Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 129 Sitting on a party and recommending a pillow seat

"As for the rest...

Luo He didn't finish his sentence, but left a meaningful look in his eyes.

Zhang Yao understood instantly.

Since the rise of the GCC, it has embezzled and occupied many interests inside and outside Fangzhou, and it is inevitable to have fierce collisions with other aristocratic families and sects.

Most of the mine slaves in Suiyu Mountain are probably from some small sects and small families. After being defeated by the GCC, the children of the sect were relegated to mine slaves and worked hard to death.

These people have fallen into a desperate situation, so naturally they will try to riot and flee whenever they have the opportunity, and they will never sit still and wait for death.

"No wonder there is a long-term need for foundation-builder cultivators to sit in Yushan this year..."

Zhang Yao knew it well, and asked some more details, Luo He answered them wholeheartedly.

Sitting in Sui Yushan, generally speaking, it is relatively leisurely. A large-scale riot by miners may not happen once in several years. As for the invasion of powerful enemies, it is even rarer.

As for some small-scale miner riots, mine collapses, or someone stealing or stealing ore, as long as there are no serious consequences, the subordinates can handle it by themselves, and it is enough to notify him afterwards, and he does not need to bother at all.

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, wait a moment."

Luo He said with a smile:

"I have sent a message with my spiritual sense to notify the supervisors below that I have come here to wait for an interview."

"The mine is mainly managed by a few of them. After fellow daoists see them, we will calculate the accounts and inventory, and the handover will be considered complete."

Zhang Yao nodded happily, and chatted with Luo He about his career in the mine and discussed some cultivation experience.

After a while.

"Greetings to Reverend Luo He and Reverend Qingxu."

In the hall, the four mine supervisors bowed deeply, with a respectful attitude.

"Well, don't be too polite."

Zhang Yao nodded his head and glanced at the four supervisors.

These four people, three men and one woman, are all at the perfect level of Qi refining, they are of different ages, and the youngest woman looks like a young girl.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu."

Luo He on the side pointed to the four supervisors and introduced them one by one:

"This is Lao Zhou, responsible for the management of thousands of mine slaves; this is Lao Chen, responsible for matters related to mine production."

"There is also Zhang He, a skilled master who is responsible for purifying and refining black jade and Taibai fine gold ores."

Luo He said, paused for a moment, his tone was a little strange:

"And the last Li Shuixian and Miss Li are responsible for the storage and storage of the refined ore, and they have a heavy responsibility."

Zhang Yao nodded to the four of them and said politely:

"The four supervisors are here."

"In the next ten years, Pindao will sit in this year-old Jade Mountain. I hope you can work closely together to maintain the stability of this important place."

"Don't dare to take it seriously..."

The four chief executives responded repeatedly, bowing their bodies in fear and trepidation.

"Okay, you guys go down first."

After Zhang Yao encouraged them a few more words, he told them to leave, but Luo He at the side said:

"Miss Li, you stay."


The pretty Li Shuixian responded in a low voice, while the other three executives bowed and retreated.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shuixian took out the general ledger for the past ten years, Luo He and Zhang Yao checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, they went to the warehouse together.

This small mountain city on the main peak of Suiyu Mountain is covered with tight and powerful formations, mainly serving as a refining workshop and warehouse.

Most of the more than one hundred immortal cultivators living in the mountain city are subordinates of Master Zhang He, and their daily job is to refine two kinds of ores.

There are also dozens of supervisors in Suiyu Mountain, with higher cultivation and stronger combat effectiveness, who live in the mining area deep in the mountain.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu, we're here."

Luo He led Zhang Yao to a warehouse inside the mountain city.

He took out half of the command talisman from his sleeve, combined it with the other half in Li Shuixian's hand, channeled mana, and played the corresponding formula.


After bursts of spiritual light flickered, the formation slowly closed, and the door opened with a roar.

After Zhang Yao followed Luo He in, he realized that although the warehouse was not big, the whole body was made of spirit gold, which could be called indestructible.

Cooperating with layers of protective formations, as long as there are no traitors to betray, even the monks in the foundation-building stage will find it difficult to break through this small warehouse in a short time.

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, please take stock."

Luo He pointed to the two kinds of ores piled up in the warehouse, and said with a smile:

"That's all the inventory for the last year."

"If the count is correct, I will take it away when I set off and send it back to Cangjiang Shuifu."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, his spiritual sense swept over, and the inventory was completed in an instant.

There are 124 black jade ores in the warehouse, and there are fewer Taibai fine gold ores, only 76 pieces-this is nearly a year's inventory.

These two kinds of ores are only initially purified and refined, and will continue to be refined in the hands of the master refiner. The final product is a second-order spiritual object, which is extremely valuable.

Sui Yushan's refined ore used to be transported once every ten years, but there were often people who were desperate to take risks for this batch of stocks; later, it was changed to transport once a year, and the risk was greatly reduced.

"no problem."

After Zhang Yao finished counting, he nodded cheerfully.

"That's fine."

The smile on Luo He's face did not diminish, and he suggested:

"It just so happens that I'm leaving, why don't you go to my cave and have a little reunion, how about it?"

