"Thousands of money are hard to buy, I knew it earlier."

Zhang Yao shook his head and said:

"With Yu Wentai's status, it may be very difficult for the real person to use Fu Haizong's power to overthrow him."

"Yeah, you guessed right."

Master Haihe gave a wry smile, and said in his mouth:

"After I returned to the mountain gate, Master went to find Yu Wentai just for this matter."

"But in the end... After Yu Wentai paid a certain price, the master accepted it as soon as it was good, and even advised me to calm down."

"Although he didn't say it clearly, he just advised me that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but I can still see his attitude. He doesn't want me and Yu Wentai to become mortal enemies because of this..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao frowned and fell silent.

Yu Wentai's power and status really exceeded his expectations, so much so that he felt helpless.

Although this matter has passed, Yu Wentai should not follow up to retaliate against the GCC, but after all, he offended him, and he might become an enemy someday.

"...What is the real person going to do?"

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yao opened his mouth cautiously and asked about Master Haihe's plan.

"What else can I do? It's nothing more than a temporary silence and swallowing my anger."

Master Haihe let out a long sigh, with gloomy eyes and a low tone:

"Now I can't afford to offend him, so I can only take shelter under Master's sect, and slowly accumulate strength first."

"If I really want to take revenge, maybe I have to wait decades later, when I enter the Golden Core Realm, and when the Five Elements Secret Realm opens again, and his status is no longer important, then I will have the chance to kill this beast."

"Decades later..."

Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, then suddenly said:

"I do have a question."

"This Yu Wentai has long been invincible in foundation building, and he can even refine the third-order elixir that assists Jindan, but why doesn't he attack the Jindan realm? Is it because he is afraid of failure?"

"I don't know about that either."

Master Haihe spread his hands and said calmly:

"I also asked the master, and he said that he suspected that Yu Wentai had another hidden disease, and it seemed that there was an inexplicable obstacle when he broke through the Golden Core Realm."

"If it weren't for this premise, I'm afraid I would have given up hope of revenge. After all, Yu Wentai must have broken through to the Golden Core Realm much earlier than me."

"……I see."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly.

After the two chatted for a while, Master Haihe took out a silver metal vial and handed it over:

"This is the blood essence of Elder Zhuo Miao's water-avoiding golden-eyed beast."

He said, gestured:

"Take it, it's a gift from me."

Zhang Yao showed a trace of gratitude, and said repeatedly:

"Thank you, Daoist, this has helped me a lot."

Master Haihe smiled indifferently, and said:

"Don't be so polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

"When the sect master came to visit me, I mentioned it casually, and he brought it to me the next day."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao couldn't help but click his tongue secretly.

If you really want him to negotiate, if you don't pay a certain price, it will be impossible to get it, but it's just a matter of changing it to Haihe real person.

After a while.

Master Haihe bid farewell and left in a hurry, Zhang Yao sent him out of Yuanshan City.

After returning to the deep palace, Zhang Yao took out the silver metal vial, played with it and put it away again, showing a smile:

"The third type of true blood is also available."

Half of the true blood of the six directions has been obtained.

For the remaining three kinds of blood essence, he has a rough idea. After dealing with the Dubumeng, he can return to the Cangjiang water vein and start the blood test.


The turmoil in Kangzhou has already spread throughout the Dali Xiuxian world.

On this day, on Xianmen Island.

A graceful and beautiful female monk finished a short-term retreat and came to Fangshi to hang out.


Before she had been shopping for a long time, she heard a lot of voices talking about "GCC" and "Qingxu Zhenren", and she couldn't help but feel moved:

"Could it be that something happened to the GCC? It's also related to Master Qingxu..."

She is none other than Li Shuixian who changed her face after escaping from Suiyu Mountain and kept her name anonymous.

After the incident that day, she did not flee to hide in the deep mountains and swamps, but did the opposite, taking advantage of the stage where the arrest warrant had not yet been fully issued, she came to take refuge on Xianmen Island.

For one thing, Xianmen Island is crowded with people, mixed with fish and dragons, and it belongs to the Lingyang Sect that has a bad relationship with Fuhai Sect. It is difficult for her to be found among them.

Secondly, she stole a lot of Taibai fine gold and black jade ore. These things need to be further purified and refined before they can be exchanged for spirit stones. Of course it is most convenient to stay in Fangshi.

"This fellow Taoist..."

She couldn't hold back anymore, so she came to a small shop and asked the owner of the shop.

