"Good thing?"

Zhang Yao raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile:

"Then I'm a little curious."

He got up and left the quiet room, came to the entrance of the cave, and typed out a magic formula casually.

When the light flickered, the ban set by Zhang Yao was closed, and after the gate of the cave was opened, there was a smiling Fairy Lichen standing outside the door.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu, you're being polite."

"Fairy please."

After the ceremony between the two of them, Zhang Yao invited Fairy Lichen to enter the cave, and the two were seated separately, Zhang Yao then asked:

"The good thing the fairy said just now is not a joke, right?"

"of course not."

Fairy Lichen shook her head with a smile and explained:

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu may not know that I've invited you to join the GCC this time, but there is a reward—a total of 10,000 contribution points."

"I plan to share half of this contribution point with you according to the old rules in the meeting."

As she spoke, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, she shook her head and said:

"Well, is this a good thing?"


Zhang Yao laughed and said loudly:

"Of course it's a great thing."

"To be honest, I'm currently worrying about contribution points. The fairy's move is really a timely help."

Contribution points can not only be exchanged for items in the treasury list, but can also be directly exchanged for spirit stones. A little contribution can be exchanged for one spirit stone.

But on the other hand, spirit stones cannot be exchanged for contribution points. This is not only for the foundation members, but also for many Qi refining monks.

It's just that foundation building members enjoy privileges and can trade with each other and transfer contribution points, while Qi Refining monks are forbidden to trade with each other.

After chatting a few words, Fairy Lichen reached out and took a water jade amulet from her waist, and motioned:

"It's not too late, let's get started."

Zhang Yao readily agreed, took out his water jade talisman, and handed it to Fairy Lichen.

This water jade amulet is the identity token of the members of the GCC Foundation Establishment Period. It is a special treasure in itself. It can calm the mind, increase a little mana, and at the same time carry the transfer of contribution points.


Fairy Lichen played a few spells, and wisps of brilliance transferred from her water jade talisman to Zhang Yao's talisman.

After Zhang Yao took the card symbol again, he found that there were 50 more points of light in it, and he could get a feedback by scanning it with his spiritual sense, which meant that he had a balance of 5,000 contribution points.

Afterwards, Fairy Lichen got up to say goodbye, and Zhang Yao sent her out of the cave.

"Fairy walk slowly."


In the blink of an eye, four or five years have passed.

With the follow-up exercises, Zhang Yao has been quietly cultivating in the Cangjiang Water Mansion.

Many foundation-building monks of the GCC often gather together to hold pujas, and Zhang Yao has also attended many times, gradually integrating into this organization.

Zhang Yao benefited a lot from the exchange of experience in cultivation. The process of "leading spirits with arrays" and "refining spirits to control Qi" became smoother, and the speed of practice increased a lot.

At a small trade fair within the GCC, he also exchanged 20,000 spirit stones for a flying sword at the level of an elementary spiritual weapon. one chip.

And at the same time:

The news of the addition of a foundation-building cultivator to the GCC gradually spread in Dali's Immortal Realm, but it did not attract much attention.

The only impact is that the momentum of the GCC has grown a little bit, and the interest share in various places has also increased, and the Qi Refining disciples have become more powerful than before.

One day after five years:

"A pure and true person."

Zhang Yao was quietly cultivating in the cave, when suddenly the formation at the door was touched, and a clear voice came:

"Baihe came to visit, is the real person free?"

"So it's Master Baihe, wait a moment."

Zhang Yao responded, got up in a hurry and left the quiet room, and invited Master Baihe into the cave.

"Reverend Qingxu, it's like this..."

After Baihe took his seat, he went straight to the point and said:

"It's been five years since Daoist joined our GCC, and your first assignment has also come down."


Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, but he was already mentally prepared, and immediately signaled:

"Really, please speak."

Immortal Baihe waved his sleeves, and a light curtain emerged out of thin air, revealing a map:

"Really, please look, this is a map of the northern part of our Fangzhou."

"We have several spiritual gold veins in Fangzhou, including the higher-grade black jade mines and Taibai fine gold veins."

Master Baihe stretched out his hand, pointed to a mountain range on the map, and said:

"This is 'Sui Yushan', which is where our core interests in Fangzhou lie."

"The most precious black jade mines and Taibai fine gold veins are all in the Suiyu Mountain. For a long time, there is a need for a foundation cultivator to sit in charge."

"Ten years ago, Fellow Daoist Luo He was in charge of Sui Yushan. Now that his term of office is coming to an end, a new comrade is needed to take over and replace him."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao understood clearly, and said:

"I see."

"Then I'll prepare and set off immediately."

Distributing tasks is not mandatory, you can choose to refuse or negotiate.

But according to Zhang Yao's understanding, sitting in Sui Yushan is a lucrative job. During the period of sitting in the town, there will be an additional subsidy of 500 contribution points every year, and because the time limit is as long as ten years, it is equivalent to two missions.

