Half a month later, the big auction was held as scheduled.

After Zhang Yao photographed a few spiritual treasures at the meeting, he did not spend a lot of money to participate in the competition for top-level spiritual weapons.

In a short period of time, the 'Thousand Transformation Glass Qi' alone is enough for him.

Compared with ten years ago, this big auction lacked the finale Ruyi Zhendan, and the competition intensity was slightly lowered, but the transaction price of Zhuji Dan reached a new high.

Wait until the big auction is over:

After Zhang Yao led Peng Yuexian and others back to Cangjiang Water Mansion, he hurried back to the cave mansion for retreat.

Inside the cave:


Zhang Yao mobilized his mana, and carefully separated traces of blood from the golden blood beads.

After all, this dragon carp essence and blood belonged to Yu Wentai, Zhang Yao didn't dare to use it boldly without personally verifying it.

Even though he went to meet Yu Wentai at the request of Haihe Daoist and made a temporary decision, the probability of the two parties working together to set him up is very small, close to zero, but he still dare not be careless.

After all, he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, if there is really a problem with the blood of the dragon carp, then he might be killed.


After the vitality entered, the traces of blood of the dragon carp were like boiling water, and even emitted traces of dazzling golden light.

After Zhang Yao observed carefully for a while, he caught many ordinary fish and shrimps from the special fish tank, as well as a few aquariums with qi refining skills, and tested them one by one.

It was several hours after the test was completed.

"It seems that there is no problem..."

Zhang Yao nodded in satisfaction, and put away the slightly smaller golden blood bead.

Although his bloodline experiment that lasted for more than ten years failed, he gained a lot. When it comes to understanding the mystery of bloodlines, some Jindan ancestors may not be able to compare with him.

After all, those big monks in the Golden Core state do not have the means to stimulate vitality, and cannot directly observe the different characteristics of blood inheritance like him.

And Yu Wentai was not in the Golden Core Realm yet, even if some forbidden method had been planted on the blood of Long Li, it would have been exposed long ago under Zhang Yao's various testing methods.

"Since there is no dark hand, it means that he really wants to send me off."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao felt a strange emotion in his heart:

"Is this Yu Wentai's intention, or Li Shuixian's own idea?"

He thought about it for a while, and felt that Yuwentai probably didn't mean it.

After all, Yu Wentai's status is far superior to him, even if he knows his preferences and needs, there is no need to use the blood of his own dragon carp to befriend him.

Perhaps as Li Shuixian said, it was just that she wanted to repay the kindness of the year.

"Forget it, since there is no problem, it's fine if it works."

"Just take it as a surprise."

Zhang Yao soon felt relieved, and stopped thinking about these trivial matters.

The true blood of the six directions has been collected, so his top priority is naturally to seize the time to retreat and practice hard, push his cultivation base to the middle stage of foundation establishment as soon as possible, and then engrave the "Liuhe Taiyuan Returning to the Ruins Great Formation".

After he succeeds, he can go to Fuhaizong Mountain Gate to ask for his share of 'Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid', so that he can break through to the late stage of foundation establishment in one fell swoop, and his strength will greatly increase.

Regardless of all the calculations and conspiracies behind it, as long as the strength is improved, everything will be nothing but calm.


Negligently, three years have passed.

this day:

In the water veins of the Cangjiang River, a large undercurrent suddenly rose up, converging into a whirlpool with a radius of several acres.

This invisible vortex of water veins enveloped the entire water mansion, stirring up the aura within a radius of more than ten miles, which can be called a huge momentum.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Many Foundation Establishment Daoists of the GCC were alarmed one after another. After carefully distinguishing the direction of the spiritual energy, they immediately started discussing:

"Looking at the direction, it seems to be the cave master's cave!"

"It should be the leader who broke through!"

"That's right, the leader's talent is not ordinary. After so many years, it should be a breakthrough..."

While chatting with Fairy Lichen, Taoist Canger and others, Lao Peng couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

They are all veteran members of the GCC Foundation, and they can be said to have witnessed Zhang Yao's rise.

Since Zhang Yao joined the GCC, it has only been more than 20 years, but he has completed a journey that may not be completed in the first 50 or 60 years of foundation establishment.

This also includes the stage in the past few years when resources were insufficient and purely relying on qi refining and meditation to improve cultivation.

Such a practice speed is almost as different as Tianlinggen.

"Let's go, let's protect the guild master!"

Lao Peng greeted, and many Foundation Establishment real people went to the depths of the water mansion one after another.

