"let's start!"

With a thought in Zhang Yao's mind, he activated the 'One Heart, One Fate Curse'.

Silently, his vitality fluctuated violently and quickly began to burn.

Like extremely bright fireworks, the vitality that burns slowly at the beginning, after just a few breaths, the momentum becomes extremely fast.


Zhang Yao's breathing was long and his expression was calm. To him, the burning of his life essence was completely insignificant.

But the demon fish in his hand sensed something was wrong, and struggled desperately in his hand, as if it was about to run aground and die.

But Zhang Yao's palm firmly grasped it like an iron hoop. After jumping for a few breaths, the demon fish gradually lost its strength, and its scales gradually lost its luster.

"about there."

Through the subtle sensing of vitality, Zhang Yao pinpointed the timing, and immediately removed the One Heart One Fate Curse after burning life energy to a fixed limit.


The demon fish in his hand has only one-third of its lifespan left, and the upper limit of its vitality has been locked. As long as the Taoism is not broken, the ordinary elixirs and spiritual objects can no longer replenish its lost lifespan.

The effect of the One Heart and One Fate Curse is the same as the Blood Curse, which has the nature of blood inheritance. If this demon fish has offspring, then its offspring will also only have one-third of the lifespan limit.


Zhang Yao put the sluggish demon fish back into the big crystal fish tank.

After swimming feebly for a while, the demon fish sank into the gravel and sand at the level of the fish tank without moving.

Zhang Yao keenly sensed that this monster fish was breathing out the aura around it, refining it into its own monster power, in an attempt to make up for the damage it suffered.


Zhang Yao observed patiently, and at the same time recorded the details of the demon fish's changes, and compiled them into corresponding data.

After more than two hours:

The damage to the spirit energy caused by the burning of vitality on the demon fish's body has been compensated a lot, which makes it regain a little vitality, and it swims around in the large crystal fish tank and begins to look for food.

"It has indeed become weaker!"

After Zhang Yao observed carefully for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened.

After the upper limit of longevity was locked, the strength of the demon fish's body, the level and total amount of demon power, and even the initially born intelligence level all showed a certain degree of degradation.

When competing with the same kind of demon fish for some relatively rare food, it is now difficult to match the opponents that were able to win and lose each other before. It was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

"It seems that the connection between the upper limit of vitality and the level of bloodlines is indeed very close, and they influence each other."

"A change in either party will immediately feed back on the other party..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao couldn't help showing a smile.

This result is the best news for him, and it means that the follow-up blood test can be carried out smoothly.

If the upper limit of the Yaozu's vitality is not strongly related to the bloodline level, or if it is only affected unilaterally, then he can only stop here.

"But from this point of view, Li Shuixian's blood seems to be quite extraordinary..."

Thoughts flickered in Zhang Yao's mind, and he thought of the blood curse on Li Shuixian.

He has already confirmed that the reduction of the upper limit of vitality will reduce the bloodline level, which means that the blood curse on Li Shuixian will also suppress the bloodline level of her entire family.

This is the most terrifying and vicious curse technique, and I am afraid that the Jindan Patriarch may not be able to undo it.

Under normal circumstances, after the blood curse, it should not be passed on for several generations, and the bloodline will become mediocre, and it will be difficult to give birth to people with spiritual root talents.

According to Li Shuixian's self-report:

Their family has been under the blood spell for at least hundreds of years. Although the family is indeed gradually withering, monks are born every generation. Compared with other immortal cultivating families, the birth rate is not significantly different.

Judging from this point, the power of their bloodline was unimaginably strong before the blood spell in their family, far surpassing any other cultivating family he knew.

"It seems...the ancestor of Li Shuixian was an extremely important person."

"It's just that I offended the evil cultivator and suffered revenge after death, which led to such a tragic ending for the descendants..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao sighed in his heart, but he didn't have any more thoughts.

Dali's world of cultivating immortals is full of turmoil, and the ancestors of Jindan have not known how many people have been born. From generation to generation, there are outstanding talents, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

Li Shuixian's ancestors may have been truly famous as the peerless overlord of Dali, but after so many years have passed, they have long been buried in the dust of history.


