Kangzhou, Yuanshan City.

"Clang!" "Clang!"...

The majestic bell rang out nine times in a row.

With the sound of the bell, Yuanshan City gradually became quiet, and there was a trace of panic in the expressions of many Dubumeng disciples, and they gathered together to discuss.

"What's going on? Why did the Wonsan bell ring?"

Zhuji real people located in various parts of Yuanshan City raised their heads in astonishment, and all looked at the highest palace in Yuanshan City.

It was the residence of Dubu Taoists, and the bell tower was inside the palace. Normally, it would be knocked only when foreign enemies invaded or the life and death of Dubu League.

"Could it be... the lord is dead?"

"Go! Go and have a look!"

"Go together!"

All of a sudden, many escaping lights rose into the sky one after another, rushing towards the palace.

After a short while, more than a dozen Zhuji Daoist people gathered together in twos and threes, looking at the closed palace gate, with a somewhat surprised look on their faces.

"What's going on here, does anyone know?"

"I don't know, the lord has not seen anyone for several days..."

"It's not really an accident, is it?"

"Who is that ringing the Wonsan bell?"

Just as all the Daoists who established the foundation were discussing, the closed palace gate suddenly opened, and a lone Taoist dressed in gebu linen came out with great strides.


Many Foundation Establishment real people were startled, and they looked at Dubu Taoist carefully for a few times, and they were even more shocked.

At this moment, Dubu Taoist, with sharp eyes like a falcon, breath as deep as a pool, and expression as cold as lightning, seems to have returned to the Kangzhou overlord.

The changes that happened to him in the past few days were as if they had never happened.

"Meet the lord!"

Captured by his gaze, everyone suppressed their desire to ask questions for a while, and all bowed to salute.

"Everyone is polite."

Taoist Dubu returned a salute, glanced over the crowd, and said in a deep voice:

"A few days ago, I was assassinated by traitors from the Gulf Cooperation Council. I was poisoned and my mind became insane. I almost died in Yuanshan City."

"I struggled for several days before I escaped with my life and just recovered."

"Such a great enmity, I have to avenge it!"

He said succinctly:

"I intend to form an elite assault team. I will personally lead it to raid the GCC General Forum in Fangzhou and avenge this deep hatred!"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of many Foundation Establishment real people present couldn't help but change.

No one thought that the first thing Dubu Taoist would do after he recovered was to start a full-scale war with the GCC, or even launch a sneak attack immediately.

"Isn't this messing around with shit?"

Some veteran Foundation Establishment Daoists couldn't help complaining a few words in their hearts.

Strange poisons that can target the soul and affect the mind are extremely rare, even the ancestor of Jindan may not have it in his hands, let alone with the cultivation base of a unique Taoist, who can poison him quietly?

Everyone knows that this is just an excuse made by Taoist Dubu, just to start a war with the GCC-no one knows what he went crazy.

"Leader, please think twice!"

"That's right, leader, your body is healed now, so it's still not appropriate to go to war."

"Yes, if you want to settle accounts with the GCC, there will be opportunities in the future, why should we be in a hurry?"

Many Foundation Establishment Daoists tried to persuade him to give up this idea.

The GCC is not easy to mess with, its strength is not bad, and its background is still very strong. It is one thing to fight with each other, but it is another thing to go to war in an all-out way.

Especially this way of gathering high-level combat forces to raid the old nest and go straight to Huanglong, one mistake will hurt both sides, and everyone and the GCC have no deep hatred, and do not want to fight with their lives.


The young scribe with the feather fan scarf also stood up, cupped his hands and said:

"The GCC is unlikely to poison you. Even if you have the intention, you don't have the means."

"I hope you will think twice, and don't make a big mistake on the spur of the moment..."

Most of the Foundation Establishment real people present all spoke against it one after another, while the rest remained silent, and none of them expressed their support.

But in this case, Dubu Taoist remained firm as before, and said in a deep voice:

"I've made up my mind, there's no need to persuade me!"

"That old man Haihe has been coveting the blue jade in my hand for hundreds of years, and he is definitely the one who secretly murdered me! If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman!"

He said, paused, and said loudly:

"Whoever is willing to follow me, choose a treasure from the treasury of the alliance, plus a low-level spiritual weapon and 20,000 spirit stones!"

"After this trip comes back with a big victory, I will not hesitate to reward you, even if you lose all your wealth!"

"If you don't want to go with me, then leave now, and don't stay in Dubumeng anymore, I don't welcome you anymore!"

