The sky above Sui Yushan.

In an almost motionless cloud, three figures sat cross-legged.

On the edge of the cloud, an old man with a kind face overlooked the small mountain city below, and the huge divine sense penetrated into every hole like mercury pouring down the ground.

"Uncle Seven."

A middle-aged Taoist wearing a black jade crown showed a trace of worry:

"With such a big fanfare, won't the real Qingxu be aware of it?"

"Second brother, don't worry."

A young man in a white shirt beside him smiled and said:

"I have inquired about the details of the real person Qingxu before he came."

"This person was born as a casual cultivator, and he has been promoted to the foundation establishment for less than ten years. He is considered to be the bottom among all the foundation establishment real people."

"With the strength of Uncle Qi's divine sense, unless he shoots him face to face, he will definitely not be able to detect it."


The kind old man known as 'Seventh Uncle' also slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The coverage of his divine sense is at most about a hundred feet around his body, but I deliberately avoided the range of two hundred feet around his body."

"It's impossible for him to notice, just feel at ease."

Hearing what the two said, the middle-aged Taoist felt a lot more at ease.

The three of them followed the clues all the way to Suiyu Mountain. It had been seven or eight days, but they hadn't done anything yet.

Of course, a newly promoted real person who established the foundation was not taken seriously by them, but they were very afraid of the 'GCC' who ruled the roost in Fangzhou.

Especially the famous "Haihe Zhenren", who was once a direct disciple of the "Old Ancestor of Wanchuan" of Fu Haizong, and had a record of fighting hard to complete the foundation without falling behind.

If it's not a last resort, they don't want to provoke such a top expert.

A moment later, after the old man withdrew his spiritual thoughts, the young man in white shirt asked urgently:

"Uncle Qi, what's the matter?"


The old man pondered for a moment, and said:

"After seven or eight days of spying on the formation of this GCC branch, I have almost understood it."

"As long as there is no Daoist Zhuji in this formation, we will wait for the three of us to join forces and break the formation in an instant."

Hearing this, the young man in white shirt and the middle-aged Taoist breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"It seems that we will see the little girl again soon."

The young man in white shirt looked excited, and said:

"There are a large number of miners gathered in Suiyu Mountain, and the GCC's task of collecting the energy of soul thoughts must also fall on the head of this Qingxu real person."

"According to the progress, he will be able to complete the collection soon. At that time, he will definitely leave Sui Yushan temporarily and send the soul rosary back to the main altar of the GCC."

"The few hours in between are our best opportunities to act."

Hearing his words, the other two nodded slightly in agreement.

The formation in Suiyu Mountain has been built and strengthened for many years, and it is enough to resist the siege of several Foundation Establishment monks under the condition that there is a real person who builds the foundation.

The main altar of the GCC is only a few thousand miles away. Once they are held back by the formation and the real GCC leads people to help, one can imagine what will happen.

Their only chance was when Zhang Yao left Sui Yushan's gap, so they could act boldly with confidence.

Fortunately, it seems that this opportunity is close at hand.


In the mountain city cave.


The image on the light curtain transformed by the flow of mana is also constantly changing.

Looking carefully, what appeared on the light curtain was an offensive route, starting from breaking through the sub-altar formations, going deep into the mining area, breaking through several layers of formations, and rescuing a certain target person.

"Well, that's about it..."

Zhang Yao made calculations several times and roughly confirmed that this was the only attack route.

The divine sense in the daytime is in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and it also deliberately avoided the range of the cave, which can be regarded as relatively cautious.

But he probably didn't expect that Zhang Yao's spirit and mind are so strong that they are close to the late stage of foundation establishment.

And ever since Hu Weiwei entered the mine, he has been vigilant, regularly radiating his spiritual thoughts to the furthest distance.

"The delay in making a move seems to be due to fear."

"There are also looters hiding in the dark, and there is no sign of showing up. They seem to be waiting for an opportunity."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao smiled slightly:

"Alright, then I'll give you this chance!"

the next day.

On the edge of the black jade mining area, Zhang Yao completed the last collection of soul energy.


The soul rosary hummed and fell into his palm, the inside was already filled to the brim.

Zhang Yao put away the soul rosary, glanced at the people around him, and said in a flat tone:

"Pindao's treasure refining has been completed."

"From today, these miners no longer need to come here, and the production in the mining area has resumed."

Hearing Zhang Yao's words, the two supervisors, Lao Zhou and Lao Chen, and many supervisors all bowed and said yes.


With a wave of Zhang Yao's sleeve robe, he turned around and turned into a cyan streamer, and flew away in an instant.

Not long after he left, thousands of mine slaves lying on the ground woke up one after another, and were about to go back to rest, but were stopped by the supervisor:

"Crack!" "Crack!"...

The dense whip shadows brought familiar screams, causing many miners to tremble instinctively, as if they were pulled back to the long-awaited reality.

