In an instant, the woman knelt down, and looked blankly at the token in Li Wuxie's hand, with a big word on it, obviously, it was the Zhu clan order given by Long Xuan, what symbolized, just to have a bit of identity, basically should know

"The concubine has seen the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live" The woman knelt down and said, her eyes showed a trace of fear, the Zhu clan order was in front, he couldn't help but be afraid, holding the Zhu clan order to kill, but it would not be contaminated with cause and effect, kill if you kill, heaven and earth are not in charge

"Who are you? Why do you have the same appearance as the Seventh Princess?" Li Wuxian put away the token and said, slowly walked to the woman's side, held up her chin and took a closer look, and sent a letter that although she had the same appearance as the Seventh Princess, there were some differences

, "I, I was originally a big family in the city, and I was invited by the third princess to come to the palace for a banquet, I heard that there are many big people in the palace today, I want to come to find a marriage, and please don't kill the little girl? I am only eighteen this year, and I am not married yet."

The woman said, she was about to cry, but it caused Li Wuxian to be a little disliked, she looked the same as the Seventh Princess, if she really wanted to marry someone, Li Wuxian couldn't imagine what the final result would be, anyway, he wouldn't be too comfortable in his heart

, Li Wuxie smiled at the corner of his mouth, squatted down, and looked at the woman kneeling on the ground in fear, "Big sister, you said you want to find a marriage, then can you take me to the banquet, I'll take a look, it will definitely not bother you to find a marriage" Li Wuxian smiled, and the last few words were bitten very hard

"But there are only people with noble status who can go, what is your identity?" The woman asked nervously, looking up at

the smiling Li Wuxie, although Li Wuxian was smiling now, but he was holding the Zhu clan order just now, just like a demon in the world, "Of course my identity is noble, you just lead the way, otherwise let you know that you know how powerful the Zhu clan order is" Li Wuxian took out the token again, and he found that people in the world regarded the Zhu clan order as a kind of thing, as long as they took it, they could kill at will

But I don't know that there is no Long Xuan's holy decree, the Zhu clan order is just an ornament, and it can't use any power at all, and it doesn't necessarily cost much money when it is when

it is Sure enough, seeing the Zhu clan order, this woman is very honest, trembling to lead the way for Li Wuxie, and from time to time she looks back at Li Wuxie, with a certain fear in her eyes

, "You should go faster, haven't you eaten?" Li Wuxian followed behind him, and found that the woman was walking really slowly, and said impatiently, scaring the woman into a clever one, and thought that Li Wuxian was going to kill her, so she ran in the palace like a desperate run

Li Wuxian saw this, did not explain, and slowly walked behind him, "This woman must not marry, when necessary, she can be used as a stand-in or something...... Li Wuxian said secretly, the power of the law in his hand flowed, and Li Wuxian caught something

"It's only strange that you have a look, it doesn't belong to you, this kind of beauty can only be occupied by me, and I still want to find a marriage, hehe" Li Wuxian chuckled, glanced at the woman's breath, captured it

, and put it in a small bottle "Sometimes, beauty is also a crime, since you have met me, you are destined to be doomed" The corners of Li Wuxian's mouth hooked slightly, put the small bottle in the ring, and chased the breath left by the woman

If you are a master, you will not leave yourself any clues that others will find, breath is also a clue, qi is a unique thing in each person, breath is when you breathe, and the resonance of heaven and earth

is combined, it is equivalent to a very complex string of information, and this kind of information is independent, there are two or many things with the same breath, it is unlikely to happen

Therefore, a master like Li Wuxie, walking or something, basically will not leave any breath, although they breathe, but they are very well hidden, only that kind of master

, can vaguely trace to the point of being blunt, the effect of breath is very great, some people can even take other people's breath, remote plot against each other, and some can rely on breath to find their lover in their previous life, this can be done

Not long after, Li

Wuxian saw a huge courtyard, it was lively, and there were a lot of people inside, all of them were quite not weak, all of them were strong, even if they were mortals inside, they were all extravagant, they were not rich, or they were in a high position, the woman was right, people with no identity came in, even if everyone ignored you, you yourself felt embarrassed, "So it seems that the woman's family is also extraordinary?" Li Wuxian touched his nose and said, and walked into the courtyard

The door was closed, Li Wuxian walked in, the small door of the yard creaked, causing everyone to look over, and saw that it was a cute child, but there were many women who looked at Li Wuxian with love

, "Wow, whose child, looks so cute, you see, his eyelashes are so long" A woman covered her face with a fan and said, secretly pointing at Li Wuxie, and the woman next to her was also a with a face, "Yes, yes, she looks so good."

Little brother, come over here, come to my sister's table, and give you something delicious

" "Yes, yes, you see that I have set up lobsters for you at this table"

Li Wuxian glanced at the situation in the courtyard, and there was nothing special, there were two tables of people, a table of men and a table of women, and when he saw a table full of women, Li Wuxian pursed his lips and walked towards the man's table

Li Wuxian didn't see any acquaintances on this table, but on the woman's table, he saw a lot of familiar people, and it was estimated that some of the junior sisters in Tianlong Academy

had very large tables on both sides, but no one came, and there were still many empty seats

, "Oh, why did you go to the men's table, it's not a place where he can go as a child, this kid, it's really ignorant" In the direction of the women's table, a group of women muttered, watching Li Wuxian walk in the direction of the men's table

"Kid, are you in the wrong place? This is not where

you are qualified to come, quickly go to the women's table, and don't look at your identity, are you qualified?" Just as Li Wuxian wanted to sit on the men's table and chair, a man next to him suddenly said, pushing Li Wuxian to the ground, "Oh, that kid is being bullied, who is going to bring him over, sisters?" On the other side of the women's table, a woman glanced at it, just in time to see the scene of Li Wuxian being pushed down, and said"

Alas, you see, the children are so disobedient now, I'll go and bring them over" A woman said, stood up and walked to the men's table

Li Wuxian glanced at the man, but saw that his eyes were full of contempt when he looked at him, and his face suddenly became gloomy, and he looked at the man's eyes with a trace of coldness

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