After fighting for dozens of breaths:

The golden light on Zhang Yao's body was faint, and his face was visibly aged, with sunken eye sockets, dry and cracked skin, and gray hair.

Recovering from injuries time and time again, under the intense exhaustion of energy, his body suffered a sharp deficit, which looked very much like a state where his life essence was running low.

"You can't do it anymore!"

Yu Wentai let out a long laugh, and his punches and kicks became more and more fierce, trying to kill the opponent in front of him in one go.

On the other hand, Zhang Yao remained silent, enduring Yu Wentai's continuous and terrifying attacks like a wave. His five-color glazed armor was torn to pieces, his body was covered with more and more wounds, and his recovery was gradually failing, making him look extremely miserable.

Since the start of the war, he has been beaten back and forth by Yu Wentai like a sandbag, and he almost survived several times.


During the fight, the two sides smashed through a small hill, causing countless huge boulders to collapse, and the moving trajectory seemed to open a trench for the earth.

The short battle left indelible traces of the battlefield in the depths of Panlong Ridge. The violent wind and air waves destroyed dozens of miles of ancient dense forests, startling thousands of beasts to run and thousands of birds to take off.


Yu Wentai yelled violently, and then punched the sky with a heavy force, the golden flames all over his body soared, like an ancient god swinging a sledgehammer to smash it down.

He has judged that the other party's life essence has been burned too much, and his body must be extremely weak. This is a good opportunity to take advantage of his illness to kill him!

However, something unexpected happened:


The terrifying punch that seemed to be falling like the sky was unexpectedly caught abruptly.

Zhang Yao's palm firmly blocked his fist, and slowly raised his head, expressionless and hoarse:

"It's my turn!"


Yu Wentai was taken aback, suddenly felt that something was wrong, subconsciously wanted to withdraw.

But how could Zhang Yao give him this chance?

"Crack!" "Crack!"

Zhang Yao clasped his hands behind his back, his five knuckles turned white, holding Yu Wentai's wrists tightly like iron hoops.

Yu Wentai struggled for a while, the golden flame all over his body flickered violently, but he couldn't break free, and finally changed his face.

"How can it be……"

The other party is at the end of the road, and there is very little left to burn the life yuan, how can the power increase so much?

"No, not right!!"

Yu Wentai was startled suddenly, and finally realized the abnormality in his body, his heart trembled:

"It's not that he has become stronger, but that I have become weaker..."

"When did I get caught?"

What kind of mysterious Taoism is it that even he has not noticed the clue? !

"you lose."

Zhang Yao's spine straightened little by little, and there seemed to be flames burning in his sunken eyes, and his tone was extremely cold:

"And you're going to die."

Before the start of this battle, he knew that under normal combat conditions, it was almost impossible for him to be Yu Wentai's opponent.

His only chance of victory is the unreasonable One Heart and One Fate Curse!

Previously, he did not hesitate to take the risk of disembowelling him, and bombarded Yu Wentai's soul with his soul-shattering divine light, just to confirm his true realm and whether there was a 'Thousand Souls' Great Formation' engraved in his soul.

After confirming this point, he didn't turn around and run away, but verbally provoked him, took the initiative to fight close to him, burned his life energy, and forced Yu Wentai to fight him in close quarters.

In the fierce battle between the two sides, it seems that he has been passively beaten and struggling to support, but in fact, every fist bump, every physical contact, the power of the One Heart and One Fate Curse and the Septic Blood Technique are constantly penetrating into Yu Wentai's body.

The two Dao methods cooperate seamlessly with each other, disinfecting vitality silently without being noticed by others, and attacks directly targeting Shouyuan are even more defenseless.

All these foreshadowing and forbearance made quantitative changes finally lead to qualitative changes.

at this moment:

The subtle distortion of flesh and blood in Yu Wentai's body has reached a critical point, and his little life energy is on the verge of being exhausted.

Vitality is the innate foundation of the human body, if the vitality is exhausted, how can a person survive?


Yu Wentai's pupils shrank, and a heavy shadow cast over his mind. He realized that the other party's words were true—he was going to die soon.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and Yu Wentai, who had just gained the upper hand and was invincible, was about to die in the next moment and fall forever.

Maybe in the next moment, maybe in the next breath, he will die due to the exhaustion of life energy, but he is powerless to change this result.

"how come……"

Yu Wentai's eyes were extremely complicated, aggrieved, resentful and unwilling flashed one by one, and finally turned into unprecedented firmness.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

He turned his wrists inwards, and also firmly clasped Zhang Yao's left and right forearms. The two sides suddenly became like pincers, and no one could move.

