In the depths of Panlong Ridge.

Zhang Yao spent several hours, and finally sorted out Yu Wentai's hundreds of years of memory by category.

Such a vast amount of memory and knowledge is like a giant collection. It is obviously unrealistic to digest it in a short period of time. Zhang Yao can only store it first, and then retrieve relevant memories when necessary.


He stretched out his hand, and a golden embroidered brocade pouch on Yu Wentai's waist fell into his hands.

The silk embroidery on the golden brocade bag was still shining with luster, like flowing mercury, it looked very extraordinary.

This is a high-end storage bag that ordinary Jindan monks can afford. It is made of precious materials such as monster stomach pouches and furs of the space genus. It has a large internal space and strong protection. It is also difficult to change hands.


Zhang Yao played more than a dozen formulas in a row, easily untied the restriction on the golden storage bag, erased Yu Wentai's brand of divine sense, and left his own.

He didn't need to shoot the contents of the storage bag clearly, and he didn't check carefully, and took out three red beads directly.

"Quadrilateral thunderstorm..."

Zhang Yao played with the three red balls for a while, his expression moved slightly.

This is the third-order secret treasure thunder bead. When it explodes, it can be compared to the powerful blow of the magic weapon in the golden core state. The power is enough to collapse mountains and crack the ground.

This was refined by Liu Cang, the Five Elements Sanman back then, and there are ten pieces left in total, but Yu Wentai has also consumed a lot over the years, and only three pieces remain.

"With these three, it is enough."

Zhang Yao thought to himself:

"The battle in the Five Elements Secret Realm is the most intense time, and this kind of thing may be used."

"The ancestor of Jindan can't get in, and the third-order secret treasure is the means to decide the victory."

After getting Yuwentai's memory:

About Yu Wentai's agreement with several Jindan Patriarchs, about his plans and plans for the Five Elements Secret Realm, Zhang Yao already knew all about it.

To put it simply, ancestor Wanchuan, ancestor Zhenyang and others were deceived by Yu Wentai.

Back then, Yu Wentai pretended to be a descendant of Wuxing Sanren, opened the secret realm by mistake, and got relevant information in the secret realm.

He later told several Jindan Patriarchs that there is a 'Pure Primordial Pill' hidden in the core of the Five Elements Secret Realm, which was refined by the Five Elements Sanren at a huge price.

Xiantian Pure Yuan Pill is a famous fourth-order elixir. Its effect is to evolve innate qi, and it is of great help to improve the cultivation level of Jindan realm and even break through the realm of Nascent Soul.

But in fact, Wuxing Sanren has no such panacea at all.

Patriarch Wanchuan and the others had no other sources of information to verify the truth, so after repeatedly searching Yu Wentai's memory to confirm that it was correct, they believed his words to be true.

Of course they didn't expect that Yu Wentai was a descendant of the Five Elements Sanren, and it would be easy to modify his own memory and soul, so he fooled a few Jindan Patriarchs, and was able to gain a firm foothold in Dali's Immortal Realm.

"He deceived everyone in the Dalixiu Immortal Realm."

"It's a pity that the mechanism was too clever to calculate, and finally capsized in the gutter..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Even the 'Boundary Breaker' who has attracted the attention of all parties in Dali is actually just a scam that has lasted for more than a hundred years from beginning to end.

Two thousand years ago, Liu Cang, a loose man of the Five Elements, left the Five Elements Secret Realm in preparation for the rapid rise of later generations. How could he deliberately set the opening conditions of the Core Land so harsh?

The real function of the Breaker is to use the "Blood Sacrifice Melting Soul" as the main material for refining the energy of the soul.

After the opening of the Five Elements Secret Realm, the big and small shareholders of Tianbao Building, as well as at least two or three hundred Foundation Establishment monks, will swarm into the secret realm to seek opportunities.

And the thoughts, ideas, and emotions born in the process of their internal exploration, fighting, and fighting are the raw materials of the superior soul energy, which is also the real reason why Yuwen Taineng has waited for a hundred years.

Inside the secret realm, there is no interference from the ancestor of Jindan, so he can use the established formation to collect and refine the energy of the soul. The timing of Jindan.

After he succeeded in refining the golden elixir, everything would be settled. Even if Patriarch Wanchuan and the others woke up, it would be too late, and he would be happy and fearless if he turned his back on him.


