In the depths of the ruins of the Water Palace.

In a newly refined white jade coffin, the corpse of Master Baihe was stored.

Haihe Daoist stood beside the white jade coffin, stretched out his hand to rest on the edge of the coffin lid, stared blankly, his eyes seemed to lose focus.


Several escaping lights came together and landed on the ground.


Zhang Yao, Peng Yuexian and others stepped forward to salute one after another.

"You are here."

Master Haihe turned around slowly and nodded.

His expression has returned to normal, and there is no sign of happiness or anger, but the depths of his eyes are still full of unresolved ice cold.

"Chairman, please give me condolences..."

Peng Yuexian, Fairy Lichen and the others spoke one after another, all in low tones.

"I will."

Master Haihe nodded slightly, looked at Peng Yuexian again, and asked:

"Old Peng, what is the final outcome of the battle outside?"


Peng Yue heard the words first, sighed, and then said:

"Thanks to Daoist Qingxu, he defeated the body-refining cultivator Man Tiansheng and the old soul cultivator successively, turning the tide."

"Although two of them escaped in the end, the rest were all killed. But during the chase, we found that the real Lu Xing might have been killed by them too..."

Hearing this, Master Haihe's expression immediately sank.

Zhenren Lu Xing is also one of the foundation-building members of the GCC. He practiced Taoism at a young age. Because he is proficient in water system Taoism, he has long been responsible for the task of patrolling the water veins of the Cangjiang River and protecting the industries in various water veins.

When the Dubu League launched its surprise attack, he was still patrolling the waters of the Cangjiang River, so he must have been the first to encounter the enemy.

It's a pity that he was outnumbered and the strength gap was too great. He couldn't even deliver the warning message, so he was besieged to death by the Dubumeng.


Master Haihe let out a long sigh, and said with gloomy eyes:

"This surprise attack is completely the willful and insane act of that lonely Taoist!"

"For his own selfish desires, he provoked disputes between the two parties. Not only did he harm the foundation-builders of the Dubu League, but he also caused heavy losses to the GCC. Gentleman Ki!"

"Even though he is dead now, he still can't completely forgive his sins, and the follow-up accountability will also include Dubumeng!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yao sighed softly, and subconsciously exchanged glances with Fairy Yuanmeng next to him.


After deliberation, Master Haihe still didn't rashly provoke a confrontation with Tianbaolou, even though he already hated Yuwentai, the landlord of Tianbaolou.

He chose to push the responsibility for this matter to the dead and irrefutable Dubu Taoist. Naturally, he wanted to use this to defeat the Dubu League and become famous as a teacher.

In this way, when the interests of Kangzhou are divided up after the war, the GCC will certainly be able to occupy the largest piece of it justifiably.

"The leader is no longer what he used to be..."

Zhang Yao sighed slightly in his heart.

Haihe real person can think clearly about the stakes and make the choice that maximizes the benefits in a short period of time. It has to be said that this is calm and rational to an almost 'cold' level.

Master Baihe has been with him since he was a child, and he brought him up by his side, brought him up, and taught him for decades. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is his own son.

Now that Master Baihe is dead, Master Haihe, who is full of hatred and swears revenge, is no longer the generous elder he used to be.


Master Haihe suddenly opened his mouth, looked at Zhang Yao, and asked:

"An old friend came outside, go and greet me for me."

"Old friend?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, and then he noticed a strange breath approaching slowly.

"……I see."

He nodded slightly, turned around and left with the Escaping Light, and soon came to the periphery of the ruins of the Water Mansion.

A young scribe with a feather fan and a scarf was hovering in the water with the Escaping Light, looking at the ruins of the Cangjiang Water Mansion with a complicated expression.

"Your Excellency is polite."

Zhang Yao approached with the escape light, and after a salute, he asked:

"Could it be that your Excellency is the man the leader placed in the Dubu League?"

"...Well, barely counted."

The young scribe shook the feather fan in his hand and said leisurely:

"I owed him a lot of favors back then, and I promised to collect some information about the Dubu League for him, and to help him secretly at critical moments."

