"More radical?!"

Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, and he said thoughtfully:

"That's right, the bet raised by the Lone Walker this time is indeed a bit too big..."

Public fighting is a common way for cultivators to resolve conflicts, and it usually wins big.

But this time for a fight, Dubu Taoist wanted the GCC to bet on the two mine veins of Shangsui Yushan and several black gold mine veins on the border of Fangzhou.

It can be said that this is the most important property of the GCC besides Cangjiang Lingmai and its own chamber of commerce, and its value is inestimable.

Correspondingly, Dubumeng also put out an equal bet, even slightly better in value, turning this battle of skills into a shocking gamble.

"It's not just big, it's a desperate move."

Master Haihe shook his head and sighed:

"That's why I don't want to take the bet this time."

"Our strength is so strong, we shouldn't have too much appetite, and we can't keep it if we occupy too much. In the end, even if we win, the benefits will be limited."

"But once you lose, the accumulation of nearly a hundred years will be wiped out at once, and the price is too heavy."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao couldn't help nodding his head slightly in agreement.

In places as important as Suiyu Mountain, if there is no real person who builds foundations to sit in the town, there will be people who will take risks every few days to dig and steal the ore.

However, the overall strength of the GCC is still inferior to that of the Independent Alliance, and it would be good to be able to hold on to the current basic situation.

"What do you need me to do for the entrustment that the master just said?"

Zhang Yao asked a question.

"Is such that……"

Master Haihe pondered for a moment before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"Taoist Dubu has a rare treasure in his hand, named 'Blue Jade', which he uses to suppress the eyes of the Dubu League's main altar formation. The guards are very strict on weekdays."

"However, in the past few days, because his behavior is quite weird, and he often stays alone and disappears inexplicably, it has caused a certain amount of chaos in the main forum of the Dubu League."

"According to the secret report of my secret spy, the guarding and supervision of Canglan Baoyu in the main altar of the Dubu League has also become somewhat lax..."

When Zhang Yao heard this, he immediately understood.

The real goal of the foundation-building spy lurking in the Doppelgänger League is probably not to gather information, but to wait for the opportunity from the very beginning to create an opportunity to seize the blue jade.

Daoist Haihe probably set his sights on the blue jade in the Dubu League a long time ago, but it is only now that he finally has the chance to snatch it.

As for Feng Dujuan's matter, it became irrelevant instead, it was just an excuse to delay time.

"...I probably understand what the leader means."

Zhang Yao spoke slowly, with a flat tone:

"That secret spy of yours chose to contact you at this time, probably because he has the certainty of being able to steal Baoyu?"

"However, just because he can take advantage of loopholes to steal it, doesn't mean he can leave with the blue jade, so you need someone to connect with him."

"Yes, you guessed right."

Master Haihe nodded, and said earnestly:

"I know that this matter is extremely risky, but there is no one else in the meeting who can accomplish this matter except you."

"For one thing, you are a newly-promoted Foundation Establishment Daoist, and you have hardly had any contact with other comrades. Your mana aura and spirit aura are unfamiliar to Dubumeng, so you can completely pretend to be a visitor from another country. "

"The main altar of the Dubu League, 'Yuanshan City', is also a large-scale bustling city, and foreign foundation-building monks are very welcome."

"Secondly, your strength is also strong enough. Even if something unexpected happens during the handover, it is not difficult to escape smoothly."

After speaking, he paused, and then said in a deep voice:

"As long as you are willing to make a trip, I will give you 30,000 contribution points, and I will give you that high-level spiritual weapon 'Life and Death Cable' too!"

"Besides that, you want to ask for the essence and blood of the water-attribute foundation-building spirit beast, and I will also cover it with me. I will come forward to negotiate terms with Elder Zhuo Miao, and I will pay the price!"

"The master thinks too highly of me."

Zhang Yao waved his hand and said:

"I know exactly how many catties and taels I have."

"In order to publicize the matter of martial arts, there are probably more than a dozen Daoists who have built foundations in the main altar of the Dubu League at this moment, not to mention the famous Dubu Taoist sitting in the town."

"With my meager strength, if my whereabouts are exposed, I will definitely have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth..."

It can be seen that Master Haihe is determined to obtain the 'Blue Jade', no matter the cost.

The reward he offered was not unreasonable, and Zhang Yao was indeed tempted, but the higher the reward, the greater the risk.

