"What is this?!"

Zhang Yao froze for a moment, feeling a little confused in his heart.

But after careful observation, he soon discovered that the three faces were quite familiar, and the red gold ring, flying sword and seal also gave him a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Isn't this red gold ring the magic weapon of Patriarch Zhenyang? And that flying sword..."

Zhang Yao noticed this, and suddenly felt a sudden rush in his heart:

"Could it be that this is the golden core incarnation?"

The face was the same as the three Jindan Patriarchs, and they were still holding their magic weapons, which made him immediately think of the Jindan incarnation.

But generally speaking, the golden core incarnation can only correspond to a certain golden core monk, and without the blessing of the golden core and the state, the pure mana is only at the level of the foundation, and it is impossible to control the magic weapon.

But the golden elixir incarnation in front of him not only has three faces, but also has an extremely tyrannical and terrifying aura, faintly breaking through the limit level of the foundation period, and can activate the golden elixir magic weapon, obviously not a normal avatar.

"This is probably one of the trump cards of the three of them, Patriarch Zhenyang."

Zhang Yao felt a little enlightenment in his heart:

"It seems that my cover-up and misleading have taken effect. They mistakenly think that Yu Wentai is hiding in the Five Elements Secret Territory, so they sacrificed this backhand."

"With such powerful and targeted means, it's no wonder they dare to regard the heritage of the five elements in the core land as their possessions, and they are not afraid that the situation will get out of control..."

And in the short moment of his thinking:


The three-faced people in the small world glanced left and right, and instantly flew up with the escape light, flying towards the end of the south.

Seeing this, Zhang Yao's complexion changed slightly. Without saying a word, he activated his divine thoughts and issued instructions through the formation center, directly sealing off this small world.


The three-faced man bumped into the space barrier, retreated back after being shocked, and froze on the spot.


Zhang Yao let out a long breath, and his expression relaxed a lot.

Under normal circumstances, Jindan incarnation is far stronger than Foundation Establishment Consummation, but there is a high probability that it is no match for a pervert like Yuwentai, so Zhang Yao doesn't need to be too afraid.

But this golden elixir incarnation in three-faced form, with such a terrifying mana aura, can also control the golden elixir magic weapon, the combat power may be extremely amazing, and Zhang Yao is not confident that he can win the battle.

If this kind of super-standard golden elixir incarnation is allowed to participate, it might capsize the ship.

"Fortunately, I am in control of the center of the formation, taking advantage of the home field, otherwise this thing is really difficult to deal with."

Zhang Yao glanced at the bewildered Jindan incarnation, and withdrew his divine thoughts:

"Now... you can stay in this prison well."



The three-faced man bumped into the space barrier, and was shocked back more than ten feet, completely stunned.

"what happened?!"

He looked around in surprise:

"Why can't we get out and trigger space teleportation? Could it be that we were rejected by the secret realm?"

"It shouldn't be... After all, our mana level has not surpassed Jindan, so we won't be rejected by the rules of the secret realm."

"That's right, if we really want to be repelled, I'm afraid we won't even be able to get in..."

During the three-faced people's self-questioning and self-answering, Patriarch Zhenyang's thoughts had already been discussed for a few sentences, and they finally agreed:

The current unexpected situation must have hidden reasons they don't understand.

"Then what should we do now? If we can't shuttle away, then this incarnation of Lihun will be in vain!"

"It really doesn't work...or try to activate the magic weapon to see if it can break the space barrier, or stimulate it to work again?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible. This space-dividing formation is definitely at the fourth-order level. Even Daoist Nascent Soul may not be able to break it, let alone us..."

The three ancestors felt a little anxious in their hearts. They did not expect this unexpected situation at all, and they were still discussing countermeasures and launching self-rescue operations.

Attempts to destroy the components of the small world fail;

Attempts to stimulate the space barrier to re-operate were ineffective;

Trying to find out the veins of the spirit patterns and glimpse the flaws in the formations also failed;

Attempts to use the power of the magic weapon to attract the power of the deity also failed...

With the failure and failure of one plan after another, in the end they only have one last solution:

Stay in this small world for a long time, trying to see if they can trigger the teleportation mechanism of the formation and automatically teleport them out of the secret realm.

If you want to reach the subsidiary small world, you need to constantly shuttle; but if you want to leave, it is very simple, just stop traveling through the small world, but it is not sure whether it will work for them.

