Three days later.

Fangzhou, deep in the Cangjiang Water Mansion.

The gate of the cave, which had been closed for many years, slowly opened, and Zhang Yao walked out wearing a Taoist robe.


"Meet the meeting master!"

Zhang Yao wandered around in the Water Mansion for a while, and the many Qi Refining disciples he met along the way were stunned and bowed to avoid him.

Soon, the news of Zhang Yao's exit spread throughout the Cangjiang Water Mansion.

When he wandered to the main hall, it didn't take long before Peng Yue led a group of real people who established the foundation and hurried over.


After Peng Yue greeted everyone, he took a look at Zhang Yao and said in surprise:

"Have you consolidated the realm?"


Zhang Yao nodded slightly, showing a faint smile:

"Occasionally gaining something during the retreat, the speed of refining will be accelerated."

When Peng Yuexian and the others heard the words, they couldn't help but look at each other a few times, and the eyes were a bit complicated.

Although they had some guesses in their hearts, they were still very surprised when they really noticed that Zhang Yao's aura was steady and deep, without any signs of vanity.

Others need at least ten years of retreat, but Zhang Yao only spent more than five years. Combined with the previous series of achievements and the speed of practice, everyone doubts whether the leader is really a cultivator of Tianlinggen.

"In the past few years of my retreat, nothing major has happened..."

After a few pleasantries, Zhang Yao began to routinely inquire about the GCC's affairs.

Peng Yuexian also answered this question fluently. Obviously, during the time of Zhang Yao's retreat, he did not worry much about it.


After listening to his answer, Zhang Yao nodded and said:

"Generally speaking, the current situation in Dali has become much more stable now that the Five Elements Secret Realm is about to reopen."


Peng Yuexian also said:

"In recent years, there have been fewer private fights between Daoist Zhuji, and the major forces have been very restrained."

"Thanks to this, our industries in the GCC have also stabilized a lot."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao nodded again.

In Dali's Immortal World of Immortal Cultivation, there are only a handful of scattered foundation-building monks, and the addition of more than a dozen major forces and the four major Golden Core forces has already included most of the foundation-building monks.

The stability of these dozens of major forces means that the entire Da Lixiu Immortal Realm is stable, and because of the operation mode of Tianbao Building, these dozens of major forces are basically small shareholders of Tianbao Building.

This is also the real reason why Yu Wentai planned to reopen the Five Elements Secret Realm with Tianbao Building as the leader.

After all, the spirit of the soul to build the 'Thousand Souls' Great Formation' is not a small amount.

Collecting the energy of the soul from mortals needs to cover more than a million mortals, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the effect is the worst.

To collect it from Qi-refining monks, at least tens of thousands of Qi-refining monks are needed. At the beginning, the four major golden elixir forces distributed many soul rosary beads to meet the conditions.

If it is collected from foundation-building monks, it only needs a few hundred, and the quality is very high, which is very beneficial to future practice. The most important thing is that all processes can be carried out in the secret territory, without fear of suspicion and interference.

If it hadn't been for the sudden outbreak of the Great War of the Five Sects and the refusal of the four major Golden Core forces to directly open the secret realm after the war, Yu Wentai would have re-entered the Golden Core Realm as early as a hundred years ago.

"That's right, the leader."

Peng Yue spoke first, and added:

"In the past few years, you have been in retreat, and I have taken the initiative to recruit a new foundation-building real person who has made a breakthrough."


Hearing this, Zhang Yao immediately smiled and said:

"What kind of self-determination is this? I said before the retreat that you can take care of everything during the meeting."

"Besides, it is a great thing that our GCC can absorb new blood and grow stronger."

Having said that, he asked:

"Where is the real person who established the foundation?"

Peng Yue first replied:

"Two years ago, I arranged for him to sit in Sui Yushan, and he is currently in the mining area."


Zhang Yao smiled and said:

"Then send someone to send him a message and let him come back sometime."


Peng Yue nodded first and agreed.

After the two exchanged some matters during the meeting, Zhang Yao sent them away and wandered back to his cave.

"Instead of passively coping, it is better to take the initiative."

After Zhang Yao returned to the cave, he brewed a pot of spiritual tea for himself, picked up the cup and took a sip, thinking to himself:

"I just don't know how Fu Haizong and the rest will deal with Tianbao Building..."

Yu Wentai's disappearance will not be hidden for long, even though the news of his death cannot be confirmed, the disappearance is real.

The disappearance of the owner of the Tianbaolou will inevitably cause an uproar, shock the entire Dali Xiuxian world, and even bring further turmoil.

