"So this is your reliance?"

Yu Wentai raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised:

"This ability to heal quickly is a bit like the blood talent of the monster race..."

He made a comment, then smiled slightly:

"However, based on this ability alone, it is too much for granted that you want to die."

Before the words finished, Yu Wentai raised his palm and pressed down lightly.


In an instant, the golden light all over the sky condensed into layers of giant screens, dyeing the entire sky into gold, as if ten great suns had fallen into the world.

The terrifying mana pressure brings a feeling of almost suffocation. When you look up, the sky and the earth are all golden. There is no escape, no escape, and it is enough to make anyone despair.

Zhang Yao had seen the Daoist method of the Dubu Taoist "Heaven leaning towards the Southwest" before, and the similar Daoism that Yu Wentai was performing at this moment was ten times more powerful? !

Zhang Yao had never seen such terrifying mana in his life.


At the critical moment, Zhang Yao shouted angrily, and before he could use the yellow talisman Taoism, he could only raise his hand and shoot a stream of colored light.

The five-color brilliance instantly flowed from the thousand-changing glazed aura, and condensed into a spindle-shaped spiritual weapon with slender ends. It is a powerful spiritual tool that imitates the famous 'Breaking the Forbidden Cone' and is designed to break the surface.

Next moment:

The Forbidden Breaking Cone simulated by Thousand Changes Glazed Qi let out a sharp buzzing sound, like a phoenix that raised its head to meet it, colliding violently with the suppressing golden giant screen.


The golden light energy collapsed, and a small breach was blasted from the center of the giant golden screen from heaven to earth.

But the forbidden awl wailed, collapsed, and turned into colorful light again, rewinding back, Zhang Yao groaned because of the implicated air, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He barely broke Yu Wentai's Taoist method by using the method of breaking the surface, but the huge gap in strength between the two sides is also obvious.

"Shua!" "Shua!"...

In mid-air, Yu Wentai flipped his palm lightly, the golden light dissipated, within a hundred meters, the lead cloud gathered instantly, and heavy rain poured down.

The destruction of his own Taoism seems to have no effect on him at all. He didn't even need the time for breath adjustment and energy machine, and he switched to another Taoism in an instant.

"It came so fast!"

Zhang Yao, who was below, couldn't help but change his expression.

It only took him half an instant to adjust his breath and vibrate his superficial mana energy machine, but even if he was so slow, it was too late to escape the coverage of Taoism.

Between lightning and flint, Zhang Yao circulated his mana, and the Taoist robe on his body burst into layers of blue light, shaped like blooming lotus petals, protecting him in it.

This is exactly a high-level spiritual weapon specialized in protection that he purchased for himself after taking over the power of the GCC.

Under Yu Wentai's terrifying strength, just one collision, the Thousand Changes Glazed Qi has been damaged, and it can no longer be used in a short time, so he can only use a substitute.


He shook his sleeves and struck out five silver talismans, and was about to use the yellow talisman armor technique to face Yu Wentai in the most powerful form.

However, what he didn't expect was:


The blue lotus flowers around him didn't even last for half an instant, and were pierced by dense gray-black raindrops in an instant.

In a battle of this level, even high-level spirit weapons are as fragile as paper, unable to provide any protection under Yu Wentai's terrifying Taoism.

Zhang Yao's pupils shrank in an instant, and it was too late to use other tricks, so he could only raise his arms up, with layers of golden light shining all over his body, trying to resist this method forcefully.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Every drop of gray-black rainwater is a hundred times heavier than steel. It is powerful enough to penetrate the mountain, smash the spirit weapon, and fall and bombard Zhang Yao's body, making a dull sound like a giant hammer hitting a steel mountain.

Zhang Yao raised his arms to block the vital parts of his head, his body was swayed again and again by the heavy raindrops, the golden light all over his body dimmed instantly, redness, swelling and bruises appeared in many places, and his body was soon covered with cuts and bruises.

Even with his vajra body, if he were replaced by a weaker foundation-building stage body-refining cultivator, such as the original Dubu Mengman Tiansheng, he would have been smashed to pieces, or even crushed to death!


Gritting his teeth, Zhang Yao persevered, his whole body's energy was severely depleted, and he quickly recovered from his injuries.

With his total vitality and essence energy today, the talent of essence transformation is enough to last for a long time, providing him with a powerful advantage.

But under such a dense offensive, he couldn't even free his hand to cast the Five Spirits God General Talisman, so he could only hold on, obviously losing the power to fight back.

"It's really rough and thick."

Yu Wentai in mid-air smiled, and said slowly:

"However, I want to see how long your ability to quickly recover from injuries can last."

Any means have a price, he does not believe that the other party's ability can be created out of nothing.

As he guessed:

Zhang Yao's total amount of energy is indeed limited, and the speed of recovery by absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy is far worse than that of consumption. Once the energy is exhausted, he needs to swallow spirit stones and pills to replenish it.

