Outside the cave:

Peng Yuexian, Taoist Cang'er, Fairy Lichen and other foundation-building monks waited for a long time, but they still saw that the door was closed.

"Why haven't you come out yet? It's been several hours."

"Should be still adjusting breath mana, let's wait."

Several Foundation Establishment cultivators discussed with each other a few words, and continued to wait patiently.

Fortunately, it didn't take long this time, as the formation was closed, the gate of the cave burst open, and Zhang Yao came out in Taoist robes.

"The leader is out!"

"Congratulations to the majoring for the promotion, the strength has greatly improved!"

"Congratulations to the guild master for advancing to another level above the immortal path."

Lao Peng and others went up to greet them, congratulating repeatedly, Zhang Yao also smiled and returned the greetings one by one.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Lao Peng proposed to hold a ceremony as a celebration, and Zhang Yao readily agreed.

A Dharma meeting was held for two days and two nights, and it was not ended hastily until the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

The day after the conference:

After explaining some matters during the meeting, Zhang Yao drove Dunguang to leave the Cangjiang River and set off for Haizhou.

Flying all the way for more than ten hours, crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles, and finally arrived at the easternmost part of Dali territory, and saw the vast and endless Fubo Sea.

The Fubo Sea spans hundreds of thousands of miles, and the coastline stretches endlessly. The surrounding area is far more than just a dynasty of Dali. On the east coast across the sea, there is 'Dayu', one of the four great powers in the southwest.

And in the coastal area of ​​Dali:

On a sea as blue as jade, a faint mist rises, cranes flutter their wings on the floating island in the sea and sky, kingfishers sing, and there is a faint melodious sound of silk and bamboo.

"It's such a grand scene in the fairy family."

Zhang Yao sighed in admiration, and slightly slowed down the speed of escape.

The mountain gate of Fuhaizong is also a well-known tyrannical magic weapon. It is said that it took hundreds of years to build it. It is a floating island in the sea and sky that can move.

And this sea area is also one of the few medium-sized spiritual veins in Dali. Not only is the spiritual energy extremely abundant, but also the products in the sea are rich. It is a proper heaven-sent treasure land, which was selected by Fu Haizong as the mountain gate.

"Stop whoever comes!"

As soon as Zhang Yao's escape light approached, he was stopped by two patrolling disciples.

The two Fu Haizong disciples in sea-blue robes realized that Zhang Yao was a foundation-builder, and immediately became more polite:

"Also please inform the visitor."

Zhang Yao nodded and said:

"Poverty and pure, as the master of the GCC, come here to pay respects to the real GCC."

"A true Qingxu?"

Hearing Zhang Yao's words, the two patrolling disciples were also taken aback, and their eyes became different.

Daoist Qingxu can be regarded as a well-known foundation-builder in Dali territory, not to mention that the GCC is a subsidiary organization of his own sect, and its spread in Fuhai Sect is naturally wider.

"It turns out to be Daoist Qingxu, please wait a moment, I will report it right away."

The patrolling disciple said a word, then hurriedly turned and left.

Zhang Yao waited patiently for a while, and then he saw the water shimmering, the waves bursting, and the light clouds churning, revealing a wide passage.

"Haha... Qingxu, you are here!"

A hearty laughter came to the ears, accompanied by a blue light, shuttled down from the floating island in the sea and sky.

"Haihe real person."

Zhang Yao also came forward to greet him, after the two exchanged a few words, Master Haihe invited him into the island.

The light of the two flew side by side, swept across a large area of ​​the island's scenic spots, and finally landed in a palace in the center of the island, which was the place where the real Haihe practiced.

It was not the first time for Zhang Yao to come here. He entered the main hall of the hall familiar with the way, and divided the guest and host seats with Master Haihe, and began to drink tea and chat.

"...The speed at which you broke through the middle stage of foundation establishment is a little faster than I imagined."

Haihe real person said with emotion:

"If you hadn't denied it yourself, I would have suspected that you also have the aptitude of Tianlinggen."

Zhang Yao shook his head and said:

"I'm just the root of the earth spirit. It's a bit of a chance, and my practice is faster."

The spiritual root aptitude he admitted to the outside world has always been the earth spiritual root.

The dual-attribute spiritual root aptitude, coupled with the superior Dao foundation and the genus of the skills are very compatible, so it is not too outrageous to have this kind of practice speed.

"Don't be humble."

