Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 130: The Art of the Blood Curse: Planning Demon Cultivation

Zhang Yao had already discovered that when Luo He mentioned this woman, his expression was a bit strange.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood the real reason.

"Little girls dare not lie to real people."

Li Shuixian knelt on the ground, her face turned pale, and she said in panic:

"I did say it... but Master Luo was devoted to hard work and was not close to women, so he, he rejected me sternly."

As she spoke, she wanted to cry, her voice choked up and said:

"The real person has learned, the little girl has not lost her vital yin, and she is still a perfect body."

"Now that I'm recommending myself as a pillow seat, I'm just begging the real person to take pity on me..."

At the end, Li Shuixian opened her sleeves, revealing a bit of bright red ghougong sand, which she touched on her white lotus-like jade arms.

Zhang Yao frowned, looked her up and down, and then slowly said:

"You are also a monk who has completed Qi refining, and you are only one step away from the foundation building stage."

"If you ask yourself the poor way, it's just a middle-of-the-road attitude, and it's not worthy of your dedication..."

His gaze was fixed on Li Shuixian, and his tone could not hear the joy or anger:

"Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

Zhang Yao has always been vigilant about the pie in the sky.

A beautiful female cultivator who has perfected her energy, throws herself into her arms, she must have some ulterior motives, wanting to get something from him.

Li Shuixian's complexion was pale, she was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice:

"Don't dare to lie to the real person. I have a blood curse in my body, and I won't live to be sixty years old."

"I only broke through to the perfection of Qi refining three years ago, and I am already in my forties this year, and I don't see many years to live..."

Zhang Yao was slightly surprised when he heard this:

"Blood curse? Where did your ancestors come from?"

Blood curse is a well-known evil secret method, which can be passed down in the bloodline from generation to generation, and the bloodline will not disappear, and the spell will not die. It can be said to be extremely vicious.

However, the cost of casting this kind of spell is also very high, and often they themselves have to bear the fate of life rather than death. Not to mention evil monks, even demonic cultivators are afraid that few people will do this.

"……I have no idea."

Hearing this, Li Shuixian showed a trace of sadness:

"Since I was born, I have been under the spell of the blood curse. When I grew up, I watched my grandfather, my father, and my second uncle... one after another, their bodies turned into pus and blood and died."

"Fortunately, I have a good talent, and I have the opportunity to join the GCC. I have been working hard, and I dare not slack off in the slightest."

"If you want to solve the blood curse, the only way is to guide the aura of heaven and earth to wash the marrow and cut the veins in the process of building a foundation, so as to break the shackles of the curse."

"But three years ago, I offended a great foundation-builder monk in the meeting, annoyed him, and was dispatched to this mine..."

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, and said slowly:

"You offended the Foundation Establishment monks in the meeting? Which one?"

Li Shuixian replied in a low voice:

"It's Peng Yuexian, Zhenren Peng."

"It turned out to be old man Peng."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao immediately understood.

Old man Peng is the oldest of all the foundation builders in the GCC, two years older than the real Haihe, and one of the only two mid-stage foundation builders under the real GCC.

There is nothing else to say about this person, but his biggest problem is his love for flowers and lust. In addition, his cultivation method also has a method of harvesting and nourishing. He likes to use some young, beautiful and good Qi refining female cultivators as furnaces.

However, the female cultivators he selected have never used strong methods, and they are basically what you want, so the foundation builders just let it go.

"Did he fall in love with you? You refused?"

Zhang Yao raised his eyebrows and asked a question.


Li Shuixian bit her lower lip and whispered:

"He wants the little girl to be his furnace, of course the little girl can't agree."

"He was rejected several times, and when he became angry from embarrassment, he assigned me to this mine with one sentence, trying to force me to submit..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao confirmed his guess.

Being used as a furnace to harvest yin and supplement yang will definitely damage the cultivation base. If the damage is not too big, you can try to make up for it afterwards. If the damage is too big, it will affect the foundation and even shorten the lifespan.

Under normal circumstances, the old man Peng is generous and the compensation is very generous. In addition, he can use this to get a relationship with a foundation cultivator, which is difficult for most female nuns to refuse.

But Li Shuixian has a blood spell in her body, and the upper limit of her lifespan is only sixty years old, so she can't accept being harvested anyway, which is tantamount to killing her.

"A real person!"

Li Shuixian said, kowtowed deeply, and sobbed:

"As long as the real person doesn't regard me as a furnace, I am willing to warm the bed and fold the quilt for the real person, so that the real person can take pity on the narcissus."

Like Zhang Yao, there are very few monks who can attack the foundation immediately after they have achieved the perfection of Qi refining.

Most of the monks who have successfully refined their Qi have to cultivate their mana, nourish their souls, and hone their control over their mana. They will not try to build a foundation until they are at least confident in completing the step of mana atomization.

Li Shuixian didn't dare to extravagantly ask for the Foundation Establishment Pill or other foundation establishment spirits. She only wanted to be with Zhang Yao constantly, to use the abundant spiritual energy in the cave to cultivate, and to get a few pointers occasionally, which was already her greatest luxury.


