"What's going on?"

The old woman in black robe was full of surprises.

The aftermath vibration she sensed was very similar to the shock caused to the nearby leylines after a large formation was forcibly breached.

But the problem is, this is the territory of the GCC, and she only dares to sneak around like a thief. Who would dare to attack the mountain with such a big fanfare?

"Could it be that there are really people who agree with me and have chosen this time to do it?"

"Isn't it? The two veins here can't be moved away. What's there to covet?"

In the mind of the old lady of the Feng family, thoughts flickered rapidly:

"Could it be that someone wants to snatch the soul rosary?"

"That's not right, who dares to snatch Tianbaolou's things? Besides, the real Qingxu left long ago, and if a battle really broke out, he wouldn't be here..."

Thinking of this, she hesitated for a moment before making a decision:

"There is a third-party force intervening, we can't wait any longer, the plan has to be changed!"

Her original plan was to break through the forbidden escape formation, and at the same time, take advantage of the situation to cause riots, turning the entire mining area upside down.

They had changed their faces collectively, and after such a chaos, all traces of the past would be washed away. Even if these miners were caught and tortured in the future, they would not be implicated.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and a temporary accident forced her to abandon the original plan and start a backup plan.

"Do it, kill!"

Her divine sense came out, her tone was cold, and she issued the order to kill without hesitation!

This is her backup plan. If the plan to set off a riot does not go well, then kill all the insiders and clean up as many clues as possible in the mining area.

There is also an organization behind her. If there is no real evidence, the GCC will have to follow the rules, and it will not do anything to her and the Feng family.


Brother Gao waited for several Feng family's Qi-refinement-perfect monks, and immediately responded respectfully.

Immediately following:

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

Flying swords, jade disks, light wheels, ice waterfalls, fire balls... all kinds of magic tools and spells collided with each other, and their miserable cries were covered by the sky-shattering roar.




In the chaos, many mine slaves were caught off guard, and more than 20 people were killed or injured in an instant.

They hadn't recovered much mana, and they didn't have magic weapons in their bodies. At this moment, they were massacred by several Feng family monks, and they had almost no resistance.


There was a 'buzz' in Wu Sihuang's head, as if a basin of ice water had been poured on his head, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Looking for death in a daze?"

Hu Weiwei threw him down suddenly and cursed loudly.


A huge silver light wheel spun and cut from above their heads, cutting seven or eight miners into two as it passed, blood flowed, and pierced the underground stone wall into a hole several feet deep. Huge crack.

In just two or three breaths, the entire underground cave turned into a purgatory on earth, with broken flesh and bones and corpses of broken arms everywhere.


The cruel and terrifying scene almost made Wu Sitang retch, but Hu Weiwei remained calm and pulled him to the ground desperately.

The few Feng family monks didn't care about them anymore, because there were some strong ones among the surviving miners, who had already started to cooperate with each other and cast spells against them.

The rest of them were either hiding like Hu Weiwei or they were trying to turn around and escape back into the mine.

"It's time to end!"

The chaotic situation lasted only for a moment, and then there was an old voice, accompanied by a terrifying spiritual pressure.


"Damn it, there really are Foundation Establishment cultivators behind them..."

Among the dozen or so miners who were persistently resisting, the strong Qi refiner suddenly showed a hint of despair.

The shining silver whisk swept across, and in an instant, it was like thousands of silver hairs exploded. With just one blow, the dozen or so people died terribly.

Immediately afterwards, the silver whisk rolled back, thousands of silver threads skyrocketed, and it was about to kill the remaining miners.

If this attack is carried out, not to mention Wu Sizheng and Hu Weiwei, the remaining thirty or forty miners will not be able to escape the fate of being smashed into pieces——

When the kind old man, the white-clothed youth, and the middle-aged Taoist escaped here together, this was the first scene they saw.


"Bitch, you are courting death!"

The three of them were terrified and furious, and they shot together without thinking for a moment.


A light golden transparent mask descended from the sky, protecting Hu Weiwei in it, and enclosing Wu Sitong along the way.

At the same time, the golden hammer, the jade flying sword, and the simple inkstone, with thunderous whistling and vibrations, joined forces to kill the old lady of the Feng family.

"not good!"

The face of the old woman of the Feng family changed drastically, the alarm bells rang in her heart, and the blood all over her body was cold.

She never expected that the people who attacked Sui Yushan came directly towards this place, and she was caught off guard, and she didn't even have time to retract the whisk to protect herself.

At the critical moment, she only had time to bless herself with a protective method, and the three spiritual weapons were killed.

Next moment:


Amidst the roar and explosion, large swaths of smoke and dust rose and the soil collapsed, almost covering the entire underground space.

"Clang clang clang..."

