"Die! Everyone die!"

Amidst the maniacal laughter of the lone walker, the azure blue crystal hail became denser and denser.

Zhang Yao resisted with difficulty, and there were more and more broken parts of the armor on his body. Even the golden halberd was gradually bent by the bombardment, and his arms were a little numb.

Haihe Daoist laughed miserably, and said in a hoarse voice:

"I really didn't expect that I would die in my own cave and at the hands of such a guy."

"Qingxu, I'm the one who got you in trouble this time, you should have a bright future."

There was guilt in Haihe's eyes, and his tone was a little more painful:

"There is also Bai He, he, he..."

Zhang Yao didn't respond, just stared at Dubu Taoist with a gloomy expression.

He was going to hold on, after all Taoist Dubu had suffered heavy injuries before, his spiritual weapon was also destroyed, and his strength was greatly reduced. It was only because of the forbidden method of burning life essence and blood essence that he had such power.

But from the current point of view, I am afraid that if Taoist Dubu can't be dragged out to die, they will have to die under the opponent's Taoism first.

"It seems that there is no way."

Zhang Yao sighed in his heart, and finally made up his mind to use his hole card.


In an instant, a layer of invisible ash flames rose all over Zhang Yao's body, and his aura suddenly surged.

His mana, which was already unparalleled and surpassed the perfection of foundation establishment, soared to an unbelievable level again, and even the pure level has risen by one level!

Under the blessing of such terrifying mana:

The armor on his body and the golden halberd in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling golden luster, and all the damaged and bent parts were completely restored, and the power became more and more amazing!


Dubu Taoist was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Qing Xu!! You..."

Daoist Haihe was taken aback, his whole body trembled, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

It never occurred to him that Zhang Yao was proficient in the evil method of burning longevity, and used it at this critical moment, instead of leaving him and running away.

While warm current surged in his heart and he was extremely moved, he also felt more and more sad and desolate—what a heavy price to pay for such a secret technique?

I'm afraid that even if he can win this battle, half of his future path will be ruined.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"...

The azure crystals that were as dense as raindrops continuously bombarded the golden armor, but they were resisted abruptly.


Zhang Yao yelled violently, swung away the continuous bombardment of azure crystal, waved the golden halberd in his hand, and flew straight into the air:


After using the Tiancan secret technique and burning life energy to erupt, he finally had enough strength to break through Dubu Taoist's Taoist technique head-on, and switched from defense to offense.


A golden rainbow flew across the sky, like a comet hitting the temple, Zhang Yao used the halberd in his hand as a sharp blade, and pierced the Dubu Taoist's head straight away.

"you wanna die!!"

The Dubu Taoist's eyes burst into fury, his whole body was completely dominated by extreme emotions, and he roared wildly:

"Heaven, tilt, west, south!!"

This moment:

The terrifying azure blue light surged, penetrating in all directions, like an extremely thick 'sky curtain', collapsing and falling down.

Zhang Yao's eyes went dark, his field of vision and spiritual thoughts were completely filled by the azure blue 'sky curtain', and he really felt a terrifying power like 'the sky is collapsing'.


With a roar, he waved the golden halberd vigorously, trying to split the iron curtain that fell from the sky.

In the next moment, the astonishingly powerful golden halberd struggled upwards and collided heavily with the azure blue 'sky curtain' from top to bottom.


At this moment, the sound disappeared, and the cave became dead silent.

The terrifying power to the limit annihilated all water flow and sound waves, and blasted a vacuum area with a radius of tens of feet, even the real Haihe was blown away from far away.


There was a roaring sound like a tsunami in the distance, and the dilapidated cave finally couldn't hold on, and completely collapsed into ruins.


Zhang Yao was blasted to the ground, creating a huge hole, the golden armor on his body disintegrated, and the golden halberd was broken in two.

After the golden mist dissipated, there were only two broken golden armor runes left at the bottom of the huge pit.

Zhang Yao got up in a panic, and took out the Taisui Bangtian Hammer, and stared at the pile of ruins on the opposite side, as if he was facing a big enemy, his expression was extremely solemn.

His strongest yellow talisman armour had been broken. If Dubu Daoist still had the strength to fight again, then he might have to leave Daoist Haihe and flee alone.


A few weak coughs came from the ruins.

He stretched out a palm and pulled the broken jade bricks and crystal blocks a few times, revealing the face of the lone Taoist in the ruins.

At this moment, his face was covered with dense wrinkles, like dry old bark, his head was full of falling white hair, and his eyes were cloudy.

"...he's dying."