The interests of Tianbao Building are too great, not to mention that the internal high-levels are fighting for control, even the few Jindan Patriarchs may be tempted, even if they don't end in person, they will never let go.

Zhang Yao could have pretended to retreat to avoid this turmoil, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to leave the seclusion early to prepare for the turmoil.


He took out another piece of Taibai fine gold, chewed it clean in a few mouthfuls, mixed it with spirit tea and swallowed it:

"Well, the taste of the homemade ones is indeed pretty good, even stronger than the finished black jade."

While devouring and refining spirit gold, he was still thinking about the impact of this matter.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to care about the disputes in Tianbao Building. After all, Yuwentai's secret storehouse has been looted by him, and it is difficult for him to get more benefits.

However, living on the same lake, some storms and waves cannot be avoided even if you want to.

With his current status and status, if Fu Haizong really does something, he will definitely find him. If he hides, the GCC will not be able to hide.

At this stage, until the Five Elements Secret Realm is actually opened, the GCC will still be very useful to him. He doesn't want to cause heavy losses to his subordinates because of the lack of him in command, and delay his plan at that time.

"I can only take one step at a time."

After Zhang Yao thought for a while, he made up his mind:

"The immediate goal is to survive this turmoil as safely as possible without revealing the true strength, until the Five Elements Secret Realm is opened."

"Next, we will see when the thunder in Tianbao Building explodes..."


The impact of Zhang Yao's exit was limited to the GCC, and did not cause much disturbance outside.

On the second day, the newly-promoted foundation-building 'Hongdu Daoist' who was sitting in Sui Yushan, hurried back to the Water Mansion after receiving the summons, and respectfully paid a respectful visit to Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao encouraged him, gave him some benefits, and sent him back.

In the following days, Zhang Yao sat in the water mansion, practicing exercises, swallowing spiritual treasures, and comprehending the secret arts of Taoism every day as usual, living a very leisurely life.

On the one hand, the years are quiet and good, but on the other hand, the dark tide is surging.

After just over ten days, there were some rumors in Tianbao Building, mainly about the landlord Yu Wentai.

Everyone in Dali Xiuxian Realm knows:

The master of Yuwen is a heavenly genius. As early as a hundred years ago, he was in the realm of perfect foundation building and invincible strength under the golden core, so there is no need for retreat and hard work at all.

Over the years, Yu Wentai has also retreated occasionally, but at most ten days and a half a month, this time, Yu Wentai did not show up for nearly a month, which made people think a lot and speculate a lot.

After all, his status and power are so high that he is second only to a few Jindan Patriarchs, and his every move will attract the attention of countless people.

Moreover, several Jindan Patriarchs are high and high, and they have been half-hidden in the sect and clan all year round, and few people can see them, but Yuwentai is open to activities, and he also presides over Tianbaolou's affairs, so the attention is naturally much higher many.

But after all, it's only been less than a month, and it's just some gossip at the moment, and no one cares about it—maybe Yu Wentai has a temporary inspiration, what new Taoism is he practicing?

But as time goes on:

One day, two days... seven days, half a month...

Until another full month passed, Yu Wentai never showed up, and the wind direction inside Tianbao Building gradually changed.

While more people began to discuss and speculate, several senior executives of Tianbao Building couldn't sit still anymore. They didn't dare to disturb Yu Wentai's retreat, so they went to the top floor to inquire about the situation.

Li Shuixian was very annoyed by their disturbance, but she didn't know why Yu Wentai would suddenly extend the retreat time, and she didn't dare to disturb her, so she could only cope with it reluctantly.

Just like this, after another month of bumps and bumps, the situation is completely different.

The high-level people in the building, the foundation-building monks, the middle-level supervisors, and the bottom-level monks... everyone's mentality became impetuous, and they began to wonder if something unexpected happened to Yu Wentai.

After all, Yu Wentai didn't say a word, didn't say hello in advance, and suddenly retreated for three months and didn't show up, it was a bit abnormal.

Even if there is an occasional epiphany, it should be possible to send a message from the divine mind, right?

But for such a long time, no one has received Yu Wentai's summons, which caused many people to have small thoughts in their hearts.

Against this background, the entire interior of Tianbao Building became undercurrents. The top floor of the headquarters, which was rarely visited by people, almost became a living room with people coming and going.

this day:

After sending the visitors away, Li Shuixian slumped on the ground with a tired look on his face.

With the passage of time, the influence of Yu Wentai's constant absence has long been no longer limited to the interior of Tianbao Building.

