Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 140 Attacking the Mountain, Chaos, Gradually Reaching a Climax

In Hu Weiwei's vision:

Even if Wu Sitang really joined some secret prison escape organization, the number of people in this organization must be limited.

But what she didn't expect was:

The number of miners she saw in front of her alone exceeded a hundred, and new miners were constantly coming.

"I have no idea."

Facing her question, Wu Sitang shook his head and said:

"I was introduced by an old miner. He was one of the first people to participate in this plan and get on line with these people. He is a kind of 'veteran'."

"He has been digging mines here for nearly forty years. He was bullied because of his old age. I helped him a few times."

"Later, he felt that his time was approaching, so he gave me his place and identity, and finally died within two days..."

When Hu Weiwei heard this, she suddenly understood something, and asked uncertainly:

"That day When you stood up to protect me, those men were afraid of you. Is it because of this?"


Wu Sizhen said calmly:

"According to these outsiders, the Daoist Qingxu who sits in Suiyu Mountain is not refining treasures at all, but using us to collect some aura."

"Taking advantage of the gap period when we don't need to go to the mine, we secretly recruited a lot of people, covering a small half of the black jade mining area."

"Those people are afraid of me, just because my status is higher than them, and they are worried that I will trip them up."

Hu Weiwei bit her lip and stared straight at him:

"Then why didn't you tell me this before?"

Wu Sizhen took a deep breath, and then said slowly:

"Everyone who joins this plan will be imprisoned by the Immortal Soul Law, so I couldn't tell you before."

"Only from the moment the plan starts, the soul ban will be automatically removed."

As he spoke, he grabbed Hu Weiwei's wrist and motioned:

"Let's go there and wait until we talk, the time to escape is coming soon."

After the two mixed into the crowd, Hu Weiwei lowered her voice and couldn't help asking:

"I still don't quite get it..."

"In such a large-scale mining area, there must be a 'Forbidden Escape Magic Circle', and even some key places, there are advanced magic circles that 'turn mud into steel'."

"These outsiders are probably looters, but how do they avoid these formations?"

The two major mining areas stretch for hundreds of miles, and the scale is very large, which leads to a large-scale blockade of the mining area, which is completely unrealistic.

However, the immortal sages of the past dynasties have long developed various formations to deal with similar situations.

For example, the Forbidden Escape Formation can directly sense the fluctuations of the corresponding Escape Techniques such as Earth Escape, Wood Escape, Water Escape, etc., directly interfere with the long-range spiritual energy, and at the same time issue an alarm.

As for the advanced magic circle with the effect of 'turning mud into steel', it can directly ban most of the earth escape techniques in the world.


Hearing her words, Wu Sizhen scratched his head:

"I don't know either."

"It must be their secret and it is unlikely to be told to us."

"...Well, it seems that I was asking in vain."

Hu Weiwei was a little speechless, so she changed the subject and asked again:

"Then what about their specific plans? You should know that, right?"


Wu Sizhen nodded and said:

"I'm one of the few who knows their full plan."

"First of all, we have to wait for the real Qingxu to leave Suiyu Mountain, forcefully break the forbidden formation, and then disperse and flee. The second is..."

He told the plan again, and Hu Weiwei nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, it seems that the person who made the plan is quite smart."

A small number of mine slaves escaped, that was a dead end, and they would definitely not escape the pursuit of Daoist Zhuji.

Only large-scale escapes and riots can exhaust the defense force of the mine and create a suitable escape opportunity.

"...Come here, don't squeeze..."

At this moment, there was another commotion in the cave.

Wu Sizheng and Hu Weiwei looked and found that those looters had started to distribute the spirit stones.


Wu Sihuang's eyes were shining, and like the rest of the miners, he couldn't wait to take it.

"That Qingxu real person has left Sui Yushan."

The few monks who distributed the spirit stones shouted loudly:

"Everyone, hurry up and restore your mana. After half an hour, we will officially take action!"


the other side of the cave.

In a smaller hidden cave, an old woman in a black robe sat cross-legged.


A tall monk hurried over and saluted respectfully:

"It's almost ready, and when the time comes, the plan can be launched."


The old woman nodded slightly and said:

"Be optimistic about these miners, it's the last time, and nothing can go wrong."

As she spoke, she paused for a moment, with a trace of regret in her eyes:

"It's a pity, these miners are too tight, and the robbery business can't continue."

"Otherwise, it won't take many years for our Feng family to prosper..."

Both black jade ore and Taibai fine gold ore are very valuable, and the benefits of stealing ore are huge.

But it is a pity that this not only requires the cooperation of internal personnel, but also needs to obtain some information about mine veins and mine caves from some veteran miners, and occasionally they have to help cover it up.

