Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 136 Collecting Soul Thoughts, Master and Apprentice Demon Cultivation

The next day, early morning.

In the two major mining areas, hundreds of miners lined up in a long queue, slowly moving towards the edge of the black jade mining area.

Their magical artifacts have long been taken away, and their mana has always been exhausted. They look numb and haggard, worse than some mortals.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"What are you dawdling for? Want to be whipped?"

"Remember to keep quiet and don't make any noise. If you dirty the real person's ears, you will feel better!"

Dozens of supervisors, armed with special magic weapons of long whips, controlled the escape light and cruised on both sides, reprimanding and whipping them from time to time.


An older miner, because his body was weak and walked slowly, immediately drew a whip, which made him scream, his skin was torn and blood was dripping.

"Uncle Wu!"

A teenager rushed over, helped him up, and asked nervously:

"Are you OK?"

"... Huh, it's okay."

The old miner gasped, and was supported by the young man to walk forward, with a hint of resentment in his eyes:

"These lackeys of the GCC know how to torment us, and they don't know what they are going to do today..."

He said, looking at the young man beside him, he said with some distress:

"Hey, I'm in my seventies and eighties, it's okay to die in the mine."

"But Xiao Wu, you are only a teenager. You have just stepped into the Dao for a few years, and you were exterminated and sent to such a ghostly place..."

The boy was silent for a while, shook his head and said:

"Time is fate, if I die in this mine, this is also my fate."

"Damn life!"

The old miner took half a step closer, and said in a weak mosquito-like voice:

"This time they summoned us. There is absolutely no good thing. I see that I will not have a good life for a few days. The only person I can entrust is you."

"Do you remember that the next time you go to the mine, go to the Dingsanjiu mine, and the password is 'upright, it's me'."


Wu Sitang was startled suddenly, and immediately realized something.

He has lived in the mining area for several years, and he has always heard that in addition to the riots in the mining area, there are also people who are secretly planning to contact the looters and escape from the mining area.

He didn't pay much attention to these rumors.

But now...

"……I see."

Wu Sitang's heart was pounding, and he solemnly agreed.

After more than half an hour:

Thousands of mine slaves gathered in one place and stood densely together, guarded by dozens of supervisors, led by Lao Zhou and Lao Chen.

"Isn't that Zhou Papi and Chen Heixin?"

"That's right, both of them are here. Could it be that there is really a Daoist who wants to come to inspect?"

"I'm afraid it's true. Look at their dog-legged appearance, waiting here respectfully. How can they be as arrogant and domineering as usual?"

Many miners gathered together to discuss and whisper, with various thoughts in their hearts.

"Building foundation real person..."

In Wu Sihuang's mind, a complex emotion arose:

"In my life, I haven't seen the real Zhuji yet."

"If our Wu family also had a Foundation Establishment Daoist, maybe we wouldn't end up with the extermination of the clan..."

Just as he was thinking:


A brilliant cyan light flew from the sky and fell straight down.

After the light dissipated, a young Taoist priest dressed in a Taoist robe with an extraordinary demeanor was revealed, accompanied by a young girl who was as beautiful as a flower and jade.

"Meet the real person!"

Lao Chen and Lao Zhou saluted first, and dozens of supervisors on both sides also looked excited and bowed in unison:

"Meet the real person!"

Seeing this scene, thousands of mine slaves became agitated slightly, and Wu Sitang in the crowd subconsciously held his breath, with a trace of awe and fascination in his eyes.


Zhang Yao nodded slightly and gestured:

"No need to be polite, get up."

After everyone stood up, he unleashed his powerful divine sense, swept across thousands of miners, and deliberately emitted his own spiritual pressure.

Thousands of mine slaves were already in poor condition, but they felt chest tightness and suffocation when they were stimulated by his tyrannical spiritual pressure. Some of the weaker ones even slumped on the ground.

"To summon you today is also a good thing for you."

Zhang Yao opened his mouth lightly, and the voice transmitted through the divine mind rang in the ears of every miner at the same time:

"I will use you to sacrifice a treasure, which will do little damage to you and save you from hard labor."

"Remember, don't resist, or you will bear the consequences!"

Hearing his words, thousands of mine slaves broke out into a commotion, but in the end no one dared to resist.

Resisting in front of a Foundation Establishment Daoist is simply tiresome, and based on their current state, it is not difficult for the other party to kill them all by themselves.


Zhang Yao threw out the soul rosary, and the tyrannical mana flowed into it. The soul rosary was stimulated, and the brilliance of the soul suddenly exploded, releasing a thick mist.

The white mist expanded rapidly, spreading tens of feet in a few breaths, like a cloud, enveloping thousands of miners who were closely gathered.