Zhang Yao killed Yu Wentai with a desperate comeback, obtained his memory, and had the opportunity to inherit his huge potential inheritance.

Therefore, he decided to follow Yuwentai's plan, replace his role, and take action at the critical moment of exploring the five elements secret realm to win the final victory.

"In the past three hundred years of practicing in this world, this is the greatest opportunity I have encountered!"

"The road to the golden core is at your feet. This time, I can't back down no matter what!"

Zhang Yao's eyes showed firmness.

He took two quick steps and came to Yu Wentai's body.

From the golden storage bag, he took out a top-level spiritual weapon-level flying sword, and began to cut Yu Wentai's right hand—this was related to his next series of plans.

This is also after Yu Wentai's death, the formation engraved in his body collapsed, and his body strength decreased greatly, which gave him this opportunity.

If Yu Wentai was still alive, the top-level spiritual weapon would be like tofu, which would break when pinched, and it would be impossible to hurt him.


Zhang Yaodu entered the mana, and cut with the flying sword with great effort, under the splash of sparks, it took half a quarter of an hour to amputate a finger and take a lot of blood.

"It's done."

He carefully preserved Yu Wentai's severed finger and blood, and after pondering for a while, he built a grave on the spot and buried Yu Wentai in it.

"After all, you are not Liu Cang. You are born here, and you have returned to your roots."

Zhang Yao set up a blank tombstone for him, stared at it for the last time, turned around and fled away.


All the way north.

Zhang Yao crossed barren belts with ease, and returned to the territory of Dali.

After returning to Dali Nei, he changed his appearance, concealed his light, and came to the headquarters of Tianbao Building in the Qianzhou area in a low-key manner.


Outside the headquarters of Tianbao Building, dozens of miles away, you can hear the roar of many escaping light and flying, causing the sea of ​​clouds to vibrate.

Zhang Yao controlled the escape light and approached Tianbao Tower. Looking at the towering and magnificent building, he couldn't help showing a smile:

"It's finally here!"

In Yuwentai's memory, there are all the formations, restrictions, secret passage opening methods, and control techniques of Tianbaolou headquarters. Zhang Yao has already checked this part of the memory on the way here.

There are two warehouses in Tianbaolou headquarters:

One is the basement, which is the public treasury of Tianbao Building. There are mountains of spiritual stones in it. All accounts are openly managed, and there are fixed procedures for entry and exit. Many high-level officials have the right to intervene.

The two are secret treasuries, which store extremely precious treasures, including many preparatory items for big auctions.

Although the treasures in the secret treasury belong to Tianbaolou public house in name, the level of secrecy is extremely high, and the accounts are not made public. Only Yu Wentai has the right to open it. In fact, it is equivalent to his private treasury.

The supervision of the public basement is too strict, and there are mostly large treasures in it, and no matter how big the private storage bag is, it will not take much away, so Zhang Yao has no idea about the basement.

His goal was the secret vault on the 352nd floor.

As long as he can sneak into the Tianbao Building, he can use the formula in Yuwentai's memory to open the secret vault silently and sweep away all the treasures inside.

The problem facing him now is how to sneak into the closed upper space inside Tianbao Building under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"At this stage, apart from me, no one knows that Yu Wentai is dead."

"If you don't seize this last chance, then when the news of his death or disappearance is confirmed, then I will lose my share in the secret library..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao inevitably felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and slightly accelerated the speed of escape.

Yu Wentai has hidden a thousand years of top secrets in his heart. He is a true lonely family. He has not left any life cards or soul lamps, and he will not send out any signals when he dies.

And he secretly left the headquarters of Tianbao Building and went south to the country of Lu. Because of his own secrets, he didn't tell anyone, including Li Shuixian, who thought he was still retreating in the quiet room on the top floor.


Zhang Yao came to the outskirts of Tianbao Tower, and quickly slowed down his escape.

Even on the outskirts of Tianbao Tower, there are formations that are always activated to monitor all directions, and will not give anyone a chance to get in.

However, on Zhang Yao's body, there is the landlord's amulet from Yuwentai. Even though he does not control the center of the formation, it still represents the highest authority and will not trigger any warnings from the formation.


Maintaining his invisibility spell, Zhang Yao quietly flew through the sea of ​​clouds and arrived at the closed upper area of ​​Tianbao Building.