Master Haihe waved his hand and said:

"After I was expelled from the teacher's school back then, my cultivation speed was not as fast as yours."

After speaking, he paused and said:

"You came to Fuhaizong Mountain Gate this time to ask for a copy of the 'Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid', right?"


Zhang Yao nodded slightly, and said in his mouth:

"I have to trouble the real person to come forward for me on this matter."

Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid is extremely rare, even within Fuhai Sect, there are only a few places, and there are many people vying for it.

When Zhang Yao transferred the Ruyi True Pill back then, he didn't complete the exchange on the spot, because the Fuhai Sect didn't have the Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid in stock at that time, and a batch of it had just been successfully refined in the past two years.

If he went out to ask for it himself, he might not be able to get back his own things smoothly.

After all, all kinds of relationships within the great sect are intertwined, and the ways of the world are commonplace. It's easy to get stuck with you once. You can't go back on a transaction with a clearly marked price, but it's enough for you to delay it for more than ten years.

Zhang Yao didn't want to pay attention to these relationships with Fu Haizong, so he simply invited the real Haihe to come forward - in front of this prince, it doesn't matter what kind of relationship it is, and he can only follow the rules honestly.

"no problem."

Master Haihe readily agreed and said with a smile:

"This is my duty, even if you don't tell me, I will do it for you."

The Ruyi True Pill from back then was brought back to Fu Haizong, which also caused a great commotion.

Sixty years of longevity, who is not jealous? Especially those elders of the various halls who are high and powerful, but are approaching the end of their lifespan, they broke their heads and competed fiercely.

can end up:

Ancestor Wanchuan decided to give this Ruyi True Pill to Immortal Haihe to take. This blatant partiality made countless people dumbfounded.

It is precisely because of the benefits of the Ruyi True Pill that Master Haihe received it in the end, so he said it was his duty.

"You sit and drink tea, and I'll be back later."

Master Haihe said, got up and left in a hurry.

Zhang Yao waited patiently while drinking tea, and after about two quarters of an hour, the real Haihe came back.

"This is your Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid."

After he sat down, he took out a crystal clear crystal vial and handed it to Zhang Yao.

After Zhang Yao reached out to take it, he found that there was a pale golden liquid in the crystal vial, shining with a hazy luster, which was fascinating to look at.

"This presentation is extraordinary."

Zhang Yao sighed in his heart, and after putting away the Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid, he chatted with Master Haihe again.

After chatting for a few words, Master Haihe suddenly waved his sleeves and sealed off the surrounding area with magic power, and said in a dignified tone:

"Qingxu, do you know that a big event is about to happen in Dali territory soon."

Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, and he immediately realized:

"What does the real person mean... the Five Elements Secret Realm?"


Master Haihe nodded solemnly and said:

"At the beginning... the fuse of that incident was to collect the spirit of soul thought for that boundary-breaker."

"After so many years have passed, it is estimated that there are only a few years left for the boundary breaker to break through and complete the foundation building and meet the conditions for opening the core of the secret realm."

"The shortest is three to five years, and the longest is seven or eight years. The Five Elements Secret Realm, which has been closed for a hundred years, will be opened again!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao nodded slowly and said:

"Yes, this is indeed a big deal."

He also estimated this time before rushing to break through the mid-stage Foundation Establishment and get back the Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid, so as to have an open and aboveboard reason for long-term retreat.

Once the Five Elements Secret Realm is opened:

The whole of Dali will be full of wind and clouds, especially those small shareholders of Tianbao Building and the second-rate forces who have the same qualifications as the GCC will be affected by the Five Elements Secret Realm, and the intensity of competition between them will also ease.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Yao's long-term retreat will not attract too many people's attention, and will not cause much trouble to the GCC. After the storm passes, he can continue to be the leader of the GCC.

"I have a hunch that the opening of the Five Elements Secret Realm this time will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes..."

Master Haihe said, with an erratic tone:

"In the relics of the Five Elements Sanren, there are earth-shattering secrets hidden, which will make the ancestors of all Jindan families tirelessly pursue them."

"No matter which one gets it, it may lead to an imbalance of strength between them, and it may trigger a new round of all-out war, not to mention..."

When he said this, his tone became colder:

"And that Yu Wentai, he will never let go of this good opportunity!"

"Yu Wentai?"

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, then pondered:

"Yu Wentai, as the owner of Tianbao Tower and the actual caretaker of the Breaker, is indeed qualified to intervene in the affairs of the Five Elements Secret Realm."