The breakthrough of their leader's cultivation is also beneficial to them——

In the early stage of foundation establishment, Zhang Yao was able to overwhelm a lot in the late stage of foundation establishment. When he breaks through to the middle stage of foundation establishment, his strength can be imagined.

The breakthrough of the head of the family can raise the prestige of the GCC to a higher level, and the status and benefits of the major foundation establishments will naturally rise.

And in the quiet room of the cave:


A large amount of vitality was poured down, transformed by the Dao foundation, and poured into the torrent of mana continuously.

In this process, the already condensed Dao foundation is condensed again, and gradually converges towards the core point—this is the process of refining the Dao foundation.

During the entire foundation building period of practice, one has to go through three times of refining the Dao foundation. After the completion of the foundation building, the self Dao foundation will become the prototype of the golden elixir, and only then can it have the qualification to hit the golden elixir realm.

"Hoo, hoo..."

Zhang Yao's breathing was long and his aura fluctuated, but he always maintained a steady state.

Cultivators who practice the way of refining the formation and entering the body, whether they are breaking through the bottleneck or maintaining themselves when breaking through the realm, have a unique advantage.

His own Dao foundation is the big core, and the five internal organs and five formations are the auxiliary small core. The speed of refining aura and gathering mana is much faster than that of normal monks. It didn't take long to complete the process of aura empowerment.

After half an hour:

Zhang Yao slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were as warm as jade, feeling the amazing changes in himself, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"In the middle stage of foundation establishment, it's finally done!"

This breakthrough is not the longest one he has had, but it is the most memorable one.

If he hadn't made several shots to earn himself the position of GCC leader and possessed sufficient resources, he would probably have to work hard for at least 20 years to break through the realm.

He is the body of longevity, twenty years seems inconspicuous, but the territory of Dali is surging, who knows what the situation will be in twenty years? Will it affect him?

One's own strength is always the confidence to deal with everything.

"It's just a matter of going all out to complete the construction of the formation."

With a wave of Zhang Yao's sleeve, the hexagonal metal vial flew out and landed in front of him.


With a flick of his fingers, he opened a metal vial first, and a golden blood drop slowly floated out.

This is the blood of the dragon carp. Not only is it the only blood of the dragon species among the six blood essences, it is also the blood essence that Zhang Yao values ​​most.


Zhang Yao opened his mouth and sucked in the dragon carp's essence blood into his abdomen. A drop of blood that was obviously soft and innocent made a dull sound like lead and mercury falling to the ground.

He wrapped the dragon carp's essence and blood with mana, and used the mysterious method in the "Wanhuadu Tianzheng" to make the essence and blood virtual.

Silently, the empty essence and blood passed through the esophagus, lungs, intestines and stomach, fell straight all the way, and finally fell into the bladder.

Liuhe Taiyuan Return to Ruins Grand Formation, based on the Liuhe orientation, uses demon blood to simulate the movement of demon power, recreating the demeanor of the ancient dragon clan's super grand formation.

Liuhe - up, down, front, back, left, and right, a total of six directions, the so-called up and down four directions, belong to heaven and earth.

Among the six internal organs, the bladder is located at the lowest position, which represents the orientation of "lower" and is externally displayed on the "earth". The most important step.

Therefore, Zhang Yao chose the blood essence of dragon carp with the strongest effect to lay a solid foundation for engraving the formation.


There was a slightly piercing soft sound, like a hot red iron poking straight into the icy water.

Promoted by the mysterious method, the dragon carp's blood essence began to initially combine with the bladder, engraving a series of spiritual patterns.

Under normal circumstances, human monks cannot absorb and refine the blood essence of the demon clan, unless you have the corresponding demon cultivation skills, you can use it to change the bloodline little by little.

But the sages of the immortal way who created the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing" did not come out of the cardinal, and used extremely subtle means to control the blood of these demon races by replacing the demon power with array power.

"It's done!"

An hour later, Zhang Yao completed the construction of the first part of the formation, and felt a lot more relaxed.

The whole inscription process can be said to be very familiar. After all, Zhang Yao's cultivation level at the moment is no longer what it used to be. Even the second-order formation is easy to grasp.

The 'Liuhe Taiyuan Guixu Formation' is also different from the 'Five Elements Yunling Formation', they don't need to be completed in one go, and the difficulty is relatively much lower.


Zhang Yao struck while the iron was hot and opened the second metal vial.

This is the blood essence of the 'Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast' that Master Haihe brought for him. It is the best blood essence left, and the bloodline level is a little higher.

After Zhang Yao blurred the blood essence in the same way, he engraved the spirit pattern in the triple burner and completed the formation formation bit by bit.

