
Lao Zhou was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he said quickly:

"Yes, yes."

He took out a white jade slip from the storage bag, and wisely handed it out respectfully without asking further questions:

"This is the roster of 1,294 miners. Please check it out."


Zhang Yao nodded as a signal, took the roster, stretched out his divine sense to scan around, then nodded in satisfaction, and said:

"Okay, you go down first."

"Come again tomorrow and take this roster away."

"Yes, real person."

Lao Zhou responded, bowed and saluted, and exited the cave.

After he left, Zhang Yao maintained his spiritual sense and carefully checked the roster in his hand.

This roster not only recorded the name, age, and gender of each miner, but also his background, the reason for his arrest, and even attached portraits describing his appearance.

Among them, there are a total of thirty-four people marked as demon cultivators, all of whom belong to the same family and have a double blood relationship-both the real relatives of the human race's bloodline, and the same kind in the sense of the demon race's bloodline.

"Just so few people..."

Zhang Yao frowned, this number was less than he expected.

Because the demon cultivators are closely related to each other, as long as one catches one, it is often like pulling out a carrot and bringing out mud, and catching a large group of them.

But such a small number of people shows that this family is mostly just a small role in the demon cultivator, and the bloodline level is probably not high, so it is unlikely that there is a foundation cultivator behind it.

"Well... I still need to find a chance to verify it."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao quickly had an idea in his mind.

"However, before that, one must first master the cultivation of the soul and Taoism to prevent some accidents from happening."

"I'm researching the bloodline of the demon cultivator. I still have to do it as secretly as possible, and try to prevent the news from leaking..."


The next day, early morning.

Under the light yellow bed curtain, Li Shuixian curled up on the big bed, revealing a large area of ​​white and tender skin, with a flushed and lazy complexion.

"This thing is really interesting..."

Zhang Yao sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the light curtain with mana condensed in front of him, showing great interest.

After a night of in-depth communication, he really found out a lot of the mysteries of the blood curse from Li Shuixian's body, and simulated it with mana, which can be regarded as a preliminary comprehensive understanding.

But this is the first time he has come into contact with this evil secret method targeting vitality, and the current progress is still very limited.

"A real person."

Li Shuixian leaned over, with a hint of hope in his eyes, and couldn't help asking:

"Can you really break this blood spell?"

"It's hard to say, I'm not sure yet."

Zhang Yao shook his head and said:

"Whether it can be done or not depends not only on my ability, but also on your luck."

Hearing his words, Li Shuixian felt a little complicated.

Although she had made a decision long ago, when she was really planning to move into Zhang Yao's cave last night, she hesitated a few times, and regret and hesitation arose when things came to an end.

But now, she was really grateful for her choice.

After following Zhang Yao, even if it is difficult for her to resolve the blood curse within ten years, she still has a new hope.

"A real person!"

At this moment, the formation outside the cave was touched, and a slightly familiar voice came:

"Zhou Xianhe came to see the real person."

"Hold on."

Zhang Yao responded, got up and left the bed, the Taoist robe hanging on the side flew towards him automatically, and put it on him.

After Zhang Yao left the dormitory, Li Shuixian on the bed rolled her eyes and got up to get dressed in a hurry.

A while later, Zhou Xianhe came to the main hall to meet Zhang Yao. The two sat down and exchanged pleasantries. Zhang Yao returned the roster to him and asked casually about the situation of the mining area.

"Thanks to the blessing of the real person, everything in the two major mining areas is normal, and the black jade vein was a few days ago..."

Lao Zhou routinely reported about the miners, that is, a small riot happened a few days ago and several people died.

Being caught as a miner in Suiyu Mountain, there is no sentence at all. There are only two choices-work until you die, or you will be beaten to death on the spot if you don’t work.

Under such high pressure, resistance is inevitable.

"Well, it doesn't matter how many people are killed or injured, just remember to keep the situation under control and not allow it to expand and cause a chain reaction."

"I remember that this year's batch of miners are about to arrive..."

Zhang Yao casually warned a few words, obviously he didn't take it to heart.

"Really, Director Zhou, please have some tea."

The graceful Li Shuixian came over with a ebony tray, leaned over to put down two cups of spiritual tea, and spoke softly.

Zhang Yao responded with a 'huh', picked up the teacup and took a sip, and Li Shuixian who was beside him tactfully withdrew.


The stunned old Zhou came back to his senses, quickly picked up the teacup, lowered his head and pretended to drink tea, but his heart was full of shock:

"Good guy! It seems that the rumors are true, this woman Li Shuixian actually fell in love with Master Qingxu..."

While there was some disdain in his heart, there was more envy and jealousy.

The GCC's industries are all over Dali, and there are more than a thousand Qi-refining monks under its command, but there are only ten foundation-building masters in total.

It can be said that every foundation-building monk enjoys a lofty status and great power, and a single sentence can determine the future and even life and death of a large number of Qi-refining monks.

He didn't know that Li Shuixian had a blood curse, he only knew that Li Shuixian was next to a real person who established a foundation, and his fate had changed!

"With Zhuji Daoist taking care of her, it is only a matter of one sentence to transfer her away from the mining area in the future."

