"Soul Rosary?"

Zhang Yao's expression changed slightly, and he said:

"Could it be that the leader wants to break the restriction in the soul rosary to collect evidence?"

He couldn't help persuading: "I'm afraid this is not appropriate, the risk is too high!"

"The Soul Rosary Bead was forged by a third-level craftsman, and the prohibition inside is extremely complicated. It is too difficult to decipher it, and it will easily fail."

The soul rosary is a set of special spiritual weapons, and the main bead is probably in Yu Wentai's hands, which can monitor the changes of all the sub-beads.

Therefore, if the restriction in this sub-bead can be broken, the change of the main bead can also be reversely monitored.

In this way, if Yu Wentai really invoked the energy of soul thought in private, he would be detected, and that would be the sure evidence.

But the soul rosary is related to the Five Elements Secret Realm, and rashly doing it can easily touch the sensitive nerves of some big shots. Once the Dongchuang incident happens, even with the status of Haihe Daoist, I am afraid that some people will not be able to bear the blame.

"I know."

Master Haihe nodded slowly, and said in a firm tone:

"But for the blue jade, I have been waiting for hundreds of years. Seeing that my lifespan is running out, I really don't want to wait any longer."

"If you don't understand the truth behind Taoist Dubu's sudden mental change, then going to Yuanshan City is almost like sending you to your death."

"On the contrary, if Yu Wentai can be brought down, then the Dubu League will lose its biggest backer, and the tree will fall and the monkeys will disperse."

"……I see."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao stopped persuading and said:

"The leader has this plan, so he should be sure, right?"


Haihe Daoist finally showed a smile when he heard the words, and said:

"If I'm really not sure, then I might as well accuse him directly and bet that Yu Wentai can't clean up the evidence."

"To tell you the truth, Fairy Yuanmeng has a special Taoism, which can be called the nemesis of most formations and prohibitions. Although this soul rosary is of a high level, it is only a spiritual weapon after all."

"I'm going to turn to Fairy Yuanmeng for help, and ask her to break the restriction here."


Zhang Yao's expression changed, and he couldn't help saying:

"Is there such a magical Taoism? Then I want to see it with my own eyes."

"Hold on."

Haihe Daoist said, paused for a moment, and then continued:

"Okay, I have already informed Fairy Yuanmeng with my spiritual sense, she will come soon."

"This matter is still kept secret for now. The fewer people who know, the better."

"I see."

Zhang Yao nodded solemnly.

The two waited patiently for a while, and Fairy Yuanmeng hurried over.

After the three of them greeted each other, they sat down again. Master Haihe told the matter in detail, and asked Fairy Yuanmeng to help.


Fairy Yuanmeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, I can help the guild master."


She turned to look at Zhang Yao, showing a trace of apology:

"My Taoist method involves the privacy of my practice. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist Qingxu, and forgive me for not being able to show it to the outside world."

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, then looked at the real Haihe beside him, and found that his expression was as usual, as expected.

"Well, it seems that I am not lucky enough to see it quickly."

Zhang Yao showed a trace of regret, got up and said:

"Then the leader and I will go outside and wait. After you finish casting the spell, just let us know."

As he spoke, he took out the central amulet of his own cave and handed it to her.


Fairy Yuanmeng nodded, and took the center card talisman. Seeing this, Daoist Haihe took out the soul rosary and handed it to her.

After the two left the cave:


The formation of the cave is closed, isolating the inside and outside.

The two stood at the entrance of the cave and chatted casually. Zhang Yao asked curiously:

"It seems that this is not the first time the leader has seen her perform this method?"


Master Haihe nodded, but seemed unwilling to say more.

Seeing this, Zhang Yao wisely didn't ask any more questions, and took advantage of the opportunity to change the topic.

After waiting for a while, the portal of the cave opened again, and after the formation dispersed, Fairy Yuanmeng's spiritual thoughts transmitted to the two of them, revealing a trace of weakness:

"Guild Master, Fellow Daoist Qingxu, it's alright."

Hearing this, Master Zhang Yao and Haihe rushed into the cave, and saw Fairy Yuanmeng holding the soul rosary in her hand, her complexion turned slightly pale.

"Yuanmeng, are you alright?"

