"Damn it! Divine Soul Taoism!!"

The old man Zeng cursed angrily, but in the blink of an eye, he could only withdraw the cover-up method and use his soul and Taoism to fight with all his strength.

Soul cultivation is the strongest point of soul cultivation, and it is also the gate of life.

If an ordinary cultivator is hit by the opponent's spirit and Taoism, he still has a chance to struggle a few times, but once a soul cultivator is hit by the spirit and Taoism, it is basically equivalent to half a foot in the coffin.


In the dilapidated ruins, there is a light blue glow rising, among which there are creatures like elves in the clouds, deriving all kinds of wonderful scenes.

This light blue brilliance, just looking at it from a distance, can shake people's minds.

"Zi la..."

The forest white brilliance and light blue radiance collided, and the confrontation between the two invisible spirits and Taoism burst out a series of rapid sparks.

This is a phenomenon that can only be caused by an extremely powerful duel of divine sense, and only foundation-building monks who also possess divine sense can perceive it.

"Not good! It's that old soul cultivator!"

"Too bad, Fellow Daoist Qingxu is in the early stage of foundation establishment, I'm afraid..."

The complexions of the many foundation-building monks in the GCC changed slightly, and a trace of anxiety and anxiety rose in their hearts.

But in the face of this situation, they did not dare to intervene hastily. After all, the confrontation between the soul and Taoism is extremely dangerous. If they are accidentally involved, the spiritual sense will be damaged at least, and the soul will be implicated at worst.

"Old ghost Zeng has made a move!"

Several Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Dubu League were overjoyed.

In their view, as long as old man Zeng made a move, at least it would be no problem to hold him back, and maybe even kill him back!

Even if a newly promoted real person in the early stage of foundation establishment has such astonishing combat power, it is impossible for the spirit and Taoism to be so powerful that even the soul cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment is no match.

But what they didn't expect was:

After a short duel, the old man Zeng's whole body was soft, his eyes gradually darkened, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

After all, he was severely injured, and the power of his soul and divine sense had also weakened a lot. After he couldn't gain an overwhelming advantage in a head-to-head fight, he soon lost his strength.

And he was far inferior to the rough-skinned Man Tiansheng, and his current condition was so bad, and the sneak attack failed, that he didn't even have the last chance to escape.

Next moment:

The light blue glow flickered a few times, then disappeared helplessly, and the dark white brilliance suddenly suppressed.

The old man Zeng, who was hiding in the ruins and drenched in blood all over his body, was blinded. He was hit by the "spiritual light" head-on, and he immediately lost consciousness and passed out.


The Taiyi Thunderbolt Hammer came out of his hand and fell rapidly, smashing the small piece of ruins into paper-thin shortbread.

At this critical juncture, there was no need to keep alive, so Zhang Yao naturally took advantage of the victory to pursue, killing old ghost Zeng in one blow.

"Old Ghost Zeng is dead!"

"I'm so stupid..."

"Go! Go!"

Seeing this scene, many Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Dubu League suddenly felt devastated, lost their courage, and shattered the last chance of luck in their hearts.

"Okay! That old soul cultivator is dead!"

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu is truly amazing!"

Peng Yuexian, Cang'er Taoist and others were overjoyed, mobilizing their spirit weapons and Taoism to attack even more swiftly.

Zhang Yao jumped up and turned into a stream of golden light, walking towards the depths of the ruins of the Shuifu.

"They are handed over to you, don't let one go!"

"I'm going to support the guild master!"

The voice of the divine thoughts was still echoing, Zhang Yao had already disappeared in place, leaving only a blurred shadow.

"Okay, then I will ask Fellow Daoist Qingxu!"

Peng Yuexian and others responded with their spiritual thoughts, and at the same time stepped up their offensive, killing many foundation-builders of the Dubu League.

At this point in the fierce battle, Taoist Dubu and Daoist Haihe still have no one to show up, which means that the battle between the two is probably still in a stalemate, or both sides have already suffered losses.

In this case: an astonishingly strong foundation builder is already enough to decide the balance of victory or defeat.


Deep in the ruins of the Cangjiang Water Mansion.

A simple and elegant Dongfu shone with brilliance. Although it was dilapidated everywhere, it still stood tall.

And inside this tens of feet square cave, it was already a mess: the remaining formations were almost completely destroyed by the aftermath of the fierce battle, and the study, quiet room, collection room, alchemy room and other facilities had been reduced to nothing.

"Hoo, hoo..."

Master Haihe sat slumped on the ground, his hair was crooked, and he was panting heavily. There were wounds all over his body, but there was hardly any blood.

A few steps away, his spiritual weapon, the flying sword, also fell to the ground, dim, and even had a few cracks the size of rice grains.

Opposite him:

"It's amazing!"

The solo Taoist in a tattered gray robe was drenched in blood, but he still stood upright, with only half of the bronze mirror in his hand left.

His aura was also extremely weak, even weaker than that of the real Haihe, but he didn't even have a wound on his body, and he didn't even see much fatigue.

"There is more than one top-level spiritual weapon. It seems that your master really loves you."

