two days later.

A floating airship sailed through the sea of ​​clouds and entered the boundary of Fangzhou.

Inside the flying boat, hundreds of qi refining monks whose mana had been banned were stuffed into densely packed metal cages, huddled together and making noise.


In the corner of the metal cage, an immature little girl's voice timidly asked:

"Will we die in that old Jade Mountain?"

"I heard that none of the monks who were caught in the mine could come out alive..."

The little girl who opened her mouth had cat-like beards on both sides of her cheeks, and the slender tail behind her was swinging around anxiously, and her amber eyes shone slightly in the dark.


A middle-aged man in a blue gown, covered in yellow fur and with a monkey cheek, sighed helplessly:

"Let's take one step at a time. Who told us to be unlucky?"

"I hope that in that mine, I can find a chance to escape..."

Hearing his words, the fluffy ears on Kitty's head drooped immediately, and she curled up into a ball in dejection.


The little fellows huddled together beside her were also quite uneasy.

Looking carefully, they are all demon cultivators, with more or less obvious characteristics of demonization, but none of them have the same blood.

The oldest among them is only about twelve or thirteen years old; the youngest is only seven or eight years old, who has just refined Qi.

"Master, we won't be eaten, right? I heard that some people like to eat Yaoxiu, saying it is a great tonic."

"Stop talking! Master, I'm a little scared..."

"No one will eat demon cultivators, they eat monster beasts!"

"Who said that when I was in the mortal world, I saw people cannibalizing. They even eat people, let alone..."

They were arguing at one another, which made the hairy-faced middle-aged man feel dizzy for a while, so he could only comfort him in a hurry.

At this moment, the cabin door suddenly opened, bright light penetrated into the dim cabin, and a monk with a big waist and round waist wobbled in.


He suddenly waved the flashing whip in his hand, looked around, and looked fiercely at the many prisoners:

"Shut up for me!"

There was a sudden silence in the noisy cabin.

The middle-aged man with a hairy face trembled, but fortunately, the little fellows beside him also shrank together in fear, covering their mouths and not daring to make a sound.

"If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have taken the risk to go to Fangshi..."

In the heart of the hairy-faced middle-aged man, there was nothing but regret.

Originally, their teachers and apprentices lived in hidden villages in Leizhou for a long time, until he ventured to a local market to buy some supplies. Because of an accident, his identity was exposed, and he was caught in a pot along the clues. up.

"Sui Yushan is almost here, come out and line up on the deck!"

The big and round monk said a few words, and then he played a few formulas and unlocked the door of the metal prison.

Numerous prisoners and monks filed out without daring to push each other. Under the watchful eyes of several watchers, they lined up neatly on the deck of the airship.

After a while:


Accompanied by waves of tremors, the flying boat slowly slowed down and landed on the flat ground.

"The next one is Sui Yushan's mine manager Zhou Xianhe..."

Zhou Xianhe led more than a dozen supervisors, flew over and boarded the deck of the flying boat.

After exchanging pleasantries between the persons in charge of both parties, Zhou Xianhe led the people and escorted hundreds of new miners down.

"Go! Hurry up, everyone!"

"You are considered blessed, and you don't need to work recently."

"Follow me on the left, to another mining area..."

Hundreds of miners were divided into two groups, and each was escorted by several supervisors to two different mining areas.


Catwoman was also forced to separate from the middle-aged man with a hairy face, and was assigned to the black jade mining area with another young man with green hair and a shell behind his back.

The green-haired boy cried and struggled a few times, but he was whipped by the supervisor, his whole body was covered in blood, and he became calm immediately.

With the departure of the two waves of teams, the flying boat took off again and turned to fly west.

"These masters and apprentices of demon cultivators are really interesting..."

In mid-air, Zhang Yao was suspended out of thin air, overlooking the scene below, staring at several demon cultivators, showing interest.

Normal demon cultivator masters and apprentices must have the same blood in order to practice the same inheritance of skills.

The monks who can break away from the demon cultivator's family and come out to mix alone are often stronger, so the demon cultivator and blood level of the master-student line are generally higher.

But these masters and apprentices of demon cultivators broke this convention.

"Monkeys, kittens, bastards, pheasants... Good guy, none of them are the same."

"I don't know what the origin of these demon cultivators are?"

Zhang Yao rubbed his chin, flew away quietly, and followed the team on the left.

He has always maintained multiple spells such as invisibility, silence, and breath suppression. With his cultivation level, no one here can find his peeping.

"Keep an eye on these first, and then act at night..."


An hour later.

In the black jade mining area, in the rest area of ​​the miners.