"If you're lucky, maybe after the ten-year period expires, you may have the opportunity to follow Master Qingxu to enter the Cangjiang Water Mansion to practice, and even gain greater benefits..."

Thinking of this, Lao Zhou felt more and more envious in his heart, but he didn't dare to have more thoughts.

After a while, Lao Zhou finished his report on the mining area, then respectfully got up and said goodbye, and left the cave.

"You're a little clever."

Zhang Yao glanced at Li Shuixian who appeared in front of him again, his tone was very flat.

"The real man forgives the sin, the concubine is used to being bullied on weekdays, and only when her head gets hot..."

As Li Shuixian said, there was a trace of grievance in his tone, and he said pitifully:

"Without the real person's consent, the concubine did such a deceitful thing, and she is willing to bear the real person's punishment."

What she said was not entirely false.

The position of being in charge of the warehouse is usually a lucrative position, but it is precisely because Sui Yushan's lucrative position is so rich that the supervision is so strict that no one dares to reach out.

A mere Qi Refining Cultivator doesn't have the privileges like a Foundation Establishment Cultivator, and if he dares to covet the property of Daoist Haihe, it will definitely be a dead end.

This has led to her being the least powerful among the four supervisors, but also having the heaviest responsibility. If she is not careful, she will take the blame for others. Now she finally has the opportunity to show off her power, which can be regarded as advocating that she has a backer.


Zhang Yao glanced at her, waved his hands and said:

"Okay, let's not take this as an example."

"Go down."

"Yes, real person."

A gleam of joy flashed in Li Shuixian's eyes, and she backed away respectfully.

Her usual work is also very leisurely. She is in charge of the warehouse and does not need to watch her all the time, so she has a lot of time to spend on mana.

Now after following Zhang Yao, no one dared to say anything more, and no one dared to take care of fishing in the cave mansion openly.

In the quiet room.

After dismissing Li Shuixian, Zhang Yao closed the quiet room formation and began to practice the "Light of Souls".

This is the spirit and Taoism method in the "Pingdu Twelve Laws", which is specially aimed at the spirit of monks. It is extremely powerful, and if there is no targeted means, it is almost impossible to defend.

This spirit and Taoism is also one of the prerequisites for Zhang Yao to implement the plan.


In a blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

On this day, in the quiet room of the cave mansion.

As the magic power circulated, a gloomy white brilliance suddenly emerged in silence, covering the entire quiet room like a water curtain.

This brilliance is exactly the same as the secret treasure displayed by the three Dongge sect disciples that Zhang Yao met in the barren belt on the border of Dali back then.


The Mori white brilliance can be closed at the touch of a button, showing a superb control.


Zhang Yao nodded in satisfaction.

It took more than two months, and he finally got the entry into the 'Light of the Lost Soul', far surpassing the entry of the way of the yellow talisman.

Although the power of the 'Desolate and Soul-dangling Divine Light' is not very powerful at present, and it is difficult to play any role in the battle of the same level, but it must be used to deal with some monks in the refining period.

For example, the secret treasure he saw that day:

The power that can be carried by a one-time secret treasure is often much lower than that performed by the refiner himself, but it still ignores all protection, and even the leaders of the three tribulations who have successfully refined Qi have no resistance.

It was late at night.


The underground soil trembled slightly, and a yellow brilliance traveled hundreds of feet below.

The entire GCC sub-altar mountain city, and even the formation hubs of the two major mining areas are under Zhang Yao's control. It is very easy to avoid the eyes and ears of others.

Just a moment later, Zhang Yao came to the black jade vein mining area, and the powerful divine sense penetrated the hundreds of feet of soil, scanning the surface.

"Hoo, hoo..."

In the area where the miners lived, the snoring was loud, and almost all the miners slept soundly.

The mining area occupies a very large area, and it is unrealistic and cost-effective to lay out formations in an all-round way. Therefore, only a few key places have formations.

For example, in the rest area of ​​these miners, a formation was built to dispel aura and suppress mana, creating an environment similar to that in the barren zone, so that these miners could not even meditate to refine their energy and recover their mana.

When they were working, they could only mine while recovering mana. Every day, they were exhausted and tormented, trying their best to complete the target, and they could only fall asleep when they came back.

"It's really a life that is worse than death."

Zhang Yao shook his head secretly, suppressed the sympathy in his heart, and quietly bypassed the obstacles of the formation.

He was wearing a formation control command talisman, and he sneaked into the rest area of ​​the miners without alarming anyone, even the guards who were meditating outside didn't notice.

After a while.

Zhang Yao locked his target in the ground through his spiritual thoughts, and immediately his mind moved and his magic power circulated——

A white brilliance spread out like a water curtain, covering the bodies of hundreds of Qi refining monks around.

These people were already in a deep sleep, and they didn't feel what happened at all. They just slept a little more deadly, and their spirits were suppressed, even if their hands were chopped off and their feet were stamped, they couldn't wake up.

In silence, Zhang Yao maintained his silence technique, walked up from the ground, and came to a shed.

The floor of the shed was covered with straw, and it was just a simple Datong shop, on which a dozen or so miners, both male and female, slept crookedly.

Among these people, there are two monks from the demon cultivator family.

"Let me take a good look..."

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