Taoist Dubu spoke slowly, his mana breath was rapidly recovering, and black lights surged in his eyes.

"If it wasn't for relying on foreign objects, you would have died in my hands long ago!"

Master Haihe stared at him with deep hatred in his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Dubu, you've gone crazy."

"...No, you have long been reduced to that Yuwentai's puppet, and even lost your self."

"Yu Wentai?"

Dubu Taoist smiled and said casually:

"He and I are just using each other to become his puppet? You're flattering him too much!"

As he spoke, he took a deep breath, and the aura of mana all over his body became more and more powerful, but a few strands of white hair were added to his forehead.

"It's almost time, it's time to send you on your way."

"Go to the Underworld Nine Springs and reunite with your good apprentice!"

The voice fell:

Dubu Taoist threw down the broken bronze mirror in his hand, and stretched out his hand, strands of azure blue brilliance gathered rapidly and condensed into an azure crystal-like spear.


The azure crystal spear was thrown out of his hand in an instant, and it seemed to blast away slowly but quickly.

Seeing this, Master Haihe, who was sitting slumped on the ground, showed a trace of despair and unwillingness in his eyes, desperately mobilizing the few remaining mana to prepare for a desperate fight.

However, in the next instant:


There was a golden light suddenly, and a sharp metal collision resounded, and the azure crystal spear was blasted out, flickered a few times, and then dissipated into a stream of light.


The thrown golden halberd plunged straight into the ground, still humming and trembling rapidly.


Taoist Dubu's complexion changed slightly, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.


A golden meteor crashed down, and after the golden light dissipated, a mighty figure in golden armor was revealed.

"Who are you……"

Daoist Haihe was stunned for a moment, and then he judged his identity from the familiar mana breath, and he felt relieved immediately:

"Qingxu, you are here."

He struggled to stand up from the ground, gasped twice, and his voice was full of hatred:

"Be careful, he has gone completely insane and has become Yu Wentai's marionette, even urging the forbidden method to burn his lifespan!"

"……I see."

Zhang Yao responded, glanced out of the corner of his eye, saw a slightly familiar corpse, and his face sank slightly.

Apparently, Master Baihe still failed to escape the poisonous hand of Taoist Dubu, and died in front of his master.


He pulled out the golden halberd, stood in front of Master Haihe, and said in a deep voice:

"Burning lifespan? I want to see, you still have a few years of lifespan for you to squander."


Taoist Dubu let out a long laugh, flicked his sleeves, and said solemnly:

"A mere early stage of foundation establishment dares to be arrogant in front of the old man, so I will send you on your way together."

Before he could finish speaking, the aura all over his body burst out suddenly, and his whole body was suspended in mid-air, with layers of dazzling blue light rising from his body.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

In an instant, infinite blue flashes erupted, and thousands of azure crystals fell from the sky, like hailstorms overwhelming the sky.

The power of a single azure blue crystal 'hail' is close to that of a one-time secret treasure thunder bead. This dense waterfall-like terrifying power is enough to make anyone's scalp tingle.

At this moment, the Dubu Taoist's combat power is comparable to the completion of foundation establishment.

Faced with such a terrifying Taoist power, Zhang Yao's complexion changed, and he quickly waved the golden halberd in his hand, turning it into a golden 'light wheel', blocking himself and Daoist Haihe:

"Clang!" "Clang!"...

After resisting only a dozen times, Zhang Yao's arms were numb, and he could hardly hold the halberd in his hand, and even the tiger's mouth showed signs of cracking.


There was a gap in the protection, and a blue crystal broke through the golden light wheel and hit Zhang Yao's chest.

Zhang Yao snorted, blood spilled from the corner of his lips behind the golden visor, and he took two steps back, almost bumping into the real Haihe behind him.

Affected by this, the speed at which he swung the golden halberd to resist was inevitably slower, and immediately more azure blue crystals pierced through the golden light wheel, bombarding his armor like small meteorites.

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

Zhang Yao felt struck by lightning all over his body, he kept retreating, and it became more and more difficult to resist the Daoism of Dubu Taoist.

The golden armor, which was difficult to shake despite Man Tiansheng's life, was blasted with obvious cracks and damage, and it was gradually showing signs of failure.


Seeing this scene, Master Haihe's expression changed immediately, he gritted his teeth, forcibly mobilized the remaining mana, and used a Taoist move.


An azure light curtain emerged, and traces of lightning arcs flickered, protecting him and Zhang Yao in it.

Zhang Yao immediately felt a great deal of relief, and quickly seized the opportunity to adjust his breath and mana to repair the incomplete armor on his body.

After just two breaths:


The azure light curtain was broken, and Master Haihe spat out a mouthful of blood, his breath weakened and his figure was crumbling.

He, who was already seriously injured, was forcibly forced back by Taoism. He was already in danger of hurting the foundation of his practice, and completely lost the power to fight again.


Taoist Dubu laughed loudly, with a faint hint of madness in his expression, and more and more white hairs on the back of his head:

"Die! Everyone die!"

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