The Five Elements Secret Territory fell into complete chaos.

The chaos of the transmission mechanism has bankrupted the strategies of various forces, but this is only the beginning.

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators from the Great Lige Continent were unwilling to be teleported out, so that they missed this opportunity in vain, so they could only take the risk of shuttle again and again, which further magnified the chaos.

For a time:

The many foundation-building monks who were forced to shuttle back and forth, stimulated by the treasures and the ecstasy formation, both light and dark, started a scuffle.

In just two or three days, 70 or 80 Foundation Establishment cultivators were eliminated. They were either killed or suffered heavy injuries and hid in a small world to survive.

At this time, many Foundation Establishment cultivators who retreated desperately discovered that the mechanism for teleporting out of the secret realm also failed, and they lost even the last way of retreat.

In this desperate situation, and under Zhang Yao's deliberate manipulation, many scenes of Jedi's counterattack were born.

And just when the fighting is going on in many small worlds:

In a small world that has been sealed off for a long time, it is peaceful, only a lonely figure.

"Several days have passed..."

Yu Wentai was sitting on the mound, surrounded by streaks of golden energy, and even the clouds in the sky had a silvery-white metallic luster.

He still maintained a bewildered look on his face, but the thoughts in his mind kept turning:

"I still have to wait for the opportunity, I can't act rashly, and I can't even touch the formation."

Yu Wentai's heart was very calm.

In the past few days after his 'rebirth', he has been thinking and deducing how his deity lost.

If the opponent is at the Golden Core level, he will definitely turn around and run away immediately, and he knows his methods, and the Golden Core level will definitely not be able to stop him.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the opponent is in the foundation building stage, and there is an important prerequisite - he was careless, so that the ship capsized in the gutter.

Under this premise:

It doesn't matter whether his imaginary enemy 'Realist Qingxu' is really Qingxu himself.

The other party has means that can threaten his life, and he also has all his memories. These two points alone are enough for him to be cautious and treat him as a rare enemy in his life.

But relatively speaking, Master Qingxu is also a cultivator of the "Wanhuadu Tianzheng", theoretically the most powerful person among all Zhuji, and he is the person most likely to kill him.

At present, the focus of Yu Wentai's thinking is - what means does this enemy, who is suspected of being a true Qingxu master, have?

"Although my true self is powerful, it is not flawless after all."

"At least, there are several methods that I know of that can put me to death..."

In Yu Wentai's mind, thoughts were floating and floating.

Almost all the devouring accumulation of his deity over the past hundred years has been used to strengthen his body, so the most obvious weakness is the soul.

Weaknesses and flaws are also relative. Although his soul is extremely powerful and very close to the golden core stage, after all, without the protection of the 'Thousand Souls' Great Formation', there is still an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"The protection of the soul is breached, leading to the death of the soul, the probability is the greatest."

"Secondly, it's the evil secret method and forbidden technique aimed at killing bloodline curses. I'm not a demon cultivator who is proficient in bloodlines.

"There are also extremely rare Qimen Dao methods that target Shouyuan, Daoji, and even Linggen. This is the most terrifying, because you can't protect it if you know it, but the activation conditions are generally very harsh... ..."

From his own point of view, Yu Wentai tried to deduce the method of killing the deity, and has obtained many ideas and ideas.

In response to these ideas, he is still replaying the battle situation and adjusting his tactics. At the same time, he is recharging his energy and preparing to fight the sky at the most critical moment and make a comeback.

To defeat the enemy, the first step is to know who the enemy is, which is also the most important reason why he stands still.

"My biggest advantage at present is the identity of this boundary breaker..."

Yu Wentai was very patient and completely assumed the role of 'Qian Le' without showing any abnormality.

All he had to do was wait.


the heart of the land.

Zhang Yao was still sitting on the main hall, paying close attention to the movements in each small world with his spiritual sense.

"about there……"

He glanced at the invisible hourglass next to him, and the five-color quicksand inside had already filled most of the hourglass, leaving only a small gap.

"The high-intensity collection that lasted for several days, combined with the previous accumulation, has already reached more than 70%."

"The continuous collection of negative emotions can be stopped at this point, and then the collection of positive emotions can be done."