Moreover, if you occasionally use some refined ore for yourself, as long as it is not too much, Master Haihe will not care about anything, and will not even ask.

Arranging this distribution task to him, it is proper to take care of the newcomers.

"The real person doesn't have to be so anxious."

Master Baihe smiled and said:

"Fellow Daoist Luo He's term of office will end in three months. Fellow Daoist arrives at Suiyu Mountain before then, and just complete the handover with him."

"During this period, fellow daoists can use it to deal with private affairs and prepare for a long-term stay. Once the handover is completed, unless there are special circumstances, you can't leave your post without authorization."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, thank you fellow daoist for letting me know."

After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Zhang Yao sent Master Baihe out of the cave mansion, and he also left the Cangjiang water mansion.


A ray of light broke through the river and flew into the sky.

Zhang Yao identified the direction, turned around, and rushed towards Xianmen Island.

"It will take ten years to sit in Sui Yushan."

He flew in the sky, pondering secretly:

"Although Sui Yushan has no foreign enemies, it needs to be prepared for miner riots, accidents in the mine veins, or someone stealing ore, and they will always be distracted."

"Since you can't practice wholeheartedly, then just take advantage of this time to practice the way of the yellow talisman and the magic of the soul..."

The soul spell, thanks to his powerful soul, does not require much extra energy.

But the way of the yellow talisman is different.

Over the past few years, Zhang Yao also took the time to comprehend and ponder the way of the yellow talisman, and found that it is a foundation-building method that combines talisman, formation and refining methods at the same time.

The so-called "Foundation Establishment Taoism" is a simplified version of the divine channel technique. For example, Zhang Yao's "Qinglian Song" is a foundation establishment Taoism, and its power is generally much greater than normal high-level spells.

Most high-level spells have a limit to their power, and they are no longer applicable after the foundation-building period. If you want to compete with monks of the same level, you must either rely on spiritual weapons or Taoism.

"Cultivating the way of the yellow talisman requires a lot of materials."

"However, after successful cultivation, it also has a strong boost to my strength. It is also good to succeed in cultivation early."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao slightly accelerated the speed of escaping light.

After several hours:

Zhang Yao came to Xianmen Island and went to the inner island to purchase a large amount of materials, which cost nearly 30,000 spirit stones.

This batch of materials ranged from low to high, there were hundreds of types, and the highest was second-order spiritual objects, which was more than enough to support him in practicing the Yellow Talisman Taoism.


two months later.

Fangzhou, aged Yushan.

There are several huge mines hidden in the majestic and majestic mountains.

A small city was built on top of a majestic mountain, coming and going like a hardworking bee.

This small mountain city is the sub-altar of the GCC in Suiyu Mountain. There are more than 100 Qi-refining monks living in it, all of whom are low-level members of the GCC.


A streak of cyan escaping light whizzed over, cutting through the sky, causing the sea of ​​clouds on both sides to churn.


In the sub-altar city pool, a middle-aged monk who was cultivating in the cave suddenly opened his eyes:

"This aura... is from Fellow Daoist Qingxu!"

A smile appeared on Luo He's face.

Although he has been sitting in Suiyu Mountain, he will still participate in the annual official ceremony of the GCC.

The GCC was originally small, with only ten Foundation Establishment monks in total. He had dealt with Zhang Yao several times, so he was familiar with them.

"Friend Qingxu!"

He got up and left the quiet room, went to the door to welcome him, and at the same time he extended his divine sense to greet him.

"Brother Luo He!"

Zhang Yao slowly lowered the escape light, a wave of luster flashed across his body, and a gap was automatically dissolved in the protective formation.

His light passed through the gap and landed on the entrance of Luo He's cave. He saluted and said with a smile:

"I haven't seen you for a year, but Daoist brother still has the same demeanor."

"Ha ha……"

Luo He stroked his beard and smiled, and said:

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu came early, I thought you would be stuck in time and come here in the last few days."

"Walk, walk, go in and talk."

He invited Zhang Yao into the cave, and after serving spirit tea and spirit fruit, he chatted again.

Zhang Yao took this opportunity to ask a lot about Sui Yushan, and Luo He patiently answered them one by one.

"...Really? Miner riots often occur here?"

Zhang Yao was a little surprised.


Luo He snorted coldly, and said slowly:

"In Sui Yushan's mine, there are a total of thousands of miners gathered, all of whom are cultivators of immortality, so naturally they are not willing to settle down."

"Even though we knew that there was Ji Ji sitting in the town, and the riots almost killed us all, but with a fluke mentality, we tried our best to seize every opportunity and find loopholes in the management of the mine..."

Zhang Yao was a little curious when he heard this:

"Thousands of mine slaves are all immortal cultivators? Where did so many people come from?"

Luo He explained:

"The black jade veins and Taibai fine gold here cannot be dug out by ordinary people, and can only be obtained by cultivators with magic power."

"As for the origins of these mine slaves, a small number of them are evil cultivators, demon cultivators and robber cultivators who were caught, and the rest..."

Good night, readers.

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