Zhang Yao took a deep breath:

"Next, it's the main event!"

After confirming the bloodline connection, the next step is to forcibly increase the upper limit of vitality to reversely promote the promotion of the bloodline level.

This step cannot be done by him alone. Although his vitality is endless, it carries a strong personal brand and cannot be transferred directly to living creatures. It needs a medium and a bridge.

He happened to have such a treasure on him - the crystallization of the earth soul.

"I just need it to serve as a conversion and communication channel, and it shouldn't cause any loss to it."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao took out a piece of Earth Soul Crystal.

All life-extending treasures in the world can be divided into two different types—replenish the lost vitality; or directly increase the upper limit of vitality.

The first type is relatively common, and most of the life-prolonging elixirs refined after the day after tomorrow belong to this type.

The second type is quite rare, most of them are natural treasures of heaven and earth, and very few are artificial products like earth soul crystals.


Zhang Yao stretched out his hand and took a new monster fish.

The shell inside the earth soul crystal is the only substance that Zhang Yao has seen so far that can trap and suppress vitality.

This means that he can take advantage of this, use the earth soul crystal as a kind of 'adapter', use the body of the monster race as a body, force his own vitality into it, and force his bloodline to be promoted.

He didn't need to think about it to know that this approach has many disadvantages, and the success rate may be very impressive.

Even if it succeeds in the end, since his vitality is used, the promoted Yaozu will most likely be incomplete and deformed. The only advantage is that the collected blood may be very compatible with him.

But there is no way, how precious is an earth soul crystal? Zhang Yaoke was reluctant to directly use the vitality in the earth soul crystal to catalyze the blood of the monster race.


With a strange soft sound, Zhang Yao slowly poured his vitality into the demon fish's body through the medium of the earth soul crystal.

Because he refined the earth god fetus, his vitality can no longer affect the vitality inside any earth soul crystal.

This was originally a restriction on him, but in this case it turned into a great help for him, allowing him to use the earth soul crystal as an adapter without worrying about damaging or infecting the pure vitality inside. .

"Papa papa!"

The monster fish in Zhang Yao's hand immediately struggled frantically, his whole body felt like an electric shock, the tail of the fish was whipping desperately, the fish's eyes were turned outward, and traces of blood overflowed from the eye sockets.


The demon fish in his hand exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist and bits of flesh and blood.

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, and with a flick of his sleeve, his mana swept away the blood mist and bone and flesh, and put them into a porcelain bottle.

"Failed on the first try..."

He recalled the details just now, and after thinking hard for a long time, his brows slowly relaxed.

"It should be that there is a problem with the control frequency of the entry of vitality, and it should be slower..."

When he did it just now:

The vitality from outside had a violent conflict with the demon fish's own vitality, causing it to be unable to bear it, and exploded to death.

If he wanted to further improve the experiment, the first problem he had to solve was the conflict of vitality.


Time flies by.

While Zhang Yao devoted himself to hard training, he also set aside a fixed amount of time every day to perfect the blood test, practice Taoism, and so on.

Thanks to his control of the GCC, he has become rich and powerful, so the supply of spiritual stones for cultivation and magic pills for increasing mana is open, and the speed of cultivation is much faster than in previous years.

Someday more than three years later.

Deep in the Cangjiang Water Mansion, in Zhang Yao's cave mansion.

"The 2355th experiment begins..."

Zhang Yao took out a new blank jade slip, ready to start recording the experimental data.

More than three years have passed, and through daily experiments, reflections, and summaries, he has built a complete recording mechanism and compiled many rules.

It is also fortunate that the Cangjiang River stretches for hundreds of miles and is very rich in spiritual energy. There are tens of thousands of aquatic monsters living there, and their reproduction speed is quite fast. Otherwise, another place would not be able to withstand his hustle and bustle.


A demon fish broke through the water and was captured by Zhang Yao's mana.

Zhang Yao was familiar with controlling the inflow frequency of vitality, and his spiritual thoughts shot back and forth, observing the subtle changes little by little.

"The entry of vitality is smooth...the first stage is completed!"