He is no match for a lone Taoist alone, not to mention there are more than a dozen foundation-builder cultivators besieging him. I am afraid that the master of Yuwen, who is known as the first person of foundation-builder, may not be able to retreat unscathed.

In such things as sneaking into local lairs, if there is a slight mistake, you will be smashed to pieces, and he is not sensitive.

"No, you are wrong."

With a hint of haste in Haihe's tone, he explained repeatedly:

"First, after the blue jade is stolen, the formation of Dubu League's general altar lacks core suppressors, and its power will be greatly attenuated, and it will not be able to stop you at all."

"As long as you move fast enough, the dozen or so Foundation Establishment Masters will have no time to catch up with you, let alone launch a siege."

"Second, I will lead Zhenren Peng and Fairy Yuanmeng to meet you nearby, and will not let you fight alone."

"After you succeed, if you inadvertently reveal Xingzang and lead to the pursuit of the Dubu League, we only need to send out a signal, and we will immediately break through the formation. With the cooperation of the inside and the outside, it will not be difficult to get out."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao's expression eased a little, and he began to consider this matter carefully.

If it is true as Haihe Master said, then the danger of this trip will be reduced by eight or nine out of ten. Although there are still certain risks, they are within the controllable range.

Most of the dozen or so foundation-builders in the Dubu League are just in the early stages. If he joins forces with Daoist Haihe, Peng Yuexian, and Fairy Yuanmeng, at least escaping will not be a problem.


He thought for a while before asking cautiously:

"Master, are you sure that the spy you planted can successfully steal the blue jade?"

"This is the core treasure for suppressing the main altar of the Dubu League. Once it is taken away, people will probably notice it immediately..."

"You can rest assured about this."

Master Haihe had expected it a long time ago, and said calmly:

"Perhaps you can guess that it's not a day or two since I secretly planned this matter."

"In the hands of the secret spy, there is a relevant treasure that I have prepared a long time ago. At least temporarily hiding it for a while, there is absolutely no problem."

"This blank period is enough for you to leave Yuanshan City with Canglan Baoyu."

"……All right."

Zhang Yao nodded, and asked several detailed questions in succession, and Master Haihe patiently answered them one by one.

In the end, under the expectant eyes of Master Haihe, Zhang Yao nodded slowly and said:

"If Daoist Daoist, Peng Daoyou, and Fairy Yuanmeng help with all their strength, then the poor can take over this matter."

"However, I would like to change the reward offered by the leader..."

He said, paused, and continued:

"Thirty thousand contribution points are unnecessary."

"I need more than one kind of water-attribute foundation-building monster blood essence to practice that method. I wonder if the leader has a way to get more blood essence?"

"Do you need more foundation-building blood essence?"

Daoist Haihe was stunned for a moment, then hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, I agree!"

"When things are done, I will get you a second type of water-type foundation-building monster blood essence, but there will be no more. After all, this thing is too rare."

"As for the 30,000 contribution points, you can take whatever you want. There is no reason to take back the conditions I set out."


Hearing this, Zhang Yao showed a smile, nodded and said:

"Then I will accept this matter and let the leader tell me."

"Okay, then it's a deal!"

Master Haihe was immediately overjoyed, stood up and thanked him repeatedly.

Zhang Yao said a few polite words, and after a little reassurance, his mood stabilized a bit.


Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, then cautiously said:

"There is one more thing that makes me more suspicious."

"That Dubu Taoist didn't have a seizure earlier or later, why did he behave strangely and behave abnormally at this time, which caused chaos in the Dubu League general forum."

"Tell me, what if he detects the spy you planted and deliberately sets a trap with the blue jade as bait..."

Zhang Yao has lived for nearly 300 years, and the most unbelievable thing is the random coincidence in this world.

His doubts are not unreasonable. If this is really a trap set by Taoist Dubu, then Yuanshan City at this time is completely dead.

If this is the case, he will immediately give up the mission, no matter how generous the reward is, it cannot compare to his own life.


When Master Haihe heard what he said, he also had some hesitation on his expression.

The opportunity he had been waiting for for hundreds of years finally appeared, and he couldn't calm down for a while. After calming down a little at this moment, he also noticed this trace of suspiciousness.

"What you said also makes sense."