"Now, I can be regarded as looking for an opportunity to fulfill the promise of the year, and this favor can be considered repaid."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and threw a beam of light:


Zhang Yao stretched out his hand and took it with mana, and immediately took the streamer into his palm.

He took a closer look, and it turned out to be a hexagonal sea-blue gem, with magnificent color and luster, beautiful and beautiful, it can be called flawless top grade.

More importantly, just holding this sea-blue hexagonal gem, Zhang Yao felt that the water-attribute heaven and earth aura around his body suddenly became active, which was in stark contrast to the vitality of other attributes.

"This is the blue jade?"

Holding the sea blue gem in his hand, he asked a question.


The young scribe nodded slightly, then slowly said:

"The things have been delivered, so I won't go in."

"Tell Master Haihe for me, saying that I was sorry for him back then, but now I have paid for my sins."

"In the days to come, I should live for myself."

After the words were finished, the young scribe bowed his hands, turned around and drove away without the slightest nostalgia.

Zhang Yao looked at the light of his departure, and thought to himself.

"I don't know what story happened between this real person who established the foundation and the real person who was Haihe back then..."

He shook his head secretly, retracted his gaze, turned around and hurried back with the escape light.

Soon, he returned to the depths of the ruins of the Shuifu, and the light fell in front of everyone.


Master Haihe looked at him, with a trace of uncontrollable restlessness in his eyes:

"Have you got something?"

"It's here."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, handed him the sea blue gem in his hand, and said:

"This is the blue jade, sent by the spy."


Master Haihe said hello three times in a row, took the blue jade with slightly trembling hands, and caressed it carefully, his eyes were slightly moist.

"I haven't seen you in a hundred years, you haven't changed, but I'm already old..."

He laughed at himself, firmly held the blue jade in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

"Please inspect the various places, count the losses in this battle, and report to me later."

"Qingxu, you stay here first, I have something to tell you."


Zhang Yao responded, and the rest of the Establishment Masters also retreated one after another.

After everyone left, Master Haihe bowed deeply to Zhang Yao and said earnestly:

"Thanks to you this time!"

"If you hadn't tried your best to turn the tide one after another, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of the Dubu Taoist, and the GCC would have become history together!"

"The meeting is too serious."

Zhang Yao quickly stepped forward to support him.


Haihe Daoist stood up, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice:

"I will leave Fangzhou soon and go to the mountain gate of Fu Haizong."

"If there are no accidents, I will return to the orthodoxy of the mountain gate, and I will be able to serve my mentor again, and I will not return to Fangzhou to sit in the GCC."

When he said this, he paused for a moment before solemnly saying:

"Before I leave, I'm going to hand over the GCC to you. I don't know what you want?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao was really surprised. After thinking about it for a while, he said:

"Master, I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate..."

Frankly speaking, it is impossible for him not to be tempted by what Master Haihe said just now.

How big is the entire GCC industry? With such an industry, Haihe Daoist is extremely wealthy, and he can be regarded as the richest group of Zhuji Daoist.

If he can take charge of the GCC, then he may not have to worry about the next few decades or hundreds of years of cultivation resources.

But the biggest problem is that he has joined the GCC for less than ten years, and the established foundation members such as Peng Yuexian are much older than him.

Of course, with his strength, he can take over by force, but...

"What's wrong?"

Haihe real person asked directly:

"In the world of cultivating immortals, after all, strength is the most important thing."

"After I leave, you will be the strongest person in the GCC. With such strength, why don't you worry about overwhelming the others?"

"As for your concerns, I also understand. Don't worry, I will talk to Lao Peng and the others in person, and there will be no problems."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao was even more tempted. Before he could say anything, Master Haihe waved his hand with a tough attitude, which was the final word:

"Okay, don't shirk."

"In order to save my life, you probably burned at least 20 or 30 years of life essence, which will have a great impact on your future cultivation path."

"How can I not repay such kindness?"

"Just think of me as repaying your kindness and seeking peace of mind..."

"Since the guild master has said everything to this point..."

Zhang Yao took a deep breath, nodded slowly and said:

"Then I will live up to the trust of the leader and make the GCC prosperous and prosperous."