"How could this happen..."

Patriarch Zhenyang and the others were still discussing this matter while waiting, and they were all in a very bad mood.

After waiting for a full hour, Patriarch Zhenyang and the others found that there was still no movement, and realized that they were currently facing the worst situation-they were completely trapped in this small world.

This time, the three of them were in a hurry.

If the soulless incarnation can't work, the consequences are simply unimaginable:

Let me ask, with Yuwentai's strength, if he lays in ambush in the attached small world and waits for the fisherman to make a profit, he can basically make a big kill and seal the victory, so what's the matter with them?

Once the fruit of victory is picked by Yu Wentai, allowing him to enter the core area to control the center of the formation, then even if the incarnation of Lihun has monstrous strength, it will not be able to display it, and the bamboo basket will be in vain.

Wouldn't their hard planning for more than a hundred years become a joke?

"...Wait! Formation center?!"

Patriarch Sanshan, who was anxious and angry, suddenly thought of something, and lost his voice:

"Could it be that Yu Wentai has already controlled the center of the formation, and then he noticed our soul incarnation and trapped us here on purpose?"

As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Zhenyang and Dugu Tianyi were stunned, and the scene immediately became quiet.


After the deathly silence, Patriarch Zhenyang spoke slowly, with a dry voice:

"Sanshan... I'm afraid you really hit the spot!"

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear.

They were trapped here before, and it was difficult to make a reasonable judgment under the anxiety in their hearts, but after being awakened by a word at this moment, they immediately figured out the cause and effect and some details.

Doesn't the situation in front of you mean that this small world is completely sealed off, cutting off all possibility of teleportation?

This seems to be the only reasonable explanation.

"This this……"

As soon as Dugu Tian spoke in disbelief, his voice trembled slightly.

If this guess is true, the meaning revealed behind it is really terrible.

Yu Wentai was able to directly enter the core area to control the formation, which means that all the information they knew about the core area and the boundary breakers was false! Their hard work for so many years is in vain!

This means that for more than a hundred years, they have been played and applauded by a little foundation cultivator! !

This truth is so heavy and terrifying that the three dignified Jindan Patriarchs even subconsciously dare not face it or believe it is true.

"...Then what shall we do now?"

The deadly silence lasted for a long time again, and then Patriarch Sanshan opened his mouth in a shy voice, as if asking others or himself.

But no one responded to his words.


Patriarch Zhenyang and others are not clear:

In fact, what was closed was not the individual small world they were in, but the entire Five Elements Secret Realm.

After the three-faced avatar comes in last:

Withdrawing his divine sense, Zhang Yao directly blocked the external transmission of the entire Five Elements Secret Realm, cutting off the possibility of all personnel escaping.

Just kidding, these people are all top-notch resources, if you don't contribute enough soul energy to him, how can he let these people leave?

not to mention:

He bleeds a lot earlier, almost emptied his net worth, and sprinkled two or three hundred pieces of treasures, including various spiritual weapons, second-level panacea, secret treasures, gold-level exercises, spiritual gold and spiritual grass...etc. wait baby.

This not only used Yu Wentai's net worth and secret treasury, but also used his own net worth accumulation and the treasury of the GCC to barely scrape together so many treasures.

Even if it was the bait for fishing and nesting, Zhang Yao still had to recycle it, and even with the hundreds of fish in the fish pond, he was not going to let any of them go.

Under Zhang Yao's deliberate manipulation, these foundation-building cultivators who were exploring around in the secret realm were obviously out of luck.

Somewhere in the secret realm of fire——

"Hoo, hoo..."

Gao Yang sat paralyzed on the ground, panting violently.

His hair was disheveled, his body was soaked in blood, his body was full of fine wounds, his right arm was gone, his face was extremely pale, and his breath was even weaker.

"Damn it, don't let me catch you again!"

The deep-seated hatred in his heart was churning, cursing in his mouth:

"I'll remember you! When I leave the Five Elements Secret Realm, I'll have some good fruits for you!"

He was a majestic Foundation Establishment Daoist from the Lingyang Sect, but was unexpectedly attacked by a Foundation Establishment cultivator from a minor power, and almost died in the opponent's hands.