But the two sides are in a fierce battle, and the winner can be decided in just a moment, how could Yu Wentai give him this opportunity? !


A layer of invisible ashes rose up, and Zhang Yao made a decisive decision and used the secret method of the sky.

The all-round enhancement brought by the burning life yuan instantly reversed the situation. The golden light all over Zhang Yao's body shone brightly, shaking thousands of raindrops away in an instant.


Yu Wentai's expression moved slightly, and he said in surprise:

"It's decisive enough."


Taking advantage of the momentary respite brought by Burning Shouyuan, Zhang Yao finally played the Five Spirits God General Talisman.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The five silver talismans disintegrated and turned into five clouds of different colors. Under the control of Zhang Yao's divine sense and magic power, they gathered together in an instant.

Blue, red, white, black, yellow... The five-color mist rushed past like a tide, and condensed into a five-color glazed battle armor.

"Clang!" "Clang!"...

The dense gray-black raindrops bombarded the five-color glazed battle armor, making the sound of gold and iron colliding, but they could only leave white marks and could not cause obvious damage.

"……not the right time yet."

With a thought in Zhang Yao's mind, he immediately dissipated the Heaven's Remnant Secret Technique, and the invisible ashes on his body also disappeared.


He mobilized all his mana, and the Qi machine combined with the five-color glazed armor, soaring into the sky.

The overwhelming gray-black raindrops could no longer hinder him much, this is the strongest point of the Five Spirits God General Talisman!

The five divine generals, who were simply evolved, can match the perfection of foundation establishment when they join forces with each other. At this moment, they are transformed into soldiers and Zhang Yao's mana, divine sense, and tyrannical physique are integrated, and the explosive power is even more terrifying!


In just a split second, Zhang Yao braved the torrential rain, spanned a distance of tens of feet, and punched Yu Wentai's head.

"That's a bit of a sight to behold!"

Yu Wentai made a condescending comment, and casually flicked his fingers.

"call out!"

There seems to be a thin ray of light flickering between the sky and the earth, resplendent like a morning star in the night sky, but it is thousands of times thinner than a hair, and it is difficult to catch the divine thoughts.

The ultimate purity and ultimate condensedness bring unimaginable penetrating power and destructive power.


This crisp sound in the rain curtain is so ear-piercing.

The five-color glazed battle armor, which was still standing still despite the gray-black raindrops, was instantly pierced by a thin ray of light, and a huge gap was opened, and the edge of the gap was as smooth as a mirror.

Even between Zhang Yao's chest and abdomen, a hideous wound was cut open, almost ripping him open. Blood gushed out like a spring, and he instantly controlled the wound to close.


Yu Wentai was startled.

He has a clear understanding of the power of his own Taoism, and he also knows that Zhang Yao's yellow talisman Taoism is by no means a display, how can it be broken so easily?

Unless just at that moment, Zhang Yao gave up using mana to bless the Five Spirits God General Talisman.


Yu Wentai thought everything through in an instant, and was about to withdraw immediately, but it was too late.

In silence:

The forest white brilliance washed over and filled the entire sky in an instant. Yu Wentai was delayed for half an instant when he performed the Taoism, and was directly hit by the forest white brilliance.

Yu Wentai shook his head, was in a trance for less than a third of an instant, and then woke up instantly.

With an astonishingly powerful and soul-shattering divine light, the soul that hit him was like a giant elephant hitting a steel wall. It could only shake a little bit, and the price was its own shattering and disintegration.

Such a short period of influence did not pose any threat at all, and Zhang Yao seemed to have expected it long ago, so he did not take advantage of the situation to attack and kill rashly, but took advantage of this gap to repair the five-color glazed armor on his body with mana.

"It's really watching the sky from a well!"

Yu Wentai looked at him, and said sarcastically:

"Do you think that the idle spirit and Taoism will be useful to me? Thanks to you, you are also a person who has practiced the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing"!"

"Of course I know it won't work for you."

Zhang Yao smiled, and his tone was very flat:

"I just want to confirm a fact."


Yu Wentai squinted his eyes, as if he had seen through his thoughts, and said expressionlessly:

"Testing my realm will not help you at all."

"Even if I am in the same realm as you, killing you is like picking something out of a bag!"


In fact, like Zhang Yao, he is in the late stage of foundation establishment.

This fact was also something that Zhang Yao figured out instantly after he learned that what he was practicing was also the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing".

Over the past hundred years, many foundation-builders and even the ancestors of the Golden Core secretly speculated that he had some hidden disease or flawed cultivation, which made him unable to break through to the Golden Core.

But in fact, the real reason why he couldn't break through to the golden elixir realm was that he didn't even complete the foundation establishment at all, and he didn't even cultivate the prototype of the golden elixir.