"Entering the stage of fusion of vitality and energy, ready to implement interference... The second stage is completed!"

"Preparing to enter the bloodline catalysis stage..."

When the experiment reaches the third stage:

With a sound of "Zi la", a blood-red tendon broke through the demon fish's scales, protruding from its forehead, baring its teeth and claws like tentacles.

The demon fish let out a mournful sound, flapped its fins a few times, and soon died.

After the breath of the demon fish was cut off, the blood-red tendon also drooped, and it became extremely dry and lost its vitality after three or two strokes.

"...The third stage failed, and there was still physical distortion caused by abnormal blood vessels."

After Zhang Yao recorded the data, he observed further:


His expression was ponderous, still looking at the blood-red tendons:

"The direction of the bloodline mutation this time should be more in favor of the basic body part, but the changes in the frequency rhythm and vitality fusion node are not in line."

"It seems that further experiments are still needed to figure out the key nodes in the stage of fusion of vitality and energy, and the effect on specific parts of the blood..."

After Zhang Yao summed up his experience and lessons, he recorded the data and quickly ended the experiment.

After leaving the crystal laboratory, he returned to the quiet room, ready to start today's practice and a new round of retreat.

More than three years have passed:

His cultivation base has not improved qualitatively, but all his spirit weapons have been replaced with high-level ones, and the two golden armor runes have also been re-refined, and the quality is several times higher than the old ones.

Coupled with further training and understanding of his own Taoism, his combat power has become much stronger than it was three years ago.

The only regret is that three years is too short a time to recruit new Foundation Establishment cultivators, and the GCC's strength and influence are basically stagnant.


At this moment, Zhang Yao's expression suddenly changed, and he heard several familiar divine thoughts.

He got up and left the quiet room, went to the gate of the cave to open the formation, and saw Peng Yuexian, Fairy Lichen, Taoist Cang'er and others.

"I didn't expect fellow Taoists to come here hand in hand, please come in quickly."

He was a little surprised, and after meeting with everyone, he invited them to the main hall of the Dongfu.

After the guests and hosts were seated, several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then Peng Yue first expressed his intention to exchange contribution points for some treasures.

"That's all?"

Zhang Yao said in surprise:

"I thought you guys came here because there was something important to do, and it took me a long time to do this."

After he took charge of the GCC, because he couldn't find a suitable and trustworthy candidate for a while, he didn't hand over the treasure house of the Water Palace, but kept it in his own hands.

On weekdays, Lao Peng, Taoist Cang'er, and others would go to him directly to exchange if necessary, but this was the first time he had seen this kind of group exchange.

"Could it be that the leader is not clear?"

Peng Yuexian and the others were also a little surprised, and couldn't help saying:

"In half a month, it will be the Tianbao Building's once-in-ten-year auction!"

"This is a grand event in the entire Dali Xiuxian world. I don't know how many foundation-building monks will gather. Is it possible that the leader is not planning to go?"

"Big auction?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao hesitated slightly.

The reputation of Tianbaolou's big auction has long been known to him, but he has never had the opportunity.

The last big auction was held, and he was still on duty in Suiyu Mountain. He heard that the real Haihe led everyone to have a lively time, and took a lot of good things.


He pondered for a moment, thoughts flickering in his mind:

"To go or not to go?"

The big auction of Tianbaolou has been held for so many times, and it has long become an open and broad platform.

In the big auction and various subsequent trade fairs, it is very likely that there will be top-level spiritual weapons that are rarely seen by the outside world, or the blood essence of the monster race in the foundation-building period, these are what he needs.

His blood test is still far away from success. If he misses this opportunity, he will have to wait another ten years.

But the host is Tianbaolou, which still makes him worry a lot, especially since he offended Yuwentai, the landlord of Tianbao a few years ago, there is a certain risk.


Zhang Yao suddenly thought of something, and asked casually:

"In previous years, did Master Haihe take part every time?"


Peng Yue nodded first, and said:

"In the last dozen or so major auctions, Master Haihe has not missed a single one."

"After all, it's rare for us to have such an opportunity to openly communicate and exchange ideas, so as long as we can catch up, we will basically participate."

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