Zhang Yao shook his head and sighed:

"Also a miserable person."

If he hadn't been forced to have nowhere to go, Li Shuixian probably wouldn't have made the act of recommending himself as a pillow.

He looked at Li Shuixian again, and after pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Head up."


Li Shuixian raised his head and looked at him cautiously, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

Zhang Yao stretched out a hand and pinched her chin.

Li Shuixian's body trembled, but she didn't avoid it after all, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her ears were burning hot.

"...For the next ten years, just follow me."

Zhang Yao withdrew his hand, and suddenly said:

"As for whether you can achieve something and solve the problem of blood curse in these ten years, it depends on your own good luck."

Li Shuixian wanted to break through the foundation building directly, without the help of panacea and spiritual things, the probability was very low.

However, if he keeps practicing hard for ten years, he still has a certain chance to be qualified to hit the Foundation Establishment Realm before the lifespan limit, and he can try to break the shackles of the Blood Curse.

"Thank you so much!"

Hearing this, Li Shuixian suddenly flashed a look of surprise and gratitude, and thanked her again and again.

"Get up."

Zhang Yao waved his hand and said:

"Go down first, pack up your things, and move to my cave."

"Yes, thank you, Daoist, for your mercy."

Li Shuixian stood up, bowed deeply, and left with a relaxed look.

After she left, Zhang Yao withdrew his gaze, fell silent, and tapped the handrail with his right hand.

In the face of beautiful women who take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, few men can control them. Zhang Yao can control them, but he doesn't have to.

And when he accepted Li Shuixian, apart from being a little moved, he mainly wanted to study the blood spell and see if he could develop a similar method.

"Spells that can affect vitality seem to be very suitable for me..."

"I have a very keen sense of vitality. If I can get a similar spell, it will definitely be a huge leap in my cultivation."

In Zhang Yao's mind, thoughts kept flickering:

"And this blood spell also gave me a new way of thinking when dealing with demon cultivators!"

His two talents were strengthened again after he was promoted to Foundation Establishment.

After the upper limit of vitality was raised, his sensitivity to vitality became more acute, and he was even able to sense the vitality of other creatures through physical contact.

He pinched Li Shuixian's chin just now, using his own talent to sense the vitality in her body.

Li Shuixian's total vitality is no different from that of a normal immortal cultivator.

But she has almost half of her vitality, and she seems lifeless and has lost her vitality, so that she can't mobilize this part of vitality, and she is locked in the upper limit of her life in disguise.

"It's like a dam that cuts off the river."

"To be more precise, it's like a lock that can lock the upper limit of vitality."

This method can be said to be very terrifying, enough to make anyone frightened.

The magical powers that can affect Shouyuan, without exception, are all great supernatural powers that have shocked the past and the present. Even if Zhang Yao can only grasp a little bit of superficial power, it is enough to run rampant for a while.

However, since Zhang Yao currently knew little about the blood curse in Li Shuixian's body, he didn't have any clues, just a general idea.

"After in-depth exchanges, I will find an opportunity to explore it a little bit, and try to push it further."

"Ten years is enough."

Zhang Yao quickly put aside this matter for the time being, and turned to think about the demon cultivator.

When he sensed the blood spell in Li Shuixian's body just now, he had a flash of inspiration and discovered a powerful advantage of himself.

The lifespan of demon cultivators is generally longer than that of human cultivators, and he can judge the upper limit of lifespan by sensing vitality, which means that he can distinguish demon cultivators through physical contact.

"It's a huge advantage, but it can also be a source of disaster."

Zhang Yao was deeply aware of this, and decided to keep this secret in his heart.

In Dali Xiu Xianjie, there are probably many demon cultivators in high positions, and Zhang Yao is not surprised that there are even demon cultivators hidden in the Jindan Patriarch.

After all, how many people can resist the temptation to prolong their lifespan?

Once he can identify the news of the demon cultivator, it will be tantamount to threatening the lifeline of these people, and I am afraid that they will die the next day.

"Although it cannot be exposed, it is not a big problem to use it secretly."

"For example, the demon cultivator among the Yushan miners this year is the best experimental product..."

Zhang Yao thought about it, and gradually outlined a complete plan.

The demon cultivator respects the bloodline, the higher the bloodline, the stronger the power, and the longer the lifespan.

True dragons must have a longer lifespan than jiaolongs, and jiaolongs must live longer than lower-level dragon species such as dragon carps and anacondas. This is the iron law of blood inheritance.

By sensing the upper limit of vitality, combined with the realm of the demon cultivator, it is also possible to roughly determine the level of blood vessels.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao's spiritual thought moved, and immediately penetrated the formation of the cave, and sent a dharma decree to the qi refining disciples guarding the gate.

After a while.

"Greetings to Master Qingxu."

Lao Zhou, who was in charge of the mine slaves, rushed over from the mining area and paid respectful respect to Zhang Yao.

"Well, no courtesy."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, and said:

"Old Zhou, you should have a roster of miners in your hand, right?"

Good night, readers.

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