As soon as Zhang Yao thought so far, he immediately invoked the mana of the divine mind, and changed the transmission mechanism of the entire secret realm again through the formation center.

After several days of chaos:

In the many small worlds in the outer layer, except for a small number of powerful foundation builders, the rest of the many foundation builder monks are in danger.

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators chose to hide in a certain small world without moving, hoping that the few Jindan Patriarchs outside could figure out a way, or wait for the transmission mechanism to change again.

Only a small number of strong foundation builders who refuse to give up are still trying to shuttle.


Zhang Yao flicked his fingers, like knocking a bell, on the central jade pillar beside him.

In an instant, a spatial fluctuation swayed far away.

This spatial fluctuation was so obvious that it quickly swept through the entire Five Elements Secret Realm like a wave on the sea.

In the outer small world:

The remaining 200 or so Foundation Establishment Daoist felt this spatial fluctuation almost at the same time, their expressions changed slightly, and their hearts moved.

"Could it be that the space transmission mechanism has changed again?"

This idea subconsciously came up in the minds of many foundation building masters.

The news that Yu Wentai may be hidden in the Five Elements Secret Realm is still top-secret information, so that most people have never thought about the possibility that the formation center may be controlled in advance.

From their point of view, maybe two thousand years of time made the formation abnormal, or the exploration back then only discovered some of the laws. This is all possible.

And the current spatial changes undoubtedly opened a new door of hope for many Foundation Establishment real people who were already in despair.

"Try to teleport it."

Soon, many Foundation Establishment real people couldn't hold back and tried to travel through space.

This time, they were overjoyed to find that the teleportation mechanism in the small world had returned to the previous state of the Five Elements.

And what they don't know is:

Zhang Yao, who sits in the center and is in charge of the center, has a basic understanding of the factions, strength levels, and dispositions of many Foundation Establishment real people through close observation for several days.

Ever since, under Zhang Yao's deliberate arrangement, classic scenes were staged in the small world——

The Foundation Establishment cultivator, who was seriously injured and dying, was ecstatic when he met the head of his own faction;

Zhuji Daoist, who was being chased and killed by others, just happened to meet the same sect who was teleported over, and the situation of the two sides was immediately reversed;

In a rare uninhabited small world, no one is disturbed by any interference, and easily obtained the genuine relics of the Five Elements Sanren, so I am satisfied...

Under Zhang Yao's direction, all kinds of positive emotions mixed with a small amount of negative emotions, coupled with the deliberate catalysis of the formation, were quickly collected and quickly filled the last part of the hourglass.

Of course, such a rough arrangement must have consequences:

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators are not fools. After experiencing two or three coincidences, they have faintly sensed something is wrong, and they can't help but become wary.

But to Zhang Yao, none of this matters anymore, because his goal has been accomplished.

"Since we have landed, the boat should be abandoned."

Zhang Yao looked contentedly at the invisible hourglass beside him, which was already filled with five-color quicksand, which represented that the energy of soul thoughts had been collected.

Half of his most important goal of coming to the Five Elements Secret Realm has been completed.


Zhang Yao stretched out his hand, and through the power of the center of the formation, he took out all the spirit energy collected and stored inside the formation.

Within a few breaths, the misty brilliance of five colors flowed, and the qi of soul thoughts surged continuously, and finally condensed into a glass bead, which fell into Zhang Yao's hands.

It is also the energy of soul thoughts, but the quality and quality of the energy of soul thoughts collected by hundreds of people during the foundation establishment period is obviously far higher than that collected by Zhang Yao himself. Just looking at it can make people's minds shake.

And this is only a semi-finished product, and the quality can be improved by sacrificing the soul of the same origin.

"Not bad, very good."

Zhang Yao played with the spirit of the soul in his hand, couldn't put it down, and smiled brightly:

"It's only the last step of the blood sacrifice to melt the soul!"

Thinking of this, he glanced at the light curtain covered with many small worlds and red dots, and a trace of coldness flashed in his expression:


He uttered a word lightly, and all the magic power of his mind was mobilized.

Next moment:


The entire Five Elements Secret Realm shook violently, and the twelve hundred small worlds shook together, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains!