The little cat girl and the bastard boy were stuffed into a shed.

The hut was not big, but there were more than a dozen miner monks, men, women, young and old, some of them were chatting nonsense, and some were whispering.

"Go in! You will live here from now on!"

After throwing them in, the supervisor turned around and left, not wanting to stay even a moment longer in the environment where the aura was exhausted.

Among the dozen or so miner monks, some were indifferent to their arrival; some glanced at them, but ignored them; some frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's this kind of bastard again, it's really disgusting."

The two big guys cursed and cursed a few times, which made the little cat girl and the bastard boy a little scared.


Kitty Catwoman and Wang Bashounen walked through the crowd cautiously, came to an empty corner, and showed a flattering smile to the people beside them.

"Hi there."

Wu Sizhen smiled friendly and offered his hand:

"My name is Wu Sihuang, what's your name?"

Catwoman froze for a moment, stretched out her little paw hesitantly, and whispered:

"My, my name is Hu Weiwei, and his name is Wang Yesan."

Wu Sitang shook hands with her, and found that her little paws were fluffy and fleshy, so he subconsciously squeezed them a few times.


Hu Weiwei blushed immediately, pulled out her hand abruptly, and glared at him fiercely.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry..."

Wu Sizhen hurriedly apologized, blushed, and stammered:

"I, I didn't mean to, I just..."

After he explained for a long time, Hu Weiwei managed to calm down, but she still puffed her cheeks and refused to talk to him anymore.

Wu Sizhen was extremely embarrassed, scratched his head, and could only helplessly lie back on the straw of his own bunk, close his eyes and rest.

But not long after, three or four big men on the other side of the shed suddenly got up and walked over, surrounding the little cat girl and the bastard boy.

"What do you want to do?"

Kittenwoman stood up vigilantly and showed her paws.

"Hey hey..."

A burly man licked his lips, looked up and down the little catwoman with fiery eyes, especially some areas on her body, and said with a smile:

"Damn it, I've been a miner here for nearly twenty years, and I'm about to get angry!"

"Although this little cat girl is a little younger, she looks really good. It's really good for venting fire..."

The big guys beside him all burst out laughing, their voices full of banter and a hint of excitement.

In the daily life of a miner, he was exhausted every day, and fell asleep when he came back. He didn't even have the strength to lift his eyelids, so he naturally lost a lot of moths.

But in the past half a month, they have been going to the square on the edge of the mining area to provide soul energy every day, and life has become much easier.

I don't need to go to the mine every day. Although I can't recover my mana, I have become more energetic. The direct result is that vicious incidents such as fights in the rest area have increased sharply, which has already attracted the attention of some supervisors.

"Go away!"

Hu Weiwei roared, her short canine teeth were very conspicuous, and a fierce look flashed in her eyes.


Not only were the big men not afraid, but their laughter became more and more complacent, and they pushed forward step by step.

The rest of the huts were old monks and female monks. Seeing this scene, they frowned, but no one spoke to stop them; some female monks had a look of disgust in their eyes, but they turned their heads directly.

These people are targeting demon cultivators after all, not orthodox human cultivators. Isn't that a joke for a few lowly demon cultivators?


Wu Sizhen shouted sharply, pushed away Wang Yesan who was shrunk into a ball with a slap, and strode forward to protect Hu Weiwei:

"Go away immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Strange to say:

Everyone has no mana, and a few of them, together with a few strong adult men, must be far better than a half-grown boy.

But when these big men saw Wu Sitang coming forward, their complexions changed suddenly. After looking at each other for a few times, they returned to their own straw pile without saying a word.

"Thank you……"

Hu Weiwei retracted her little paws and spoke softly, a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes.

"You're welcome."

Wu Sizhen shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"You have to be careful yourself in the future, this is not a good place."

"These days, it's because the Qingxu Daoist wants to use us to make treasures, so we are more relaxed."

"After that real person finished refining the treasure and went to the mine again, the days were very bitter. Almost every few days, I heard the news of someone's life and death..."

When boys and girls are talking:

In the corner of the shed, Zhang Yao, who was standing with his hands behind his back, retracted his gaze and smiled slightly:

"This kid is quite kind."

If the young man hadn't made a move just now, he would have made a move secretly, deliberately attracting the supervisor's attention, and those few male monks naturally couldn't get it.

According to his preliminary judgment of these demon cultivators, this little cat girl Hu Weiwei's bloodline may be of the highest level, so he watched it personally.

"But it's kind of weird..."

Zhang Yao pondered for a while, a trace of suspicion flashed in his heart:

"Those male monks, why are they afraid, or afraid of him, a young man?"

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