"Hey, are you talking about the GCC? It's been spread all over the past few days..."

The boss also talked eloquently, and quickly told everything about Fang Zhou and Kang Zhou.

After the battle of the water mansion raid, the famous Dubu Taoist died, and the Dubu League, which dominated Kangzhou, was declared disintegrated. Of course, such a big event spread throughout the Dali Xiuxian world in just a few days.

Afterwards, the GCC returned to the mountain gate, the GCC was handed over to an unknown new foundation-building cultivator, and the open and secret struggles of several major forces surrounding the heritage of the Dubu League were all sensational news and became the latest news. focus.


After Li Shuixian listened to it, a turmoil surged in his heart, and his mood could not be calmed down for a long time.

She never expected that such a big change would happen to the GCC after only half a month of retreat!

"There is also Daoist Qingxu, he is actually so powerful..."

After the Battle of the Cangjiang Water Mansion, the two Master Builders of the Independence Alliance, who had escaped by chance, publicized the fact that the GCC was hiding demon cultivators in order to retaliate.

In this process, it is inevitable to reveal some of the process and details of the engagement.

In addition, after Zhang Yao came to power, in order to stabilize people's hearts and prestige, the GCC also took the initiative to promote his strength to the outside world.

Combining the two, Zhang Yao, who was once unknown, now has a reputation that has spread to the Dali Xiuxian world, becoming a well-known strong man.

It is said that although he has only been promoted to Foundation Establishment for less than ten years, his strength is somewhat stronger than some monks in the later stage of Foundation Establishment, and he is not inferior to monks with Tianlinggen.

"I didn't expect it, but I missed it!"

Li Shuixian's mood at the moment is quite complicated.

Back then, she had no choice but to commit herself to Zhang Yao. After Zhang Yao broke the blood spell for her, although she was very grateful, she also took advantage of the situation to think of leaving him.

After all, she is only one step away from the foundation establishment period, and she also has ambitions and aspirations. It is impossible for her to live attached to another ordinary foundation establishment for the rest of her life.

This is an important reason why she chose to steal the treasure when Sui Yushan City was breached.

It's just that she didn't expect that what she thought was an ordinary new foundation-building real person would be such a formidable powerhouse, and now he is in charge of the GCC and has become the overlord of one party.


Li Shuixian took a deep breath, suppressed his messy thoughts, and left Fangcheng District.

Although her mood was complicated, she did not regret the choice she made that day, nor did she plan to return to the GCC. After all, she was unwilling to entrust her life to the whims of others.

That real person Qingxu is formidable, but her thoughts are unpredictable, even if she chooses to go back, at least she has to wait for her to achieve Foundation Establishment.

"There are still three years to go, and the Tianbao Building Auction will be held every ten years."

Li Shuixian thought to himself:

"During these three years, I've sold those Taibai fine gold and black jade in batches..."

In Tianbao Building's big auction, there will always be Jiji Dan and other Jiji spirits appearing on the stage.

She didn't dare to expect too much of the Foundation Establishment Pill, not to mention that the price is too expensive, and the main thing is that the Foundation Establishment real people are fighting for it. She only hopes to auction off one or two Foundation Establishment spiritual objects.

Most of the foundation-building monks built their foundations with foundation-building spirits that were less effective, and those who succeeded in impacting without any luck were also caught by a lot.


Two months passed in a flash.

After the ownership of the Dubu Chamber of Commerce was resolved, the intensity of the struggle for interests in Kangzhou dropped to a new level.

The subsequent battles among the GCC, Changshan Yin's family, Taihezong, and Xuanmenhui also became more restrained and did not intensify.

Until two months later, because of the GCC's voluntary concession, the turmoil was declared over.

"There are still too few members in the foundation building period!"

Zhang Yao felt more and more that there were not enough real people in the foundation building period.

It was precisely because the number of members in the foundation building period was too small that he had to back down in the final stage, and voluntarily gave up part of the benefits in exchange for the resignation of several companies.

There is no way, apart from him, there are only five foundation-establishing real people left in the current GCC, and they can't keep too many interests at all.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed. He has already arranged several targeted orders, stepped up external supervision and recruitment, and also focused on strengthening internal training.

Another month later:

The Cangjiang Water Mansion, which had been reduced to ruins, was finally almost repaired. Zhang Yao led a large number of members to re-enter the Water Mansion and moved the headquarters of the GCC back.