Master Haihe asked with concern, and said with some guilt:

"Hey, it's all because of me that you have to use this method..."

"The master doesn't have to say that."

Fairy Yuanmeng shook her head, her voice was cold:

"If I didn't have the help of the leader back then, I would have already returned to the Nine Springs. I have also thanked the leader for taking care of me these years."

As she spoke, she handed out the soul rosary in her hand, and signaled: "I have broken all the legal restrictions here."

"Okay, thank you!"

Immortal Haihe lifted his spirits, and solemnly took the soul rosary. After examining it carefully, he handed it to Zhang Yao:

"Qingxu, take a look too."

"You have been in charge of the Soul Rosary Bead for two months, and you should be very familiar with it. Can you see if you can manipulate the prohibition inside and monitor the changes of the main bead?"

Zhang Yao took the soul rosary, and his spiritual thoughts penetrated into it, he couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart.

Like this complete set of magic tools, often only the control tool has the highest authority, so when he was in charge of this soul rosary before, he could only perform simple operations such as casting and closing the formation. Not eligible to touch.

But now, all the legal restrictions inside the soul rosary have been completely broken, as if the solid shell has been stripped off, and it can only be played by others.

From this moment on, he can mobilize the energy of soul thoughts inside as he likes without touching the monitoring law inside, and he has the same authority as the main bead!

"Fairy Yuanmeng's Taoism really has incredible effects."

Zhang Yao sighed in admiration, and continued:

"Master, wait a moment, I'm testing the remote sensing method inside... it's done!"

As soon as the words were finished, Zhang Yao suddenly cast out a magic formula to enter the mana, and the soul rosary immediately manifested a light curtain.

On the light curtain, a red light spot is particularly eye-catching, and there is a trapezoidal dial next to it, with a faint golden luster surging.

"Master, you really made us guess right!"

Zhang Yao's expression changed slightly, and he said:

"In the past few days, Yu Wentai has indeed mobilized the soul energy stored in the main bead, and the amount is quite a lot."

Following his words, the golden light in the trapezoidal dial on the side is also surging up and down, which shows the fluctuation of the energy of soul thoughts in the main bead.

Master Haihe breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and after pondering for a moment, he said:

"Is there any other, more intuitive evidence?"

"let me find it……"

Zhang Yao responded, and after repeated explorations in the soul rosary, his spiritual sense lifted his spirits:

"found it!"

"In this soul rosary, there is also a magic circle that can be positioned at any time. It seems that it is to prevent someone from snatching it or accidentally losing it."

"However, after breaking the legal ban, it can also be used to reversely monitor the change trajectory of the main bead..."

When he said this, when the mana flowed, the light curtain in midair also changed.

That red spot of light suddenly started to move, walking almost in a straight line, stayed somewhere for a while, and then turned back.


Master Haihe stared at the moving track of the red light spot on the light curtain, clapped his palms fiercely, and shouted:

"Yes, this is it!"

With a wave of his sleeves, he also used mana to evolve a light curtain, and said loudly:

"Look, this is the topographic map of the twenty-four states of Dali!"

He pointed to the center of the light curtain, with a hint of excitement in his tone:

"This is where the headquarters of Tianbao Building is located, and Yu Wentai stays here all year round."

"Judging from the direction he moved, he took the main bead and secretly went to Yuanshan City in Kangzhou about seven days ago."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao and Master Haihe looked at each other, and they both smiled.

This time, he caught Yu Wentai's toes.

If it works well, maybe Yuwentai can be pulled down, then the Dubu League without backers will be at the mercy of slaughter?

Haihe Daoist can get the blue jade that he has been thinking about, and Zhang Yao can also use him to get a part of Liufang's true blood. It can be said that everyone is happy.

"I'll report it right away!"

Haihe Daoist spoke excitedly, with uncontrollable joy in his tone:

"Such direct evidence, Yu Wentai cannot be relied upon, as long as he formally enters the investigation process, then he is finished!"


Zhang Yao nodded, removed the mana light curtain, handed the soul rosary to him, and told him a few tips to activate the magic ban.

After Haihe took notes one by one, he left excitedly, Fairy Yuanmeng also took advantage of the opportunity to leave together, and Zhang Yao personally sent them out of the door.