The interest relationship between the two parties has been maintained for many years. Because the Feng family has the initiative, they have been procrastinating on their promise to help the miners escape.

Until two months ago:

The death of a member of the organization sounded the alarm for the rest of the people, and they finally began to force the Feng family to fulfill the agreement.

Otherwise, they will report to the higher authorities, risking their own lives, and have a fight with the Feng family, which will arouse the vigilance of the higher authorities and follow-up investigations.

The Feng family was forced to do nothing, knowing that they couldn't drag it any longer, so they could only launch this plan.

"There is still half an hour."

The old woman of the Feng family spoke slowly, and said in a deep voice:

"Do it as soon as the time is up, and...notify that person to prepare to evacuate."


The tall monk saluted respectfully, bowed his head and retreated.


Years old Yushan high in the sky.

"It's really fast..."

The three people hiding in the clouds all smiled as they watched the blue streamer go away.

"The spirit of the soul is no small matter. It is related to the Five Elements Secret Realm, and it is a task assigned by Fu Haizong. Of course, he dare not delay."

The old man said with a relaxed tone:

"Wait a little longer."

"After he's completely gone, we'll do it immediately, break the big formation, and rescue Weiwei."


The young man in white and the middle-aged Taoist nodded solemnly when they heard the words.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour:

"about there."

The old man stood up slowly, slipped a small golden hammer from his sleeve, and said in a deep voice:

"Do it!"

The voice just fell:


The small golden hammer rose against the wind, turning into a huge golden sledgehammer more than ten meters long, and smashed down like a small mountain.

At the same time, a flying jade sword and a simple inkstone also flew down together, like a meteor falling to the ground, sparing no effort in their shots.


Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the formation protecting the small mountain city flickered violently, and the ripple-like lines swayed rapidly, showing signs of instability.


Inside the cave mansion, Li Shuixian, who was sitting at the center, spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and his eyes were horrified:

"Damn it! Why are foreign enemies attacking at such a time?"

With the strength of the formation of Sui Yushan sub-altar, it is enough to resist the attack of the foundation establishment period when she is in charge.

But with just one blow, the formation has a tendency to be overwhelmed, which only shows that there are definitely more than one or two Foundation Establishment cultivators attacking on the periphery at this moment.

"It's over, this formation can't be kept..."

After realizing this, Li Shuixian made a decisive decision and directly withdrew part of his mana.

She didn't want to carry it to death and be buried with Sui Yushan in the altar.


After another collision, the three magic weapons blasted away the formation light curtain above the small mountain city like a bamboo.

The impact of the aftermath after the formation collapsed immediately made the small mountain city crack and damaged everywhere as if it had been hit by a strong earthquake.

However, in some key places, such as where the warehouse is, there is still an independent formation guarding it.


It was so easy that the three of them were stunned for a moment, but then they all reacted and couldn't help laughing out loud:

"Hahaha... It's really a disaster and they fly separately. It seems that the person in charge of the formation is a smart man!"

Next moment:

The cloud dissipated, and the three of them all turned into light, whistling down and past the dilapidated mountain city.

Without the influence of the formation of the mountain city, the entire airspace of Suiyu Mountain has become a free zone, which will not hinder them in the slightest.

"Clang!" "Clang!"...

The ear-piercing bell rang and the siren rang through the entire mine, causing many supervisors and several chief executives to be stunned and unbelievable.

"Fuck! They really hit the spot!"

"Someone is really attacking Sui Yushan!"

"Go! Go!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Go, kill!"

Hundreds of miners, caught in excitement and ecstasy, gathered in all directions like a flood, and a big riot was imminent.

"Go! Below!"

The three Foundation Establishment cultivators ignored these, and directly rode the Escaping Light and roared all the way to the black jade mining area.

During the seven or eight days of waiting here, they had already figured out the basic situation of the two major mining areas with the help of their spiritual sense, and they also knew where Hu Weiwei was.

After entering the mine, the old man at the head took out a compass, dripped a drop of his own blood, and cast out a formula.

The compass buzzed and trembled, glowing with streaks of blood, and the transparent pointer suspended in the center was dyed blood red and turned rapidly.

This is a spiritual weapon specially used to locate bloodlines. The only flaw is that the effective range is too small, and the existence of the same bloodlines can only be detected within a few miles around.


After spinning wildly for a few times, the bloody pointer finally stopped in one direction and remained motionless.


Without hesitation, the three foundation-building cultivators used their evasion techniques to travel downwards.

And at the same time:


The incomparably slight tremor also spread to the ground.

Even Qi Refining cultivators couldn't detect such subtle fluctuations, but they couldn't escape the spiritual thoughts of Foundation Establishment cultivators.


The old woman in a black robe stood up suddenly, her complexion changed drastically:

"What's going on?"

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