"Your days are over!"

Zhou Xianhe controlled the magic weapon flying sword, suspended in mid-air, with a cold expression:

"Now, let me go to the mine!"

"If you can't meet today's target, you will know the consequences yourself!"

As soon as this statement came out:

Thousands of mine slaves were silent for a while, and then there was a bang, and the voices of wailing and complaints were endless.

But in the face of the cruel reality, they had no other choice at all. They could only line up dejectedly, receive the special magic weapon ore from the supervisor again, and go to work in the mine.

"Come with me!"

Wu Sihuang's expression showed a trace of nervousness, he pulled Hu Weiwei's wrist, and after receiving the mine manuscript, he went straight to a certain mine.

The two major mining areas of Suiyu Mountain have existed for hundreds of years, and there are densely packed mines of various sizes, and the mines inside the mines extend in all directions and are extremely complicated.

Wu Sizhen kept silent, and turned around in the complicated mine tunnel with his head depressed, until Hu Weiwei finally couldn't help asking:

"Wu Sihuang, where are you taking me?"

Wu Sihuang didn't respond, but continued to move forward sullenly.


Hu Weiwei was a little uneasy, broke free from his hand, and said angrily:

"If you don't tell me, I won't go with you!"

Wu Sizhen finally turned his head around, hesitated for a moment, quickly scanned his surroundings, and then lowered his voice and said:

"I'll take you out of here!"


Hu Weiwei was taken aback, and after an exclamation, she subconsciously covered her mouth:

" do you..."

She reacted suddenly, opened her eyes wide, and said in a low voice:

"You planned it all the time, didn't you?"

"I didn't plan it."

Wu Sizhen shook his head, with a nervous look on his face, and said in a low voice:

"Let's go, don't delay!"

"I can't tell you more specific things now, but you trust me, I won't hurt you!"

As he spoke, he was about to grab Hu Weiwei's wrist and lead her deep into the mine again.


Hu Weiwei took a step back abruptly, avoiding it, and said with a pale face:

"Then I escaped, what will my master do?"

"……no way."

Wu Sizhen was silent for a while, and then calmly said:

"They are in another mining area, and it is impossible to escape through this passage."

"But in this plan, there is still a step to set off a large-scale riot. If they are lucky, they might be able to take advantage of the chaos and escape."

Hu Weiwei hesitated after hearing the words:

"Then my master and the others can't do it, and Wang Yesan, he..."


Wu Sizhen let out a low voice impatiently:

"That wimpy, spineless bastard deserves his death!"

"When is this, and you still miss him? If we take one step at night and fail to catch up with the most critical time, we will die together in this mine."

"……All right."

Hu Weiwei was finally convinced, and followed Wu Sitang all the way through the complicated mine tunnels.

After half an hour:

The two shuttled through the dark mine tunnel and came to an ancient mine that had been abandoned for many years. There was a mark on the stone tablet beside it - 'Ding Sanjiu'.


As soon as the two of them appeared, several flying swords flew towards them in unison, hovering over their necks.

"Fair and aboveboard, none other than me."

Wu Sitang spoke the secret signal calmly.

After the flying sword dissipated, a tall figure was revealed, it was a monk who had perfected Qi refining.

"It's your boy..."

His eyes scanned the two of them, and when he saw Hu Weiwei, he immediately frowned:

"Why do you still have a demon cultivator with you?"

Wu Sizhen's heart tightened, and he said repeatedly:

"Honorable envoy, didn't you say you could bring the rest of the people here?"

"I mean to be able to bring other 'people' over, not animals."

The tall monk replied blankly.


Wu Sihuang's complexion was a bit ugly, while Hu Weiwei glared at him, her chest heaving up and down with anger.

"Why, you little catwoman are still not convinced?"

The tall monk snorted coldly, just as he was about to sneer again:

"Fifth, forget it."

Another figure appeared and said coldly:

"Since everyone is here, let's come in together."

"That Qingxu Daoist may leave at any time, don't waste any more time!"

"……All right."

The tall monk was persuaded, he turned sideways and took two steps back to get out of the way.

"Thank you."

Wu Sizhen felt relieved, and hurriedly dragged Hu Weiwei inside.

There was a faint light in the dark passage, and when the two came to the end of the passage, it suddenly became clear to them that it was a bright underground space.

In the underground space of more than ten feet square, there were hundreds of miners standing densely, talking and whispering among each other.

"We can finally get out!"

"Brother, thank you for your kindness! When I go out, I will definitely..."

"Wuuuuuuuuu... After so many years, I finally have a chance to escape!"

"I hope there will be no accidents..."

Joyful, excited, excited, looking forward to, uneasy...

All kinds of voices turned into a noisy torrent and passed into Hu Weiwei's ears, completely ignoring her.


She turned her head to look at Wu Sitang, and asked with some uncertainty:

"How come there are so many people?"

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