If he hadn't been rewarded with a powerful one-time secret treasure by currying favor with Elder Jin back then, I'm afraid he would have really fallen this time.

And what bothered him the most was:

Even if he won the battle and seriously injured the opponent, but failed to keep the opponent, it was tantamount to a blood loss.

There is no way, a single small world is too small, with a depth of only a dozen miles, for a monk in the foundation establishment period, he can reach the end in a few breaths, and then trigger the space teleportation to escape.

Gao Yang's own injuries were even more serious, and he couldn't chase after him. He could only watch helplessly as the opponent fled, so angry that he almost fainted.


Trembling, he took out the elixir and swallowed it, barely suppressing the worsening injury.

Gao Yang didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately sat cross-legged to meditate, expelling the strange mana and the remaining Taoism power in his body.

After more than half an hour, Gao Yang, whose injuries had initially stabilized, opened his eyes, tidied up the tattered robes on his body, and sighed helplessly:

"Unfortunately, the teleportation mechanism of this small world is too disgusting, and I dare not stay..."

If he stays for more than an hour, he will be expelled from the Five Elements Secret Realm.

Once they are expelled, they will have to wait another year to enter the secret realm. This is the most important reason why it took decades for several major Golden Core forces to explore the core land.

Including inside the secret realm, there is also an interval between each trip to the small world, at least a quarter of an hour, so the estimated time limit given by the head of Ling Yangzong is half a month, not just a few hours or a day or two .


Gao Yang controlled the escape light, soaring into the sky, all the way straight up.

The zodiac sign assigned to him by the head of the Lingyang Sect is 'Fire', so he can be teleported to the next small world with fire attributes all the way up. If he is assigned to gold, then according to the principle that fire overcomes gold, he has to go to the northern border .


Accompanied by a burst of spatial fluctuations, Gao Yang, who had fled hundreds of feet into the sky, instantly disappeared in place.


Before Gao Yang opened his eyes, he sensed something was wrong, and suddenly felt a sudden in his heart:

"what happened?"

Isn't he the Huoxing Small World that he teleported? How can I feel the water vapor all over my body? !

Gao Yang opened his eyes violently, the scene he saw made him stunned, and there was a 'buzz' in his head:

"What's going on?!"

The place where he appeared was a lake that stretched as far as the eye could see. The surface of the lake was as calm as emerald jade, without any islands or land.

This is clearly a small world of water, which is completely different from his teleportation target!

"What's going on?"

Gao Yang flew up suddenly, and looked around the empty water-based small world, feeling a little at a loss:

"Is there a problem with the teleportation mechanism announced by the sect?"

"Impossible, this is the experience gained from decades of exploration, and I have never missed it before!"

If he is an outsider, then the Lingyang Sect and other families may jointly deceive them.

But he was born in the hard-core Lingyang sect, and he has cultivated all the way to the foundation stage, so there is no need for his own family and sect to lie to him?

What's more, the most basic principle of this transmission mechanism of the Five Elements Shengke is actually not complicated, and it will come out after a few more trials, so this is an open message to everyone.

But right now, the teleportation mechanism he firmly believes in has directly failed...

"This is bad!"

After Gao Yang calmed down, he immediately felt that something was going wrong:

"Now the sect's strategy is completely in vain!"

The specific transmission mechanism of the Five Elements Shengke is the most important prerequisite for continuously gathering people.

According to a specific genus teleportation, you can always meet monks from the same sect, and then walk together with each other, and after the magic power is connected, you can teleport together.

In this way, with the passage of time and the increase in the number of transmissions, most of the combat power will always gather together, and finally arrive at the subsidiary small world at different time periods, and start the final decisive battle.

But now everything is messed up, the disorder of the transmission mechanism has caused the strategic plans of Lingyangzong, Shanhe faction and Dugu family to become a piece of waste paper.


Just when Gao Yang was in a state of turmoil, the spatial fluctuations swayed again, and another strange figure appeared.


That figure was stunned for a moment when he saw Gao Yang whose breath was out of breath and who was obviously seriously injured.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but he was immediately overwhelmed by greed, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.


Without saying a word, he raised his hand and struck out the flying sword, a spiritual weapon with lightning flashes, and at the same time executed the method of killing and cutting, turning into a comet and rushing straight.

"It's over!"

Gao Yang's eyes darkened, and there was a trace of deep despair in his eyes...

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