"I'm not a winner, and neither are you."

Yu Wentai hissed and opened his mouth, and there was an invisible air current shining with psychedelic luster in his eyes.

"Not good! The Qi of Soul Mind!"

Zhang Yao instantly recognized the spirit of the soul, and was terrified in his heart, subconsciously wanting to retreat.

Anyway, Yuwentai's lifespan is exhausted, and he is already doomed to die. Even if he takes out the third-order secret treasure, it can't change the ending. At worst, this body will be buried with him, and he can be resurrected with the help of the earth soul crystal.

But the spirit of the soul can pollute the mind, and Yu Wentai also has the means to do this. The fate of the Dubu Taoist is a lesson from the past, and he absolutely dare not gamble on this result.


Yu Wentai's smile showed a hint of ferocity, and with the last ounce of strength in his body, he firmly grasped Zhang Yao's forearm.

His strength is so tyrannical, even though his body was extremely weak, but Zhang Yao struggled desperately, but still couldn't break free immediately.

It was delayed for such an instant, and everything was too late.

Under the control of Yu Wentai, the energy of the soul thought directly ignored the protection of the soul, piercing into Zhang Yao's sea of ​​consciousness like an invisible gas arrow.


Zhang Yao suddenly felt an unspeakable pain in his head, as if a red-hot iron was stirring inside.


He barely held on for less than a breath, but he couldn't hold on any longer, his eyes darkened, and he fell straight on the ground.

Yu Wentai let go of his palm, his body was on the verge of falling, looking at Zhang Yao who fell on his back and fell into a coma, he showed a strange smile, and murmured:

"My life will not end here..."

After finishing speaking, his pupils began to slacken, his body fell to the ground weakly, his breath was cut off, and he was already dead.

Yu Wentai, the majestic master of Tianbao Tower and the foundation-building invincible Yu Wentai of Megatron Dali, just died in the horned Gada in a small and remote country, and died in obscurity.

And across from his dead body:

"no no……"

Zhang Yao's face changes, sometimes frightened, sometimes angry, sometimes happy, sometimes greedy... struggling with difficulty.

And inside his sea of ​​consciousness:

Countless memory fragments are like a torrent of tides. Under the influence of soul energy, different thoughts, ideas, and personalities are formed, and they are fighting with Zhang Yao's own thinking and memory.

The power that the spirit of the soul can carry is limited. Zhang Yao's own soul is extremely powerful and has the home court advantage, so he is still in a state of anxiety.

"So this is his last hole card!"

Zhang Yao finally understood what happened to Dubu Taoist back then, and also understood the latter's advice before he died.

He struggled to maintain the last inch of clarity in the Lingtai, repeatedly recalling his life and deepening the imprint of his memory, in order to fight against this terrible spiritual pollution.

Travel to the Qingping Palace, practice health-preserving skills, and then encounter accidents, escape down the mountain, worship in the martial arts hall to practice martial arts, and rise silently;

Leaving his hometown to live in seclusion for three thousand days and nights, he finally became a master, enjoyed leisurely for twenty years, heard the legends of immortals, traveled all over thousands of rivers and mountains, and sought opportunities for immortals;

Hiding in the deep mountains and ascending to the capital of heaven, I spent 80 years, and then went to Weiguo. After several twists and turns, I was able to change my skills, and went to Wuyin Island to practice for many years;

Li Guomang opened a shop, went north and crossed the border of Lu State, got Jidan in Tianyin Mountain, joined the GCC, went through twists and turns, and finally managed to take power...

The ups and downs along the way, the three hundred years of time, a little bit of precipitation, turned into a fresh and clear self.


Next to Zhang Yao's ears, he seemed to hear the whistling sound of the storm, which gradually became weaker from louder.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhang Yao's self-recognition finally gained the upper hand, and he began to clear away the thoughts and personalities that were differentiated by the spirit of the soul, and took back his own territory.

During this process:

Accompanied by the annihilation and expulsion of the spirit of the soul, many memory fragments were also digested and absorbed by Zhang Yao, bringing a huge amount of knowledge and life experience.

If all these knowledge and experiences flooded into his mind, it would inevitably make his memory upside down, his thinking confused, give birth to another personality, and even turn him into a hostile person.

But at this moment, when Zhang Yao had the upper hand, he absorbed and digested little by little, thus eliminating this risk.

"It turned out to be like this..."

With the digestion and absorption of many memories, Zhang Yao gradually pieced together the truth of the whole thing and knew the true origin of Yu Wentai.