The internal monitoring of Tianbao Building is too strict, especially on the 325th floor, each floor has a floor manager in charge, and there are fixed monitoring formations, patrolling guards, all of them are real people who established the foundation.

Once a person who does not have a corresponding identity card enters these areas rashly alone, he will immediately alert the formation and attract the base-building real person who patrols.

"It's a pity that everyone's mana breath and soul breath are different. I can't just pretend to be Yu Wentai."

"Otherwise, it would be much more convenient to enter Tianbao Building openly..."

In Yuwentai's memory, there is such a method of deep-level transformation, but it is the real Taoism that can only be cultivated in the Jindan stage.

Zhang Yao could only try his best to avoid those floor masters and the patrolling Daoist Foundation Establishment, and thanks to his strong divine sense and not being hindered by formations, he was still able to do this with confidence.

After a while:

Zhang Yao came to the 352nd floor quietly, and opened a secret passage after avoiding the main thing on the floor.

He walked along the secret passage for a while, and finally saw a bronze door in his memory, and suddenly showed a gleam of joy:

"The secret door has not been opened yet!"

He took a few steps forward, and after performing a series of complicated formulas, he took out Yu Wentai's severed finger and tapped it lightly on the bronze door.

At the same time, he used the catalysis method of vitality to stimulate the blood characteristics in Yu Wentai's blood, and combined with the five elements of mana he cultivated, he entered the bronze gate together.


The bronze door sensed the familiar energy, the formation disappeared automatically, and the door opened with a bang.


Zhang Yao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why the opening method of the bronze door is so special is that Yu Wentai just in case.

At the beginning, he tried to copy his own consciousness and repeat what Liu Cang did back then, but he was also afraid that another 'he' would turn against the guest and seek benefits by taking advantage of his identity.

Therefore, in order to open this bronze door, in addition to knowing the formula to unlock the formation, there are also steps to verify the attributes of blood and mana, so as to prevent the possibility of being opened by others.

It's just that he obviously didn't expect at that time that there would be a cultivator of "Wanhuadu Tianzheng" who killed him in the future, and he happened to take advantage of this loophole.

"It's amazing!"

After Zhang Yao entered the treasure house, his heart was shocked.

Even though he already knew the treasure hidden inside in Yuwentai's memory, he was still amazed by it.

There are as many as five top-level spiritual weapons, dozens of second-level top-grade spiritual gold treasures, and even a few third-level treasures, all of which are priceless.

Among them, the most worthless ones are more than one hundred high-grade spirit stones, which are usually used by the ancestors of Jindan to quickly restore their mana.

"There are also Jindan-level exercises and classics..."

Zhang Yao casually picked up a jade slip, his expression moved slightly.

There are a total of seven golden core-level exercises here, all of which can be cultivated to the perfection of golden core, and there are several classics that record complete divine channeling techniques.

And the "Taiyi Mingguang Zhenlu" in his hand is the only top-level exercise in it, which can be practiced all the way to the Nascent Soul Stage, and it is the most valuable among these classics.

"This "Taiyi Mingguang Zhenlu" is so widely circulated, it is probably inseparable from the Illuminati."

As soon as Zhang Yao thought about it, he didn't have time to think about it. He took out the golden storage bag and swept away all the spiritual stone treasures here.

In just a few breaths:

The secret vault, which occupies a large area, has been searched by Zhang Yao, not even a single spirit stone was left.

"Not bad! This time it's big!"

Zhang Yao showed a hint of joy, and he was in a very good mood.

With the gains from Tianbaolou's secret vault, plus Yuwentai's storage bag, his current wealth is already richer than some Jindan ancestors!

"Go, go quickly!"

Zhang Yao took a few steps back, closed the secret vault again, and left the 352nd floor along the secret passage.

With Yuwentai's landlord amulet in his body, he was automatically ignored by various monitoring formations, and he left the upper area smoothly all the way.


Fleeing light galloped away, far away from the range of Tianbao Tower.


It was only at this moment that Zhang Yao let out a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

In fact, there are many secrets in Tianbao Building, including the person who broke the boundary, but his goal is only the secret library, so naturally there will be no extra problems.

"The news of Yu Wentai's death is destined to not be kept secret for long."

Zhang Yao glanced back at Tianbao Tower, his eyes were deep, he turned his head to speed up his escape, and rushed to Fangzhou:

"The day when the wind and clouds are raging is not far away..."

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