"What's this……"

The young Wu Sihuang's expression was a little nervous, just as this thought came to his mind, his eyes suddenly went dark and he became unconscious.

"Plop!" "Plop!"...

There was a continuous sound of falling to the ground in the mist, and in just two or three breaths, thousands of miners piled on top of each other and fell to the ground.

"Really! This..."

Lao Zhou and Lao Chen suddenly looked a little nervous, and couldn't help looking at Zhang Yao.

"No problem."

Zhang Yao waved his hand and continued to pour mana into the soul rosary.

After the soul rosary was supported by mana, it started to run automatically without his manipulation, which gave Zhang Yao a chance to observe carefully.



"no, do not want……"

In the white mist, thousands of mine slaves who had fallen into a hallucination seemed to have been stimulated by some nightmare, and their expressions changed drastically, accompanied by murmurs and babbles.

"Sure enough, it's the foundation of the Three Illusion Arrays and Soul Conjuration..."

After observing for a while, Zhang Yao confirmed his previous judgment in his heart.

The "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing" records the method of collecting the energy of the soul, including setting up the corresponding three phantom formations and an evil secret method called "spirituality".

The soul rosary in his hand is based on the three illusionary formations and soul-absorbing techniques, mixed with extremely delicate refining techniques.

After an hour:

Zhang Yao suddenly raised his hand and withdrew his mana. The soul rosary buzzed and flew back into his palm automatically.

The white mist gradually dissipated, and the ground was full of people lying here and there. Their complexions became a little paler, especially their aura weakened a little.

Zhang Yao didn't lie, collecting the energy of the soul will do little harm to people.

But no matter how small the damage to the soul accumulates, it will cause huge damage.

Not to mention that these miners are the precious property of the GCC, and they will have to continue mining in the future, but with Zhang Yao's mentality, he will certainly not go fishing when it is not necessary.

"It lasts for an hour every day, and this soul rosary can be filled up after two months of collection."

"Anyway, the time limit given by Master Haihe is three months, more than enough..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao ordered:

"After they wake up, they will be sent back to their respective rest areas and will be strictly guarded."

"Bring them here tomorrow morning."


Lao Zhou and Lao Chen immediately bowed and said respectfully:

"Congratulations to the real person."

Amidst the respectful sound of the crowd, Zhang Yao steered the Dunguang, and flew away with Li Shuixian.

After returning to his own cave, Zhang Yao sent Li Shuixian to practice, while he came to the quiet room and took out a golden talisman.

Looking carefully, this golden talisman is several times wider than normal talismans, and an incomplete image of a golden armored general is engraved on it.


He skillfully played a few spells, and after activating the talisman, he took out the corresponding materials and continued to refine and build.

For seven years, he focused on the Yellow Talisman Taoism and refined materials worth tens of thousands of spirit stones before finally advancing it to the second level, initially satisfying his requirements.

After working for several hours:


Zhang Yao let out a long breath, and put away the semi-finished golden armor rune.

"In another half a month, it will be almost finished."

This is the second second-order talisman he refined, and the main material used is precious Taibai fine gold.

In the past seven years, like the real person who lived in Suiyu Mountain before, he embezzled a little black jade ore and Taibai fine gold ore every year, and the accumulation was not a small amount.

As for the several Tier 2 spiritual objects he purchased on Xianmen Island, they were all consumed when refining the first Tier 2 golden armor rune.

"After this golden armor rune is successfully refined, it should be more powerful than the first one."

Zhang Yao thought to himself:

"Coupled with the support of my mighty mana, these two second-tier golden armor runes should be able to match a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment."

This kind of combat power is of great value even to Zhang Yao.

And ordinary foundation-building monks, even if they have practiced the yellow talisman Taoism to the second level, they will not be able to exert such power.


The next day, early in the morning.

Thousands of miners from the two major mining areas gathered again, and Zhang Yao drove the light to come, and after completing the collection of the spirit of the soul, he turned back in a hurry.

After more than half a month, many miners have adapted to it, and feel very grateful for this relaxed life.

But at the same time:

Thanks to the rare free time, some secret activities are also in full swing.

"A real person!"

In the evening of this day, Lao Zhou came to the cave and took the initiative to meet Zhang Yao.

"Really, in two days, this year's batch of mine slaves will be delivered, and I came here to report to you."


When Zhang Yao heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

He still remembered that Lao Zhou said that among this group of miners, there were a few monster cultivators who were captured from Leizhou and seemed to be master-student relationships.

"The demon cultivator inherited from master and apprentice should have a stronger bloodline than the one gathered by the family..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao's expression changed slightly, and he said:

"Then it's still up to you."

"Remember, don't make any trouble..."

Lao Zhou saluted respectfully and said:

"Don't worry about it, real people."

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