Master Haihe thought about it:

"However, during this period of time, nothing special seems to have happened within the Dubu League, or even the entire Dalixiu Immortal Realm."

"The only change is probably that Feng Dujuan was caught by you, but she is not an important person herself, so she won't be able to irritate Dubu Daoist..."

"Feng Dujuan..."

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and blurted out:

"Soul Rosary!"

The day Feng Dujuan was caught by him happened to be the time when he had collected the energy of the soul, and then he could pretend to leave to lead the snake out of the cave.

And in the past few months, the biggest thing that happened in Dali's Immortal Realm was that Tianbaolou joined forces with the four Golden Core forces to issue a mission to collect the energy of soul thoughts?

"Soul Rosary?"

"What's the matter with the soul rosary?"

Master Haihe frowned slightly, still a little unclear.


Zhang Yao stared straight at the real Haihe in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"I would like to know, are the collected spirits of the soul kept in one of the four major Golden Core forces, or in the headquarters of Tianbao Building?"

"The four major Golden Core forces don't trust each other, so of course those soul rosary beads are kept in the headquarters of Tianbao Building..."

Haihe Daoist said, and finally came to his senses, and couldn't help but change his face:

"You mean... the change of Taoist Dubu has something to do with Master Yuwen?"

It took Zhang Yao two months to collect the spirit of the soul, which is already relatively slow.

Many soul rosary beads that have been collected have been sent to the headquarters of Tianbao Building for storage for the use of the 'Breaker'.

In other words:

The 'Lord Yuwen' who is in charge of Tianbaolou's power is qualified to mobilize these soul energy, even if he secretly misappropriates it and deceives others, there is a high probability that no one will find out.

But behind Dubu Daoist, the secret supporter is that Yuwen landlord!

"It seems that the leader has also thought of this."

Zhang Yao looked solemn, and said in a deep voice:

"I suspect that this is probably not a coincidence, and even the change in Taoist Dubu may be related to the spirit of the soul."

"After all, this thing, in the final analysis, is the material refined by the evil secret method, which has the ability to pollute the soul and affect the mind..."

He is different from ordinary people in that he is extremely sensitive to everything related to Tianbao Tower and Five Elements Secret Realm.

In particular, the particularity of this time point made him think of something suspicious in the first place, and he became alert because of this.


Master Haihe couldn't help standing up, paced back and forth in the hall for a while, and then stopped suddenly:

"This accusation is no small matter!"

He looked at Zhang Yao with a solemn expression and said:

"Qingxu, you have to know that the Tianbao Building today is not the Tianbao Building a hundred years ago, it has already become semi-independent."

"Among them, the one who plays a leading role is the seventh-generation building owner 'Yu Wentai'. He has been in power all year round, and he always says what he says in Tianbao Building."

"If it's true that he's pocketing his own money and arbitrarily using the energy of his soul, it may trigger a conflict between Tianbaolou and the four major Golden Core forces, which will lead to turmoil in the entire Dali Cultivation Realm..."

Such consequences obviously made him fearful and daunting.

The key is that they have no evidence in their hands, only some specious guesses.

If they really wanted to come forward to accuse them, it would be fine if the problem was found out. Of course, Fu Haizong would come forward and join forces with the rest of the family to put pressure on it. But if the problem couldn't be found out, the price might not be affordable for them.

The Tianbao Building led by Master Yuwen may not be able to defeat the Jindan Sect, but can't it deal with a small GCC?

Once this step is wrong, what awaits them is likely to be a catastrophe!


Zhang Yao took a deep breath and said slowly:

"I understand what the leader means."

"However, this matter is no small matter. If I can't find out the truth about Dubu Taoist's accident, please forgive me for not being able to keep my promise and go to the main altar of Dubu League."

"After all, if the master of Yuwen is really involved behind this, then Yuanshan City at this moment is no less than Tiger's Den and Longtan..."

When Master Haihe heard this, his complexion suddenly became a little ugly.

But speaking of this, it is impossible for him to force Zhang Yao to act. After all, facing Yu Wentai, the landlord of Tianbao, even he himself is afraid.

"How about this!"

Master Haihe pondered for a while, then made up his mind and said:

"There is still a way to verify this matter!"

"It just so happens that the soul rosary you gave me, I haven't had time to send it to Tianbaolou, it's still in my hands..."

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