After they leave:

"The owner of Tianbao, Yu Wentai..."

Zhang Yao withdrew his gaze and fell silent:

"Would this Dali's number one foundation builder be overthrown so easily?"


Qianzhou is located in Dali.

The famous Tianbaolou headquarters is located in Qianzhou. It is a huge pavilion covering hundreds of acres and towering like clouds.

The flashes of light shuttle back and forth like rain, and the sea of ​​clouds turbulent by the strong wind and air currents is churning endlessly again and again.

On the top floor of Tianbao Building.


A majestic man dressed in a black robe with a graceful bearing suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in them:

"What's going on...someone has cracked the ban on a split bead?"

He stretched out his hand, took out a cloud-colored orb, and felt it carefully.

"Those guys made a move? No, it's not like... It's really a subtle technique, and there is no trace of violent dismantling at all."

"Innate supernatural powers? It's possible, but there doesn't seem to be any golden core stage demon clan in Dali..."

"Could it be that someone invited another third-tier refiner?"

Yu Wentai frowned, his expression froze suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

"Judging from the location, the deciphered sub-orb should be the one issued to the Fangzhou GCC?"

"Could it be that...they noticed something that led to this temptation?"

When he thought of this, his eyes suddenly became much darker, and he got up slowly:

"It's really troublesome..."


Kangzhou, Yuanshan City.

In the main altar of the Dubu League, the atmosphere is quite weird, people who come and go are in a hurry, and few stop to communicate.

A few days later:

Dubu Taoist's strangeness could no longer be concealed, and everyone who established the foundation had no choice but to block the news as much as possible, but the atmosphere of a storm that was about to come gradually dissipated.

In the depths of Yuanshan City, in a dark room.

Several Foundation Establishment real people gathered together, discussing and whispering about the current situation.

"Hey, I really didn't expect the leader to have an accident at this time."

"That's right, there are deficiencies in his cultivation techniques. Although he had occasional ailments in the past, they have never been as serious as this time..."

"That day in the hall, I noticed something was wrong. I thought it was over, but I didn't expect it to develop to this extent."

Several Foundation Establishment participants who participated in the secret gathering were a little worried about each other.

Most of the foundation-building real people who can be mixed in the Dubu League have some problems. If the Dubu League does not have this big tree, then life will be difficult in the future.

However, they couldn't solve the problem of the lone walker. Now that they got together, they already had plans to find a way out.

And at this moment, in the deep sleeping hall of Yuanshan City:

"Ho ho..."

Dubu Taoist, with disheveled hair, sat in front of the large bronze mirror, panting heavily, staring straight at himself in the mirror.

In the bronze mirror, his image is constantly changing. Old people, young people, women, children, strong men, monks... It seems that hundreds of thousands of people have been stuffed into a body.

His body was the same, but his eyes seemed to have lost their whites, as black as an abyss, and they were even spinning slightly.

"If I had known today, I should never have promised him..."

In his mind, just such a thought of regret flashed across, but was quickly overwhelmed by more thoughts.

"I should have died a long time ago, why am I still alive?"

"It's too late, it's too late!"

"Unfortunately, the content in that book is fake, someone must have spread it deliberately..."

"I didn't expect that I've been conceited to be smart all my life, but in the end, I'm no match for God!"

"I will never be able to keep up with the appointment on the bank of the East China Sea, and I don't know if that place is still there..."

Countless thoughts floated up and down, as if they came from thousands of people, like white porridge that became a mess after being boiled.

Dubu Daoist's self-thought, struggling in this sea of ​​chaos, has reached the verge of drowning, becoming more and more powerless.

No one knew that this overlord who was famous in Dali and ruled Kangzhou was walking into the final end of his life in this empty palace.

But at this moment, in silence, Dubu Taoist's panting suddenly stopped, staring blankly at himself in the mirror, and suddenly said:

"You came?"

"Yes, I'm here."

Another vicissitudes of voice came from his mouth, with a hint of regret:

"It's a pity, after all, it's one layer worse, far from perfect, that's why there are such flaws."

Dubu Taoist stared fixedly at himself in the bronze mirror, and said word by word:

"Are you here to kill me?"

The vicissitudes of life smiled lightly, and slowly responded:

"That depends on you, whether you want to continue living..."

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