"It's better to obey than to respect."

Zhang Yao readily agreed, and went back to the cave with Luo He. Li Shuixian behind him didn't dare to disturb her, so she could only bite her lower lip and watch the two walk away.

After the two returned to the cave, they drank the spiritual wine and jade dew, exchanged experience in cultivating Taoism, and talked at night by candlelight until the next morning.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu."

Above the small mountain city, Luo He retracted his gaze and sighed:

"In the next ten years, Yushan will be handed over to you at this age."

"Luo is leaving, and we will meet again at the Fa conference next year."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Luo, go slowly."

Zhang Yao paid his farewell salute, watching Luo He's escape light shuttle through the sea of ​​clouds, and soon disappeared into the sky.


In the old jade mountain.

The replacement of the Foundation Establishment cultivator sitting in the town caused a small disturbance, but it subsided quickly.

Except for the top four supervisors, the rest of the gas refining monks are not even qualified to meet Zhang Yao, and the order of the entire mine is still running in an orderly manner.

After Luo He left, the original cave was vacant, and Zhang Yao moved in.

"The aura environment here is really not good..."

In the quiet room of the cave mansion, Zhang Yao opened his eyes and shook his head.

Sui Yushan is not a place of spiritual veins, and the cultivation environment is very poor. The GCC monks here are basically "assigned" in disguise, and their future prospects are worrying.

The foundation-building monks sitting here are treated much better. There is a whole layer of spirit stones under the cave, and the spirit-gathering formation is laid out on this basis.

But the overall effect is equivalent to a miniature spiritual vein, which is far from the Cangjiang Water Mansion.

"Forget it, it's only ten years anyway."

Zhang Yao quickly calmed down:

"Since the speed of cultivation is not enough, then take more time to practice the Taoism of the soul and the Taoism of the Yellow Talisman, and improve the combat effectiveness."

"In addition, it seems that the search for six-party true blood can also be obtained from the mine..."

He remembered Luo He said that among the thousands of mine slaves in Sui Yushan, there were demon cultivators.

The number of these demon cultivators may not be many, and their cultivation may not be high, but at least it is a breakthrough, so that he will not be left without a clue.

"It's just that this matter is not small at present, and it needs to be planned carefully."

Zhang Yao groaned silently, thinking secretly in his heart.

For all demon cultivators, the first step in cultivating the demon clan skills is to change their own blood, and this step requires the corresponding demon clan true blood.

The true blood of these demon races either came from monsters or from the same demon cultivators.

This means that the blood of the demon cultivators is very closely connected, and there is basically a strict organization behind any demon cultivator.

But the problem is that these demon cultivators who have been exposed and arrested have most likely been abandoned by the behind-the-scenes organization, cutting off all connections.

If you want to start with them and follow the clues to find the whereabouts of the foundation-building period demon cultivators, you need some special means.

"In the demon cultivator, apart from the level of cultivation, the main thing is to see whether the blood is good or bad."

"If only I had a way to tell the level of the demon cultivator's bloodline..."

Zhang Yao fell into deep thought, constantly thinking about feasible strategies.

"A real person."

Suddenly, a pleasant voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Li Shuixian came here to report something to the real person."

Zhang Yao came back to his senses and frowned slightly when he heard the voice outside the cave.

At this time, he has been in Sui Yushan for more than a month, and the other supervisors are very quiet, reporting regularly, working hard, and never letting him worry.

Only Li Shuixian, who was in charge of the warehouse, didn't know what was wrong, and would make excuses to come here every now and then.

"Could it be that this person is a spy? Deliberately spying on me?"

Zhang Yao squinted his eyes, feeling a trace of doubt in his heart.

With a flick of his sleeve, he opened the door of the cave, and said calmly:

"come in."


Li Shuixian walked into the cave, saluted respectfully, and took out an account book.

"Reporting to the real person, this is the specific output of the black jade ore after refining last month. Compared with last month..."


Zhang Yao waved his hands, staring at the young girl in front of him, his tone was slightly cold:

"Miss Li, Pindao thinks that you have been acting suspiciously recently."

"Pindao doesn't have so much free time to play around with you. If you have any plans, just tell them straight up. It will save you and my time. Otherwise, don't blame Pindao for playing tricks."

Hearing Zhang Yao's words, Li Shuixian's complexion turned pale, and she hurriedly knelt on the ground, saying repeatedly:

"Really, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

"I, I just..."

There was a sudden pause in her voice, and after she gritted her teeth, she lowered her head and said:

"I just admire the real person's natural beauty, so I want to get closer."

"If the real person doesn't dislike it, the little girl is willing to recommend herself as a pillow, and I just ask the real person to show mercy."


Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face.

He never expected that Li Shuixian would have such an idea.

"Could it be that I haven't communicated with women in depth for so long that my thinking has become dull?"

Zhang Yao muttered to himself, and looked down at Li Shuixian with a cold expression:

"It's full of lies, not half of the truth."

"I'm afraid you have also told Fellow Daoist Luo what you said?"

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