In addition to the major internal factions, many small shareholders of Tianbaolou, and even several major shareholders such as Fu Haizong and Dugu Family, have expressed their close concern and intention of exploring.

After these days, she has dealt with wave after wave of people and dealt with various major forces, and she is really exhausted mentally and physically.

And what worries her the most is:

For three full months, even she has not received any summons, and the quiet room has always been tightly closed, and there is no sign of opening it.

"Even the Patriarch Zhenyang of the Lingyang Sect personally sent people here, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold back..."

Li Shuixian's face was gloomy, and she couldn't help worrying in her heart.

What she is most afraid of now is that something unexpected will happen to Yu Wentai, and her life that has just improved will suddenly fall into hell again.

Regardless of her current status, many foundation builders who come and go are very disciplined, even the envoys of the Jindan Patriarch are polite to her, but all this is based on Yu Wentai's respect for her. With love and trust.

Everyone is giving Yu Wentai face, and they don't really take her seriously, she is also very clear about this.

But the problem is:

In the current situation, even the Patriarch Jindan expressed his concern, and even sent someone to ask about it, so what's the next step? What else are they going to do?

Inside Tianbao Building, there was a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and various forces had their hands inserted in. There were also a large number of casual cultivators and Foundation Establishment monks from declining sect families. The situation was very complicated.

Yu Wentai was able to suppress it, and even be able to keep his word, it was because of his strength, means and prestige accumulated over a century.

Once he is gone, the major factions will not accept anyone, coupled with the fuel of the big and small shareholders, Tianbaolou will immediately fall into chaos.

The major forces are very clear about this, so many visitors flock here, eager to find out a little bit of the inside story, lest they fall behind and fall into a disadvantage in the competition that may arise next.

"No, I can't wait any longer!"

Li Shuixian gritted her teeth and stood up abruptly.

She is also a decisive person. Once she made up her mind, she immediately walked towards the quiet room without further delay.

Under normal circumstances, if something unexpected happens during Yuwentai's retreat, she can send a message to the quiet room by touching the formation, but she has tried many times, but there is still no response.

For the current plan, the only way to go is to forcibly open the formation from the outside.

"I hope Master will forgive me!"

Li Shuixian made a confession, raised his hand and typed out more than a dozen formulas, and gradually untied the protective formation in the quiet room on the top floor.

This is also due to Yu Wentai's trust in her, and he taught her this set of formulas, otherwise she would really just stare at it now.


After the formation retreated, the heavy metal door of the quiet room slowly opened.

Li Shuixian only glanced inward, and suddenly froze all over, his hands and feet were cold, his mind went blank, and only one thought remained:

"It's over!"

The quiet room was empty, and there was not even half a person in it!

There is no doubt that her cheap master Yu Wentai must have had an accident, either died, ran away, or hid somewhere.

But one thing is certain—he gave up Tianbaolou and his only apprentice.

"How could this be? Master would suddenly disappear..."

Li Shuixian came back to his senses and forced himself to calm down, but he was still trembling all over, feeling bitter:

"What should I do now?"

No matter what accident happened to Yu Wentai, since he hasn't shown up for such a long time, it may not be realistic to expect him to suddenly perform the scene of the return of the king.

Now that she has lost her only support, she must find a way out for herself.

"How about... going to join the GCC again?"

In her mind, the first thought was to run to join her former 'old friend'.

After all, the relationship between the two parties was quite close, and the arrest warrant was revoked later, and Yu Wentai even rewarded him with some benefits. She thought that at least the two parties could talk about it.

With the strength of the GCC and the prestige of Qingxu Daoist, if she really wanted to protect her, it would definitely be possible.

But in the next moment, she overturned this idea again, her face was gloomy and scary.

"I still can't see through that Qingxu real person, but I'm afraid I don't have much affection for me in my heart... If I really want to pin my hopes on him, I guess the end will be worrisome!"

She has always been reluctant to entrust her destiny to others, and would rather make her own decision and take on everything by herself—even if this decision would put her in a situation where she would never be able to recover.

"It must be too late to run away now."

In Li Shuixian's mind, thoughts fluttered:

"If it was a month or two ago, there is still a possibility of bluffing through customs, taking part of the money and escaping from Dali."

"But now, even the Patriarch Jindan pays attention to this matter, and countless people inside and outside the Tianbao Tower are staring at me. It would be a fantasy to run away!"

After thinking up to this point, she took a deep breath, with a hint of determination in her eyes:

"Then there is only one last way left..."

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