:

"The leader may also know that I am a casual cultivator, and I have been practicing hard all the way so far."

"The level of my practice is very low, and the highest can only break through to the foundation building. After condensing the Dao foundation, there is no way forward..."

When Master Haihe heard what he said, he suddenly understood, and showed a smile:

"I see."

"Realist Qingxu wants to create his own exercises, but lacks references, so he wants to exchange for the exercises in the treasure house, right?"

It is nothing new to create self-created exercises during the foundation building period.

In today's world of cultivating immortals, there are thousands and thousands of exercises of various schools, all created step by step in this way.


Zhang Yao nodded and said sincerely:

"I want to exchange a few exercises, as a reference target, and strive to create a follow-up method that suits me as soon as possible."

"However, I have just joined the club and haven't accumulated any contribution points yet, so I have the audacity to ask the club's main network to allow me a temporary credit."

With that, he added:

"Of course, I can use equivalent spirit stones as collateral."

"I hope the leader can fulfill it."

Good night, fellow readers.

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