The triple energizer is the largest and the highest, encompassing all viscera, shaped outside the viscera, inside the body, and externally manifested in the 'heaven'.

The two phases of heaven and earth are one part, and the formation of Liuhe Taiyuan Returning to the Ruins is considered half.

Immediately afterwards, it corresponds to the front, back, left, and right, which can also be said to be the four major organs of the southeast, northwest, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

Four different blood essences fell into the abdomen and combined with the corresponding internal organs, using aura as the pen, mind as the hand, and blood essence as the ink, gradually completing the inscription of the spirit patterns and veins.

After all the spirit veins are completely completed:


A warm current erupted, and Zhang Yao felt the heat surge all over his body, as if there was an extra round of sun in his belly.

After the inscription of Liuhe Taiyuan Returning to Ruins Formation was completed, the qi and blood of the whole body immediately had a new master. Just the normal circulation, the qi and blood tended to grow a little bit.

After the qi and blood grow stronger, his muscles, bones, viscera, limbs and bones will naturally also become stronger together, and the sensitivity of the five senses will also increase accordingly, which can be described as an all-round strengthening.

"Good! Really good!"

A look of surprise appeared on Zhang Yao's face:

"The effect of the 'Liuhe Taiyuan Returning to the Ruins Formation' is even better than I expected!"

Among the same level, body training monks are becoming more and more powerful, because the way of body training becomes more and more difficult and rare.

Just relying on the integration of the inside and outside of the 'Vajra Maramita Mantra Formation' and the 'Tianxuan Mingyu Formation', and fellow practitioners of Buddhism and Taoism, it is no longer enough to compare with the same level of body-refining monks, at least they can't shake the spiritual weapon with bare hands.

And the 'Liuhe Taiyuan Returning to the Ruins Great Formation', this kind of formation that fundamentally strengthens itself, is a new way out.


Zhang Yao took out a piece of metal ore, crushed it into pieces and swallowed it into his stomach.

Things that could not digest gold and iron in the past are now quickly dissolved, ground, and digested under the spontaneous operation of the "Liuhe Taiyuan Returning to the Ruins Great Formation".

After waiting for a moment:

Zhang Yao shot at himself with his spiritual thoughts, and felt the strength of some bones, and there was a slight increase.

Although the rate of increase is insignificant, one must know that he has just inscribed a large formation, and he has only swallowed a piece of spirit gold ore.

"If you swallow spirit gold and precious materials for many years, the strength of your body will increase several times, it will not be a problem!"

"What's more, this is only a part of the function of the 'Liuhe Taiyuan Return to the Ruins Great Formation'..."

When Zhang Yao thought of this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling both satisfied and regretful.

The power of Liuhe Taiyuan Return to Ruins Great Formation was indeed beyond his expectation, stronger than what was recorded.

But to his regret, due to being located in a hundred countries in the Central Plains, the monster race is extremely rare, and everyone shouts and beats the monster cultivators. As a result, he can only complete a castrated version, which reduces the power of the big formation a lot.

"In the future, when I have supernatural powers that can overwhelm rivers and seas, I must go to the East China Sea to catch a few dragons and refine them!"

In Zhang Yao's heart, such an idea couldn't help sprouting, and his thoughts were flying.


After sorting out his thoughts, he took out another low-grade spirit stone, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it up like a snack.

Zhang Yao felt it silently, and found that after directly chewing and swallowing the spirit stone, refining it with the Liuhe Taiyuan Guixu Formation was at least half faster than directly refining the spirit stone.


Zhang Yao nodded in satisfaction.

Next, he tried different things such as swallowing magical artifacts, spirit flowers and spirit grasses, clam pearls and jade shells, spirit pills and spirit liquids, etc., to test the efficacy of the Liuhe Taiyuan Return to Ruins Formation.

This is also due to the fact that his net worth is extremely rich now, and he has a large collection of various treasures, so that he can support this kind of experiment.


Zhang Yao experienced all the effects of increasing mana, improving cultivation, strengthening the soul, strengthening the body, recovering injuries, etc. recorded in the classics of the exercises, and gained a comprehensive understanding of the power of this great formation.

"In time, this big formation will be the strongest formation!"

Zhang Yao had a precise judgment, and he was extremely excited:

"Growth formation, the potential is too scary!"

"If you can sit on the GCC for hundreds of years and swallow all kinds of treasures continuously, it will be unimaginably powerful!"

"After a hundred years of continuous growth, even if you lose to the Golden Core Realm, at least you can fight against it!"

"May I ask, with such strength, who can be the enemy under the Golden Core?"

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