After Master Haihe nodded, he explained some specific matters, and Zhang Yao also wrote them down one by one.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Yaocai brought up the blue jade again, and couldn't help asking:

"The chance for the leader to return to the mountain gate should be related to this precious jade?"

"Yes, you guessed right..."

Master Haihe held up the blue jade in his hands, his expression filled with emotion, and he sighed:

"Lost and recovered, a hundred years."

"This blue jade was originally a rare treasure in the collection of my master. It is the main material used to refine magic weapons. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is priceless."

"It's a pity that I was proud and young and frivolous. I stole this precious jade to show off, but lost it accidentally..."

Having said that, he paused, shook his head and said:

"Thinking of the absurd things back then, I feel ashamed now, so let's not talk about it, let me keep a little bit of decency."

"Anyway, the final result is that I was expelled from the Fuhaizong Mountain Gate and removed from the title of true disciple because I contradicted my master and disrespected my elders."

"However, Master took pity on me and gave me a chance. Instead of abolishing my cultivation, he ordered me to find the lost blue jade."

"Whenever you find it, you can return to the mountain gate, but no one in the sect can help..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao suddenly said:

"I see."

"No wonder the leader has been thinking about this thing for hundreds of years, but he hasn't done it yet..."

A hundred years ago, the Dubu Taoist was already a prestigious foundation-building powerhouse. Although he was only in the middle of the foundation-building stage, because of his tyrannical combat power, he also entangled a group of people to initially form an offensive and defensive alliance.

The real Haihe at that time might have just achieved foundation building, and was isolated and helpless. He didn't dare to hit a stone with an egg, so he couldn't find a chance to succeed.

The grievances between the two parties have been entangled for hundreds of years until this time it is settled.

"By the way, there is one more thing..."

Zhang Yao suddenly remembered something, and said delicately:

"Fairy Yuanmeng is actually a demon cultivator, right?"

"During the fierce battle just now, she was attacked by the old soul cultivator. In order to save her life, she accidentally exposed her identity as a demon cultivator."

"I believe the leader must know about this..."

"Yes, I know."

Master Haihe nodded and said calmly:

"I knew her identity decades ago, but..."

He hesitated for a moment, and his expression changed slightly, before he whispered:

"She had a rough life experience, and she has been wandering all the time. She helped me a few times by chance and coincidence, and I remembered this kindness and protected her for many years."

"It's a pity that the exposure this time made her unable to stay any longer."

"Even if we can accept her, two Foundation Establishment Daoists from the Independence Alliance escaped after all. This matter is destined to be hidden."

With that said, he sighed and said:

"According to her personality, I'm afraid she will find an opportunity to leave secretly..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao couldn't help but understand.

When he discovered that Fairy Yuanmeng was a demon cultivator, several mysteries in his heart were instantly solved.

Fairy Yuanmeng was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but she was able to break through the third-order restriction in the soul rosary. I am afraid that she did not rely on some serious Taoism, but the blood talent of the demon cultivator.


It is also self-evident that the chip that Daoist Haihe offered at the beginning was the source of the second water-type foundation-building demon blood besides Elder Zhuo Miao's water-avoiding golden-eyed beast.

There is a demon cultivator in the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment hidden in his own Foundation Establishment Daoist, so it is much less difficult to obtain blood essence.

"The master, the real person Qingxu."

While the two were talking, an ethereal voice came into their ears.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yao turned his head to look, and suddenly saw the lonely figure of Fairy Yuanmeng.

"When did she approach? I didn't even notice my divine sense..."

There was a hint of surprise in his heart.

Fairy Yuanmeng's bloodline talent really opened his eyes, unlike the few Hu family monks back then who couldn't display their bloodline talent at all.

"The leader guessed right, I am indeed planning to leave secretly..."

Fairy Yuanmeng said, with a fluctuating tone in her tone:

"However, over the years, thanks to the protection of the leader, I have been able to practice safely and without any worries."

"Before I leave, I still want to say a formal farewell. After all, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to meet you again in the future..."

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