After his words fell, there was a sudden silence in front of the palace gate, and the many real people who established the foundation looked at each other, obviously they did not expect this scene.

Obviously everyone is against it, but Dubu Taoist is determined to deal with the GCC, and his attitude is so arrogant and tough.

In the silence, many acquainted Zhuji masters communicated with their spiritual thoughts, some were puzzled, some frowned, some were excited and eager to try, and the rest were mostly hesitating.

"Alliance leader!"

The young scribe with the feather fan scarf stood up and broke the silence first.

"At the beginning, we reported to the regiment to keep warm and fight against those big forces that rule the roost, and we also made an appointment to advance and retreat together."

There was a hint of disappointment in his expression, he shook his head and said:

"But now, the leader is determined to go his own way and act arbitrarily. He regards our opinions as nothing."

"In that case, let's part ways and see you tomorrow!"

After saying a word, he threw down the amulets and tokens on his body, and after bowing his hands, he turned around and drove away without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

Dubu Taoist, on the other hand, was expressionless, silent from beginning to end, and didn't stop him, just watching his escape light leave.

After someone took the lead, several Foundation Establishment Masters spoke one after another and withdrew from the Independence Alliance.

So far——

Before this action even started, the Dubu League split apart. Excluding the few Foundation Establishment members who hadn't arrived yet, there were less than ten Foundation Establishment real people left.

"Since you choose to stay, you are ready to act with me."

Dubu Taoist spoke slowly, his eyes swept over the rest of the people, and his tone was indifferent:

"Get ready, we'll be leaving in a quarter of an hour!"


Fangzhou, Cangjiang Water Mansion.

Haihe Daoist came to Zhang Yao again, with a smile on his face, obviously in a good mood:

"After I reported this matter, it immediately attracted the attention of Fu Haizong's senior management."

"They are already preparing to investigate related matters. Once they confirm that Yu Wentai's self-stealing behavior is true, they will spread the word to various sects and invite several Jindan ancestors to come forward!"

When he said this, his smile became brighter and he said in his mouth:

"No matter how high Yuwentai's status is and no matter how powerful he is, it is only the foundation-building period after all."

"If you really want to make a fuss in front of several Jindan Patriarchs, he will definitely not be able to please him, and he will definitely be removed!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

In the past, Tianbaolou was able to maintain a semi-independent status, largely because of the mutual distrust and mutual checks and balances of the four major Golden Core forces.

But if the four families reach an agreement and several Jindan Patriarchs come forward together, then there is no one in Dali who can defy them.

"Then you have to congratulate the leader in advance."

As Zhang Yao said, he suddenly paused and frowned.

For some reason, he inexplicably felt a sense of heart palpitations, oppressive like a dark cloud covering the top.

The last time this feeling appeared was in Qingyunfang City; the last time, it was even more so when Yu Wenze's army marched across the southern states.


Master Haihe also noticed something strange, and subconsciously asked:

"Qingxu, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, it's just..."

Zhang Yao hesitated for a moment before whispering:

"I seem to have a vague premonition, and I can't tell what's going on."


Master Haihe was taken aback for a moment, then thoughtfully said:

"I've always heard that some people are born with supernatural senses, and even have the power of a whim, but I've never seen it with my own eyes."

As he spoke, he also realized that something was wrong, and said vigilantly:

"Could it be that things have changed? Then Yu Wentai has responded?"

"Maybe, maybe..."

Zhang Yao was only halfway through when he heard harsh voices resounding inside and outside the Shuifu.

"Enemy attack!"

Immortal Baihe's anxious shout came to his ears one step further along the Water Mansion Formation, accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.


It was like the roar of a dam bursting and floods sweeping, and the huge waves within hundreds of feet of the shock were surging, and the water vapor was transpiring like a cloud waterfall.

The mask protecting the entire water mansion was forcibly broken, and hundreds of millions of river water washed and crushed, accompanied by a huge amount of mud and sand, creating a doomsday scene like the sky is falling and the earth is sinking.


Master Haihe spat out a mouthful of blood, his complexion turned pale, and he was extremely shocked and angry:

"Third Tier Secret Treasure!! Who is it?!"

Only a Tier 3 secret treasure comparable to the Golden Elixir Strike could instantly break through the formation of the Cangjiang Water Mansion, which caused him to be slightly injured due to his hard work.

He never expected that someone would use Tier 3 secret treasures to attack the main altar of the GCC. What kind of hatred is there?