"To engrave the 'Thousands of Souls Awakening Great Formation' requires the energy of the soul's mind."

"This kind of large-scale collection of evil materials is too easy to leak information, and no matter how secretly you act, you can't hide it from others, so you can't hold back for hundreds of years, just silently accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity."

Zhang Yao spoke slowly, with a hint of affirmation in his tone:

"Even if there is a little surplus in the previous task of refining the soul rosary and collecting the energy of the soul, it is impossible to support the materials needed for two 'Thousands of Souls Great Formation' at the same time."

"But you didn't take this opportunity to directly use all the energy of your soul to achieve your own realm, then there must be greater interests behind you..."

He can finally be sure at this moment:

Yu Wentai's hope of breaking through the golden elixir lies in the Five Elements Secret Realm!

And only the chance to achieve the Golden Core Realm with certainty can make him give up using the spirit of the soul, but silently prepare and wait for the opening of the Five Elements Secret Realm!

He is a cultivator of the "Wanhuadu Tianzheng". Once he achieves Jindan, he will be the number one person in Dali. Even if the few remaining Jindan ancestors know the truth, it will be too late and they can only be defeated. I swallowed it with my teeth, I didn't dare to offend him at all!

"You know this, so what can you do?"

Yu Wentai remained expressionless, and said indifferently:

"Today, you have only one end, and that is death!"

Zhang Yao's words stimulated the killing intent in his heart.

In such a remote place, the third-tier secret treasures and other hole cards are too noisy and obviously cannot be used. Otherwise, at this juncture, it will attract the suspicion of several Jindan ancestors, and it will be easy to fall short.

What's more, why use Tier 3 secret treasures to deal with a small late-stage Foundation Establishment?

Yu Wentai has decided to go all out and personally deal with the Qingxu real person in front of him, and will not give him a chance to escape!


Zhang Yao laughed wildly, with a provocative tone:

"Who wins the game is still unknown!"

The eyes of the two collided, as if an electric spark exploded, and the huge mana spiritual pressure caused the sea of ​​clouds to churn and the mountain wind to howl.

Next moment:

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two joined hands together, colliding violently like meteorites.

Zhang Yao, dressed in five-color glazed armor, faced Yu Wentai with the strongest posture.

Yu Wentai finally showed his true ability, a faint golden flame rose from his body, and he also shook the provocateur with his strongest invincible body, trying to crush the provocateur to death with his own hands.


Yu Wentai punched Zhang Yao straight in the chest, the chest plate of the five-color glazed armor was cracked, and blood spurted from Zhang Yao's mouth.


Zhang Yao responded with a backhand punch and hit Yu Wentai's head, but Yu Wentai's head could only be hit slightly, as if nothing had happened.

Yu Wentai's random punches and kicks all contained the power of landslides and tsunamis, and his physical strength surpassed that of top-level spiritual weapons, making him a terrifying killing machine.

He doesn't need any spiritual weapon or secret treasure, he himself is the strongest weapon and the strongest treasure.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Crack!"...

The two sides fought fist to fist, head-to-head, and fought for more than a dozen rounds in an instant, and only the afterimage of the streamer could be seen at a fast speed.

But it's been a one-sided battle.

Yu Wentai had the absolute upper hand, and in just a few breaths, he beat Zhang Yao with injuries all over his body, and the five-color glazed armor was cracked everywhere, making him look very miserable.

With the blessing of the Yellow Talisman Bingjia technique, Zhang Yao's combat power has at least doubled, but there is still a huge gap with Yu Wentai. If the latter was not stimulated by the murderous desire, he would not even be qualified to fight him in close quarters .


Zhang Yao, who fell into a desperate situation, "had no choice but to" activate the secret method of the sky, and gray flames rose all over his body again.

After the Tiancan secret method was opened, the all-round strengthening brought by burning life yuan instantly increased Zhang Yao's strength and reversed the situation in one fell swoop.


It was another punch as heavy as a mountain, which was barely blocked by Zhang Yao, but the corner of his mouth was cracked and the temple was not hit.

After burning Shouyuan, he still couldn't bridge the huge gap brought about by the accumulation of a century between the two sides. He was still suppressed and beaten by Yu Wentai, but at least it wasn't so miserable, and he could barely hold on.


The two sides fought from the sky to the land, fighting bloody battles all the way, and the wind and waves exploded and rolled back.

Looking from a distance, only two golden figures can be seen entangled and collided with each other, and the hills and trees collapsed where they passed, like a moving natural disaster.

"sucker Punch!"

In Yu Wentai's eyes, Zhang Yao was obviously not far from death.

With the forbidden technique of burning lifespan, one breath will burn a year's lifespan. How many lifespans can he squander? !

"Burn it, keep it burning!"

"I will let you have a little taste of what despair is!"

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