In a small world of Gold Bank.

The head of the Lingyang Sect and seven or eight monks from the Lingyang Sect have all gathered together.

"So, we can't sit still!"

The head of Lingyang Sect is speaking out with his divine sense, with an extremely dignified expression:

"I suspect that this secret realm has already been secretly controlled by someone. I guess you have similar conjectures!"

"Otherwise, our previous experience would be too coincidental. Even if there are formation spirits left by Wuxing Sanren in the fourth-order formation that divides the space, it will never be so wise!"

When he said this, he still held his breath.

Thinking of his majestic head of the Lingyang sect, everything went wrong after he came in, and the formation puppets he met were also extremely powerful, which made him survive several times.

Later, the teleportation mechanism was restored, and he was very happy to have saved a few sect masters at first, but a series of encounters later made him feel like a tool man, which intensified his suspicions.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Since there is no such thing, there must be someone manipulating behind this formation!


An elder in the middle stage of foundation establishment nodded and said:

"I agree with the real master's opinion."

"Especially after we summed up our respective experiences, we can find that..."


Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a terrible roar and tremor.

Everyone felt that the sky and the earth were spinning, and the surrounding land and land shook, as if the entire space was shaking.

"what happened?"

The head of Lingyang Sect spoke in surprise and looked around.

For some reason, he suddenly had an extremely bad feeling in his heart, which seemed to be a sign before a catastrophe was imminent.

After a breath:

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

The silver-white clouds on the sky suddenly dispersed, and an endless storm of golden energy descended from the sky, sweeping across the surface and destroying everything.

"not good!!"

The head of Lingyang Sect's complexion changed wildly, and he roared:

"The people behind are doing it!"

His voice has been drowned in the terrifying golden storm:

Even though the group of Foundation Establishment real people had mobilized their spiritual weapons, Taoist body protection and tried their best in the first place, it still didn't make any sense.


The moment the storm of golden energy swept past, their Dao techniques were pierced through, and the spiritual weapons of their bodies were also scoured and riddled with holes, and they were directly broken into waste.

Including the head of the Lingyang Sect, many Zhuji real people didn't even have time to let out a scream, and they were directly washed into bones.

After another moment, even the skeleton was gone.

Even the mighty, high-ranking foundation-builder from the outside world, under the power of the top-tier killing formation of Tier 3, has no resistance at all, and dies in an instant.

And this is not a small world case:

Golden storms, flame tornadoes, floods, land and land overturning... and other terrible disasters are staged in one small world after another.

After just a few breaths, hundreds of Foundation Establishment cultivators in the 1,200 small worlds died under the terrible cleansing.

In the core place, in the main hall:

Zhang Yao withdrew his gaze, but his expression did not change at all.

The Five Elements Sanren back then had already thought of everything when they built this giant trap, so they left behind the formation to start cleaning in advance.

The facts proved that his plan was correct. After all, after his death, various forces in Dali jointly launched a counterattack against his family.


Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, as if he had discovered something.

In that small world where the golden elixir incarnation was trapped, the three-faced man holding three magic weapons was still stubbornly resisting.

Although in just a few breaths, the three-faced man also suffered heavy injuries, and even the magic weapon in his hand was dimmed because of this, and it was already clearly on the verge of falling, but he held on after all.

"The magic weapon is priceless, so it cannot be broken."

With Zhang Yao's thought, the natural disaster in that small world stopped instantly and became calm.

"Go and complete the Blood Sacrifice Melting Soul first, and then meet this three-faced incarnation."

With this in mind, Zhang Yao took a step forward, and with the help of the power of the formation center, he came to that unique small world in an instant.

Qian Le, the breaker, was sitting alone on the mound, when he saw Zhang Yao's sudden appearance, he raised his head blankly.

"I'm sorry..."

Zhang Yao secretly sighed in his heart:

"Although I don't want to do this, you have been destined to become a tool since the moment you were attracted by the recruitment order."

He took a few steps forward, took out the sealed soul energy, and raised his hand to kill the boundary breaker and complete the last step of the blood sacrifice to melt the soul.

"For the sake of my path, I have to ask fellow Taoists to go on the road first!"

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