Master Baihe's weak voice came through the remaining formation, full of anxiety:

"It's the people from the Dubumeng... No, they've already entered!"

"Damn it!"

Master Haihe was furious instantly, his eyes were bloodshot.

He was not in his own cave, and the person who presided over the center of the formation was replaced by his apprentice Baihe Zhenren. This time when the formation was broken, he was slightly injured, and Baihe Zhenren could not escape serious injuries!

"Let's go! Kill all the people in the Dubu League!"

Master Haihe controlled the escape light and flew away in an instant, with a faint hint of ferocity in his expression:

"Those disgusting gutter rats... damn it!"

Zhang Yao drove the light to follow, his expression was full of dignity, and his thoughts flickered rapidly:

"A third-order secret treasure... in the hands of Dubu Taoist, there is actually a third-order secret treasure? Yu Wentai gave it to him?"

"It seems that we still underestimated this person...I'm afraid it's not good now."

His heart sank, his mana was ready to go, and he was ready for a fierce battle.

He still has a lot of benefits in the GCC, and he doesn't want to just give up in such a desperate situation. If he really can't beat it, it's not too late to run away.


There is a clear and pure land at the bottom of the turbulent river.

The land shrouded in white light opened up a waterless space, and the lone walker floated above it, overlooking the dilapidated water mansion below.

The outer formations were blasted, and under the erosion and crushing of hundreds of millions of river water, most of the buildings in the Cangjiang Water Mansion have collapsed, and the formations were also damaged in large areas.

And in a muddy river:

Seven or eight paths of light escaped, penetrated the river, walked side by side, and entered the Cangjiang water mansion.

"The power of this third-order secret treasure is really astonishing."

Dubu Taoist slowly withdrew his palm, watching the half of the remaining talisman burn out, his eyes were deep.

"It's just a pity, I only have one of this thing."

There was still some regret in his heart.

He didn't know how he got this thing, and he subconsciously avoided thinking about it.

Ever since he left the dormitory, there was only one thought left in his mind—to break through the GCC and kill the real GCC at all costs!

It seems that only when this goal is achieved can his life be considered meaningful.

"Old Haihe..."

He took a step forward, and his body instantly penetrated the invisible space. Under the weight of the Baizhang Jiangxin, he walked leisurely in the garden, looking at the road as if it were smooth.

Looking carefully, the turbulent undercurrents around him can't touch his body, as if there is an incomparably slippery invisible air film, sticking to his body.


The surrounding water swayed slightly, and the spiritual sense of Taoist Dubu caught the sound of fierce fighting not far away.

"Finally showed up!"

There was a smile on his face, and he jumped up instantly, turning into a white rainbow light, and piercing into the ruins of the water mansion in an instant.


In the ruins of the Shuifu.

There were bursts of intense bangs and explosions, and with the flashes of various colors, the surrounding large buildings were completely reduced to wreckage.

When Zhang Yao and Master Haihe rushed here, what they saw were Peng Yuexian, Fairy Yuanmeng, Taoist Canger, Duanduzi and others, who were working together to reach the siege of the other side with difficulty.

On the opposite side are a total of eight Foundation Establishment monks from the Independent Alliance, and the two leaders are both in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

"Die, hahaha..."

A big bearded man with a full face and a majestic body ran rampant on the battlefield, laughing wildly, and for a while, no one could stop him.

With one punch and one kick, he could blow the spirit weapon away at will, and the Dao method couldn't leave even a trace on him, making it difficult for Fairy Yuanmeng to even retreat.

The remaining old man with a solemn face was even more strange, standing still, as if no one greeted him, as if invisible.

On the other hand, Peng Yuexian, who was facing him, was flushed and wobbly as if he was drunk, and the mana aura on his body was disordered, and he couldn't even control the spirit weapon.

With these two leaders in the lead, and the opponent's first attack, they had the upper hand for a while, and the GCC side had to defend with all their strength.

"Body Cultivation! Soul Cultivation!"

Zhang Yao's eyes focused, and he instantly recognized the cultivation styles of the strong man and the old man.

These two paths of cultivation are different from the orthodox immortal way, and their strength is often much stronger than that of monks of the same level. Some of the best monks in body training are even invincible at the same level.

Only in the Dubu League, which is mixed with fish and dragons and has different origins, can there be soul and body cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

"Shenhun Taoism? Body-refining cultivator?"

Haihe Daoist glanced at him, and also judged the situation, without a moment's hesitation:

"The soul cultivator is handed over to me, you hold that body cultivator first!"

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