That night, in the depths of Cangjiang Water Mansion, in Zhang Yao's cave mansion.

A large piece of huge crystal was smelted into a special fish tank, engraved with densely packed spirit veins.

The fish tank is more than ten feet square, filling a hall, and there are tens of thousands of small fish and shrimps, and there are more than a dozen underwater monsters, most of them are various fishes.


Zhang Yao stood in front of the fish tank, observing the monsters in the water.

After taking over the power, he has been able to deal with those monster clans who have been heavily monitored and have completed Qi refining, but he is reluctant to part with it.

After all, those monster races are now his property, and if any of them break through to the foundation-building stage, he can take the majority of their bones, scales, and blood essence, which is equivalent to picking them up for nothing.

Furthermore, his blood test has just started, and for the sake of caution, he can't directly start with the demon clan who has perfected Qi refining.


Zhang Yao stretched out his hand, and some monsters were caught by the mana, broke through the water, and fell into his palm.

"One hundred and eighty-five years... one hundred and ninety-two years... two hundred and three years..."

He used his talent to sense the upper limit of vitality, and silently wrote down the data, and burned these data into a blank jade slip.

"This kind of aura stimulation leads to a jump in life level, which is really incredible!"

After measuring more than a dozen underwater monsters, Zhang Yao sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

Ordinary human beings, the upper limit of vitality is actually quite high. Even if they don't know how to live longer in martial arts, as long as they are pampered and well-conditioned, it is not difficult to live to be seventy or eighty years old.

The lifespan of ordinary fish is far shorter than that of humans, generally only five or six to ten years, and there are very few fish species that can live beyond thirty or forty years old, and the life span of shrimp is much shorter. Even generally only a year or two.

But once they exhaled spiritual energy and refined their monster power, these monster clans immediately underwent earth-shaking changes.

Taking the worst shrimp monster clan as an example, their upper limit of vitality can even skyrocket hundreds of times, from less than two years to nearly two hundred years, far exceeding that of human monks of the same level.

"It seems that ordinary bloodlines and 'bloodlines' in the sense of practice are not the same at all..."

Zhang Yao pondered for a while, and gradually came up with a pattern in his mind.

Taking the monster race as an example, the gaps between different species and types are far smaller than the gaps in cultivation realm and bloodline level.

Ordinary bastards can live for hundreds of years without becoming a demon, far surpassing fish; but once they become demons, their lifespan more than doubles, which is not much better than that of fish monsters of the same level.

This is because their bloodline levels are not much different. Although they seem to be very different in form and they are not the same species, after entering the threshold of the monster race, there is no longer an essential gap.

The human race is actually the same.

The evolution of ordinary bloodlines is nothing more than determining physical fitness, beauty and ugliness, and some details. Only the bloodlines of monks can increase the chance of birthing spiritual roots.

The higher the level of the monks combined with each other, the more obvious this bonus will be.

If there is no such thing, then all cultivating families will lose their foundation of existence, and the organizational form of the sect will completely occupy all positions.

After reading many books, Zhang Yao has not only heard of the theory of "sympathy between Qi and machine", but also the theory of "blood of heaven and man", which means that the first batch of monks were born, not cultivated. They are spiritual roots. The source of blood is also the common ancestor of all races.

"...Forget it, it doesn't make much sense to think about it."

Zhang Yao shook his head secretly, temporarily suppressing this aspect of thinking.

Tracing back the truth about the power of blood is a feat that the sages of the past dynasties could not accomplish. If he wants to delve into this aspect with his current cultivation base, it is tantamount to a blind man touching an elephant.

His goal at this stage is to artificially spawn monsters in the foundation stage to facilitate the harvesting of blood essence. It would be better if there are other gains along the way.

"Anyway, it can be confirmed now that the bloodline level determines the upper limit of vitality."

"As for the change of the upper limit of vitality, whether the level of the blood can be changed, further experiments are needed..."

While thinking about it, Zhang Yao quickly figured out the first step of the blood test.

First of all, it is necessary to confirm that the joint relationship between the two is unilateral, but two-way.

And he has a ready-made tool in his hand, that is, the "One Heart and One Life Curse" developed by studying the blood spell, which can burn the opponent's lifespan and at the same time have the same effect as the "blood spell" - it can lock the upper limit of vitality .

"Huh...let's start!"

Zhang Yao took a deep breath, grabbed a demon fish that had just refined Qi, and was about to try it for the first time...

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