After realizing this, Zhang Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sneaking into the breakthrough formation alone, capturing and killing Master Baihe, and fighting with Master Haihe, and finally dragging his seriously injured body to fight fiercely against Zhang Yao's Dubu Taoist, at this moment, after all, the fuel is exhausted.

His life is already like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

But even so, Zhang Yao still tightly held the golden hammer in his hand, not daring to relax a little bit. After all, who knows if there is any unknown trump card for this level of foundation building real person.

"Ho ho..."

Taoist Dubu was panting with difficulty, his breath became weaker and weaker, and it seemed that he had difficulty even moving.


Master Haihe barely managed to control the escape light, and landed beside Zhang Yao. Seeing that he was safe and sound, he was immediately relieved.

"You won! You saved my life!"

After saluting solemnly, he turned his head to look at the lonely Taoist who was buried in the ruins, with engraved hatred in his eyes, and hissed:

"The Lone Walker!!"

"You didn't expect that you would have today, right? After you die, the old man will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, Dubu Taoist's eyelids trembled, and his cloudy eyes gradually recovered.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized the current situation, revealing a trace of deep sadness.

He looked at Master Haihe, and it seemed that he couldn't even transmit his spiritual thoughts, so he could only speak tremblingly and said in an extremely weak voice:

"Be careful... Be careful Yu Wentai..."

After saying a word, Dubu Taoist's eyes were open, but his pupils gradually began to loosen, and his breath was cut off.

A generation of strange men, the overlord of Kangzhou, died just like that.


Haihe's voice stopped abruptly, and he stared blankly at Dubu Taoist's body.

"...It seems that you guessed correctly, the master, he has really become a puppet and pawn in Yu Wentai's hands."

Zhang Yao opened his mouth slowly and said in a low tone:

"It seems that our actions are still not careful enough!"

"Fairy Yuanmeng must have been aware of it when she broke the internal law of the soul rosary, and that's why she acted insanely like a solo Taoist."

"It's ridiculous that this person is also a generation of heroes, but he became a plaything in the hands of others, and finally woke up before he died..."

Master Haihe was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Yu, Wen, Tai!!"

"He enriched his own pockets and guarded himself, and just because we broke his good deed, he wants to kill people?"

"He became me and died because of it. Even if he didn't succeed, that's the behavior of Dubu Taoist and Dubumeng, and has nothing to do with him, the Tianbao landlord!"

"Okay, that's a good plan!"

At the end of his speech, he laughed out of anger:

"Does he really think that his little cleverness can hide it from others?"

"Since I survived today, it will be his death in the future!"

Zhang Yao on the side was also silent when he heard the words, not knowing how to speak.

Obviously, after the raid of Dubu League, especially after Baihe was killed, Haihe has completely hated Yu Wentai, the landlord of Tianbao.

Next, he might not hesitate to sacrifice his face and dignity, and use all his connections to bring down Yu Wentai as much as possible, and even take his life with his own hands!


Finally, Zhang Yao broke the silence and asked:

"What are you going to do next?"


Master Haihe sighed deeply, looked at the corpse in the ruins, with grief in his eyes:

"You can rush over to support, presumably we must have the upper hand in the previous battle."

"Please go over and finish it first, I want to restrain the body of this kid Baihe first..."

"I see."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, bowed his head and said:

"Then I will take my leave first, and the leader please forgive me."

After the words were finished, he turned around and drove away in the light of escape, leaving only Daoist Haihe standing there alone.


After dozens of breaths.

Zhang Yao came to the front of the dilapidated Shuifu ruins, and met Peng Yuexian, Yuanmeng Fairy and others who had just rushed back.

"Friend Qingxu!"

They also saw Zhang Yao's escape, and they breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions relaxed.

"Fellow Daoist Qingxu, since you are able to appear here, you must have won the battle for the center of the Water Palace, right?"

Peng Yue led the crowd to meet him first, and asked a question.


Zhang Yao nodded slightly, and said:

"The Lone Walker is dead."

"It's just... Master Baihe died in battle, and the guild master is collecting his body, so I'll come to see the battle situation here first."

"Master Baihe died in battle?"

When Peng Yuexian and others heard the words, they fell silent immediately, and their faces were a little ugly.

After a long silence, Taoist Cang'er was the first to speak, breaking the dead silence:

"We chased them tail-to-tail, and chased them for hundreds of miles, killing most of the Independence Alliance invaders."

"However, two of them escaped by luck, relying on their cunning methods of escape. We didn't have time to continue chasing and killing, so we wanted to come back to support you and the leader..."

"I see."

Zhang Yao nodded and gestured:

"Since the battle is over, let's meet up with the leader first."

"After this battle, the situation in Kangzhou and Fangzhou will definitely change. What to do next, we have to discuss it with the leader..."

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