Thousands of silver wires brushed past and hit the light golden mask, making a crisp sound like metal colliding, and it was as dense as rain hitting plantains.

Hu Weiwei slumped on the ground, panting violently, with a hint of fear in her eyes, followed by rejoicing:

"Fortunately, fortunately, Seventh Uncle, Second Brother, and Fourth Brother rushed over... That old woman is definitely dead!"

On the side, Wu Sitang was still standing there in a daze, as if he hadn't reacted yet.


A ray of light broke through the smoke and dust, revealing the figure of the old lady of the Feng family.

At this moment, her hair was disheveled, her body was covered in blood, and her complexion was as pale as paper. It was obvious that she had suffered serious injuries.

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

She desperately took back the dust whisk, protecting herself with thousands of silver threads, and shouted loudly:

"Three friends, it's all a misunderstanding!!"

"Don't do it again, the old man is willing to make amends, make amends..."

At this moment, she felt extremely aggrieved.

Originally, she was terrified and furious at being attacked by someone, but when she saw the target of the three of them clearly, she was even more distressed.

The three foundation-building cultivators came to rescue a little demon cultivator girl, so the identities of these three were obvious, even if they wanted to silence her, they would not let her live!

"Three friends, don't be impulsive, it was all a misunderstanding..."

As the old woman of the Feng family spoke, she quickly reached out to her spiritual thoughts, trying to find a chance to escape.

The three foundation-building cultivators in front of her are definitely not something she can fight against. The only way to survive is to escape from Suiyu Mountain all the way by using the forbidden escape formation in the mining area.

Since the other party's target is the little demon cultivator girl, he will definitely not chase her desperately, and she still has hope of escape.


The old man and the three of them sneered, and the movements in their hands did not stop for a moment, and they joined forces again to kill the old woman of the Feng family.

Obviously, they also guessed her escape intention and route, and they didn't intend to leave her alive at all.

But at this moment:

The figures of the old woman of the Feng family and the old man froze for a moment.

"what happened?"

The old lady of the Feng family was astonished, she couldn't believe the feedback from her spiritual sense, she subconsciously turned her head to look.

A pale yellow mask quietly rose at some point, like a sealed egg shell, covering the entire cave space, isolating the inside and outside.


Not only her, but also the three Hu family members on the side were also taken aback.

"What's going on here? Why is there a blocking formation here?!"

When they just had this idea:


Crisp applause sounded, especially harsh in the silent underground cave.

Everyone suddenly turned their heads to look, and saw a young Taoist in a simple Taoist robe, stepping from the void Shi Shiran, with a faint smile on his face.

"It's really wonderful, and it's worth my troubles to lure you out."

"It's you?!"

The three members of the Hu family immediately reacted, their hearts suddenly changed, and their expressions changed slightly.

Isn't this person a newly promoted loose builder? How could they have the ability to discover their secret spying, and even turn against the general?

Why can he plan so clearly, as if he knew their goal a long time ago, waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap?

"how so?"

The old lady of the Feng family also changed her expression, feeling a little uneasy in her heart:

"He actually noticed it a long time ago, and set a trap in advance? This..."

When exactly was it exposed? Why did the other party secretly set up a formation, but she still didn't know anything about it?

"Reverend Qingxu? It's him!"

Inside the light golden mask, Hu Weiwei and Wu Sitang also opened their eyes wide, revealing a hint of disbelief.

They also didn't expect that today's situation was full of twists and turns. Before the battle between the four foundation-building monks was over, the real Qingxu, who had already left, appeared again.

"The real Qingxu..."

The old man of the Hu family was the first to react, took a deep look at Zhang Yao, and said slowly:

"It seems that we all underestimated you!"

"Is this a game you set up? You and this old woman are in the same group, just to lure us?"

While speaking, he was still using his spiritual thoughts to transmit sound quietly, and the young man in white shirt and the middle-aged Taoist moved silently, showing a half-encircled situation.

The face of the old woman of the Feng family was cloudy, she quietly retreated to the corner without saying a word, and took out something and clasped it in her palm.

As if Zhang Yao didn't see their small movements, he said calmly:

"of course not."

"I'm just making a small plan to let you jump out automatically and give me a chance to catch them all."

"I have arranged several similar preset battlefields. As long as you are still in the mine, sooner or later you will step into the magic circle I prepared."


Hearing his words, the old man of the Hu family laughed angrily:

"Do you really think that this second-order formation can trap us?"

"You underestimate the heroes of the world!"


The middle-aged Taoist on the side also nodded slightly, and said loudly:

"On your own, how many foundation-building cultivators can you defeat even if you rely on formations?"

"I advise you to be more sensible and remove the formation. Let's go our own way!"

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