Different from all his previous guesses:

Yu Wentai is neither the blood descendant of the Five Elements Sanren, nor the reincarnation of the Wuxing Sanren's soul, he is an extremely special existence——

Like a lonely ghost wandering between heaven and earth, he is a remnant who does not belong to this era.

Two thousand years ago, before his death, Liu Cang, a Sanman of the Five Elements, copied a part of his own thoughts and memories through secret methods, made it into an inheritance treasure, and secretly handed it over to his family branch to let it pass on.

If they meet a suitable person, the thinking and memory in the inherited treasure will wake up, and then steal the newborn's body to achieve indirect rebirth.

But he didn't expect that this wait would be two thousand years.

Too many things happened in the past two thousand years, which caused the Liu family he passed down to be no longer his blood, but his real descendant had changed his surname to Li, and even withered to the point where there was only one person left.

Two thousand years later:

The inherited treasure has been wandering for several times, and finally met a suitable candidate. Liu Cang's consciousness was awakened, and he occupied the body of the unborn fetus.

Emperor Yu Wenze was very happy and personally named the newborn "Tai" and got an even bigger surprise a few years later.

At the age of six, Yu Wentai's soul was already incredibly powerful, easily concealing his true spiritual root attributes, and was able to enter Wuyin Island to cultivate.

Nine years later, he left Wuyin Island and never went back in his life.

From his point of view, no matter whether it is the Yuwen family or the Liu family, since they are not his blood inheritance, they have nothing to do with him at all.

He traveled all the way across the kingdoms and came to the territory of Dali. It didn't take him many years to cultivate into the foundation building stage. He joined the Tianbao Building as a casual cultivator, and secretly opened the Five Elements Secret Realm, and then started a journey that lasted for more than a hundred years. plan.


Zhang Yao sat up from the ground, took a long breath, and his expression gradually eased.

The remaining soul energy in the sea of ​​consciousness has almost been cleared, so he can free up his hands to carefully sort out the memories from Yu Wentai.

Yes, it is Yu Wentai, not Liu Cang, the Five Elements Sanren two thousand years ago.

"Memory is just memory after all, not self-soul, let alone the imprint of the true spirit."

"Liu Cang is dead when he's dead. His soul has been disintegrated long ago. Even if he left all his thoughts and memories, he is no longer the same person..."

Zhang Yao had his own judgment on this point, and Yu Wentai actually knew it very well.

He doubted his own identity more than once, and secretly conducted many tests, including the spiritual pollution of the Dubu Taoist, which was also based on this goal, but finally failed due to an accident.

He tried to use the energy of soul thoughts to copy his own thinking memory and use it as a backup card, but he never succeeded.

"It's too thrilling this time, but it's also a big profit!"

Zhang Yao stood up, looking at Yu Wentai's body opposite, his eyes became deep.

"Yu Wentai is dead, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"I have to go back to Dali as soon as possible, search the secret library of Tianbao Tower, and the Five Elements Secret Realm must not be missed!"

Yu Wentai's memory is a huge and precious property.

The value of all kinds of cultivation knowledge, understanding of the state, comprehension of exercises, techniques of refining alchemy, knowledge and common sense from various places...etc., is already inestimable.

This is equivalent to obtaining the lifelong knowledge of an invincible overlord, which is almost impossible under normal circumstances, and it was only in this extreme situation that Zhang Yao was given the opportunity to pick up the loopholes.

Not only that:

In Yuwentai's memory, there are still many secrets, many of which make Zhang Yao feel thrilled.

And the most important and intuitive secret right now is without a doubt the Five Elements Secret Realm that is about to be opened!

In the Five Elements Secret Realm:

It has the spirit of the soul that he needs, and it is of extremely high quality. It is a necessary material for engraving the "Great Formation of Ten Thousand Souls", which can greatly enhance the power of the formation and pave the way for the future.

In the core secret collection, there are several kinds of alchemy objects and spirit pills, which can increase the chance of forming golden pills; there are also several top-notch rare treasures of heaven and earth, which can be used to practice golden pill supernatural powers and build golden pill-level formations , and several ready-made golden elixirs!

All these treasures were prepared by Liu Cang, a man of the Five Elements 2,000 years ago, for his later life, and Zhang Yao is bound to obtain them!

And the most important point:

The protection of the Five Elements Secret Realm is very strong, it was left by Liu Cang at the peak stage, Da Li's several Jindan stage cannot enter or break through at all.

Then what else does Zhang Yao need to hesitate?

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