"But he was already invincible with his foundation, and he is also very old. If he can't break through the golden core, everything now is just a flower in the mirror."

"In this case, there is no reason for him to get involved in the Five Elements Secret Realm and bring additional risks to himself, right?"

With Yuwentai's status, it can be said that he has everything he wants, and his only regret is that he failed to achieve Jindan.

Zhang Yao couldn't figure out why he had to risk the anger of the four Jindan Patriarchs to compete with the group of Foundation Builders for the Five Elements Secret Realm.

Just imagine:

Yuwentai's own strength is already invincible under Jindan, if he fights alone, there is no foundation building stage that can match him.

However, he is not only strong in himself, but also controls the huge Tianbao Building, with dozens of foundation-building monks under his command. If he participates in the competition of the Five Elements Secret Realm, he will definitely have a huge advantage, and even overwhelm the four major Jindan forces.

When it comes to the inevitable benefits, will those Jindan ancestors continue to tolerate him?

"No, you are wrong."

Master Haihe let out a long sigh, with a hint of gloom between his brows:

"In this matter, Yu Wentai and several Jindan Patriarchs have always maintained a close cooperative relationship."

"After all, the Five Elements Secret Realm back then was discovered by Yu Wentai..."


Zhang Yao was shocked when he heard this.

"The Five Elements Secret Realm was discovered by Yu Wentai?"

The news that was publicly circulated by the outside world was that a new foundation cultivator who joined Tianbaolou accidentally discovered the Five Elements Secret Realm more than a hundred years ago. While publicizing the news, he also dedicated the real secret information to the top of Tianbaolou .

At that time, the high-level members of Tianbaolou were members of the five great golden elixir forces, which meant that they had indirectly dedicated the secret realm to the five great golden elixir forces.

Since then:

Everyone knows that the cultivator who established the foundation was rewarded by several Jindan Patriarchs, but he himself has disappeared, and related information has also been blocked.

For many years since then, countless monks have only envied the luck of the casual cultivator who built the foundation, but no one paid any attention to his follow-up ending.

Zhang Yao didn't expect that Yu Wentai was the lucky one back then.


Master Haihe seemed to have expected his reaction long ago, and said in a deep voice:

"To tell you the truth, when I first learned of this secret, I had the same reaction as you."

"Who would have thought that an unknown casual repairer who had just joined Tianbaolou would transform himself into a powerful Yuwen landlord after many years?"

Having said that, he paused, and his tone changed slightly:

"But this is the truth, and it also proves that some people can soar into the sky just because they lack a chance..."

After he became enemies with Yuwentai, he has been investigating Yuwentai's origin in private.

It also benefited from the fact that Fuhaizong is a powerful Jindan sect, who has kept the archives of the year secretly, and his status is high enough to be qualified to read these files.

It also took him many years to figure out the details of Yu Wentai bit by bit from the vast sea of ​​secret files.

"I also asked the master, but he was unwilling to say more, and warned me that he would tell me when the time is right in the future."

Master Haihe sighed, and said in a deep voice:

"But I can conclude that Yu Wentai and several Jindan Patriarchs have already reached a relevant agreement on the matter of the Five Elements Secret Realm, and have been cooperating secretly."

"Even the elite exploration teams formed in the past may have been led by Yu Wentai, which is the real reason why he disappeared back then."

"It can be said that he has always played a very important role in matters related to the Five Elements Secret Realm."

"As for how he won the trust of several Jindan Patriarchs, I don't know yet, but I can be sure of one thing..."

As he spoke, his tone became firmer:

"It shouldn't be a coincidence that Yuwentai was able to discover the Five Elements Secret Realm back then. There must be some kind of secret behind it!"


Zhang Yao's expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"I very much agree with what the real person said."

"No one has been able to find out the secret realm left by the Five Elements Sanren for two thousand years. Why can Yu Wentai do it?"

"If this is pure luck, then his luck must be too good, let alone why he can win the trust of several Jindan Patriarchs."

"It seems that you and I agree."

Master Haihe nodded slightly, and added:

"By the way, there is a secret record among the files I read."

"Yuwentai is not a native of Dali. He claims to be from a small border country in the south near the southern border, which seems to be called the State of Lu."

"Lu country?"

Zhang Yao's pupils shrank, and suddenly a turmoil was set off in his heart.

Yu Wentai, is he actually from Lu? !

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